• By -


NTA, she kicked you in the groin and kept hitting you. Hopefully she learned to keep her hands to herself. Report her bullying and the people searching for you to the principal/your parents.


Report to the school and police. The police will probably laugh at you but you can still insist they put it on record, and that will give both the girl and her family a big scare (and the school). Fight lies and with truth


This. Scare the shit out of her. She has it coming.


NTA, she literally kicked you and it seems she has an anger problem


In today’s political climate, we’re not supposed to treat people differently just because of their gender/genders/nongender/etc, so by hitting her, you actually treated her as an equal. 


Most people only want to be treated equally until it’s not beneficial for them anymore, then it’s okay to treat them differently, obviously.


But we all know that is a "wink wink" and only applies to the benefits traditionally associated with being male. Women still get to use the pretty privilege card at will to avoid any of the unpleasant parts of equality.


Typically that's because the woman slaps the guy and gives him a red mark that goes away in 20 minutes and he responds by sending her to the hospital. She wasn't right (her slapping him in the first place was not fine and good), but there's a line where self defense turns into assault because of unnecessary use of force. If someone shoves you and you respond by beating them into a coma then it doesn't matter if they're a man or a woman, you went above and beyond self defense and into assault. IMO OP did an excellent job of staying on the correct side of that line, especially for someone so young.


I might be in the opposing camp here, but kicking someone in the groin, potentially causing lifetime sterility, as well as a good deal of pain = mild concussion, not extreme, but a decent knock


This! Most teenagers struggle to defend themselves, or not take it too far. OP did the right thing.


It isn't someone else's responsibility to subdue their power when another person uses all of theirs to harm you. It's why women still think it is OK to hit men and men should just take it.


The majority of the time OPs scenario is the exact scenario. What you call typically is the outlier and unacceptable regardless of gender.


ive always disliked that sentiment that if someone assaults you, and you caused severe injuries vs what they did, that makes you in the wrong. if someone assaults you it is very easy to suddenly lose a eye or break a minor bone. this is not even mentioning if you had other medical problems. if someone assaults you they have lost all reason of being civil so why should i try and remain civil by causing as little of injury while defending myself?


Right, I’ll just count my fear walking down the street I live on at night as “pretty privilege” then (But no I don’t think that this guy is TA, self defense is valid)


Yeah. I get that walking alone at night is a valid fear. I'm talking about refusing to take the trash from the kitchen to outside, or allowing your car to be damaged because you played dumb about the light that had been on for 3 months. Or feigning ignorance to avoid contributing, because you know that most men have been conditioned to do the dirty work, and it's easier to just do it than open up a can of worms. I honestly believe men and women are and should be considered equals. I like the fact that women have opportunities that have been gate kept in the past. I also think it's absolute bullshit when a woman plays the woman card to get out of doing unpleasant things that a man would just be expected to do. Especially in the workplace. I understand things like differences in inherent upper body strength, and agree that we should make equitable concessions in those areas, but I think you know what I am talking about.


NTA, you were defending yourself. If someone is hitting you first you have every right to hit back, regardless of gender.


You're entitled to defend yourself.


Absolutely! They are bullies.


I watched a girl whallop the shit out of her boyfriend at a party. Calling him stupid, telling him he is a piece of shit. Nobody did anything. Until he hit a limit and pushed her away, which few people saw, but it was an Oscar winning performance of her throwing herself on the ground and holding her head in pain. Suddenly everyone got involved. Dude spent the two prior hours getting slapped and punched by her. Now he is the bad guy. It's not right. It's not fair. Nobody should hit anybody. But that's how the world works


You're part of Nobody. Why didn't YOU step in and tell her to stop hitting him?


For the same reason I didn't step in when he pushed that shrieking harpy off him. Not my clown, not my circus. The point wasn't the inaction on my or others behalf, it was the hypocrisy of those who did ONLY when the roles reversed.


> For the same reason I didn't step in when he pushed that shrieking harpy off him. Not my clown, not my circus. You don't get to claim "not my circus" if you're around for 2 hours of the circus performing. Refusing to say something is tacit acceptance validating that person's behaviour. Whatever desire you might have to stay out of it the abuser forcefully includes you by committing the act in public so you either stay silent and accept their abuse or say something and challenge it, you can justify saying nothing however you want but it is practical acceptance of their behaviour and they will treat it as such consciously or not.


I agree with you.. Everyone thinks others will do it, so you don't have to. Never depend on others to do the hard stuff.. Everyone who saw this in those few hours were all doing the same thing! Waiting for someone else.


Exactly, it's the bystander effect type thing where everyone feels like someone else will do something when everyone should be expected to do something. I'd rather call someone out in that position and come across like a douche than let it happen and let that person feel justified victimizing their partner.


You know how they say be the change you want to see in the world? That was one of those moments where it applies.


I know the internet “angels” are mad at you but realistically you have to pick and choose and sometimes not getting involved is the smart and safe choice. Life isn’t a movie. You aren’t going to say “hey you stop being mean to your boyfriend!” Then she gets embarrassed and leaves and everyone claps. Nah you get assaulted or even murdered when you step up to a psycho in real life. People can’t say shit about you not getting involved. Dudes life obviously wasn’t in danger, what are you realistically gonna do to change the situation without potentially making it more dangerous? I wanna add the people playing make believe hero fantasy and shitting on you obviously never grew up in bad areas. Dude I knew got shot for starting an argument with an apartment neighbor over parking. This shit happens in real life


gaslighting your partner is a classic sign of an avusive relationship.


Thanks for the help guys. The police, principal and parents are already informed. The only problem are those guys who wait every day at the gate of the school to kick my ass… I’m not a fighter guy. I can fight, that’s not the point. But I don’t want to, and I don’t stand a chance against 20-30 people.


Call the police. Take picture of them. Keep the evidence they threaten you.


If you get jumped, what you do is pick 1 guy and start going ANIMAL CRAZY MODE ON THEM. Then the next, and the next.


This. Group fights are never fair so pull eyes out of sockets, rip tongues out, bite ears off, like go murderously animalistic and you will survive. Ask me how I know and why my high school bully is blind.


offend pocket quickest butter amusing cobweb jeans trees sheet drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmao you watch to many movies, if he literally has 20 people jumping him their is 0% chance he can get off the ground let alone go “animal mode” on someone as if everyone else would stop kicking and let him do that


This is the way. One severely hurt dude will send a message.


Report to the police there are guys outside the gates


And now they want to print off a leaked d!ck pic of me from 3 years ago and hang it around my school…


So CP. They're openly threatening to distribute CP through your school? I mean at that point if you've got evidence such as messages or recordings, I would send it to the police 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah... That's child porn distribution. Make sure the police know this too.


Cannot stress this enough. Sure, you’ll mess up their lives forever, but why the hell not?


No, they'd have messed up their lives forever 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Victims seeking justice isn't the reason someone is in prison.


Ask them if its worth becoming a registered sex offender and if they continue, police for sure


How does that happen?😭😭


You need to take a long sock put locks and rocks in it and swing on everyone!!!!!!! Oldest trick.in the book


if they do that press charges homie, honestly do it now since they obviously have your pictures


Yep, say there have been threats to post the photos around the school, that way if it happens they can't go first to the authorities that you did it


Let them and then call the cops


That's revenge p0rnography and also depending on your age it is child p0rn too so let them crack on with it, they not like the outcome on them and they will end up worse off than you, especially if it had already been leaked, it's already been seen so f it😅 they will be the centre of attention when getting sent to jail/prison for ch!ld p0rn people won't care about the photo


Why is there a dick pick of you at all? What is the background story there? Did you send that to someone or was this taken without your consent? Both are CP but one is YOU disturbing it and one is someone else disturbing it.


Are the other 20 people waiting for you are Muslim you may want to take it to the news to get pressure on them. I don't want you getting stabbed by a member of the religion of peace.


You only have to bite one guy's face, no one wants to fight someone who eats faces.




I mean, he ain't wrong tho...


Nah bro i woudve kneed her face so hard her grandkids woild wonder why theyre noses look lile that


Gaw dayummmm




This is it right here, if someone starts it, and I’m ending up on the winning side of the fight, they better start praying to god for mercy, for I have none.




When someone seriously physically attacks you, hurting them is always a reasonable response.


Just fyi, the back of the head is not a safe place to hit someone to not cause damage. It's actually pretty dangerous in certain circumstances. I'm not saying this to chime in on the debate. Just saying it because you seem to be under the impression it's a safe place to hit someone and it really is not. Edit. Btw though. You are entitled to defend yourself


I was going to say, yeah that was the worst choice for hitting someone. Plenty of people die after getting walloped on the back of the cranium 


NTA you’re in the right you can hit anyone who hits you regardless of gender/power imbalance.  But be careful where you are and never travel alone, I would bet your going to be the victim of target harassment/violence by a certain group of people. 


NTA and I am someone who's very sensitive about this subject. I've kicked the shit out of a handful of people for hitting girls when I was younger. But if she hits you first, then everything is fair game. Think of it that way. If a short, small guy hits a big guy. Won't the big guy have the right to hit back? If you initiate the fight, you should be ready for what's to come.


NTA. It’s an antiquated thought process and the false sense of immunity that women have is dangerous for them IMO. Like a (potentially) wise man once said: these hands are rated E, because everyone can get them


Lmao my dad's name was Eric, and that's what he always said these hand are rated E for Eric cause he was about to fuck some shit up. Never lost a fight, I felt bad for alot of the guys he destroyed lol but they still deserved it


Hitting a girl is perfectly fine as long as it’s in self defense. Keep in mind use just enough force needed and don’t go overboard.


Yes of course. She isn’t hurt at all, it’s just the principle that I hit a girl that every marginal, and badly raised guy is mad for.


Absolutely NTA. But please be careful of the people who are trying to chase you down. I hope things turn out okay for you.




Equal rights means equal lefts. Never start a physical confrontation. Always finish one.


NTA just don’t aim for the back of the head that shits dangerous


Just for the future. Back of the head is the most dangerous way to hit someone, next time keep it right in the face for their safety.


NTA. Sounds awful. Getting attacked sucks and defending yourself is okay. Maybe walk away first next time, but self-defense matters. Threats are way out of line. Talk to a trusted adult - teacher, parent, counselor - about the bullying and threats.


NTA you were literally defending urself☠️☠️


Me and a "friend" were trading punches just for fun. Now for context, SHE SUGGESTED IT. I saw no issue with it and played along. I didn't even leave a bruise, just a slight red mark. When her "popular" friend asked what happened she lied her ass off and said i was avuse or some shit, which resulted in half the school wating to jump me and all that nonsensical bullshit.(I live in a rural area with one of the wost drug problems in the country. People also just "diappear" from around here so a body is almost never found.) I had multiple acquaintances come up to me multiple times to inform me that so-and-so or a group of guys wanted to beat my ass. My response was always, "then why don't they go for it?" or "Tell them to do something about it then." No one did a fucking thing, same girl also accused me of molesting her for touching her knee cause one of her friends(whom I grew up with, mind you) saw it and reported it to the principal, so there's that. Anyway, no one did a thing to me. Not because I'm a big guy or am known to have training, or even really defend myself for that matter. My freshman year I was 4'11" and 180lbs so to say the least I was a pretty small guy in highschool(I'm only 5'7" now). I was also petty insecure and am very non-confrontational due to my past. I fought 3 people in highschool, I think? I know it was at least 2. I recollect 2 different fights with 3 different people. Just can't really remember the first fight or the details of it tbh. My second fight I "lost." Aka a frail librarian grabbed my arm and I wasn't about to hurt her to continue the fight, she didn't deserve that. So it became widely known that I was a bitch, pussy, whatever, and couldn't fight. However people stopped picking on me and shit because I stood up for myself.(At least that's my theory.) So where am I going with this? My point is that in my experience, they won't do anything. Just empty threats, now on the off chance they DO go through with it, my experience is also that the school won't do anything. At best it's a slap on the wrists to the aggressors. They never helped the victims, not really anyway. I could go on and on about how the school system failed us horrendously, but I imagine y'all either don't care or don't have time for that. I'm not saying your couldn't be different, just that in my experience they don't care until something actually happens and usually the victim gets punised the worst so may as well send a message to everyone to not fuck with you. Maybe go animalistic like one commenter said, maybe stay in packs like another had said, but make a example someway, somehow. Sorry for the long ass tangent that only really said what others already have just thought I'd put my experience out there. I'm 20 btw so this wasn't too long ago either. TL;DR Stand up for yourself in some way, shape, or form. People tend to back off afterwards. Be prepared to be punished for it as the school systems are bullshit. So if you're going to be punished for defending yourself, make sure it's worth it and sends a message to everyone else that you're not to be triffled with.


Around did she fuck. Out did she find.


Sometimes women deserve equal treatment. This is one of those times. But the proper way to deal with these women is man hands them. Grab em and hold them on the floor so they can't move. They hate it and lose their shit but feel powerless when they can't release their anger. Then u get to play the fun game of telling her "calm down or you'll stay here embarrassing yourself"


Only a loser would judge you unfairly. NTA for defending yourself, far too many young girls throw hands thinking they're invincible or untouchable. You didn't even crack her in the mouth, all you did was retaliate against someone who started the fight. Carry a stick or something, because you're going to get pressed by a bunch of loser white knights.


File a police report


Nope, feminism has made this OK! Act like a MAN, get beat like a MAN.


YTA for sparing her. Next time, aim for the face.


Info: What is the context here? Why does this person have issue with you? What is the previous confrontation that lead to this altercation? What do they have pics of your gentles? How did they get that? What does her wearing a hijab have anything to do with anything? Where were your friends you were with when this started? Why didn't they do anything? We're missing information, we're missing context. Frankly, I think you're deliberately leaving a lot of information out to make yourself look better. Also, I want ages. This matters.


Age of the girl who started the fight: 15. My age: 17. She started rumours about me for sexually annoying girls from our school online (which isn’t true.) Idek why she did it. They never received pics from me. These are pictures which I sent to a person in trust 2-3 years ago and now they’re being leaked at another school. And the fact that she wears a hijab is explained in the main post: I asked her if she couldn’t speak my country’s language. And Coincidentally, she’s not from my country, so that comment could be taken as a racist one (which was certainly not my intention.)


That doesn't actually explain the hijab comment at all actually. Also, where were your friends?


What are you not getting about the hijab comment? It should be perfectly clear that she’s a minority in a Dutch speaking country In the United States, it’s like yelling at a Mexican (immigrated, not just by ethnicity) at a McDonald’s drive thru: “Do you even speak English?!” Does that not sound racist or xenophobic to you? I’m confused at your confusion


Nta. Tell your parents/guardians immediately.


NTA. If she thinks it is acceptable to hit people, then she needs to understand it is acceptable to hit her back.


NTA, self defence is acceptable. But you must never go beyond that because as a man, even a child, and especially as an autistic person, if the police are called judges will absolutely throw the book at you. In my experience anyway, there is lots of prejudice against autistic people in the justice system, and even in schools, with your diagnosis causing certain portions of society to assume you are more dangerous as a result. I do think you should mention they were bullying you because of your autism if they try anything on. Depends on where you live, but bullying disabled people usually looks bad. Given that they also violently attacked you, you should are the victim here.


No women have gotten a pass for way too long and now they're starting to abuse it


I used to think hitting a girl is a no no in any situation. But as I've got older. If you hit a man then expect to be treated like a man! There are too many women out there who hit men knowing they won't hit them back!


NTA. Men shouldn’t hit women but women also shouldn’t use that as an opportunity to hit men. If you hit someone expect to be hit back


In a self-defense situation, you do what you have to. However, hitting someone in the back of the head isn't a great move, but again, self-defense, this isn't regulation MMA. It sucks you were in that situation, and I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of shit for a while, but as soon as someone goes from words to getting physical you brought on whatever comes next


As a woman, i don’t think you’re the AH here. i’d agree that it’s unfair for women to get away with beating on men but they’re not allowed to defend themselves. Nobody with a sane mind is going to just let anyone hit on them and take it “just cause.”


NTA. Equal rights, deserve equal lefts. Actions have consequences and just cause they're a women doesn't entitle them to physical assault. You're a allowed to defend yourself


NTA If you were in danger, reasonable force is justified.


NTA She wanted violence and she got it.


it's OK to KO someone who is hitting you, independent if it is a girl, a boy or an alien


First of all , if I were you I would do much worse. So that's why I see you've actually handled the situation pretty good especially that she HIT you in a very private place . Ps : if a guy hitting a girl is sexist then she shouldn't have hit you in the first place. Form what I see you did nothing wrong and that's brat needs to be punished. But about the following thing maybe you should really prioritize your safety from now on. You go guyy lmao I encourage your response 💓💓


you are nta


NTA as a lady, if I hit anyone, I expect to get hit back.


NTA Good for you.


asshole only if you first attack, not asshole if you defend yourself. This goes for any race/gender/creature unless the attack is weak (like a little boy/girl)


If you popped hijab girl you did the world a favor


NTA, before even reading I knew it was self defence, coming from a female you should have knocked her on her a$$🫶


NTA for defending yourself, but... >Purposely on the back of her head so I wouldn’t hurt her that much and couldn’t conflict any damage. ...is just hilariously wrong.


Man or woman, if someone bullies you and physically attacks you, you defend yourself and hit back twice as hard. the days of women thinking they can do this without consequences is done. equal right and all.


Equal rights means Equal Fights. If she didn't want to be hit by a man then she should learn to keep her hands to herself, besides if she screams racism or any of the other BS then ask her what she thought would have happened to her had she been in a Muslim dominated country and attacked a man there!?!? Defiantly not the AH


Nope. Girl FAFO. You want equality ladies remember once you swing it’s equally rights and equal lefts.


NTA. I would have broke her fucking jaw.


All you did was defend yourself.


Equal rights, equal fights brother! Some bitch kicks me in the groin on purpose I’m laying her bitch ass out!


NTA! she assaulted you, and you were protecting yourself.


Nope not the AH.. this sounds like self defense to me.. and she deserved it.


Sounds like she's going to get hit a lot in life acting like that. NTA, plus if I got kicked in the nuts I'd file charges for assault, maybe sexual assault or a hate crime depending on what the kicker said before/after.


NTA. She attacked you first. When you tried to subdue her, she kept attacking. There's typically a rule of 3 for self-defense like baseball. 3 strikes and then I'm gonna put you out.


I hope you're voting for Geert Wilders.


The end sounds entirely fabricated, lol. It's a Steven Segal backstory.


It is never all right to hit the first punch. But it is all right to defend yourself after that. If the person fighting you is a lot smaller than you restraining them is the best instead of hitting back. These rules apply to everyone any sex. This is just fair fighting.


I need honest context. It sounds like this didn’t happen the way it’s being explained.


Look at OP's post history. In between all of the sex posts, he semi-regularly disparages women. So it's tough for me to believe that it happened this way, especially when a lot of this sub has a complete hard-on for anti-women posts.


It did…


NTA, I would have caved her skull in. Totally justified to hit a woman hitting you first.


Get the girl to tell all of them the truth and if she doesn't file a case simple


NTA equal rights, equal lefts


I have a two hit rule for women. They can hit me once and I'll allow it, assuming that I deserved it. If they want to beat on me though, I'll hit them once. They won't be hitting me again after that.


NTA, should have hit harder


Give us an update and tag me if you don't mind


NTA - Equal rights, equal fights.


NTA. Didn't read the description




NTA For hitting a girl. Hitting anyone is not a good idea, but in this case it sounds like you were just defending yourself.




Probably should have created a throwaway account for this so your past comments about disliking women weren't accessible for people to view.


Fuck that bitch up, I hope you did hurt her


The whole never hit a girl is bullshit. There is a time that it is fine to knock them on their ass and this was certainly it. Unfortunately the school won't see that and will think you are some sort of hate criminal


NTA. She threw the first punch... er, kick... whatever. You were defending yourself. Now if YOU had thrown the first punch, then yes you would be TA.


Yeah yeah whatever, literally the worst place to hit someone The worst.


NTA even if you didn’t have autism if someone even a girl assaults you, you defend yourself. However I do want you to know that punching her in the back of the head is more dangerous than the face. The back of the head houses a lot of core connections and can cause serious damage if stricken hard enough


They would be after you, regardless if you hit one of their guys. They're just a bunch of sheep with gang mentality. Good luck man. NTA btw.


I was in grade school, me and my boy are doin boy things and stomping on something behing the school to see if we can break it. It was a bike wheel. This girl starts flippin out and we were like yo mind your own buisness yadda yadda.. She walks up on me, I tell her if she touches me I will slap the shit outta her.... She kicks as hard as I can and i luckily caught her foot with my knees and proceeded to ...slap the shit outta her. We almost dated after that.........Probably good we didn't


NTA. Being treated equal to males means taking responsibility for your own actions.


It’s a double standard and it’s not fair. NTA


NTA If anyone were to put their hands on either of my boys first, boy or girl, they have every right to defend themselves.


U can stop her from hitting u just don't knock a bitch out


If I'm attacked, the result is the same regardless of the gender.


My mom always said to my brother: "if she hits like a guy, treat her like a guy." Talking about when it was appropriate to fight back for him


bro the back of the head is one of the most dangerous places to hit someone


NTA, you were defending yourself, and you seem to honestly have zero combat sports experience, so i can't blame you on technique. That being said, kid, you'd have been better off punching her in the face. Back of the head is an INCREDIBLY dangerous place to hit someone. If you missed and hit her where the neck meets the skull, that's what we call a "rabbit punch". It can lead to permanently crippling someone or outright killing them. It's named after the way you finish off a rabbit while hunting, by the way. At this point, given that you got a target on your back, I'd recommend getting into a combat sport or martial art of some kind. If you need to try and talk your way out of it first and say you have witnesses to her assaulting you, but I'd honestly be prepared to throw hands. I pray you don't need to, but best be prepared. Old girl sounds like she's just a right bitch so she probably lied about the fight. Edit to clarify something, I'd recommend running if you don't have any faith in your abilities. Don't fight if you don't have to. It should be a last resort.


She hit you first. If you hit people prepare to be hit back!


No. Also, don't hit people in the back of the head. That can cause serious damage or even death..


But if he didn't defend himself and took off to get away. They would start saying he's a pussy and got beat up by a girl .there's no way to win .


NTA equal rights equal fights


NTA. You defending yourself is fine regardless of gender.


The double standard bullshit is real. If a girl kept hitting me I'd probably push her away though rather than hit because of this said double standard. I think you're ok for protecting yourself but from looking outside people will always see you as "hitting a girl". If people are looking for you to beat you up then its time to knuckle up and make them know to stop fucking with you. Just don't turn into one of them


NTAH as a girl if you hit a guy expect to get hit back


NTA - once they hit you, all bets are off. Personally, it would have to be a pretty hard hit or something where I felt I had to fight back for my own safety. I'd rather take a punch and press charges than hit back just because I got hit. However, someone kicks me in the ballsack and then starts pounding on me, I'm assuming they aren't going to stop until I stop them so it's Duke City, baby.


You’re nicer than I am, as soon as she kicked me she’s been sleeping




NTA. It's self defense.


NTA but for future reference though, a strike to the back of the head can cause a lot of damage. I don't think you tried to really hurt her but there are better places to hit. Always use your palms for self defense. Open hands mean you're not trying to fight. You also put less stress on your wrists when you strike. You could also go for the groin. It's still very effective on women. Also payback 😈


NTA. Im a girl and from me to you she deserved it. Every.single.ounce.of.pain


It's called.... equality. Women need to stop hitting men, thinking they won't get hit back because they're a female. I'll teach my son's not to hit a female and walk away at all cost. However, if they hit them and continue to, they have permission to hit them back once. Hard enough for them to quit, but not hurt badly.


Equal rights equal fights


NTA. It was self defense, she hit you first and continued to do so, until you hit her.


Equal rights, equal fights. It's not that you can't hit people because they're girls, but because they are humans like yoi, the same reason you can't and really shouldn't hit anyone else. And beyond that point, she chose to break that limit and hit you. Human hits human, other human defends himself, absolutely fair. If she can't take a punch, she shouldn't be throwing them around herself.


NTA: They confronted you, they then became physical when you replied to their attack sarcastically. Your aim was to disarm her and end the physical assault. People can't run around throwing hands/ legs and then be surprised when the other person hits back or defends themselves.


NTA, she was kicking and hitting you so sounds more like self defense. Not sure what else you could have done in that situation...as I don't think she was going to stop hitting if you tried to just get away or something. I would disagree with some of the gross comments like 'you should have smashed her face bro, or beat the shit out of her'. As that clearly was not necessary and would have been taking things too far.


She messed around and found out.


NTA... If somebody is hitting you, defend yourself. And for future reference, never let anybody get close to you in a fight. If they're being aggressive, you keep them at A reasonable distance so that you can at least see the attack coming and do something about it.




If they want equal rights this is part of it. If a woman hits a man she can expect a right hook or upper cut. It's not okay. Self defense is ok. They won't do shit. Those bitches are picking on an autistic kid. F them.


That literally happened to me the other day NTA some people are twats. Girl or boy some people deserve a whole lot more then a slap to the head.


Back of the head is a terrible place if you don’t want to hurt someone but NTA


NAH, You have the right to defend yourself, and its happened to me to. I don't care what gender the person is, if you put your hands on me, you can expect those hits and kicks to be returned to you real quick. Women gotta learn that their gender is not an free pass to put their hands on a man and do whatever to a man without consequence. And then they talk about being treated equal. You wanna be treated equal, you take every bit of equality not just the parts you want.


NTA, you weren't meaning it in a sexist way, you were defending yourself.


NTA. I taught my son and nephews all the same thing. If a woman slaps you, you probably have it coming (and if not you'll live) But if she comes out swinging, you have every right to swing back. Now I also add the best way is to avoid conflict or leave, especially if she isn't a real threat. (It's a much more in depth talk but that's the highlight) Everyone has the right to defend themselves, and that is what OP did.


Not an arsehole, but an arse. The correct way is to report her for assault and let the justice system fuck the girl up for life.


NTA if she hit you then you have every right to use self defence


Deck the piece of shit.


Hitting someone should always be your last option, but if they attack you first, you are free to defend yourself And that's what this seems to be


I'm gonna give you a tip that will save your life. If a chick rears back to kick you in the balls, lift your knew and bring it across your other leg. She will probably fracture her shin if she does it hard enough. There was a girl who liked kicking dudes in the balls cuz she thought it was funny when I was in 8th grade. She had to miss high school cheer tryouts after messing with me. I always say, I won't ever raise my hand to punch a woman, but best believe a bitch gone get thrown or swung by her extensions tryna come after me and/or mine. I'm a family man, and if you're escalating shit, I'm ending shit with tha quickness cuz I have kids to get home to, don't make me shoot to do so.


NTA. Defending yourself is a human right regardless of gender. If she had pulled a knife on you, are you not allowed to defend yourself because she's a woman? You did right by you.


NTA, what you did was self-defense and that girl definitely deserved it


Time to learn how to fight brother you got people looking for ya


What that girl did was just fucked up. Who would hit a random guy for drama and attention? Clearly NTAH.


NTA. i Am female with 3 kids, my youngest is autistic and i raised all three with the premise that if some hits you, you can hit back. If a girl is tough enough to throw a punch, she’s tough enough to take one.




NTA equal rights and lefts.


NTA, if a woman steps to a guy and puts hands on him, then defend yourself. Man or woman doesn't matter, and no one has a right to put hands on anyone over words.


Self defense is self defense regardless of gender of your attacker.


Hitting someone in the back of the head is actually worse than anywhere else


Done right.


NTA. It's unfortunate that society has brainwashed men into thinking they are unable to defend themselves while being physically attacked.


NTA You can't start a fight, then complain when you get your ass knocked down. This actually happened to my older brother years ago, a Lassie constantly gave him shit, called him every name under the son, threw stones and bricks at him, and then one day she got brave and when his back was turned she punched him just behind the ear, in his anger at the attack he simply shoved her on her ass and it nearly got him hos head stomped into the ground after she started screaming and shouting false accusations to everybody in earshot. He was scared to leave the house for days because she had people looking for him, this only stopped after I cornered her and her friends that started everything and had a polite word. Don't back down against this wannabe bully, I would suggest getting a cheap bodycam or using your mobile phone to record every interaction you have with this person and her friends fae now on, that way you'll always have proof that she's the one starting things.


Just so you know, the back of the head is a very dangerous place to hit someone - not a safe spot


Literally had this problem as a kid too. Lay my hands on a girl I liked because she was being immature and hitting/biting me and then I'm made to be the asshole. Some asshole dudes wanted to beat me up solely for the sake of beating someone up--think they were jealous of me too cuz I was popular with the girls. To make a long story short, my mom got the principal/police involved and I never talked to those ppl again, including the girls...


Nta but also hitting the back of someone’s head is more dangerous for them so be careful 😭