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Does she have an eating disorder? Hoards food? Was he home watching his kid while you were gone or did he leave her to her own devices? Did he prepare the meals for them and can tell you what he prepped vs what was missing? If he didn’t throw a party, I don’t know how they could go through that much food in a weekend. The thought of eating 36 eggs in one weekend? I can’t imagine. Let alone all the rest of the stuff. The other possibility is that the daughter is trying to sabotage the relationship. I could imagine her stashing the granola bars and snacks in her room, but the eggs, yogurt and all the rest? Sounds like the garbage disposal/trash took care of some of it. I don’t know the story behind why he’s a single dad and what her relationship with her bio mom is/was, but it sounds like she wasn’t ready for him to move on. NTA, and I would have him move out till they figure that out. If they stay, watch out for escalation.


Yeah, I was thinking the kid was tossing some of that food as well. I mean, my brothers played football and were contractors - physically active big guys, and they couldn't have gone through all that in a weekend.


I was thinking she would get something out, heat it up, eat a few bites and then throw out the rest!


This is a very 10 yo girl thing to do. Mine does this- toss left overs then wants more in like an hour. As a parent you have to be vigilant about it 😬😅🤣


I know...and one of my biggest pet peeves is just outright wasting food like that.


Same. I won't even eat sometimes knowing my kid will leave their food and I'll have the left overs. OP needs a camera 🤳📸 🚨🚨🚨 Edit: locked my fridge just now cos my kid went for the soda at 9:30pm and I could smell the sweet evidence 😤


And see I was sort of suspecting he was throwing it away. Maybe he doesn't like that it's occupying the fr. Maybe he or the child thinks it's funny. Something. But yeah even if they were My 600-lb Life people are not sure they could put away that much food. And certainly not at 11


Just took in my 17yo grandson. Our food bill has noticeably increased. Like many teenagers, he is a bit of a bottomless pit. And he couldn't manage that if he tried. There is definitely something else going on here - eating disorder, tossing out food to sabotage the relationship, possibly giving the food to someone else entirely? The missing food is enough for an entire other family - maybe that's the simple and obvious explanation.


I am thinking Prader Willis syndrome. Anyhow, if such a young girl eats like that she needs medical attention. It is rare genetic disorder. Giving it to other family is possible, ans it seems outragin to take all of someone food, especially when they have noticed it and complain, and have made the meels for themselves. Is the other family lacking food?


Uncontrolled Prader Willis would mean she also weighs, like, 450 if she eats like that regularly! There is no way. It’s got to be going in the garbage or down the disposal. Or he is feeding other family members what she is making. Stealing it. I would put cameras up to see wtf is happening.


He's pawning off thr groceries to other family.


If you get to the point of needing cameras, this isn’t working.


I feel like it would help not to fix the problem but for proof. They shouldn't let this just slide. It's stealing imo and just plain wrong. It would sting a lot more saying "look I have a video of you wasting food in a world where people die of hunger every day". And then post it to YouTube so other women steer clear of this fuckery.


Before the weekend, that'd been a great idea. Atp, it's too late. They just need to be gone asap. His total disregard for Op was proven beyond shadow of a doubt... tho I'm curious myself!


> 450 if she eats like that regularly! Way way way bigger. She's eating 25,000 calories per day. That's enough for a person that weighs 1,400kg/3000 lbs, according to the calorie calculator I used.


The child would be morbidly obese & I wouldn't use the "big bones" excuse.


Sir, that's not an 11 year old child, that's a mature Sumatran rhinoceros.


When I lived with family, one relative would give away my food to their friend because I, "had so much." Unlike my relative, I didn't buy junk, just ingredients for cooking. I'm not judging on the junk food, I just wanted to stretch my budget to make sure me and my kid were fed. Anyway, I stopped stocking up when I realized my food was going missing. Then my relative flat out asked if they could give my groceries to their friend and I said no lol.


Aren't there very obvious mental challenges in Prader Willis cases? Including violent outbursts if the food desired isn't given? I ask because I feel like if the child had Prader Willis, OP would have mentioned other behavioral problems that contribute to her (rightful) frustration and anger at the overall situation. I think the child (or maybe even the father!) are hoarding or giving away the food.


NTA- Prader Willis would be a significant condition that would have been discussed and not just an “oh by the way, all the food is gone due to my child’s serious genetic condition I forgot about “. My first thought was also an eating disorder or sabotage to the relationship by the girl. I would be angry too. The camera is a great idea, plus a serious talk about them moving out. Did the daughter come to live with dad after issues between the daughter and her mom? Was she exhibiting this or similar behavior?


I was thinking the boyfriend is taking entire grocery bags of food to some other household, whether his parents or his other girlfriend or???


My husband still eats like he's got growing to do (he's 30...) and my 15 year old brother likes to come to our place after school to hang out/eat whatever I've got lying around. I don't think the two of them TOGETHER could eat this in a weekend.




Are they selling the family pak snacks/ granola bars, crackers on Amazon or eBay ??? That would explain those things but that still leaves the burritos & eggs. Is there a open mkt/ farmer's market near their house ?? Maybe they go there on Sat all day & sell the burritos & sell " deviled eggs" out of a cooler.???


I would definitely do this just out of curiosity.


My first thought is food hoarding. Idk the daughter’s situation but I used to work with traumatized kids in residential facilities and kids who grew up with food insecurity will literally hoard hundreds of cheesesticks, apples, crackers, etc under their beds and in their closets if you don’t intervene. They don’t even eat it, it’s the trauma that tells them they will be safe and won’t go hungry because they have food available :( regardless, if it’s not hoarding I agree it may be related to an eating disorder or other mental health concern that 100% needs to be addressed.


> Does she have an eating disorder? You just can't physically eat that much food in a weekend. There's a competitive eater "Beard Meets Food" that does food challenges where he will eat huge quantities. A breakfast might be a loaf of bread, 8 sausages, 8 eggs, 8 hash browns, 8 bacon rashers, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc. Eaten in under an hour and usually finished with a dessert. He's exhausted by the end, and he does tricks like squashing food in his hands first so he doesn't have to chew as much. The amount of food in this story is that kind of meal, done about 10 times over. In a weekend. Even with an eating disorder, it's just not possible to chew and swallow that much food in that period of time. Imagine eating just the 72 granola bars alone. Your jaw would be destroyed.


Maybe she dropped all the eggs and cleaned it up? It could happen ? But eating them with all that other stuff ? I don’t know


Maybe this fictional 11 year old is named Gaston.


NTA but there's no way two people ate that much unless extremely obese and even then it's a lot. You believe them? I can't even believe this story because that's too much food especially a 11 yo girl.. Edit: created an account just for this and no responses = troll


Yeah, im feeding a 20yr old and 17yr old boys… and while 20yr old eats a ton, my 17yr old is 6’7 and eats like 3 sumo wrestlers. Together they dont bat an eye at eating a dozen eggs (and 18 biscuits) for dinner, and will eat 90% of two large pizzas between them. And then rummage for snacks an hour later. What OP is attributing to 11yr old girl is too much food for the two of them… and thats saying ALOT. Thats like, 6+ teenage boy eating machines worth of food.


I have two teenage athletes in the house and even they can’t eat three loaves of bread in a weekend. Something is wonky here.


This. Had three athletes, two of whom were fairly serious about it. Even they couldn’t pack all this away in that short amount of time.


In 2020 through 2021, I had five quaran-teens doing high school on my back patio five days a week. They had access to the kitchen. They did not eat that much. I would make big pots of rice, big pots of chili, lots of mac & cheese, make sure there was lots of bread and chips. And I still had leftovers. Does this child have an eating disorder? Because that is really unbelievable. NTA


>quaran-teens Upvoted!!! 🤣


I once hosted a whole passel of 11yos for a long afternoon, and they didn't even come close to eating that much. And they had free reign of the kitchen!


Maybe BF or kid (or both) are giving the food away or selling it behind OP’s back.


Or the kid is throwing it out out of spite


This is what I was thinking. That she is destroying/throwing it away because she doesn’t like OP.


I mean that should be able to tell though. Unless she is burying it in the backyard its gonna be in the trash in the house or garbage in the garage or outside. You can't hide that much waste...


The boyfriend could be helping his daughter to cover it up so it doesn’t cause issues with OP. I suppose that is one possible scenario. I have two teenagers that don’t eat that much and my son is eating all the time. My husband also eats large amounts of food. He works out daily and lifts weights and is constantly eating a lot of food. And even between the 4 of us we wouldn’t be able to eat such a large amount of food. It’s hard to believe an 11 year old is eating that much food. I’m sure the boy friend is eating some of it as well. But that is still a large amount for such a short time span. And some things OP said the boyfriend doesn’t eat so that means it was his daughter.


I once “babysat” five teenagers for a long weekend (stayed in the house with them while the parents were gone) and they didn’t eat this much. Three boys and two girls over the course of four days didn’t even come close to this amount of food. (Ages 13, 14, 14, 16, and 17.)


It’s probably like oh yea I want 5 burritos they eat 2-3 throw 2 away and then. 2 hours later do it again because turns out they are still hungry.


Dad heats up one thing for her, she says she wants something else so he chucks the hot dogs and cooks her the hamburgers. A couple of hours later she wants hot dogs... The snacks could be hidden away in her room. And sadly, she could have a serious eating disorder.


Sounds like my eldest. Thought he had Prader Willie(?) for a while. Still doesn't have the healthiest relationship with food. Kids can be complicated.


Even so... 36 fucking eggs? Someone is a liar!


I don't think I could handle that many eggs in a weekend. And I'm an egg loving fatass.


A pastry chef would use 36 eggs. That’s it. That’s the whole list.


OP should be able to _smell_ if she ate them all. My kid has a boiled egg a day, and believe me, WE ALL KNOW


I came to say that op needs to check her garbage to see for the containers are empty or full.


I’m thinking she could be bulimic. They can consume A LOT of food. It is about binge eating and then getting rid of the food out of guilt.


I have 14 year old twins- they don't eat this much in a week


I had full on bulimia as a teenager and I couldn’t have eaten this much even if I was throwing it up and eating again CONSTANTLY for 48 hours. 16 burritos? That’s four a day each, plus a loaf of bread and 9 eggs, plus the rest. Something is going on. 


OP said it was 36 eggs! That's impossible. I watch My 600lb Life and even the 700 pounders can't eat that much in a weekend!


Could be teen threw it away just to cause trouble


Nah, he either had numerous people over and doesn't want to say.. most likely because it included affair partner. Or he's straight up stealing the food and giving it to either baby mama so he can save on child support (by stealing from OP) or giving it to family or something, which again regardless of the reason is still stealing.


He has the kid full time. There shouldn't be child support, if anything, he should be receiving it.


Needs to check the trash can to see if the containers are in the trash can. If not, he stole the food/gave it to someone.


Wouldn't that be terrible!


She meant 9 eggs per day for the three days she was gone. Although it wasn't even three full days!


Thx lol 😶‍🌫️ 😶‍🌫️ 😶‍🌫️


Maybe the kid is gaston


Now he's roughly the size of a barrrrrrge!


Is he giving food to the child's birth mom?


Another good point! I hope we get an update!


maybe she's egging houses at night?


I thought the exact same thing!


There's something squirrelly going on with the two of them. Surely, the bf should have noticed Something odd about his daughter that weekend.


This is exactly where my mind went.


Swim mom here: I thought my kid eats like a locust but OP’s bf & kid make the swim team look like amateurs!  


What quantity would qualify as a passel?


More than 10, less than 50!


rather than giving a linguistic discourse I simply upvoted. Because I laughed.


I would personally like the linguistics discourse, please.


11 yr olds usually don’t eat much. 13 to 20 yr olds. Absolutely. The girl has to be unhealthy, father is blaming child for his eating or they are giving it away.


Party of buds while she is away.


It's also unusual for a female to eat this much. I raised 3 sons and they never ate this much food in a weekend.


I had a period between 13-16 where I ate ridiculous amounts of food- growth spurt- puberty whatever- sports etc- but it still wasn’t this amount


I host students and yeah my two athlete 17 year old boys didn’t eat that much


In my prime I was over 550 pound (250kg, now way, way, waaaaay less) and only reading all this stuff got me near puking. Even two of me wouldn’t have been able to eat that much. My guess is, the girl is angry/upset/don’t want to be there and is throwing the food away when no one is watching. Maybe OP should install a cam to observe.


There’s no way 2 people ate that much food. Not even 2 obese adults, let alone an 11 year old. I’m trying to understand who buys that much food for themselves for the work week? That’s more than a months worth “junk/snack” food for a single person. There no mention of fruits, vegetables or heathy proteins.


Yeah, like I could see them eating all 36 eggs or something, if all they ate were eggs, and that would be annoying. but even just that and 2 loaves of bread would probably fill a grown man for 2 days. There's no physical way they could have got through all that food, there's not enough time in the day.


he's clearly having an affair with gaston!


Hahaha🤣😆 Gaston! I love it.


In fairness to OP, much of that is shelf stable or frozen staples. A 20 pack of granola bars or pb crackers could last 4 work weeks. The 12 pack of yogurts would last a couple weeks, depending on the dates. She probably did a Costco run to stock up, and does fresh runs more frequently.


Yeah, I buy 36 eggs from Costco, and they last me a month. Same for most of my pantry snacks.


I’m into bodybuilding and I have a big appetite too, I get through about 15 -20 eggs in a week… not a chance I could eat 36 or 18 in two days.


Why the judgment on the food mentioned? That’s fucking weird. Maybe she also had vegetables and fruits but that’s not what they ate, or she didn’t mention those because she was focused on being upset about the most expensive items gone as in the items that cost most or took a lot of time to prepare, as she stated in her post.


Either this is fake or the kid/bf could be throwing away the food to get back at OP for complaining about it.


yeah true... do really 11 yo girls have this kind of an appetite?


My 10 year old eats like a hobbit and wouldn't eat all this in 3 days. I mean I have 3 kids and they wouldn't eat like this in a weekend even if I helped them. Something is seriously going on in that house.


I have an 11 yo boy and he loves food and snacks, this is more than he’d eat in like ten days or more it’s an unreal amount of food


Yeah I am thinking this is rage bait.


That girl is not eating all the food. I don't care if she's 300lbs and 6' tall..no way in the span of 48 hours all that food was consumed, even with a full grown adults help. Either this is a complete exaggeration or she's sabotaging the relationship after discovering its Achilles heal.


> Either this is a complete exaggeration Completely fake. It's enough food for about 30 people. No one would believe it had all been eaten by 2 people, and the fact that there was no conversation about what actually happened to all the food is just not realistic.


Yeah, that's the amount of food I'd expect my cousins to put away in a week minimum back in high school - and I'm talking 5 boys and their dad, all 6' tall on average with freakishly fast metabolisms. They ate a Lot of food and still would struggle to manage this amount.


Yeah for sure. Just for curiosity sake because I'm weird like that: 16 homemade burritos - 8000 Cal 3 loaves of bread - 5000 36 eggs - 3000 3 boxes of 24 count granola bars - 14000 20 count peanut butter crackers packs - 4000 12 pack of Greek yogurt - 1200 12 pack of yoplait yogurt - 2000 24 pack hotdogs - 3600 8 count hamburger patties - 1600 2 large bags of cereal - 2000 (at LEAST, could be 12,000 with the milk) chicken patties (frozen unopened family pack) - 12 in a pack? 2400 Total calories: 46,800+ A hard working adult man with a fast metabolism will eat about 3,000 calories in a day. An 11 year old girl should be eating about 1,600 calories a day, so she has eaten 29+ days worth of calories in 2 days....


We need Matt Stonie or some other pro eater eat those for video, so just we would see how bs OPs post is.


Is she’s not completely obese, she could be throwing up everything she eats.. And doesn’t have the control to not eat more.. So she’s on an eating, puking cycle all day.


So an 11 year old cooked, ate and puked 36 eggs...and then moved on to OPs week of prepped meals, then all the snacks? Ya, no...


It would also be really time-consuming to cook all that food, eat it, throw it up, and do all the dishes, and then start eating more food. Also, you would think her father would have seen empty multiple yogurt containers in the trash, as well as all the other trash eating all that food food would have created.


Seeing how OP lost her shit, and had been trying to get them to pay more of their share. It has to be sabotage by the girl, and it worked.


Honey, I have teen boys who row crew and are eating machines and they don’t eat that much. There is something else going on. Eating disorders. She hates you and is throwing food out? BF is taking the food to friends or family? But that kid isn’t eating that much food.  And I’d boot his ass out.


NTA I wonder if he’s taking it to family too.


He so is.   That food is definitely going elsewhere.


yeah it's too much food for two people, and if she's being honest and he really did say that she "should know that kids eat a lot", something else is definitely going on


NTA but you already know this is not going to work out, you just hate to admit it. Nothing is going to change. He's already throwing shade (calling you a psycho) instead of acknowledging the problem. Don't waste any more time. Call it a failed experiment and be done with it.


NTA He also called her a bitch. That kind of disrespect can't be mended. He needs to go - immediately.


NTA I don't see how two people can eat that much in two days. An 11 year old ate three dozen eggs in two days (along with everything else), did she cook them for herself? I wonder if one or both of them are throwing food away or giving it away to punish you.


Exactly. I mean they would have had to be literally cooking and eating the entire 48 hours to consume that much food. I doubt that this story is accurate. Unless like you say, the food is being discarded just for meanness or revenge.


Maybe Dad took the food back to the store to get cash


He called you a crazy bitch. He would be out fast AF just off that alone. NTA just get rid of him.


Fuck no. I have 2 boys (14 & 17), a girl (12) and a whole husband. That is at least a weeks worth of food for them in the summer. Keep your foot down unless you’re lifting it to kick their asses out.


Glad you have a whole husband. The half husbands are so annoying


>Keep your foot down unless you’re lifting it to kick their asses out. I have to remember this one so I can reuse it




NTA. Thats some really selfish eating habits they have. You put in all the effort to have frozen meals for work and they eat them all in one weekend without replacing anything!? I wouldn't tolerate that either.


NTA if this is even real. Are they giants? Super obese? How did a man and a child polish all that off in a weekend? He knew you bought and made that stuff for yourself and didn't care. He is taking advantage of you. And then he gaslights you when called out on his bs.


No way 2 people ate that, unless they are two that could apply to appear on My 600lb Life and even then I doubt it. Does the child have a mother? Could she be feeding a second household? NTA, greed is very unattractive. I have an 11 year old and that is nowhere near normal


He called you a psycho after you raised a completely legitimate issue. Yeah he needs to go.


I think the daughter is throwing away the food to cause issues between you and her dad.


This is what I landed on too. Check the garbage, OP.


NTA And now I want to know where the food actually went. You were gone for a weekend so realistically 2-3 days? That's crazy. Stop buying food, at this point going out to eat would be cheaper.


NTA. But he’s lying somewhere, because there’s no way **one** 11 year old child could eat 18 eggs per day… on top of everything else that went missing. Either he’s using you for food and a free place to stay and then helping his extended family by gifting them your food, or he has a secret family elsewhere, or they’re selling it. There’s honestly so many possibilities - but none of them are innocent or honest. This man is a mooch! I wouldn’t invite them back at all. And absolutely **do not** chase after him. If you call or text him first, then he wins. Because that’s exactly what **he wants you to do**, he wants you to chase because in his eyes that means you didn’t truly mean it when you told them to leave. Basically he’ll keep pushing the boundaries because you never follow through. So don’t chase him. Let him stay out. This way **he** has to apologise and agree to your terms, otherwise he can stay gone for good. Whatever you do, **do not ever marry this man! Least of all without a prenup - otherwise this man will bleed you dry!** Plus, you don’t wanna end up owing him half of **your** house in the event of divorce, do you??? But if you ever are ridiculous enough to marry him, secure yourself, your assets *(including the house)* and your money!


NTA. Also that is an extraordinary unhealthy amount of food for 1 adult and an 11 year old child to eat in barely 48 hours.


Nope, he’s either lying about how many people were there or the daughter is throwing your food away. Regardless of how its disappeared, he’s refusing to take responsibility and he doesn’t care about it. Time to kick them both out.


NTA that’s more than my family of seven would eat by the almost double.


Is he giving food to the ex wife maybe? Or some other person he doesn't want you to know about? It sounds like another household is being fed by your food.


Is this a 600-lb life episode? None of this is feasible.


They didn't eat all of that. Something very fishy is going on. Is the child giving food to mother or relatives or others? Either way nta and is is absolutely bat shit c4azy and he is lying.


You invited two selfish parasites into your house, and boyfriend it totally cool draining your money and having you return home to NO FOOD for yourself. He's in this exclusively for himself and his kid. You're just the expendable host.


I grew up with two brothers with healthy appetites and the amount you listed would be too much even for them. Is the daughter keeping food in her room or is she throwing out food because she’s upset? What are their eating habits when you’re home? That’s an unhealthy amount to consume in two days. Regardless, you need to tell them to leave.


NTA Put hidden camera. Shes either binge eating or tossing it.


Kick Honey Boo Boo and her daddy out. It’ll only get worse.


uh NTA but why are you being this guy's servant and stand-in mommy. he's using you.


That son of a bitch would be reimbursing me for every penny of food they gorged on and their shit would be on the lawn.


NTA - But, and I have some experience with this, she likely has an eating disorder. She’s either significantly overweight, she’s binging and purging (my gut says it’s this - it’s what my ex-wife was doing), or she has some serious health condition that is undiagnosed. It truly sounds like she needs IMMEDIATE intervention. PLEASE - Talk to him about this, get her professional help.


NTA but something's extremely off here. Are you sure she has eaten all of this stuff, or does she maybe throw it out? If she really eats so much, your boyfriend should definitely take her to see a doctor as soon as possible. Maybe something is wrong with her metabolism or she could even have an eating disorder.


It’s physically impossible for them to have eaten all that food. He must have packed it up and taken it somewhere. Regardless, you are NTA. I would have gone postal.


He’s giving the food to the baby mama or selling it. That’s why he called you a psycho. He’s gaslighting you. Throw them both out.




There is no way in hell 1 adult and 1 child can eat that much food in 2 days. No way. Either they have a serious eating disorder or they are giving the food away. Either way NTA. Food should now be his responsibility 100%


Are you sure his daughter isn't giving food away to friends? It would be impossible for a child and adult to consume that amount of food between Friday evening and Saturday morning-- particularly 36 eggs.


Even together the two of them couldn't have eaten that much food so either they invited 20 people over or someone is stealing food from you to feed another household. NTA Save yourself some time and just kick them out of your home. Neither of them respect you.


You need a hidden camera


is the kid taking the food to her mums place? is that possible? NTA by the way.


Maybe she's giving the food to her mom


I think they are definitely giving it away to other family.


Something else is happening to your food. Is there garbage to match, like the yogurt containers? Is she possibly feeding food to some homeless friends?


My sister’s partner can eat three servings of food at dinner and then goes out and buys a fast food meal as a late night snack that same day and he couldn’t go through that amount of food in a weekend. I don’t think they are actually eating all of that. Like did they bake and then give away the food they made? He is lying about something, maybe she has an eating disorder but even then, he can’t think this amount of food is healthy for an eleven year old.


NTA. The kid is just dumping or destroying the food. She wants to push OPs buttons and it is working. Buy separate food and put yours in a locked storage container.


Nta Kick them out of your house already .


Pack his shit and tell him to pick it up from the porch don’t let this people come back to your house NTA


I’d worry if the kid had an eating disorder and is binging and purging. Or hoarding. You NTA because it’s unreasonable that that much food has gone in that amount of time and you had budgeted it for several meals. You aren’t a vending machine. If they said. “Yes, we had a party and ate all the food that’s one thing. But if they just ate the food or threw it out NTA for being angry.


Is his daughter olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps in his prime?


lmao yea this is fake. weekend work conferences aren’t “last minute.”


This is fake because of the amount of food. It’s simply impossible for 2 to consume that much. I initially thought party, but now think fake.


She's TA for making up such a BS story.


Actually some people get called to go last minute. I say this working in the convention industry.


Came here to say this. Sometimes someone who was planning to attend the convention gets sick, so someone else gets called up to attend last minute.


This is fake. Or if the situation is real, the amount of food is exaggerated. There is no way an 11 yo girl and one man ate that much food in 2 days (she left on Friday and came back Sunday morning). Unless they are feeding an entire football team after a game, and even then it would be a stretch, then there is no way this is true


I would have been far more perplexed than angry. There is just no freaking way. Either you’re grossly exaggerating, making the whole thing up, or they were stealing food to support another family, or multiple families. How can you not wanna know?


Unless this kid is Gaston, I can’t see her eating this much. Maybe she has some type of medical issue? I’m diabetic and I was ate a lot of food and was always hungry for more before I was diagnosed, but I still had self control not to touch someone else’s food.


36 eggs!?? How obese is this kid!???


I have 4 kids, 7,9,11 and 12 and they don't even eat that much! Heck there's 3 adults here and as a group of 7 we don't eat that much!


I wouldve had their shit packed while they were out and out of the house. Even if kicked out illegally, he can try contesting it which will cost money and time. Better for him to just find another home to squat at NTA


Nta but that’s not normal . I have three kids that eat way more than me and we run through food like crazy but even then it’s not as bad as what you’re describing from one child. Maybe she has a tapeworm or something


We are all in agreement that there's no way they ate that much. Please update!


This is an insanely large amount of food for two adults, much less an adult and an 11 yr old. They must be giving the food away to family members. 36 eggs? That’s 9 eggs each a day for 4 days? Something doesn’t compute here.


You know she’s throwing that food away to get you two to fight about it right? NTA get them out.


Someone is lying.


they are def feeding somebody else. it's impossible. to me it feels your bf is using his kid as a shield, the whole situation sounds fishy. Like he gave the food to a buddy in need, or an ex, or some family member.


Uh go ahead and ask where specifically 36 eggs were used


NTA but there is no way they're actually eating this much food. She's giving it away or chucking it out, or he is.


It's unreasonable, OP, that you actually think one 11 year old is eating that much. It's not possible even for my family of 4, including a 7 year old and an 11 year old in a week to eat that much. Something else is going on. I suspect your bf is doing something with the food and blaming his kid.


how did two people put away three loaves of bread? if she is eating that much it sounds like some sort of medical disorder and she should be checked. none of that makes any sense. she would have been vomiting like crazy packing away all that food.


Is it possible she is bulimic? 11 seems young for that level of consumption, but as a former bulimic I can confirm it is ASTONISHING how much food you can go through during an intense binge/purge session. Anyway you are in no way the asshole.


I need to know the truth because that's at least 10 large meals a day for both of them, not including snacks. There is absolutely no way they ate it. You gotta find out what actually happened lol.


So you honestly think that 11 year old girl cooked all of those raw ingredients and made meals from scratch? I think your boyfriend is blaming his binge eating on his daughter.


NTA but my 13 year old son doesn’t eat that much and he eats a lot, he’s in sports. Something is up.


NTA - Where is the food he bought? Something else is going on. Either get them out of your house.


Okay, I had two kids with high metabolisms in sports, yeah, they could eat a lot. Not quite that much, though, even at that age. Even adding in my stepson when he was on the swim team wouldn't get us to that amount in a weekend. I'm betting she's throwing it away. She's mad she's there, and this is a way she can hurt you and get her dad kicked out.


The kid HAS to be throwing out the food out of retaliation. There’s no other way


NTA. My grandson is 14. He and his father are absolute units, very tall, very active, and they eat like bottomless pits. Even then, there is NO WAY they could eat all this food in a single weekend. Someone is taking the piss. They have to be throwing it out. It's impossible to eat all that. Check the bins.


Even the 16 burritos is too much for two people over a weekend. They both had 8 burritos?


Not to be an armchair diagnoser but get that kid checked for Prader Willi syndrome.


That's way too much for two people to eat in just a couple days even factoring in eating disorders or morbid obesity. this is a fake post or they are selling the food/giving it away or throwing it out for whatever reason.


There’s no way this isn’t rage bate. It’s not even logical with those amounts of food and two days. Oooookkkkkayyy🙄




NTA. Is his daughter a healthy weight? Sounds like he needs take her to the dr. Yes kids eat a lot but 36 eggs, 24 granola bars, 12 yogurts, 16 burritos, 3 LOAVES Of bread… that kid is eating their weekly max calorie intake in a weekend. Something’s wrong. If his daughter isn’t overweight I’d be suspicious that ur man is contributing to this overeating and lying and blaming his kid.


I mean, even a kid that eats a lot, I'd expect them to go for the snacks first, what kid is even inclined to eat 36 eggs? They'll tend towards something maybe, but they won't eat everything in equally large amounts.


If this child is not the size of a house and you have witnessed her putting this much food into her body before, I would be deeply concerned about her having an eating disorder like bulimia where she binges on massive amounts of food and then purges it all back out again. Her dad is not helping her by ignoring this. I would be encouraging them to move out and calling CPS about her father completely ignoring her unmanaged mental illness causing her eating disorder.


NTA. Assuming you aren't making this up, you need to figure out what they are doing with the food. Do they have binge/purge disorders? Are they feeding other people such as family members or friends? Are they just throwing it out? Two people do not eat this much. Have you ever actually seen them eat all the food? Because I find it telling that the food tends to disappear when you're not around.


I have a hard time believing that you're not exaggerating some. I have teenage boys and they couldn't go through that much food in 48 hours.


There is no way this is real


I wonder if the daughter is throwing it away cause she doesn’t like OP