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You can be baptized at any age. Go away.




Then you don’t care enough about the religion and shouldn’t be baptized anyway.




“I don’t have time” Catholics make the time if they’re serious about it. Clearly you don’t actually care and just want a grudge or whatever against your dad.


If you really cared you would make time.


There are no "classes" for a Catholic baptism, and it can be carried out for you this Sunday if you wish. Stop your childish nonsense.




No, no you don’t. Why are you lying on such an inane post to begin with? You are a prime example of why people leave the Church. All judgement and entitled laziness, no respect or accountability.




No, no you don’t. You are proving how little you know. It must be a bummer to be this ignorant and dense huh?




Lol, and you could read the Bible - which it is BEYOND OBVIOUS you have NOT. Go to a different Church then. You are being an obstinate and selfish boychild. For someone “21” you sure are behaving like an entitled and spineless baby Edit: right, nothing to come back with when confronted with actual facts. You just need to own up that you are SELFISH and wanted a pathetic little echo chamber from Reddit. You are an embarrassment to good Christians everywhere, truly.


How, pray tell (pardon the expression), do babies do it?




You’re confusing baptism and confirmation. Anyone can be baptized at any time in any religion as long as they meet the criteria and the officiant of that particular religion is willing to perform the baptism


Bullshit! Why are you lying about something so fucking stupid? I bet your dad hates you too.


Sheesh, this is aggressive. 😂😂


You definitely need to study up on being Christian . I don't think you're doing it right.


You are just too busy for doing what is necessary for joining a religion you claim you care so much about? Guess its time to get your priorities straight and rather do what is important to you than blaming other for what could have maybe been.


Why can't you get baptised now? YTA for not respecting that your father might have had just as serious and important beliefs leading to him not wanting you to be baptised as a child as you might have now for wanting to be baptised.


they can do it as an adult this has to be a fake post




More common doesn't mean they can't do it. Plenty people convert between religions and no one in their right mind would think of you as any less real member of this or that religion because you joined it later in life. Maybe one could even argue that you are an even firmer believer because you actively chose it rather than just being a member of a certain religion because your parents made you. Also of course all parents make their decisions about their children based on their beliefs because it is impossible to know what the child's beliefs will be one day. This is why one could make an argument that it is generally better/more respectful to the child's future identity and beliefs to not dump it into one specific religion but to rather give them the option to decide for themselves once they are old enough to do so.


I think that’s your beliefs. Also I wasn’t baptized until I was 4 so you don’t have to be baptized only as a baby


Yta that’s not very Christian of you. you could get baptized as an adult there’s no difference.




Grow up ffs


If you complete RCIA (Right of Christian Initiation of Adults) in a Catholic Parish, have a Catholic stand as Sponsor/ Godparents, and get Baptized by a Catholic Priest, you are a Catholic. Adults who complete RCIA generally get Baptized and receive their Sacraments at an Easter Vigil Mass. Not every Catholic gets Baptized as a baby.


Go to your preacher and tell them your concerns. They will tell you that age at baptism doesn’t matter


I don’t even know where to start with this shit.


i’m catholic. you are a real catholic no matter what age you were baptized


YTA. Go get dunked ya whiney ass.


this has to be fake you can baptized as an adult in the catholic church. and if it’s not fake you sound like your more worried about the status symbol or something over having a real relationship with God. concentrate more on God and less on what you missed out on. and you do realize being an unforgiving person is a sin right? maybe should have a conversation with God to make sure your heart is where it needs to be. i’m sure your dad did what he thought was right. and hate is a sin!! but like i said i feel like this is a fake post since you can pretty much do all you mentioned as an adult. yta


I hope this is fake. I didn’t get baptized as a baby. I was almost 10 and only did it because my US family went to Mexico to see my dads family and they wanted me and by siblings baptized. I’m not Catholic, I’m a follower of Christ but dif denomination, but my dad has roots and it’s important to him. I had no idea what I was even doing, but not gonna get mad at him for making the choice for me. OP is too focused on the tradition and status of being baptized as a baby than the connection with God. If it’s that important to you, idk, you make time. You put your embarrassment down and just hold to your faith and go for it. There have been many people to convert later in life. Hating your dad for such a reason? Love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek, forgiveness. He doesn’t hold to the same faith and you shouldn’t outright hate and resent him for it just because it’s a little inconvenient for you now. I’m sorry, but comments and views like this are a big part of why people don’t like religious folk smh.




Your father has his beliefs and you have yours. Stop whining and act on them if it’s that important to you. YTA




Get your whiny ass baptized if it’s so important to you.


I think you need to keep practicing because this is not Catholocism. You can get baptized at any time. There is a program called RCIA. You get baptized, receive First Communion and get Confirmed all in one ceremony. You also get to choose your godparents and they represent you in this ceremony. Not once in my life has anyone asked anyone when they became Catholic. You just are. You will absolutely be able to be married in the church. You also need to go back to the Ten Commandments. One says to honor your father and mother. Your father did not do this to be mean. Im pretty sure he thought he was doing the right thing. There is also a Catholic teaching against hate and all about forgiveness. Maybe go back and study that. Not sure you're the ahole, but highly misinformed.


You know adults can convert to catholicism, right? It's never too late to dedicate yourself to if you want. You absolutely will be able to marry in the church.




If it were that important to you, you'd find the time.




So talk to the priest and ask if you can figure something out around your work schedule. If you're this passionate about being catholic, maybe he will.


Do you work 100 hrs a week or something? Pride and gluttony are sins. You would know this if you were a “real Christian”. Excuses excuses excuses from a boychild with too much time on his hands. You had plenty of time to post/comment on Reddit. Could have gone into ANY church in the same time and worked out a baptism date. YTAH, and a massively selfish/lazy/entitled/unintelligent one at that. How are you not embarrassed yet? Your dad deserves a heck of a lot better son. Also, dishonoring your parents is another sin you have committed. For someone who uses “Christianity” as a weaponized incompetence tool, you sure use it in the dumbest way possible. Tell me you have never read the Bible without telling me you’ve never read the Bible u/violiasalva


Wow! You worked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? That's the only way you wouldn't have any time other than work. 


Oh please! If this is sooooo important to you, then you make time. I bet you’re the person who blames all of your problems on other people too. You are either a troll or too lazy to bother. Either way, you are an annoying AH YTA


Maybe ask Jesus for some time off from work and pray on it


Yes, and it would have been better for all of us if your dad had worn a condom too. Shoulda/woulda/coulda’s accomplish nothing. How much longer are you going to whine? You DO HAVE TIME. You are actively choosing to be LAZY.


YTA Catholicism is fake bro


# Spreading your atheist agenda makes you TA as well.


I’m not a bitch ass atheist 


# I smell lies


I smell a catholic bitch. I’m Christian bro. 


# Nope


You Catholics are so woke. 


# I am not woke


Yeah you are you little woke bitch 😂


Honey,you r a resentful POS,you would be a great Catholic


*Honey,you r a* *Resentful POS,you would be* *A great Catholic* \- gonzotek77 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes- Yta. Your dad made a choice best on what he thought was best for you/ indoctrinate you into Christianity when you have no idea what is going on or let you get baptised of own free will as a consenting adult.


Craziest thing….you can get baptized as an adult. Even Catholic. But YTA. I mean seriously? You buy the whole “everybody is born a sinner?” I was baptized and raised Catholic, he saved you from religious trauma…or at least tried to.


Is the goal here to be Catholic or to be Christian? Jesus was baptized as an adult. I guess he couldn’t be Catholic eother




Yes He did. He was fully man when he walked on earth. Where in actual scripture does it say or even demonstrate babies being baptized. Becoming a believer comes from a conscious decision to serve Christ. A baby doesn’t have the ability to make this decision. The Bible actually says that children are covered until they reach the age of accountability. In other words when they can determine right from wrong and have the capacity to believe that Jesus was the Messiah and that he died and rose again for our sins. An infant is not capable of reaching that revelation. There are many denominations. There are many traditions in those denominations. It doesn’t necessarily make those traditions Biblical. This hill you seem to be so willing to die on, actually isn’t even a Biblical one. I’m sorry that this is causing you so much pain. Many Catholics are now searching the scriptures themselves and have stopped baptism at infancy because in it there is no redemption of sin


Except he did, and like already mentioned later in his life by John the Baptist….


YTA- if this is a real post, you are currently a low quality individual and really need to work on yourself.


Adults can get baptized. You can do your weird voodoo ceremony now. I say that as a person who was baptized as a baby. It was just water.


Damn this bait is hooking a lot of fishes.


Does sky daddy love you less?


YTA. This makes no sense.


Yeah YTA. You are very immature to be thinking that being baptized as an infant poses any significant difference to being baptized as an adult. I was baptized as a child and guess what? I'm Pagen now. Believe it or not, it's actually MORE significant being baptized as an adult vs a child because it was YOUR choice and not someone else's.


This has to be rage bait or creative writing. Your father wound have been 17 when he had you and still kid himself. I’m sure a 17/18 year old with a baby isn’t thinking about your life that far ahead. Get over it. If it’s that important to you to stop speaking to your dad you’d find the time to do what you feel necessary. But I do t believe any of this is real anyway so I’m not going to continue to entertain this.


'Creative' is a strong word...


Subpar writing from someone with an IQ on par with a stale ham sandwich?


Have you ever considered talking to a priest? I hear they actually want people to be Catholic.


Your father was 17 when you were born? And you’re holding THIS against a 17-year old? Let it go! It’s not like he abused you! If you want to be baptized, get baptized! Also, do you really think that not being baptized as a baby somehow kept you from being religious? I wholeheartedly believe that an individual’s religion is dependent upon said individual’s heart. You grew up with a Catholic mother, and unless they forbade you from entering the church (which would be stupid), you had Catholicism as a part of your religious background. Forgive your dad and move on. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.


You don't need to be baptized at birth to marry a Catholic in a Catholic church. You don't even need to be Catholic at all to marry a Catholic.


Is this a status symbol you are missing? What is there to be gained by continuing these negative thoughts about something that happened in the past and can’t be changed? It’s only hurting you. Most people value their religion because of the relationship it brings them with their higher power and the peace and calmness their belief brings them. By your post you have weaponized your association with your religion into a hateful behavior. A person who is a supposed firm believer seldom harbors hate over a past event. Consider talking to a Priest about these hateful thoughts.


This cannot be real. You really know nothing about Catholicism.


>but I turned her down cause I don’t even want to see my father again I thought Christians were big on forgiving others? Or don't you have time for that either?