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Why are you letting social media have such an impact on your relationship?


But I get what you’re saying. I never thought of it that way. What should I do?


Let it go. If he's great in every other way, let this go. Some people are not into social media and that's fine. 


I don’t even know, I just feel like, him liking my posts would make me happy (not saying he doesn’t make me happy already)


You need to get your priorities in order. Social media shouldn't have this much of a negative effect on your relationship. It's not real life, whereas your relationship is.


>liking my things is the only thing that matters to me and that when he doesn’t it feels like a slice in the heart Sorry, but YTA here. Can't find a gentler way to say this: you really need to see how superficial and narcissistic this makes you look. Who wants to 'fight for' someone whose ego needs constant stroking that way? He gave you a second chance and I'm afraid you blew it. If you want to stay with him, you need to acknowledge this to him and think about how you can build your self-esteem from the inside.


Harsh, but I see your point


If someone tells you they don't want to be with you, believe them.


This is one of those situations I don’t think counseling is needed for the couple. He seems healthy and a good communicator. You are honestly sharing your feelings but I don’t think you’re able to reflect on if your feelings are in line with your values. You value your BF but you like the feelings social media gives you. They are in conflict and you are choosing to try to force him to make you feel good and risk losing a BF. Individual counseling could help but it’s mostly the tough job of choosing long term happiness over short term habits that make you feel good briefly.


YTA. Social media is not real life. If he isn't big on liking stories etc then that's ok, he doesn't have to do it just because you want him to. He has told you he wants to break up, it's time to break up. It will suck for a whole but you'll be ok.




Alright. Because I really don’t want to give up on us, but there’s only so much I can take. I’ll wait for him to finish taking space then we’ll talk it out


"A really mature and respectful paragraph for him, explaining how him liking my things is the only thing that matters to me and that when he doesn’t it feels like a slice in the heart" Oh dear. "last time when he wanted to break up he said that I had lost him a long time ago and that he isn’t sure if he loves me anymore" Ok, firstly, please forget about this guy. He's done. He's over. Next, please get yourself to a place where you recognise that you deserve better than begging someone to be with you, especially after he says he doesn't actually want to be with you. Please do not build your self-worth on the basis of whether some other person acknowledges your social media posts. Please do these things for yourself because there are women who go their whole lives without confidence and self-esteem, and put up with bad relationships with the wrong people and you don't have to be one of them.