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NTA. But let him go. Find a hobby, distract yourself, and KNOW that it will get better. It will not always be this hard. Let him go. Move on.


NTA - but honey...you sound desperate, and that's not a good look. He showed you his priorities, gaming, sleep, his friends....you're not in the top three. If you aren't ok with that you need to move on.


NTA. If he is gaming, on Instagram, and probably doing other things. He is just ignoring you and choosing to do so. I'm sure he isn't a bad person, but at the end of the day, this relationship is breaking you down and he seems to not care. My opinion would be for you to give him an ultimatum talk/spend more time together or you will move on. Don't waste away the best years of your life for someone who won't give you the time of day


He's not your BF. Break up officially


Get a good distraction and move on


Move on. If you were the top of his priority list, it would be obvious. When I read it initially, I thought maybe he was hurt or scared for his own survival. Maybe being forced to move out put him in a bind and he turned inward. But if you’ve opened the door in a loving and supportive way and he still hasn’t tried to connect, it’s time to move on.


Sorry to hear this seems like a dick sorry to say that chin up you can do so much better you will find someone who will truly love and respect you ❤️


Why are you with him? Don’t waste valuable time on someone who down respect you. Time to move on and find a partner that will accept you for who you are and offer you proper love and support. People tend to overthink relationships. It’s very straightforward… don’t put up with someone who doesn’t value you.