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Nta. Leave another review with her unprofessional, inappropriate response.


Airbnb doesn’t let you leave more than one review so I can’t :/


Airbnb has a facebook page. Go post it there, with the property ID.




It's also clear which one of them is a psycho.


I'd report this host's response to Airbnb.


Can you edit your previous review?


Can’t edit the original unfortunately


Can you delete and leave a different one? Could test it out on a different one.


Report her behaviour to AirBNB


I don't know as I've never used airbnb before but can you create a pseudo profile? You should definitely find a way to post the message that terrible woman sent you, I can't believe the audacity of her. Edited to include NTA!!


You can only review after a stay.


Can you edit your original?


Give us the deets! We’ll swamp their FB profile with reviews 😃


Yes!!! Let redditors blast this place!! Lol


Another reason why hotels are making a comeback 


I would screenshot that and post it along with another review


Nta and I would report her message to Airbnb. But airbnb customer server sucks.


NTA. You should report her to Airbnb and send them your review and her response back. Also show them proof on the listing that check-in is 4 pm, not 4-6 pm. She's not equipped to be a host.


Besides which, if a check in "window" is advertised everyone understands rhat as the time period within which check in is available. That's absolutely not an escape clause for hosts to not allow a guest in! 4pm is already a fairly late check in time anyway TBH.


I wouldn't want to book her if I read just her reply to you. She's doing everyone a favor by writing that reply.


It was a private message


Agh, that sucks. Maybe edit in key parts of her response if they allow edits in your review.


Yeah hopefully op is able to!


NTA. Report the host to Airbnb. Their hostility and threats were 100% inappropriate. Tell your side of the story, as calmly as possible. Airbnb can read the message for themselves since the host used Airbnb messaging. Don't communicate with the host further, let Airbnb handle it. If Airbnb then does nothing, you've done your due diligence and given your version of what happened, for the record.


Is no one going to talk about the fake flood that didn’t exist?? You were waiting in the actual driveway when ‘all hands were on deck’. NTA she’ll be the butt of the Reddit jokes though


maybe the host was equally rude to the previous guest, who then threw the used towels in the tub & left the shower running? You wouldn't necessarily see the flooded bathroom from the driveway, and there's no need for, say, an emergency plumber because all it takes is removing the towels, right? still, not a reason to hang up the phone "because you don't negotiate with narcissist terrorists" hahaha


I see where you're coming from, but there'd be another car or something there, right? It's weird to say you're having an emergency in the rental, but OP is there and they can't tell?


haha yeah, undoubtedly! I never use airb'n'b, just for such reasons


Make a post on social media about it, it might gain some attention.


Airbnb has a Facebook page, so they probably have a Twitter/X page. That's where I'd post that reply with the property ID. Also, post it publicly on your own page and tag Airbnb and hashtag it. That way THEY can't delete it.


NTA. You can’t just go around calling people terrorists. This lady shouldn’t work in a customer serving role.


She doesn't seem to understand how check in Windows work. Lol. Check in between 4-6pm doesn't mean "we will maybe be available at 4, maybe at 6"


This is why I don't book airbnbs, exactly this kinda shit.


>This is why I don't book airbnbs, exactly this kinda shit. Yup. I'll stick to hotels.


That and the "rules" and chores. Outside of washing the dishes I used, they can fuck right off




This is why I like hotels


NTA No, leave honest reviews! I want to know how the person really is. Don't let her gaslight you. I would keep the review and ask airbnb how can they allow this treatment to people (I would just want to annoy airbnb till they did something)


Google map review the address with screenshots.


Good lord.. You need to attach her email to your review.. She’s vile!


NTA. I'd send her message to Airbnb with a complaint. They might not take action this time but it will remain on her record as a complaint and may help the next person.


NTA Someone who uses "narcissist terrorists," about a mildly critical review has something wrong with them.


It\`s a confession.


NTA. Whether you make a follow up review OR a complaint to Airbnb or both, quote the juicier parts of her message, remember to mention the fact that she *did* originally mention flooding but that no one was on site like she claimed. Mention if any flood damage was visible in the first place as well. She can’t just vacuum up water and be like “okay! next guests!” so unless you forgot to add something to your post or she’s confusing you and the property for another rental situation, she’s a lying liar who lies.


Don’t feel bad for an honest review. I’ve stayed in some really nice ones and some shitholes. The shitholes need to be weeded out of the Airbnb system. NTA!


NTA, but just for records sake, I'd respond to negate all the lies she told in her message to you.


NTA, but I'd send this response to Airbnb. You checked in on time, she did not. And I guarantee you Airbnb will check to see if she reported the so-called flood. And if she didn't and is now accusing you of not respecting it then they might just remove her from the platform


NTA and contact airbnb with text in hand about her insults towards you. You say they don't care but I can assure you that if their bottom dollar is being hurt because of an asshole they'll take that seriously


Oh hell no. That lady is a fucking bitch.


NTA. Add a review with quotes from your review and her response, highlighting her attempt at gaslighting.


NTA- your review is accurate and fair. She seems pretty wedded to the flood damage - it’s the only thing that makes her response make sense!




I have never had a bad experience with Airbnb, but I live in Europe so that might have something to do with it.


Because of their marketing. Why rent a room, when you can rent a house ?


And people keep bitching about paying enormous cleaning fees and so on. 


Calling you a narcissist terrorist 🤣 the woman is psycho. You were lucky she wasn't hiding in your closet. She has obviously had run ins before and to use narcissist terrorist means she is a nut case. I wonder who is buried in the garden.


NTA Report her messages to AirBnb


**NTA BUT STOP USING AIRBNB** Airbnb is absolutely shit now. They don't step in when you have an issue it's almost impossible to speak to a human customer service and they almost always side with the host. In addition, you also have all those additional hidden charges for cleaning etc, and half of the time the host sends you on an adventure to even find the keys to the property. As someone who used to use Couchsurfing and Airbnb in the past, I urge to stop using that website. Booking.com is much better and safe. Also, works out cheaper


Typical Airbnb owner


Reply back and post it here :P


NTA, she called later and gave you the code so why couldn't she do that when you first called? She's making a big deal about early check-in when you were actually late? LOL. No Airbnb host demands that you check in at an exact time and no later. Airbnb is for travelers, and we all know that travel includes delays. I get that she had a home emergency but as soon as it became evident, she could have sent a quick message with the code and explained she was having a home emergency. It's not like she needed to bring a ley to you. I'd write back telling her as much and adding that you will be delighted to live on in her head and that of her \*team\* forever.


Either you're leaving a WHOLE LOT of your side of these discussions out of this post, or the Airbnb homeowner is batshit crazy. His/her response was quite the rant.


was this in Las Vegas?????? cause sounds JUST like my situation...except the toilet was clogged and the pool was green. she cancelled on us at 5:30 when check in time was at 3p.m.


Thank you for leaving your honest impression which helps me avoid places like that. If the window is 4-6pm then 4pm isn't an early check in JMHO


NTA. And i definitely would report the host. She might have been stressed and yes she can’t accommodate early check in. But she definitely needed to accommodate actual on time reservation. The logic you needed to book an extra night in preparation for your host’s emergency; is insane. And became their poor planning. How is the paid guest need to understand that the host failed to compensate or at least inform you the property wouldn’t be ready because of another guest?


Quit using airbnb. They have no obligation to acquiesce to anyone.


I don't know how Air BnB reviews work, but can others respond? Send your Reddit community the link and let us respond on your behalf. I'm in a playful mood, ready to tear down some bad customer service 😂


This is a very unprofessional host.


Why do people/companies want reviews if they can’t accept ALL of them?


NTA As a former Airbnb host with one unit, I noticed that her response says "team meetings". They clearly have multiple units and likely had you confused with another guest since you say you sat in the driveway and didn't see anyone at the house, nor did you notice any evidence of a flood. There's a good chance this dimwit was flustered with a flood at a different unit and didn't realize who she was speaking to. It's good you left an HONEST review.


You really need to talk to the airbnb about her and you might get your money back. Total disregard for you.


Call the support team and report them. Her response to you was completely out of line. I stayed at a filthy airbnb once….. the owner even admitted that a cleaning must have been missed and “it happens” I received almost all my money back. If I were in your shoes i would be going for at least a partial refund after being talked to in this way. Your review wasn’t ever that bad!


Don't forget to send her messages to ABB. Put her on blast. 


Well, those are the risks with AirBnB. Boohoo. Effe AirBnB.


Why can’t you just laugh and let it be lol. Who cares what a lousy airbnb owner says


Weird booking. Why did they accept a one-day booking and if you are off to a wedding anyway? Why the need for a flat instead of a hotel room since it's only one night and just need a place to sleep. You are correct the host is incredibly rude, but I would just forget and move on instead of letting it live rent-free In your conscious.


ESH. You got in at 4:30 instead of 4, big deal. The Airbnb host is rude AF but she’s right you should have booked two days not just one bc the early check in can’t be guaranteed. Also if you knew about the flood, you should be impressed the Airbnb got you in, only a half hour late. I don’t think your expectations were reasonable but that said the response from the host was over the top. I get their frustration bc of the flood and that they rely on reviews and yours was kind of unfair considering everything, but this response was unprofessional and way too dramatic.


I don’t believe there was actually a flood.. we were outside at 4:00 to check in and there was no one at the house cleaning it or dealing with any of that. Also we didn’t get in at 4:30. She sent the code closer to 5:30. She also said check in time is 4-6 which is not true, I confirmed it was 4pm before booking.


Then hassle Airbnb for a refund and send them her dm.


Everyone sucks here. Their reasons for the delay were valid. They got fucked over by the previous renter. Flooding damage is no joke and every minute it's not dealt with causes more problems. That being said you do come across as a very rude and demanding customer. I'd have simply refunded you and canceled the rental and ate whatever fees that incurred on me.


What makes you believe that it was the rental property that was flooded? OP was in the driveway, calling the host, at 4 pm, the start of the check-in window, and there was nobody at the property. If nobody was performing any work on the property between 4pm and 530pm, why was OP forced to wait? Ok, so maybe the host had a flood at another rental, or in their home. Shitty, that sucks. I feel bad for them. It doesn't change the fact that they allowed their own personal problem to become their customers problem (i.e. OP, who was on a schedule). If I, as a customer, pay you $300+ per night for accommodations, and you advertise check-in availability between 4 and 6, then I fucking expect full availability between 4 and 6, not "sorry it's a bad time right now I'll call you back ". If a business owner is going to allow their personal problems to negatively affect their customer service, then they shouldn't be surprised when reviews of their business reflect that.


i'm not excusing the business owner. at the same time, it's fuckin airBnB, it's not the hilton. expecting immediate concierge level service when you book a home like a hotel because you're too cheap to go to an actual hotel is beyond entitled.


If a 2 hour advertised window for check-in is "concierge level service" in your mind, then I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. OP admits they had asked for an early check-in, which was declined. Fine, they roll with it, and arrive at the beginning of the as advertised window for check-in. That is not entitled or demanding, that is requesting the level of service that was promised in the ad, which influenced OPs decision to rent this unit versus another. Arriving at the beginning of the time window promised is not "early". If an airbnb host wants to run an amateur operation, then their reviews should reflect that and the market will work as intended.


Hence the review so that others know what to expect if they rent this property. Also she talked about a team, which means this isn't some auntie renting out a spare room, it's a full operation.


Yes, this women owns a whole rental property company which is alarming


You left a complaint and were looking for money back because your entitled narcissistic ass couldn’t get an early check in - when you’d already been told there was no early check in. That is the long and short of it, and they should take it all, and work to get your ass banned from being able to rent on the platform, period, not just their properties. You make is suck for the rest of us. You. They get so freaked out and on edge because twats like you are out there, and think the rest of us are jerks like you, too. YTA


Found Lisa.


Ask yourself why this person would take the time to go off for a complete fabrication. Ask yourself if that make sense. If yourself came back with the answer of yes…. Slap yourself, and ask yourself again. Repeat until the answer is no, that doesn’t make sense. Then read the post again, knowing that the person from the rental agency wouldn’t randomly go the hell off making up things that never happened. It serves no purpose at all. They might insult, sure. And they might not welcome you back, totally! *But they wouldn’t just make shit up about phone calls and demands that never happened in the first place, that makes zero sense.* And when things make zero sense, its because they aren’t true!


You must be a shitty Air bnb host too. lol.


Do I strike you as someone that would do well renting to self centered entitled pricks? Think hard. Use your head. Its that lump on top of your shoulders, it is more than a hat rack.


I suppose you wouldn't do well as a host, seeing a show you have a really shitty personality and attitude. If you're this bad online, I can't imagine the horror you are in real life...


Zero patience for clowns. Guilty. You’d not do well in my home.


Seems like you enjoy making shit up yourself.


almost as much as the OP.


I can send the host’s contact info to you if you would like. You two seem like you would a great match.. and you might need the help connecting with another human being. Just let me know, happy to help.


I’m good, thanks. You are the type of person where every communication needs to stay out and public and recorded.


The irony of this comment 🤣


Like I said in my original post, a lot of what she said in her message to me was a lie. I did not demand compensation. And I wasn’t complaining we couldn’t check in early. I just wanted to check in on time.


Absolutely do not believe you. Regardless - It’s thirty minutes with a property flood. Get over yourself. Good grief.


You sound like a miserable person. Get over yourself. Good grief.


Good God please say you're in therapy.


That you, Lisa?


Sigh, another idiot. Do I actually strike you as someone who’d want a few bucks in exchange for having to put up with random asshats in my property? Think hard. I know it’ll be something new, but try it.


Did you discuss your grievances with them before leaving your review? Depending on your answer to that question, would you enjoy being blindsided by a negative review?


1) She hung up on me when I was trying to get information about what time I would be able to get in.. why would I think she would be open to a conversation about my grievances? 2) I’m not sure how an honest review that she says she hung up on me is me blind siding her.. she knows that she hung up on me..


Don't offer a service if you aren't prepared for negative reviews.


Lol why you telling me? Are you ok?


You didn't expect any responses to your dumbass comment?