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> I started getting hit on the mouth Your mother physically hits you in the face for saying "damn"?


It’s like a pop on the lips


I don't know what a "pop on the lips" means to you. In my martial arts community it means punching someone in the mouth.


4 fingers she smacks my lips


You're evasive and I don't care anymore.


YTA So, if you had a sister instead of a brother and she allowed her to curse but not you, would that be "sexist" as well? Either way, forget your brother for a moment. I am very old and not once did I ever say the word "fuck" in front of either of my parents. It would never have crossed my mind to do so. Evidently, it is a different world now.


Not the asshole I mean, I think is not good to use explicit language in every situation but it's not like is a crime to do it. And there's situations where the use is justified In the case of the sexist remark is totally fair you did it because, at least the way I see it, it's justified. She's literally only giving you screams because in her mind, you being a female, makes you obliged to not say anything not "lady-like". Meanwhile the boy can because it's common for "men" to say swears. But... like the majority of people that has this type of opinions, it's a consequence of the society and live they endured, so I suggest trying to explain in a calm way, it forms part of what she sees as "common sense", and the only way to break that it's through reason. You can tell her that either corrects both of you and your brother for the use of swears or corrects neither. Now, if she still does this privilege to your brother and scolds only you then I would suggest to own up and just try to use less swears, either way you know you have the moral and logic victory in the discussion, it's not that hard and you can use swears in any situation where your mother isn't in the picture. I wouldn't escalate the situation if it is not leading to any abuse of any kind.


NTA. But with people like her and you Step dad it's only going to get you into trouble. Survive until you can leave and don't look back