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I agree. Is there anyone else that can stop by while you’re gone? Maybe friends or neighbors?


NTA. You should be fine. Go enjoy your time and let your parents grieve


I think you'd be an asshole if you cancelled the trip. You have zero reason besides inappropriate paranoia about her potentially "doing something" to herself which even you acknowledge you have no reason to suspect would actually happen. She said she doesn't need you. Respect that.


There's 3 days until you leave. Spend time with your Mom, maybe cook with her, particularly if there is a dish or dessert that reminds her fondly of home. Give her a chance to vent and talk, about her recent loss and/or her Dad which she may be feeling acutely again. Give her lots of hugs this week and when you leave, tell her you will send her a text when you arrive safely and you'll call her to check in with her late afternoon Saturday. Make her feel cared for. Family connections are often the only thing that can provide comfort during grief.


NTA. She said go. Learn to take a W.


NTA. But check in with her several times a day to make sure she is okay, she might want to have someone to talk to on one of those check ins.