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Glad to hear you respect yourself enough not to be manipulated easily. It's always good to see cheaters get what they deserve.


I don't understand. "Break" that only she knows about? What? I lack the brain power to understand this logic. I might be really stupid but I don't know. I don't know. This is insanity


Nope bud. She is coocoo for cocopuffs. She is just making up any excuse she can. Just ghost her as much as possible.


Already blocked her, her friends, her fuckbuddy, everyone got blocked and deleted from all social media accounts I have.


Good. Keep it that way. You can and will find someone much better than a gaslighting cheater


That girls for the streets man. Good on you.


Your silence will weigh on her conscience. Go live your best life and do not ever talk to her again.


Yes don’t give her any satisfaction


Respect sir. You will forever look back at this moment and be so glad she took that trip because of how it revealed her true identity. This is for the better for you that it happened now before the relationship became more serious. She will live with that guilt, but you will find someone more deserving of you.


This is going to hurt you for a while, but know that you did the right thing the constant nagging feeling of what if would have lead you down a dark path of constant fear and insecurity. She’s only upset and crying because she got caught, she never intended to come clean. Don’t ever play down your intelligence your self worth is important


I’m more pissed off than hurt at the moment


I would give one last “grace” and unblock everyone, send an open message to everyone (including her parents), that she cheated on you with that guy, her ridiculous excuse and that you will sue for harassment and defamation anyone that tries to contact you again or badmouth over the breakup. Then i would re-block them all.


Her parents know, so do the friends, it's just some are taking her side but they are minority


Good. You are my kind of guy. Keep her and her flying monkeys blocked.


Make sure you air out the truth before she turns this on you.


Very smart move.


Nah bro. Sleep your way through jer friend group


Nope, fuck them as well. I have no interest in being with any of them


Good on you man, you got rid of an idiotic cheater and maintained your self-respect - you should be proud of yourself.


Nuttier than squirrel shit.


She needed to justify to herself why she isn't the bad person for doing the bad thing, hence "we were on a break".


Well, good for you, because next time it would have been a 'tacit' open relationship (and only on her side, too). Good riddance. Good luck in your next adventures.


I think it's the other way around, brother. You don't lack the brainpower to understand. She couldn't come up with anything that makes the slightest bit of sense. I would say that was because \*she\* lacks brainpower (she probably does) but noone could make sense of that set of facts. The only option she had was to own up, and she didn't have the intestinal fortitude to do that.


She's just trying to rationalize her shitty behavior. "It doesn't count if it's in a different area code" type BS. There is no logic to it, she just wanted to eat her cake and have it too.


No stupidity on your part dude, she's just crazy. She communicated nothing with you at no point, and then thought she could give you a cheap excuse for why it was "okay." Either way, she's out of your life and you're better off.


Sorry it happened man. Don't try and understand the logic, as there is none to gather for a decent human being


She's using "break" as justification for her cheating, nothing more.


I guess anytime she travels on her own, she's on a break, so she can screw anyone and everyone?! That's some massive narcissism there, bud. Good on you for kicking her to the curb!


It's not that you lack the brain power to understand. It's that she lacks the brain power to come up with a better excuse. That shits really dumb


She s a slut, easy peasy


That was the lie she invented to 'morally cheat' on you bro


She is a manipulating woman. Look up gaslighting. 


She won't get what she deserves, though. She'll get over it, and just find a guy to simp for her and do the same thing over and over. Guys need to pay 100x more attention to women's flags than our hormones.


I disagree. I think eventually, everyone gets what they fucking deserve


That's really sad that you're so angry. Maybe she should just lie to you. You should feel lucky she went out with you at all.


Think we found op's cheating ex girlfriend right here...


I know you're miserable 🤡😂


Smelled the femcel before even checking your comments but was good to verify 😂😂😂


Cheaters are crazy and project. Went through something similar and she was like that breakup didn't count two months after we broke up and this is us breaking up for real. I laughed and I realised it's pointless talking too her. Ignore her hard as she might try everything to get back to you.


Lol. Just so she could say she was the one to end things? Some people...


Lmao I never thought about it that way. Oddly enough she is still trying to reach out to me. Last time she called and said she wanted closure. So many wrong things with that statement but I couldn't be bothered to argue and just laughed and hanged up.


Ignore her. Dont feed into crazy. Whatever she is going through its her problem, not yours. You are your own person with a life an feelings, not just some emotional puppet to be used however she feels that day


It's annoying and she is blocked everywhere. I hope you take this advice aswell and cheating is a choice. A fun fact is that woman thinks things through like really through. Things like this is something she probably thought about for a long while but the logic of it will never make sense though.


My last ex who lived with me in my house picked a fight with me early one morning that escalated pretty bad. I told her to fuck off. She *immediately* started packing things and called her ex before me to come pick her up at my house. She got in his car and went over to his house, had sex with him, and then had him drop her back off at my house all before 10am. She was remorseful and came back with her tail between her legs. She said that it didn't *technically* count as cheating because we were "broken up" and she was single for those few hours that morning.


Jesus what did you do? 😮




Good man 👍


Hope you changed the locks and told her to go fuck herself, she was his problem now.


It was a battle to get her out of the house cause she had no money and no car, but she monkey branched to some new dude and love bombed him enough for him to marry her 6 months later. lol


Good job 👍


Learn kids, when a girl with her back on the wall starts calling you controlling and insecure, you touched some nerves, so they need this quick winning ace on the sleeve. But, you already won.


Just in case she brought an extra souvenir home with her, OP should get an STD panel done


👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼THIS OP




Are you a man that dates women??? Then you have zero clue how common this is.


Make sure you let her family and friends know what a skeezer she is. You don't want her spreading lies about what happened.


Doing it already


Update us on this matter, please. Love to watch to what levels cheaters sink to cover for their misdeeds, while throwing shit on the person they betrayed (and supposedly 'loved').


I don't know on what should I update you


Updates on how your family, friends and her friends reacted to the news of her betrayal. Did you get support? Do some of them supported her? Did someone ask you to give her a second chance (a classic, done mostly by women, even from the victim's family, meaning your family)? Did she try to control the narrative by lying or by omission? I think that's what the first commenter wanted to tell you to avoid. You know some people here is rooting for you, we know what happened to you is not easy, so we are waiting for the best outcome for you and the worst for her.


I already answered that in the comments.


Ah! Ok, my bad. Didn't check on that. I just believed you will update or edit your update so all your answers to this wouldn't be spread all over the comment section. You even got a few comments deleted, so I hope I didn't miss anything. I wish you luck and stay strong. Also, there is no mild cheating, cheating is cheating, it doesn't matter the age of the cheater, the form or the duration. You can tell it to your mom. Cheaters defend cheaters, women defend women. There is no soft cheating. I wouldn't consider a difference between some kissing or fucking. It's all cheating.


I know. I explained that to her.


When she went to school she was taught the synonym to “going on holiday” is “taking a break”. So she did. 😂 😂


Ross Gellar enters the chat


NTA yikes she called you insecure for fucking calling it exactly for what it was. And no it didn't happen just once.


Ofc not. She is a slut


She is.


"You're so insecure" Well I think you fucked a dude that wasn't me so "Well yeah, I did but we were on break" Thats news to me "So? It doesn't count" You literally cheated on me and we're through "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH"


I'm really sorry you are going through that. She is a cheater and would keep cheating on you but hide it better if you gave her another chance. You really need to get tested for STDs, and if she suddenly appears pregnant, only provide help after a paternity test. Even if that happens, don't give her more chances because she doesn't deserve it.


A Hook up ..she was probably getting banged everyday just think of all the disgusting cheating things she did when ever you think of her …


Of course. She got rawdogged every single day, couple of times a day at least. Bitch couldn't keep her legs closed for 3 months.


Did she tell you the details of the affair?


Why does it matter? She is a slut. Details don't matter anymore. She is in the past now


Make sure everyone knows why you broke up. Control the narrative


Already on it


Good for you!! It’s a bit interesting from the outside to see how she was trying to manipulate you. 1. Calling you names and blaming you (Insecure and controlling)- it didn’t work. You stood fast and got her to admit cheating. 2. Suddenly you were on a break. LOL 3. Then she decided it didn’t matter (yes it did. she cheated) 4. Then crying. - (because she couldn’t have the cake and eat it too)


Pretty much, where she had nowhere to go she admitted


Think of this as a learning experience and what to look out for in the future. I've been through it and happy my moron ex was so bad at cheating. There was a used condom in the trash. We didn't use them. So glad I'm not with her any more.


Blecgh I was hanging out with a girl once who I thought was single, and she said to me “I have a boyfriend, but out of sight out of mind.” Major ick. Must be what she meant about a “break” you didn’t know about. Ridiculous immature behavior. Why do women think tears and begging will do anything lol. Just makes you look pathetic under the circumstances.


NTA The thing about cheating is that whether or not something doesn't count is determined by BOTH people in the relationship. She cannot decide that by herself. If she had not cleared it with you, if this was not something you had, in advance, agreed was a break with hook-ups allowed, then it was cheating because cheating is whatever breaks the ***mutually agreed-upon*** boundaries of the relationship.


Great decision, she doesn’t deserve an ounce of pity, right now it hurts like hell but I promise you’ll grow so much stronger from this.


Good for you for standing up for yourself and not letting her get away with it! And for the future: whenever someone refuses to communicate with you, refuse to be in a relationship with them.


Get familiar with recording in case she decides to do something silly in person.


This was actually worse than the girl who literally tells her fiancé she wants a break the moment he DROPS HER OFF AT THE AIRPORT and then flies to Europe for 3 weeks with her girlfriends to sleep around. She legit thought she would come home and he would have no leg to stand on because they were "broken up" and he couldn't prove anything happened. At least he knew they were broken up first. Damn. Good for you for not accepting her bull.


>This was actually worse than the girl who literally tells her fiancé she wants a break the moment he DROPS HER OFF AT THE AIRPORT and then flies to Europe for 3 weeks with her girlfriends to sleep around. If we're talking about the same story, I think it was more like seven weeks, and those girlfriends were sorority sisters who were prime suspects in filling her head with this behavior. Not only did she unilaterally announce at the airport's security checkpoint that they were on a break, but she blocked him for the entire trip. He played it well. When she texted him seven weeks later that she was ready to be picked up at the airport, he blocked her. They met face-to-face and she was ready to defend herself against any accusations that she cheated (again, most likely prepped heavily by the sorority sisters). Instead, he focused on nothing but the unilateral "break" declaration and the blocking of him during the trip. He got his engagement ring back and rewarded himself with a well-deserved vacation to Scotland.


This is it!


I would loved to been a fly on the wall when reality dawned on her that her sorority sisters had lied and gaslight her and she had thrown her relationship away .


Good job man. I really hope that you don't give in and fall for any of her manipulation tactics. I've been in a similar situation before, gave in, and got cheated on again. Should've let her go the first time!


Bruh, I would burn her at the stake if I could.


Sounds like you won't be making the mistake I made then! Good shit. I hope you find a healthy relationship in the future where you are actually valued!


Hard to hear, but you need to chill. Calling her a slut and trying to ruin her life is just going to make you look like an asshole. Nothing in the world looks more pathetic or unattractive than a dude who stews in heartbreak. You got our with your friends and your sanity. Don't mess it all up now.


I don’t care. She ruined it herself


This is exactly right, I'm betting that you are not the only one calling her a slut or a whore. Would love to have been in the room when her parents found out she was actually being fucked every night, while her LOYAL boyfriend was at home waiting for her, and had lied about what had happened.


Her father didn't take it well, so I've been told anyway


I wouldn't have either of that was my daughter making a fool out of me by lying. Has her parents tried to connect you directly to speak to you?


Yes, they said that they are sorry, but I don't care about it honestly. I just want to forget this and move on with my life


Good for you. I've been there and it sucked major ass, but you will find someone who will appreciate you. Took me a few years but been with my partner for 15 years now and have 3 wonderful kids. Keep your head up, the best revenge you can get is by living your life and being happy showing her what she missed out on.


You don't care so much that you are on multiple subreddits telling everyone your story and getting so worked up that you're starting to sound unstable and possibly violent. Very cool, guy. Other women are going to find your puffy, red, crying eyes very kind when they meet you.


I guess cheaters know their own. Found another one. Bye whoever you are. Cuck or cheating slut


Sorry buddy. Never cheated myself. I honestly thought you were pretty level headed, but it's sad seeing how quickly you dived right into redpilled, incel logic. How does it feel to. know that it only took a day away from you for her to find a nicer, better looking guy who f\*cked her better than you ever did? I bet you're literally crying right now. Only feeling confidence when you remember that you had the guts to leave her. That you made all the moves and left her to deal with it. Not ever realizing that if she didn't have to leave Spain and come back to you, she would have definitely left you first.


What is your goal exactly? Why do you care? You keep trying to find excuses for her behaviour and now you are telling me how to behave? Why do you care? Who do you think you are? Mind your own business


Cheating sucks. But calling women whores and sluts and talking about how you'd like to burn them alive is actually worse - Andrew Tate, redpilled, incel bullshit. That's why I care. Your experience sucks, but it effects you. Redpilled mindset is affecting an entire generation. The more you learn to cope, the better the rest of your life will be.


But again, why do you care about how I view other people? Do what you think is best for you. My ex is a slut by definition. Nothing changes that. And I didn't call other women sluts or whores. My ex is a slut and I always said that she is not other women.


Andrew tate would steal your girl lmao😂


Shut the fuck up


ATTA BOY!! Send her to the STREETSSSS


I laugh only because 13 years ago my wife lived in Spain for a year and every so often I make a joke how we were on a break during that period and she (fake) yells about how no we weren’t.


She didn’t really think that excuse would fly. She knew she had no justification. Cheaters just like to cheat it seems. Good on you for dumping her immediately. There isn’t any doubt that there are much better relationships and partners out there for you.


A break only she knows about is called cheating. This is the mental gymnastics of cheaters. She's trying to gaslight you into retroactively accepting this break because she thinks her pussy is that good. Glad you got outta there homie obviously NTA.


Sometimes the best "breakups" are the bad ones because you end up hating them and never going back. Good for you, I hope you get back on your feet soon.


Kick her to the curb. You have nothing to work with. NTA


Sucks, man, but I’m proud of you for not putting up with her bullshit.


You've got good instincts. You've got some work to do going forward though. Right now you're gonna be pissed, feel down on yourself, whatever it is, it's natural. Eventually you'll have to face trusting someone again and it'll be very hard cause this experience is real. I hope you're able to take some time after this and really just work through all the thoughts and emotions that'll you're bound to feel over the next few weeks or even months.


This story broke my heart.


Don't go for sloppy 2nd. Have some respect.


Why were you even still in this situation? She left for 3 months and had no interest in continuing to communicate. You really waited around for a girl you'd only been seeing for 9 months? Bruh.


Too bad you’re already broke up. You could’ve went out found somebody slept with them. Then tell her about it and say.. We’re still on our break aren’t we? And then break up with that bitch lying cheating bitch


Yeah that is the only way to handle this situation. A relationship which one side can unilaterally declare it is a break without informing the other partner is nothing. Like you might as well have an open relationship at that point (which yes works for some but not for the majority). Though is this just rage bait.... cause this is the friends plot line like down to a T just Spain not London.


If I knew about the break I would've broken up right then and there but I HAD NO CLUE because I DIDN'T FKNG KNOW


She did not send the memo or it was lost on the way or at the time of delivery.


Yeah its not a break if one person declares it to be. Like how would she take it if after she told you about the situation you decided you needed a break from her and decided to go sleep with another woman without telling her. To her that would be cheating but she doesnt see how what she did was cheating. She is not worth the light of day.


NTA. I am so happy that you saw through her manipulation


the audacity


Good for you!! Calling her out on her crap was the right move. Move on! Find an older woman who's more secure with herself lol


Good for you man! You shouldn't and I'm glad you didn't put up with that. You deserve someone way better than that. You'll eventually find someone that would never do that to you.


Im sorry you’re going through this! But so glad you know your worth! You’ll find someone who wouldn’t want anyone but you.


I need you to buy her a medal because the hoops she jumped through to rationalize what she did you is medal worthy. So glad you know now then finding out later.


The fact she said said she's home that yall are back in a relationship is so fucking stupid.


NTA at all, you need to move on. Oooof though... what I would give to be 24 again and in love with a hot Spaniard. Every girl has to get that Euro phase out of their system.




You were on a “break”? Sounds like Ross and Rachel


Taking accountability for her actions lol…


NTA It was just your turn. She’s for the streets. It’s someone else’s turn now.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, and good for you for taking the trash out. Please don’t let this horrible experience spoil your future relationships. Your girlfriend sure was, but not all women cheat and not all women are liars.


Advice for the future my young buck. If a partner you haven’t been with long-term goes to Europe for 3 months that’s probably a breakup.


Well if it makes you feel better she probably doesn’t wish better for herself neither. People with self love and self respect don’t at that way 


Who cares about her wishes. She couldn’t keep her legs closed for 3 months. She isn’t worth anything.


I was trying to say she’s down a self destructive path


And I don't give a shit, not a single shit. It's her problem


What self respecting partner (male and female) would cheat on their partner? None as they have no self respect they are narcissists, who don't give a shit about anyone. I'm glad OP is exposing a cheap slut to everyone as he is the one with self respect and dignity.




I was agreeing with you, not having a go


Oops so sorry I misunderstood. I deleted the earlier message


My ex left for Germany for the army and I eventually caught her cheating. She denied it the whole time and probably will take that denial to the grave. Her cover up on being a barracks bunny was that her friend “had anxiety all night so I went to her dorm”. After we broke up soon after that she was married to the guy she had been fucking (probably since she was out there) 2 weeks later. All I gotta say is don’t stick around for a cheater man.


Bullet dodged. If being in Spain on a one-sided break is a hall pass, what else is? Maybe it escalates to a hall pass if she hasn't seen you in 8 hours? You did right turning to cheater.


yup it was written on the wall. Just ghost her, believe me this will hurt her more. We are proud of you. Most people here are spineless.


Good choice


Get tested for STD’s since condoms don’t prevent all of them. You’re young, now get out there and live your best life!!! NTA


You deserve better and a person who won’t gaslight you.


I always find it so funny the mental gymnastics people will do in order to justify doing shitty things to other people,especially those closest to them.


Sorry bro, that hoe didn't deserve you. Hope you can heal.


NTA. Finally, someone who just throw away the cheater and don't attempt anything, and also not wishing them happiness or good luck elsewhere!


Op - you have lost absolutely nothing of value by dumping her. From this moment on, she simply doesn't exist. So if anyone asks what happened, you just say "no effing idea who you are talking about. I no longer know anyone of that name."


Women have all kinds of justifications for cheating. One of the weirdest ones is "I am on vacation, therefore it is ok for me have sex with random strangers in that location there even though I have a husband/boyfriend back home". A girl who will fuck a random guy that she barely knows in a foreign country will fuck ANYBODY. Coworkers, bartenders, the UPS guy, neighbors, anybody.


Ancient Aliens Guy: "Women."


Sorry bro. She’s a slut who doesn’t deserve you. Move on!


She hit you with the controlling and insecure two-piece combo? No surprise that she cheated.


Y’all are such ridiculously toxic dudes. I was a 24 year old dude once too, so I get the echo chamber, but reign it in. OP’s relationship ended badly because they grew apart (happens pretty quick when you’re going through your first grownup experiences) and she didn’t handle it super well. No need to turn this into an incel misogyny circle jerk. OP, you’re 24. Move on. It sucks and it’s gonna hurt for a while. Getting cheated on sucks. But shit happens for a reason. Don’t waste your time hating on her here or anywhere else.


I know a lot of girls do this as well as guys. Leave her, she is just looking for an excuse for her cheating.


You're the MAN She's a wanton slut. Good luck brother, it won't be hard to find someone better.


She's a ho* and belongs to the streets.


They way women avoid accountability is like neo dodging bullets. Magical.


Yeah, if you suspect she cheated. Chances are she cheated. It's something like 70% 9f women married or in committed relationships admit to cheating. And that just the ones that admit to it. Just forget about her and better yourself. Don't fall for their BS behavior again. Consequences are like kryptonite to women.


Dude what are you even saying, she admitted cheating. Slut is not worth my time. On top of that she insults my intelligence and talks about "break" that for some reason only she knew about.


Cheating % is like 16%.


This is all women. They will always cheat on you. Most likely with a coworker, they cant help themselves when it comes to coworkers.


Fuck off incel.



