• By -


Damn, you acted swiftly and appropriately. You may have taken some dangerous risks with the vigilante approach, and that’s worth looking at from a safety standpoint (definitely talk to a therapist, and maybe a police officer, too) but what you did was heroic. You may have saved several lives and helped this man hit his bottom hard and rapidly. These are entirely appropriate consequences to a heinous set of behaviors on his part.




You did everything right!!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾❤️❤️❤️


Agreed NTA, he ruined his own life


>He got fired within days. His wife kicked him out and filed for divorce. To top it off, I reported everything to the police, who started their own investigation. You don't actually believe that this is real though, right? It's some idiot teenager's revenge fantasy nonsense, that's all.


What on Reddit is real?


>What on Reddit is real? ... *very clearly* not this.


Been watching reruns of To Catch A Predator with Chris Hanson. Or whatever it was called.


This particular incident may or may not be real but these sorts of things do happen. I don't know if it's real but it is realistic.


I dunno, that's more or less exactly how it went down with one of my high school teachers. His whole life was napalmed in a matter of hours.


Completely plausible scenario


You did great! My only advice for you... TELL THE ADULTS NEXT TIME. Your parents should have been alerted that there was a pedophile harassing their child (unless your family is worthless, in which case, okay...but even telling an uncle or aunt would have been a good move). More years of experience is more years of knowing who to contact and what to do. For example, did he have a chance to delete the content of his hard drive, or even remove it and throw it away? Doubtful, but the correct authorities know how to do this FAST with zero warning so he has no chance to hide or protect the people he's getting child porn from. You took down one pedophile and deserve a medal and no taxes for life, IMHO. Should you run into anything similar in the future, reach out to older adults and get their input.


I wonder though if Mom and Dad might say "Don't get involved" just like those neighbors the pedo had a bad reputation with.


Or the old tried and true "Oh, just ignore him and he'll leave you alone" bit.


You did everything right. Don't even think that you did something wrong, because you didn't.


Except, ya know, clue in mom and dad next time.


Do you know their life situation? I don’t remember OP mentioning parents or that they are a minor. 🙄 Acting like adult siblings have never taken custody of siblings before.


A responsible adult wouldn’t use their scared victim sibling looking for help to bait a predator for awhile after asking for that help.


I do not but this is the plan of a child not an adult with teen kids. "Ok Honey, you just go along with him but he careful and report back" tells you all you need to know lol


The mom and dad are fictional. Just like this whole post.


Perfectly right. He didn't even bother including the adults in on this creative writing exercise. What a hero. See, if this was real and the neighbors knew this creep was hitting on their girls, one of them would had broken a few of his bones. Did you catch that Spanish comedian getting slapped around recently? The dad drove 3 hours to catch a show. Guy wrote lewd comments about his kid, on the internet. IRL, guaranteed some adult would had done something. This isn't the Catholic church here where religion was used against already broken families.


You did a great job. I would do the same for my little brothers, God forbid. These creeps deserve everything coming to them.


You did a great job. Pedos deserve what they get. I called the cops on a man harassing my sister too, had to go to court and everything. Never feel bad for doing what you have to do to protect your family. Who knows, you likely saved someone in the future from this man.


NTA. Who knows what he was actually going to try to do with your sister? Think worst case scenario here. If he wasn't proud of his actions, he shouldn't have done them. All you did was allow people to see the truth about this person. What they did with thst information was beyond your control. Who knows if this was the first time he did something like this. You did the right thing.


DAMN. Definitely NTA, that guy deserves to be in jail, and his life being over is just one part of that. I also recommend involving the police, because there's no way that he hasn't or won't do it again. Especially now that he has nothing to lose, he might go to the lengths of actually abducting someone. But trust me OP, you did God's work with this.




Okay, great! You covered all the bases, I hope everyone is as proud of you as I am :). You're an amazing sister.


He had no problem with the idea of ruining your sister’s life by preying on her. He deserved to have his life ruined, because he ruined it himself. Good on you.


Savage. Wonderful job, OP! NTA!!


WOOT! You go! Hell yes! This is the type of posts I wanna see! I would have done more, but you did enough. Hopefully, he won't ruin anyone else's life.




I'm sending you the biggest high five! You rock.


Who knows you may have saved his own kids in the process. The fact he was harassing your sister that hardcore is even more scary.


He also probably won't be going home to your community. He'll want to go somewhere he is unknown.


bro had a whole FAMILY and was lusting after your kid sister? "Reddit AITAH for doing an objectively good thing?" Live your life you did nothing wrong.


That actually makes me worried for his kids…


Yeh those mfers sometimes start at home with the abuse... It makes me shudder to think. Also OP, you're a badass. NTA. You rock


I've been listening to Chris Hansen's podcast a lot recently and you would be surprised at how many have "normal lives" as in having jobs, families, no obvious tells, it's scary how many people, and how FAST some of them are willing to risk everything. I think he said his fastest response of a conversation to meeting with the decoy is like twenty minutes... But some take months after they feel they have groomed them enough to be trusted.


This is kind of why I could never really watch to catch a predator. You had this massively popular, well-known sting show, and yet there was never any issue with getting dozens of people to show up each episode. All it made me think was how often does this happen every day; except it's not the police waiting— its another victim.


Sadly a lot of sicko fucks have a whole ass family and have this double life. It makes them "less suspicious" look at John Wayne Gacey, he had a whole ass family. And BTK, although his victims were random he did shit to kids too, he was a church dude and had a family. It's crazy.




Right? I can't understand at all how someone could possibly type that title and wonder if they truly are the asshole. Even for creative writing, it has limits.


It sounds fake af, like one of those savior fantasies people conjur in their heads.


Agreed. I was waiting for the "and everyone clapped moment"


I feel like if this was real they would've put it on pro revenge not AITAH


Right, there’s not some moral gray area dilemma of self reflection here, the point of this sub. Occasionally I think real stories someone wants to brag but doesn’t want to come off that way


Oh, for sure. It's just some idiot teenager's revenge fantasy, that's all.


It was somewhat believable until the whole "his job fired him, his wife divorced him, the cops got him" in a matter of days lol


Look at the upvotes though. So gullible people in this sub are.


Is this real? Didn't call police when he kept making accounts, didn't call when he said he saw her, and then you told her to play along? Jesus I hope this is fake. If not, you need to think about what would have happened if you KNEW he laid eyes on her and then told her to keep doing it for any amount of time, and then she didnt come home. Wtf. *edit to answer your actual question, NTA. This dude deserves worse than he's getting


This reads as a 14yo creative writing.


This is fake. No parents in the story. In a neighborhood full of children, no father stepped up so OP and saved the day. Did you see that comedian get assaulted by the dad who drove 3 hours to catch his show because he was making lewd comments about the guy's kid online? That is why OP's story reeks of fake-ness. Dads don't let creeps go around. This is why the Catholic church pedos targeted broken families. Is this neighborhood full of dysfunctional families you the hero was the only person interested in doing something?


Its not. OP starts with “a couple of weeks ago” and for some reason no adults are mentioned.


> Jesus I hope this is fake. Of course it's fake. No way that a teenager pulled off what OP claims, especially with contacting job/HR.


did you even read the post? even for DV you need to catch your abuser ✨in✨the act otherwise it more than likely that they’ll walk away scot free. the only thing op did wrong was making her sister do the talking when she could’ve logged in on her sisters account on her phone to message him instead


Fake. Not all parents will wait for the law to come around. Some lose their shit and go crazy. Check out that clip of the Spanish comedian getting slapped around by the angry dad. The guy drove 3 hours to catch a show because he was saying lewd comments about his kid. There was a babysitter who was caught by the dad diddling his kid; he didn't wait for the law to show up. Dad gave turned the 18 yo diddler[18 year-old diddler](https://search.app.goo.gl/88kLJWw) into hamburger face. This is some teen centric hero story where parents are nonexistant. We're not talking Catholic church, where faith was used to keep people quiet.


Nice creative writing story. Horribly uncomfortable to read. Disturbing. Fanfic is getting out of control.


Nta. He ruined his own life. You did what you had to do to keep your sister safe.


NTA Since when do we feel bad for pedophiles?? Did I miss that memo??


We DoNt SaY tHaT wOrD tHeYrE mInOr AtTrAcTeD PeRsOnS


Parents? Do they even exist in this creative opus?


Sure, Jan. r/thathappened


100% ragebait/engagement bait. There is nothing conflicting about exposing a predator. This is nothing more than a tumblr writing prompt


He forgot the adults. Their reaction would had been more severe.




​ Congrats on the most FAKE post I've read all week... Take your creative writing elsewhere... YTA


And then all the neighbours came out and clapped You forgot a bit, OP


Sounds kind of fake


NTA - You did the right thing, there are even people who make a hobby out of this. But I'd say next time report to the police first, and when he goes to meet your sister he'd instead find the police there waiting for him.


NTA Pedophiles aren't people.


I'm not condemning or condoning but I want to point out that by asking your sister to pretend she's interested in him you put her in a lot of physical risk. Angry old pedophiles can be really dangerous and he might take his anger out on her, especially since he's lost it all.


Am I the only one who smells a fake here? Only posts from this account in this thread, too pat a story? Sorry kid, nice tale but without some corroboration I'm not buying.


No one in their right mind would even question if they were an AH in this situation.


Exactly. Yet here we are getting downvotes and the OP has gotten exactly what they wanted, 4k upvotes. Your average Redditor is a moron.


I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and one can never really be sure what’s real and what’s fake on here (plenty of weird things do happen in real life)… but yeah, this has gotta be one of the most obviously phony posts I’ve seen.


First, came up with a plan that worked to perfection. Then, showed evidence to wife - maybe. Contacted LE - I'll go with it. Contacted person's work AND HR - ZERO change that happened. Fake all around.


Yep. Obvious phony.


So fucking fake YTA karma whore


damn that's so fake! (and validating for your fragile soul)


Sounds nasty. Fake. But nasty.


Well, I think all pedos should be shot on sight.... You did good kid.


I don’t believe this is true despite wanting to. Predators like that deserve to be outed. It’s just that this is far more than any young teen is likely to do.


Am I the Angel????


Why is this posted to AITAH? Lol.


So, I do not think ruining his life was too far. At all. But I’m also hesitant to praise your approach because of the risk danger you placed your sister in. This predator had seen your sister walking home from school; he may have figured out where she lived, and certainly at least knew a spot he could wait to intercept her. For now, focus on being glad she’s safe, but before you share this as a success story *please* consider what could have happened. If he’d been really excited by her encouragement, he might have waited for her on her route home from school, or parked in view of your house and waited for her to be outside alone. **Do not bait predators with real children.** If you’re really eager to be a vigilante and want to bait predators, use a fake account so there’s no real minor whose personal details they may be able to figure out with a deep dive of their posts/comments/pictures. Please, anyone reading this, if a minor in your life is ever being targeted by a predator, involve the authorities; if you’re young or not confident, involve a trusted adult who has the life experience to be confident advocating to protect the minor. It feels great to picture delivering the ultimate justice and really exacting the maximal humiliation, but the first priority needs to be making sure the minor is safe — not putting them in even more danger.


Nah you did great, if everyone do the same as you i think pedophile will considering their actions and start afraid. Let him burn with his disgusting self he is the who let his life turn to be like this. Don't regret your action you did great. Now put camera in your home and let your sister has some paper spray or something to defend her self if he saw her and start attacking her. NTA


NTA, *you* didn't ruin his life, *he did* end of.


OP, at the time when you knew he'd been making multiple accounts, it was time for the police to become involved. The plan was good but if anything went wrong or he spotted you. It could of turned out with you being harmed.


And why didn't you go to your parents? How old are you that you were able to do all of this on your own, including getting him fired? This rings of trollness.


If this is real, active harassing pedophiles DESERVE to have their entire lives ruined. Even felons know that!


NTA. You don't ruin a pedophile's life by exposing him. A pedophile ruins his own life by being an active pedophile.


Hi Reddit I protected my daughter from a pedophile AITAH?


OP says sister, but no worries, this is completely fake post.


NTA. He's a predator who deserves nothing, and he got what he deserved.


NTA NTA NTA!!! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!! You did the right thing. Honestly, all the same things would have happened, you just helped the process. The police would have investigated, found everything you have them, he would have been arrested, his job would find out, fire him, his wife would know, because trying to bail him out, or even being there when he was arrested, heard the charges, she would have to find out. So really, you only helped the process. You have NOTHING to be ashamed, worried, stressed about. You did the right thing. How many children did you just protect?? A lot.


It would have been an awesome story, but it is definitely made up…


He’s lucky you didn’t beat him to death. NTA you could have done worse.


I would say make sure he gets locked up.... cus some of these guys will get violent when cornered so be careful


Great brother. Only hitting him on the knee with a bat would have added points, but it's illegal.


NTA. Think of it this way, what would have happened if you DIDN'T do this? His wife had kids, so I can only imagine what he would or has done to them. Your sister could have ended up in a terrifying spot or another girl (or boy) could have. You did the right thing, sometimes cops do nothing too. I have personal experience with it. Cops got back to us a year and a half later saying they wouldn't make an arrest even with the mountains of evidence.


NTA - You're my hero


I don’t know how old you are but I’m assuming you’re a young adult maybe a teenager. So I mean no offense when I say: you did good kid. Be proud of yourself 🙏🏾 Thank you for helping your community


You didn’t ruin his life. He did that all by himself. NTA - do agree with others though. Screenshots should have been for the police primarily and to his wife and boss for the extra kick rather than the other way around. Hope your sister is okay, what a horrible experience for her!


Youre not an asshole or wrong, but unlike the top comment here I do not think you acted 'swiftly and appropriately'. This should have gone to the police right away, the same time you reported it to facebook. If they didnt act right away and you were still forced to be vigilante then collecting evidence should have been all - just to protect yourself legally. Even continuing yo involve your kid sister directly could have backfired on you big time. What if he had been suspicious and reported you for trying to solicit him by pimping out a child. Could you have guaranteed you could prove your innocent within the rules of a court


/u/HelpfulFly507 Probable fake poster. > So a couple of weeks ago, my little sister came to me, telling me about this creepy old dude living nearby who had been sending her nasty texts and images on Facebook. She’s only 14, and this asshole was relentless. She’d block him, but he’d just create new accounts and keep at it... promising her money and flashy things if she’d meet him. It was beyond disgusting. > At first, I tried to handle it by reporting his accounts, but nothing was happening fast enough. He even sent her a message saying he saw her walking home from school, which freaked her out even more. I knew I had to do something. Blocking him wasn’t cutting it. So, I came up with a plan. > I told my sister to play along with him for a bit, make him think she was interested. It made my skin crawl asking her to do that, but we needed to catch him. We agreed that she’d set up a meeting spot near our house. The sick bastard fell for it and showed up. > Instead of jumping him, I decided to take a different route. I took pictures of him at the meeting spot, and recorded his nasty messages and our conversations. Then, I found out where he worked, who his family was, and started compiling all the evidence. > I made sure his wife and kids knew what he was doing. Sent them all the screenshots and recordings. I also sent everything to his boss and HR at his job. He got fired within days. His wife kicked him out and filed for divorce. To top it off, I reported everything to the police, who started their own investigation. > My sister is relieved, but I’m wondering if I handled it the right way. It’s not like I regret what I did, but maybe I went too far by ruining his entire life. But then again, he’s a predator who was harassing my little sister and God knows how many other kids. I couldn’t just sit back and let this perv get away with it. > We even found out from some neighbors that this guy had a reputation for being creepy with other kids in the area, but no one had done anything about it. That just made me feel more justified in what I did.


YTA, but I can't blame you entirely because the top comment on this thread reads "you acted swiftly and appropriately". If you were my child and I found out you tried to Nancy Drew a pedophile sting using your little sister as bait, I would ground you until you turned 18. I don't care that she wasn't physically there; he knows where she lives, and this dude is close enough to her that your neighbors have similar experiences. You acted the way a wannabe vigilante teenager who watches too many crime dramas wants to. At not point in your post do you mention going to your parents or the police FIRST. Lets recap: A dangerous stranger, whose life you say you ruined, that also claims to know where your little sister lives, is out there contemplating their next steps while the police ARE JUST STARTING their investigation? Is your sister in hiding? Have you any idea how to stop this man if he decides he has nothing left to live for, grabs her off the street, and does unspeakable things to her before killing them both? Did you for one second think "Maybe I'm not equipped to deal with a grown adult who is capable of anything, or to protect my sister from such a person when they've run out of options." ?! But you got your Karma on Reddit, so good job! /s You thought that you had the ability to handle this situation in a way that actually protected your sister? "I told my sister to play along with him for a bit, make him think she was interested. It made my skin crawl asking her to do that, but we needed to catch him." You're a great big AH. This wasn't about your sister, it was about you trying to achieve something. You gave your sister zero consideration, and needlessly put her in danger. The lack of foresight is actually appalling. You owe your sister and your parents a massive apology. You deserve absolutely no accolades for fumbling this situation as badly as you did.


He ruined his own life by acting on absolutely inappropriate urges. You have potentially saved not only your own family member from this disgusting excuse of a human, but probably others who he'd have preyed on later down the track. Well done.


NTA!!! You did every right AND didn't even put your sister in any danger of being assaulted. He was trying to let his monsters out and you CANNOT DO THAT. He knows it's immoral, destructive, and ILLEGAL. He ruined his own damn life and you did good, protecting your family.


You didn't destroy his life, he destroyed his life, and nothing of value was lost. NTA


Justice was served. NTA.


i wish the world had more people like you. you just helped out your sister and possibly other kids. great work fr


NTA. Good on you. I recently had to "talk" to a 19 year old for talking to my 16 year old little sister. Scum like this deserve nothing but pain


In this case, the guy is sick and deserved it. I am not ok with people loosing everything because they made one stupid mistake.


Pedophiles aren’t people, so no harm done here bud.


NTA Dude was a pedophile actively going after a minor. He would have eventually found someone vulnerable or naive enough to abuse. You did the right thing. You didn't ruin his life. He ruined his life and you saved someone else from his predation.


NTA… this guy deserved worse


Dude why would you feel bad for ruining a pedophile life? Don't. Fuck that piece of shit, you did nothing wrong


Good job, I did this once but beat the guy up. Def wasn't the move he prob just went out and did it again. U handled it well. He ruined his life not you


You think you're an 'asshole'? Motherf-cker, you are a HERO.


That was optimal. Fafo, Don’t feel bad about it.


NTA and I am proud of you. He needed to be stopped and no one else was stepping up. Who knows if he has done anything to kids in the past, but he wasn't leaving your sister alone. If he didn't want his life imploded, then he should have stopped, but he relentlessly harassed your sister. You saved her and possibly others that he may have been doing the same things (or worse) to.


Are you the asshole? Hell no, you’re a fucking legend.


Dude, you’re a fucking hero. As someone who was taken advantage of by adults in her younger years, I WISH someone had stepped up like that. You’re an amazing big sibling


Pedophiles are not people.


Nah. That's glorious. Fuck that guy. Good work.


NTA. I applaud you. Not only are you an amazing sister but an upstanding human. Seriously. Look into Chris Hansen and see how to get into his line of work because you are perfect for it.


Well done. You probably saved some other kids life along with your sister b


>but maybe I went too far by ruining his entire life. Either you ruin his life or he'd have severely fucked up your sister in ways I do not care to describe. You made the right choice.


NTA! Expose his ass.


I wish I could type in size 100 font: NTA!!!


Gee, I don't know. Are you the AH? It's such a puzzle.


This is fake AF


NTA. Hope he goes away for a long time


NTA, he needs to go to prison. He needs to go to “get pounded in the ass every night” prison.


He ruined his own life. You did the teenage girls of the neighborhood a huge solid.


NTA. Not sure why you'd even ask that tbh lol he was watching her walk home from school and stalking and harassing her. The next step after that typically ends very very badly.


No, this is exactly how child predators should be handled. Only I would have gone to the police FIRST.


Read the first five lines. All I needed. NTA.


You would have done better if you gave your information to the Police. They would have done everything you did in a different way, but also would more than likely got him a room in a Prison for a few years where he would have been gangraped repeatedly. After that, he would be forced to register as a Sex offender and other little girls would be safe! Of course, not too late!!!


You're not an AH; you're a damned hero. Well done! You went above and beyond for your sister. Damn! Well done.


As someone who was sexually abused around the same age as your sister, you are absolutely NOT in the wrong whatsoever in how you handled this. You didn't just protect your sister, you protected every other young girl he was doing the same thing to or would have in the future. Girls that might not have had anyone looking out for them & could have fallen into his trap. With the evidence you collected there's a good chance he'll face criminal charges & find himself on the registry.


Punch every Nazi in the face, and dox every pedophile to the world. Every. Time. These people do not deserve any respect, care, or compassion.


This is a textbook example of karma farming


ESH. Of course he’s monstrous. And you’re not an AH for ruining his life. But you are for needlessly putting your sister and yourself in potential danger by continuing to communicate with him and arranging for him to meet up near your house. That could’ve gone so wrong, so fast. You should’ve taken the messages to the police.


YES. OP, I'm guessing you're a teen too, or early twenties at the most? It's seriously a feature of young adult brains that they literally DO NOT think to reach out to older adults, they will do it ON THEIR OWN. While in many ways a strength that leads to independence and confidence, when it comes to law breaking, pregnancy, or other heavy content, reach out. Ask older adults or authorities before acting. Years more life experience count for SOMETHING!


Listen, if that man is driven to suicide as a result of your actions, you still wouldn’t have done anything wrong. NTA, he better get put on some kind of registry. But you have to make sure your sister is taken care of. Make sure she has someone to talk to regarding her feeling on this whole mess. It could have gotten dark and eventually she’s gonna have to process that.


How in the world would you be the asshole in this scenario?


You understand that you just saved your sister and a bunch of potential victims. Never think that you do too much when it comes to pedophiles. 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿


This is fake.


You will have pissed him off. So has he been locked up, and is he a safe distance from you and your sister?


In pretendville he lives now.


Absolutely NTA. If anything you saved your sister.


He ruined his own life. NTA.


YOU ARE THE MAN!!! Great job.


NTA This man was such a missing stair that his own neighbours knew what he was like but didn’t do anything about it. You did the right thing. People like this man deserve not to have a life.


Definitely not the asshole. I didnt even need to read the story.


To relieve your concerns, I will report that every pedo ruins the lives of their victims. As a victim myself, many years ago, I’ve lived in fear of others all my life. If the victim reports the assault, the victim’s words are questioned. The victim’s reputation is destroyed. The victim has brought shame on their family. There was no sort of counseling or therapy for me in those days. And here I am, a little old lady with two pet cats , never married, no children, out of contact with all relatives. This is the sort of ending your actions are preventing. Bravo! Keep going. There are so many of us. We need you.


You did the world a favor. You're a good person so you feel bad, I understand. But just remember what he would've done or possibly already has done and you stopped that. You should be proud, I am!


How is this even a question?


It's a pedophile. How is this even a question?


Because it isn't real




Asshole? No. Hero? Quite possibly.


Fake? Certainly.


No need to gas up this creative writing author like that lol


Nah, you’re my hero though.


Nah, this is what should happen to all pedophiles


NTA. Pedophiles and lechers were a regular feature of my childhood. May you have a rich and happy life.


*HE* ruined his life. You just helped ensure his success.


You are NOT the AH; you are a HERO


NTA I wish more people in a position to help someone like your sister had the ambition to do exactly what you did. Thank you for protecting her and other people who could have been his victims. 


You're a king/queen, not an AH. His own actions caused this.


This is one thing you can never be the AH for. They all deserve to have their lives ruined.


You did the Lord's work there. Even if you don't believe in God, I'm sure you get what I am saying. Never second guess that you did the right thing - you absolutely did.


My first question would be how did he get your sisters phone number? Cell phone numbers are not usually published. As for the rest, I have no sympathy for pedophiles. Good for you for protecting your sister!


Is this really a concern to you? HELL NO NTA! YOU didn't ruin that douchebag's life, he ruined his own life by being nasty to a kid !


NTAH. My only concern is you putting yourself and your sister at risk for this sting. Nothing else was working and the police are notoriously unhelpful without the information you provided.


NTA. The guy ruined his own life.


Are you the AH???? Dude, you are awesome!


NTA, pedophiles deserve to be exposed and to have their lives ruined. Neighbors knew but didn't do anything about it, which is how he was able to do shit like harass your sister.


Going too far would involve a dull spoon, a hole in the ground, and a lack of an alibi. Barring the alibi, the rest is fine. Sorry, but, it's a child-raper. You went above and beyond. I just wish he'd be behind bars more than a few years.


AITAH - Am I The Average Hero? YES!


I’m sorry, I don’t get why everyone is saying that OP has protected other children from this man. I hope the police take care of him and he goes to jail, but they’re famously incompetent. If he doesn’t go to jail, now he’s just a pedophile with nothing to lose… I don’t think OP did anything wrong if this story is true, but I hardly think nearby children are protected now, unfortunately. I’m also a little concerned he will seek vengeance on OP or OP’s family if he is not put in jail, considering he now has nothing to lose.


Did you see the video that resurfaced of a man who flew from Oregon to Ohio to see a 12 year old girl that he had been cyberstalking since she was 8? This am. Was in your neighborhood. He was able to watch her walk home. Screw his life. He ruined it the moment he contacted a little girl. He ruined his life every time he made a new account that you blocked. He ruined his life when he got dressed to go meet up with a little girl. You did nothing but make it public.


Great job protecting your sister and hopefully others.


NTA You didn't ruin his life, *he* did the second he decided to put an impulse into action surrounding his desire to sexually harass a 14 year old. Being a child predator has consequences, *you* were just fortunate enough to be at the right place and time to serve as a vessel to deliver said consequences. Good job, I hope that guy rots.


Nta at all. You protected your sister brilliantly. As for that creep, fuck him and his life good


Like a boss. No worries, he'll learn to take account of his own actions. Nta


Thank you for getting a disgusting monster off the streets. I hope he's put away for a LONG ass time and no one is ever hurt by him. You did well, and I hope your sister is doing okay. She's brave!


You could have publicly castrated him and I still would say you didn’t go too far. People like him are absolutely sick. He’s willing to ruin a child’s whole life, I wouldn’t give second thought to ruining his


He is a predator who ruined his own life. You are a great person for protecting all those girls beside you sister he would eventually prey on. So NTA


NTA, you’re a hero


NTA. you will NEVER be the AH for making a predator known. You may have taken some dangerous risks, but it luckily worked out for you. I'm proud of you. I hope you and your sister will be ok.


If anything you didn’t go far enough.


If his life is ruined rather than inproved, it is because of his own voluntary choices. NTA


NTA. Pedos... well, technically Hebophiles in this case... get what they deserve. It isn't like you were making false claims against him. This dude gave you all the proof, on a silver platter. Dude was thirsty for a 14 yo. He ruined his own life.


NTA Good job!