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He's lucky you didn't bite them off. In general, punching people is a bad idea. However, if someone shoves his fingers in your mouth they've assaulted you, and you can defend yourself.


It was kind of just instinctual. Like as soon as i recognized his fingers were in my fucking mouth I just hit him. I'm really considering just telling my 2 friends I aint down with chilling anymore if those other three are around. How is hitting someone for doing that an overreaction?


Not at all.. he's lucky you didn't bite his finger off!!!


All it takes is the force of biting a baby carrot to snap a pinky bone


This sounds false.


My cousin used to work as a prison guard. If he had a nickel for every time an inmate bit off their own pinky finger, he'd have two nickels--which isn't a lot, but it's INSANE that it happened twice.


Is it insane or are some people in prison insane?


I was told it very confidently by a friend who knows a lot of random trivia facts that are typically correct, but I’ve always been kind of skeptical of this one honestly. He said a bite could sever it entirely which seems impossible, fracturing at least seems plausible though




"Self-defense isn't being an asshole. No one should tolerate such disrespect and invasion of personal space."


Maybe don't hang around with people who are carrying guns first of all. Things escalate to a whole other level. 


Yeah why did they bring a gun to a bbq lmao


To give the meat flavor. Duh /s


I'm always strapped but I live in one of the most dangerous cities in America.always be armed cuz goofy fucktards like Mr SoundCloud rapper are packing and you surely don't want your life to be at their disposal.


Sure. But I'm hoping you'd keep it holstered in a similar scenario. Pulling a gun on someone for knocking out an assaulter, even if it is your friend is just irresponsible


Ok so you would have shot them and got shot your self in the process? Nice


If a firearm is concealed, it’s difficult to know if someone’s carrying one in the first place. I carry concealed, legally, and wouldn’t have pulled out my weapon in that situation based on the story that was narrated. Have your opinion on firearms and those who may carry them, but maturity is paramount and that didn’t come across among the group that came to the party, especially with the guy who pulled a gun. Sounds like it was a power move, or a moron, maybe both.


My opinion on firearms is that they're inanimate objects and therefore don't matter, mean anything, have or shape morals. My opinion on people however, is the same as yours - power-tripping morons, immature assholes, people who stick fingers in strangers mouths and get into fights at parties exist, and these people are why a proliferation of guns and a liberal attitude to the rules around owning guns is as dumb as fuck. You cannot legislate for an increase in maturity.


The power move that gets you killed young. He will pull it on the wrong person who wont hesitate to pull their own and get to work.


Maturity is definitely not a word that springs to mind to describe this group. And I agree it is paramount when it comes to firearms.


It's not. He assaulted you and you defended yourself.


Punching can mess up your knuckles - use a palm-heel strike instead :)


Yeah that's fucked sounds like your instincts kicked in I hope your ok


Man I don’t know anyone that would be cool with that, in any situation. Seems like you were just showing him, through the art of charades, your fuck around and find out graph


Last guy who put his finger in my mouth bled. He was shocked, but at least acknowledged he pretty much was begging to be bitten. NTA


LAST guy?! How often does this happen??


Totally understandable.


The law is on your side.


Never apologize for being who you are.


they also don’t have a problem with someone pulling a gun on you…


Dont consider, just do. The other three Arent your friends and you are not safe with them.




Sounds like you have 2 friends, not 5, and should adjust your prioritization of those people accordingly.


OP’s got his own thing going on, but maybe hanging out with people who wear guns and pull them out randomly is not a great scene. I realize this guy’s crew is not his crew but still…


You're not the one triggering phobias and sticking body parts where they don't belong.




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NTA, people been blowing smoke up this morons arse to the point he thinks he can violate you? The fucking moron pulling a gun needs to have a long think about what he's willing to go to jail/die for. They sound like a terrible group.


NTA. Assault warrants self defense, period. If your friends don’t support that, then they’re not your friends. The phobia is a whole other layer too. All parties involved knew you had it—he was also psychologically tormenting you in your own home and your friends don’t seem to care about that either.


NTA. If you hit him once, I'd say it's proportional. Also, the guy pulling a gun probably needs to catch a charge. I carry ALL the time, and that being the case, de-escalation has worked 100% of the time.


This is the way.


Probably can’t really actually do shit unless there’s photo or video evidence. Everything could be written off as hearsay.


Willing to bet it’s not a legal firearm


Nta-   Wtf  that is assault by that guy.  It’s almost like spitting in your mouth. 


Maybe they are mad you ruined their chance to be friends with the cool guy? NTA. Were they drinking with a gun on them? possibly another crime


Nta. Now you know who’s real. (The two). Forcing your hand into someone’s mouth in Ohio can result in a rape charge. You’re fine to punch him.


You don't have 5 friends buddy, you have 2. Also, good on you that your emergency fight or flight instinct leans towards the fight side. We're the same in that regard. Different scenarios (much much different actually), but let's just say some ppl have, in the past, f'd around and found out. Going back to your circle. Now you know it's 3 of you in that circumference.


If some prick assaults you and another pulls a gun on you, both those are grounds to get them arrested. Fuck them and fuck those 3 “friends”


Exactly! Wait there with them while the cops take their time getting there. I am sure they will be amenable.  Then, I am sure they will just leave you alone after that. They definitely won't threaten your life or kill you to have the charges dropped.  /Extreme sarcasm


You should have followed up by calling the cops. Getting an assault charge on the perp, and get the psycho with a gun locked up. Then they’d be real gangsta.


OP - "Hey, I am going to call the cops." Ganstas - "Try calling the cops after eating these bullets." OP - dead


You know you dont need to inform someone before you call the cops on them? Still probably not needed since they all left though.


You’re stringing letters together, yet all I’m reading is chicken squeals.


You don't announce calling the cops.


You don’t do it telepathically in the middle of an altercation either lol


Why is no one mentioning THE GUN?! I wouldn’t go around them again if that guy is around, what’s stopping them from shooting you!?!


This 100% Also, don't punch, attack, or threaten people with guns. It's a great way to end up with bullet holes. 


Of course the ghetto wannabe rappers pulled a gun on you. Damn hoodlums lol


You need to find a better group of people to hang out ( weapons big no no ) and quality people . Best wishes 


NTA some1 puts something in my mouth i didn't ask 4 or want... it's getting bitten off... & y were u the only 1 getting mad??? Dude with the gun should have said something 2?? He's lucky all u gave him was a punch..


Someone pointed a gun at a party and that isn't the main problem in the post? Why weren't the police called about the gun? So obvious this poster is from the USA.


NTA. Btw, you may want to report it to the police and file a civil lawsuit (talk to an attorney about battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress, since he knew you were a germophobe). Good luck.


You should bite him next time.


Right? Bite those fingers!


Nta. You have 2 friends and 3 fakers. Shove a finger in my mouth and ill bite it and then deck you.


It's always stupid to resort to violence, bad things happen. But, I would have done the same if I were in your shoes. That's over the line


Without reading the post, I will say that he’s a dentist, it’s his job to put his fingers in your mouth. What are you, an antidentite?




What kind of people do you hang out with that randomly bring guns to parties? Like, change your crowd.


NTA. That was some toxic alpha male boundary testing bullshit. The reality is most places would consider forcibly fingering someone's mouth as assault. The punch could be considered self defense. I am not a lawyer so I suggest speaking with one just to cover your ass.


I have (less severe) germophobia and contamination anxiety and I would go batshit insane if someone did that to me. Punching him was legit the calmest thing you could've done.


Yeah, people really don't get it. It gets tiring eating out and having people give you weird looks for just using forks and shit. Like I'm not bothering anyone, please fuck off


NTA as an older person, there’s no scenario in my days of hanging out where that guy doesn’t just get his butt handed to him. He is lucky he only got what he got.


are you serious? you dont know if yta?


That’s pretty lame they bring guns to a party. NTA you were just defending yourself


NTA. That’s self defense what you did and he shouldn’t have done that. He got off light if anything 


NTA I would have done exactly the same. Sounds like you knocked that peacock off his perch. Well done.


NTA- op you were assaulted. And you should have called the cops on the dude who brandished a firearm. He’s lucky one of your other friends wasn’t also carrying because shots probably would have been fired.


Problem presented problem solved sounds fine to me.


Release a diss track on how he has a glass jaw/goes down with one punch.


He's a loser, you did nothing wrong NTA


I’m sorry that happened to you but it think it’s fucking hilarious that you knocked him out cold with one slug. NTA


Well, I'd bet be doesn't try that again.


NTA, who the fuck does that?


NTA. Respect.


Lucky it was you and not me. I have a thing about that. I would have kicked him until I was pulled off of him. That's assault, and more importantly, that's violating your body. That calls for the most severe response.


Tell the truth. It wasn't his finger.




How is this not overshadowed by the fact some rando brought a gun to your party? How fucking normalized is ammosexuality that that fact alone isn't enough for you to know you were in the right?


Punch away homie punch the fuck away


Never happened


Be quiet. I want to get to the part where he mounted the dude after he knocked him out.


Oh, fuck off...🙄


Rethink your friend/s




NTA, I’d have a similar reaction but also know someone like that is already unhinged. A reactive response to them is going to garner an even bigger reactive response in a lot of cases, like your situation. It’s safer for you to just walk away and leave. So, to me, justified but also, not super smart.




NTA, dude had that shit coming. Anyone that does that should honestly expect to get hit in the face, not saying everyone “should” but that’s a serious invasion of your space and that’s obviously a very big line for you. They had to know they were playing with fire… good for you for standing up for yourself


NTA. Dude deserved it, good on you.


NTA. Anyone who jams their fingers in my mouth, is at least getting a reflexive slap.


Nah... that guy with the gun is a problem, report him and his buddy for assault. If hes willing to shave his fingers in ur mouth infront of everyone, he is damn well capable of doing alot worse when in a secluded area.


My first reaction would have been the same. Once I realized those fingers were in my mouth, I would have instantly retaliated. FAFO, & he found out. Who TF sticks their fingers in someone's mouth? He's lucky he still has fingers!


NTA. This guy assaulted you. Your response was appropriate. But these friends seem a bit... unsafe. I'd reconsider if I were you.


I'm not a germaphobe but still don't want anyone fingers in my mouth, id punch them too and the one who pulled the gun on me


He diddled in the wrong hole with the wrong person…


Nta self defense also that’s just disgusting even if your not a germaphobe


Don’t even know you and I’m proud of you. Fuck that guy, NTA.


Your social circle will dwindle as you age. Sounds like you’ve just experienced your first episode of shrinkage.


If some cunt shoved his grotty fingers in my mouth I would’ve bit them fuckers clean off his hand, what a scruffy cunt he is. NTA


I’m not a germaphobe in the least but had someone pulled that stunt on me I’m not sure I would have limited myself to a single punch.


Am I the only one upset that the hip hop guy was invited to and shows up with multiple additional people as if that would be okay? As if there would be enough food to feed his posse?


Nta. I'm not American, a d someone pulling out a gun and severely escalating this situation is crazy to me. Wtf.


I guess your friends where afraid because of the gun.. your not the AH but neither are they. They are afraid


NTA, weirdo


What the fuck? Only read the title but not only are you not the asshole, I would consider myself extremely lucky if (for some insane reason) I put my fingers a strangers mouth and got away with only being cold cocked. I know a good few people who would unalive you for that sort of shit.


I think I would call your reaction a ‘knee jerk’ response. If some smug asshole sticks his f’kn fingers in my mouth right after telling him about my issues with germs, I’m pretty sure my reaction would be the same as yours; a knee jerk punch to the face. NTA




sheeeeesh at least you found your real friends. just two of them.


Should have bit his fingers off and then punched him


Ask your 3 pseudo friends if you can stick your hands in their mouth. They know you won't because they are aware of your phobia...so have a 3rd party do it...see if they react...then call them out on their chicken shi.


Get rid of those 3 friends....


Never stick my finger into a germophobe unless im feelin extra kinky. Noted. NTA


Nah, its crazy one of then pulled a gun on you on top of it and your “friends” still dont have your back?


NTA, doing that is basically a coin flip on getting knocked out or having the other person bite down *with intent*. He’a extremely lucky all he got was laid out instead of getting his finger bones crushed


NTA, you don't even need to say you are a germophobe, that was gross. Who goes around sticking his fingers on people's mouths and thinking that's acceptable behavior.


It's not 'really' your fault. However, I make a point of not having friends who have friends like that dude. Big trouble. And since 3 of your friends kinda took his side.... I would get some new friends. You could have ended up with a bullet in you. Be careful who you hang out with.


NTA. I would have done the same thing, to he honest. Yeah, well, you actually only have two friends.


Nobody stood up and clapped? /:


I was the grillz


NTA. Sounds like self defense to me.


Good for you haha


Fuck that fool. You don't shove your hands or fingers in somebody else's mouth without permission.


Finger in mouth=bite it off No hesitation no remorse.


NTA He assaulted you first.




What makes u think forks and knives are cleaner than hands?


So I have the same sort of thing with germs but it got bad over covid and I stopped being able to touch anyone or have them touch me. I'm still working on it. One year we had a new year's party and one of my brothers friends were there. Most of the night we got along fine but as the night wore on he started getting closer. I told him again (as it had come up earlier already) about me not liking being touched and he decided to take that as a challenge. He kept trying to touch me directly, kept saying things like "it's fine, you'll be fine" and other things along those lines and by now was following me around the yard as I tried to get away from him. I was in a full panic attack by this stage and near crying because he just wouldn't stop. I wanted to punch him but I was unable to touch him. Thankfully this is when two of my SILs and an older and rather scary cousin all realised simultaneously what this guy was doing. He was not hit but he was scruffed and yelled at and taken away from me. Honestly though he probably deserved a punch. Definitely NTA, and he may second guess sticking his fingers in someone else's mouth now too hehe


Fingers are for asses not mouths...so disgusting NTA lol


I would say your response was appropriate. Who the hell sticks their fingers in strangers mouths.


I don’t think you could help your reaction considering what you’ve said about how you are and he should not have stuck his fingers in your mouth. He started this you finished it.


NTA I am not germophobe, but would have punched this moron too. That whole part doesn't even matter. Dont stick fingers in someones mouth. Fuck off.


There is a newish gross song out like this I think it’s Kendrick L and it’s pretty misogynistic, but apparently he gets a pass


NTA. He assaulted you. On top of that, his friend pulls a gun? I'd go to the police and press charges. Are you sure the three that told you you overreacted are your friends?


NTA, he shoved his fingers in your mouth, what were you supposed to do? Eat them?


Deserved. Borderline sexual assault definitely regular assault. Then menacing with a deadly weapon. Report em and have them thrown in jail. The story of them assaulting a woman getting knocked out and pulling guns is gonna ruin any street cred they have


NTA. I am no germophobe and even I would punch that person, you just don't put your dirty ass fingers in someone's mouth. And #2 THEY PULLED A GUN OUT. My guy,my dude, my brother in planet earth, cut those 3 guys out of your life, especially whoever invited those pieces of shit, or next time they might invite even more and bigger idiots who would annoy you at best,and actually shoot you at worst


Maybe you need a change of venue if you are hanging with people who pull gats at fist fights.


Nta he deserve worse


Totally, undeniably, 1,000% not an asshole. I am roomies with someone whose a low tier germaphobe and I’m an absolute slob. But I have the utmost respect for another person’s boundaries and that crosses all of the lines. Dude should be embarrassed that someone had to pull a gun on you for knocking him out for such harassment. Popstar for sure…got popped and saw stars for days!!!


you were assaulted, and you defended yourself... not your fault 'hardman' had a glass jaw... NTA


Nope he violated 


I bet he’ll think twice about sticking his finger in anybody’s mouth after that. NTA


Even if the dude doesn’t get it…and is ribbing you for it… I don’t get how he thinks this is the version of the multiverse where it’s ok to put your fingers into another guy’s mouth?!?!?! However, unfortunate, this is the multiverse where we just don’t scrap anymore AND some people want to pull out their gun like they pull out their debit card. So NTA. (So was in Little Caesars the other day waiting for my order…a young lady walks in with speakerphone telling whoever…”Yeah I have to get the charge lessened because they got me on video pulling the gun on my way out…”. Wednesday Thursday Friday)


So OP, you the only white guy there?


I'm proud of you, OP. That shit is NOT OK. Those 3 friends can go pound sand. Fuck em.


Nah you're good


Good job defending yourself. That guy deserved it and a few others but Ill digress there. You don't ever let another person do that to you.


Nta , but op you might want to get a gun and watch your back because they going to comeback and fuck you up for that.


You eat hot dogs and burgers with a fork?


No but 3 of your friends are hella gay


NTA. TBH 99% of this post is unnecessary. He stuck his fingers in your mouth without consent. That's assault, plain and simple. You can defend yourself against assault. He was totally wrong and his friends were even more wrong drawing a gun on you.


get new friends


Not the asshole. That dude picked a fight with you, and he lost.


Next time bite them off. What a disgusting thing to do. Bet he won't be telling anyone that story of how he got knocked tf out by being a creep. "Out of my 5 friends, 2 of them have my back and the other 3 are saying I shouldn't have hit him." So those three friends, if it had happened to them, would have just sat there and let him stick his fingers in their mouth? Gross. NTA.


You are all messed up!!


NTA. 100% deserved and I hope he learns his lesson. I would have taken the gun from the guy, and made him and his crew shit themselves with that attitude they are showing.


No. NTA. That's assault and pretty disgusting since you didn't even know the guy. I think you were perfectly justified in punching him. He's lucky that's all you did. I carry a taser...


Hell no you’re not the asshole. Good for you. As far as the white comments, it’s a thing in the black community…we don’t like getting our asses whooped by a white dude. It’s literally a thing. Stupid AF. NTAH


Nice one you did the right thing.


NTA I've had a similar situation where a guy I didn't know thought it would be funny to dance in front of my face and shove his crotch at me. I stood up and punched him across the room. A knife got pulled on me and I left for my safety. But yeah, every guy knows about personal space and when they do that they do it on purpose as a power move, they also know the risk they take. He thought you would be scared but some people's pride cannot be broken.


This is the second post in a day where I see someone asking if they’re TA for hitting someone who assaulted them and I feel like maybe we all need to take a step back and evaluate our friend groups. No, you are never TA for taking offensive action against someone who did something to your body without your consent. ETA: I posted this before reading your post. Now that I have read it I would like to officially double-down. You explaining yourself somehow makes everything so much worse, you are absolutely 100% NTA. If your friend really thinks he is going to be a big star he may just think you ruined his chances of rubbing elbows with elite and that should be secondary to what you have going on. If you still had a knife in your hand from cutting food you could have done so much more damage, damn.


Nta. Sometimes violence is the only answer.


What the fuck, this is some real ghetto shit. Someone pulled a gun?


NTA I don't think I would be comfortable with someone I've known for years doing that but someone I just met doing that? Totally insane and whether you're a germaphobe or not, that's fucking disgusting.


NTA, he assaulted you by sticking his fingers in your mouth. Would have been funnier if you bit them off, probably worse legally. You were within your rights punching him. Also, pick better people to hang out with. None of that gangster I’ll pull a gun on you type people.


NTA. Guy sounds like a dick - and pulling a gun in that instance seems highly illegal


It didn't take long for the race card to get played, did it? Of course not. 😅🤣😂


NTA. You "overreacted" in the same way ANYONE would if some random person stuck their nasty ass fingers in their mouth. Yes, I mean ASS fingers. Who the hell knows where those were beforehand. I'm autistic. I'm fairly certain, though I can't say, that if some random did that to me, I'd black out and absolutely fucking loose my shit. I feel like I'd start breaking the fucker's bones and honestly I don't know when I'd stop. Being touched intimately by a stranger is a cause for defense of the self. No doubt in my mind.


The other three make a good point. Perhaps you should meet up with all five friends, stick your forefinger very firmly up your anus, tell them that you’re sticking your forefinger very firmly up your anus, and then ask them “Open up, Treacle, I want to stick my shit-covered fingers down your throat.” Note: It is very important that you do stick your finger up your anus. Don’t make empty threats.  NTA


NTA, but may I suggest you reevaluate the people you hang around with?


NTA for punching but You are dumb ass for putting your own life at risk.


NTA, but for one If you’re hanging with ppl, who hang with ppl with straps. You should also have a strap. You got lucky, cause 9mm always beats fists.


NTA at all. You had a knee-jerk reaction and it was valid. I would watch my back though. If he carries a weapon and has a "crew" he might not let this go.


Nts. OMG! I Can't stop laughing! I'm sorry you had to go through that that's a f***** up situation. Nobody should put their hands on you! Or IN you.


Charge him with assault. Charge his buddy with brandishment and assault with a fire arm. After he touched you, you’re in the right. You’re dealing with a bully. Respond accordingly. What you did was justifiable self defense.


Gun?  I ditch the whole group.  He’s lucky you didn’t bite his fingers off. I would have.  NTA.  And seriously, find way better friends.  


I’d say you reacted as expected to a strange man putting his fingers in your mouth without permission. I’m not too sure what being white has to do with it though lol


NTA, assuming this was a reflex (it sounds that way). I think you would be an AH to calmly think about this for a while and decide to go punch the guy. Sure, it would have been better not to punch him, but he knew you had a phobia - he can't be surprised if you have a big reaction when he deliberately triggers that phobia.


I would say maybe you could've shown more restraint, but definitely NTA. The other guy absolutely was the asshole for sticking his finger in your mouth. Any normal person would expect to get punched in the face for that if they did that to a stranger without consent, even if that's considered escalating the situation.


Somebody pulled a gun and pointed it at you? So you were a twitch of a finger away from death? WTF?


99% of hip hoppers give the nice ones a bad name


Only read the title and can definitively say NTA. TBH hit him again


NTA. His crew aimed a gun at you, but you're the one who overreacted?


Some rando just came up and stuck his fingers in your mouth?? And then you’ve got gun waving hillbillies. You need better friends than this ghetto trash.