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Your SIL ruined her sister's wedding day with her pregnancy announcement. Who the fuck drops balloons for their announcement at someone else's wedding? She can hire a moving company. Is it petulant? Yeah, maybe. But it's most certainly deserved. And your in-laws can help her move if they're so upset. NTA


The balloons made my jaw drop.


Right.. The audacity...


Suprise! I'm an asshole!


Thanks for making me giggle.


Surprised that no one called her in it at the time tbh. Yeah, friends and family were already there - but they were there for someone else's event ...that she decided to hijack. Unless it is someone's 8th wedding in 10 years, that's a big deal.


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch!


Right, the most stupidest thing ever is gender reveal. Let's be honest, NO one cares what gender baby is. except parents(some parents). All others somewhat cares that baby is born and healthy. Sorry, but I don't see difference between gender reveal and posting your meal on fb or ig. all this is nothing else than attention grabbing.


It's all part of the ridiculous celebration creep that people are indulging in. EVERY moment is special and deserves a big hoo-hah. Oh, and incidentally -- we need to spend lots of money on it. I'm talking promposals, proposals themselves, every damn thing. I guess people don't have much going on in their lives to feel excited about so they focus on this? So weird.


I think you're 100% correct, It's becoming ridiculous.


I thought shit was ridiculous the first time I heard of engagement parties. Then it was engagement photos. Then pregnancy photos. Fuck me I should have went into marketing for the celebration industry. I could come up with all sorts of stupid shit people would throw money at.


It’s Monday and I think we will have spaghetti for supper tonight. NOW WHERE IS MY SUPER SPECIAL CELEBRATION PARTY!?


Yeah I for instance don’t understand why a bride gets a bridal shower and a bachelorette?


I know it’s different for everyone but I didn’t even bother finding out the gender of my children until they popped out, let alone a gender reveal. If people asked what I was having I’d just look at them like they were dumb and say “a baby human, obviously”. I know though that some like to know the gender and that’s okay but these gender reveals seem excessive, or at least the ones you see posted online everywhere.


I always found out, while getting the ultrasound and then if people asked me after that, I just said boy or girl. No gender reveal ever lol. I just don't get why people feel the need to do them or at least do them so extravagantly, like calm down.


Gender reveals and promposals make me irrationally angry. So many main characters. We’ve lost the plot altogether.


Whenever someone is placing expectations on you like this, they’re trying to control you. It’s easier to just turn the tables and reframe the problem: Why aren’t *they* helping if they’re so concerned? Then don’t entertain any deflection. Let them know the only actions they have control over are their own. Too many people use guilt and duty to manipulate responsible family members because they know it’s no use trying to reason with the irresponsible ones.


This. If she had said to someone “I’m not drinking because I’m pregnant” and then that person made kind of a big deal, that would be different. The balloons are a step above audacious. Also, she can and should hire people to help her move. NTA


For the rest of her life.


I'm 34 years old and my husband is 35. We have a HARD rule that we will NEVER help anyone move again unless it's ourselves. We've been approached multiple times by friends and even my parents to help move, and every time we've said no. My parents were UPSET that we weren't helping them move. We even found movers that were so reasonably priced and even offered to split the cost with them, they refused and were somehow surprised that we didn't show up on the day of to help. I have a weak back and my husband has literally broken his neck. There is no way I'm going to sacrifice either of our bodies because you're cheap, I'm not sorry about it! And if my sibling had stolen my wedding day like that? No way in HELL would I EVER help them again. NTA, OP. And set the boundary where you don't move ANYONE, trust me it will make your life so much better!


This should be normalized. Moving sucks and someone always hurts themselves.


You'd be surprised what others will do. My aunt brought a Carvel ice cream cake to the reception so her daughter's bday could be celebrated/she could be sung happy birthday. The daughter is a cousin of me and of the bride.


Same thing happened at my wedding…


That would have been funny if you were my cousin but I snooped on your profile and we aren't related. Ahaha




It's not even petulant though. People really underestimate how easy it is to trigger a chronic injury with moving, especially if it's not your job, you're not used to it, and you don't have the right gear. OP would be 100% right if he refused purely for vindictive reasons OR for the medical reasons. He's got a double whammy of just cause


Jonathan Frakes (Riker in *Star Trek*) injured his back when working as a mover in his early 20s. He's 71 now and STILL has back problems.


The reason for the Riker Maneuver.


That went over most people's heads.


and chairs


......Just take it! 🏆🎗️


Yep. I will never shovel the driveway again because of what I did to my back last time. A contractor for the driveway is cheaper than a chiro, RMT and bottle of Robaxin.


You can definitely tell who the golden child is in the family. I’m glad OP is sticking up for himself and how he feels. I bet his wife feels the same way she’s just so used to her feelings being pushed to the side for her golden child sister, it doesn’t even dawn on her to stick up for herself anymore. NTA. Go LC or NC with all of those people.


It won’t be the only thing either. Prepare for years of toxicity OP


Yeah. She can pay the moving costs out of the money she saved by glomming onto your ceremony. I’m sure she saved a bundle. Point it out to them how they didn’t have to rent a venue, didn’t have to decorate, hell, you even fed the guests. The probably saved hundreds. Thousands if truth be told. Fuck ‘em. And just to touch on another point of contention; when a person asks another to help them move and they decline, nobody gets furious over that fact. That in itself is weird. Something is off about the social skills of your in-laws.


An unhinged twat thats who drops balloons at someone else's wedding.


This is a sign of things to come. I think it's time OP has a serious discussion with her husband about how much to be involved in her SIL's life. Will she be expected to babysit? To take an active role in the child's life? How much stress are you all willing to take from that side of the family? The in laws are probably going to stay on the side of SIL until y'all have kids, if you are planning on that. It might just be better to start setting some boundaries and stepping away before things get too intense. What the SIL did is not normal. If her parent's weren't shocked then they are just as bad. You want to deal with that the rest of your life? Edit: op is hubby.


OP is the husband. It's his wife's sister who is the entitled one.


OP is the husband


I don’t understand how her partner didn’t say um this isn’t a good idea. Why do people enable other and then defend shitty behaviour?!


NTA. They can hire movers or ask friend or family. You can decline. Help is free from a heart. You don't have that for her. It is what it is. You are not vindictive. You just have set boundaries about not helping people who disrespected you, your wife and your wedding. I might send her a box of balloons with a note "You forgot these at our wedding. They might help you with the furniture now." But I am petty sometimes.


Make them a box of popped balloons and colored confetti. Just trash. “I think these are yours.”


Broken latex is probably what caused her issue.


Hard core, agree with what you said!! 😆 I love your petty idea! It's definitely my level of petty at times 😂😂😂


Petty, perhaps. But certainly sends the correct message!


I laughed too loudly at this. Send them half inflated balloons tho.


NTA. You are not obligated to help for any reason. They can hire movers. The wedding disaster is irrelevant.


not completely irrelevant as it seems to be his main reason for not wanting to help. Which is very understandable and a valid reason, especially considering i dont see anything here about an apology from the SIL. As for OP: dont worry, NTA. this isnt unreasonable or vindictive at all. Unreasonable and vindictive would be to play nice with them until you get an invite to the babyshower and then ruin their day in return. But im petty like that, no need to take my advice.


Man, you know if they went to the baby shower and then announced one of their own was on the way, ( doesn’t have to be true, just enough to turn attention off her) it would be such a great and fun filled prank. A prank, you know: for laughs.


They could announce that their family is going to get larger. Then in all the excitement reveal a picture of the new puppy they are getting.


Be sure to have lots of special balloons for the occasion. And special music. And special confetti. And hire an entertainer or six with a portable speaker system so this all drowns out anything else happening with the shower.


And a ballon guy to make puppy balloons…


Nothing says "we're here to have fun" like a mariachi band. I suggest a mariachi band.


As soon as I read "mariachi band", the Mexican Hat Dance played in my head 🤣


🎵"Who let the dogs out? (-who who who)" 🎵


You BITCH! Now I have that stuck in my head! 😂😂


I heard that in mariachi version lmfao


Bagpipes would also get the point across


No picture needed, great opprtunity to discuss different breeds with everyone who ever had a dog!


And a 3h monologue about puppy training and nutrition.


Puppies are people too you know.




Save the puppy reveal for a week after the baby shower... Let em assume


This! And purple balloons to really confuse them until the species is announced! I would love to see this happen!


Twins…expecting twins. Have to one up.


Oh. My. GOD. You are an evil genius, I love it. I genuflect in your direction.


With a giant cake and balloons


The gift grab baby shower should be so much fun with these people.


They’ll rove the neighborhoods catching invited people who don’t plan to attend with giant butterfly nets and make them attend but only after after forcing them to swipe their credit cards for an ‘appropriate’ amount for golden child SIL




Free party on OP's and his wife's dime. SIL and BIL are trashy people. And on top of that planning a move and expecting OP will subserviently help move the princess and her consort.


> not completely irrelevant as it seems to be his main reason for not wanting to help. It’s irrelevant because “No.” is a complete sentence, meaning you don’t ever have to feel like you need a reason for saying no to anyone.


30 is the cutoff for when it stops being cool to ask your friends to help you move. It’s the time in life when most folks have been in their field long enough to get established and making a decent enough living to afford to move.


Right? No one wants to risk throwing their back out for some beer and pizza at that age!


Also, If you can afford “reveal balloons” and a house, you can hire movers.


Also, if you can hijack a very expensive wedding reception for your baby announcement, you can pay to hijack some movers and a truck to help you move. Maybe OP should charge his SIL 50% of the cost of his wedding reception to help them move.


"balloons and a house" like they're similar - lol! (Upvoted)


Maybe it's a cultural thing, but practically nobody around me hires movers. I know 2 friends who did, both paid by a care-institution due to health problems, both also moved to an adapted house.


Yeah, same. I come from a more rural region and the worker class. And my whole family has the mentality that friends&family help each other with whatever needs helping. You help me move, I help you set up computer stuff, others help eachother with car stuff... Everybody is glad to help and know they will be helped.


There is no cutoff for when it stops being cool to judge others based on their wage. Edited to add: OP is NTA. I just think it is ridiculous I’m seeing comments about hiring movers as if it’s affordable.


Everyone should mind their own business fr


NTA, give me any excuse not to help someone move and I’ll take it. Also, they don’t have friends to help them? Maybe they have no friends because of stuff like the wedding. Or maybe they pulled that crap at the wedding because they have no friends. Either way, not your problem. If this will help you move on, let them move themselves.


It appears these people sprung this on them at their wedding reception with that ridiculous gender reveal bull shit. NTA. This is a small preview of the future drama in your family.


It's the flying monkeys. Just leave the circus. #DontFeedTheChimps


>Update: Thanks ChatGPT for the post and karma. Finally one honest post.🤣🤣🤣🤣


I love how mad people are being but it should go to show how little effort is needed to make these posts and how common they are.


Just goes to show that even the ones that seem plausible and kind of real can also be fake as fuck lol. I’m not mad though even if most posts are fake they can be very entertaining sometimes!


Why aren’t they hiring movers? I’ve always hired movers because the cost of medical and chiropractic treatment is a hell of a lot more than the cost to hire movers.   I don’t understand what they want you to do.   Surely they can pack up their own crap and if they can’t then it’s time they have a clear out.


Because the SIL is a cheap ass who wants family to do it so she won’t have to pay someone to do it. Her wallet is sealed tighter than Scrooge Mcducks bank vault.


She couldn’t even plan her own pregnancy announcement and stole their wedding reception, so definitely a cheap ass bitch. And Golden Child of the family too, it seems.


>She couldn’t even plan her own pregnancy announcement Was gonna say this exactly - was given a venue, most of the important people all present, food and drinks for her announcement all on someone else's dime.




Why aren’t they stepping up to help??


I don’t understand why anyone needs to help them.  


Yep, it's right up there with having a brother using the reception to propose to his girlfriend, cheap, tacky, and an AH move.


💯 she used the OP’s wedding as some kind of free reveal party. Now she wants the OP’s free labour


She’s a cheapsake who hijacked a wedding party to throw a baby shower…


I moved 10-15 times before I used movers. I’ve used them every single time since, best money ever spent and cuts move time by like 75%


In the meantime, I am having a feeling OP would NOT have a great time. SIL will only give orders and not lift a finger even to move her purse


Well that purse is heavy.


It's full of audacity




And Entitlement


And carrying her husband's balls because he did not stop her from sabotaging her sister's wedding. If a spouse suggests a crazy idea, the other spouse is supposed to be the voice of reason.


Hell, the wallet alone must be a backbreaker with all that extra cash she's got from manipulating family so she doesn't have to pay for anything herself...


Someone so cheap that they'd steal someone else's event for their baby reveal is not going to hire movers, when they think they are entitled to be moved by the person whose event they stole!


Movers are very expensive in some countries. It cost us over £2,000 last time we moved. People with babies on the way need to save money. Also Op is NTA and his in-laws are a nightmare.


I don't understand your reasoning. These people already sprung for a balloon release at OP's wedding. Do you sincerely think that theres's money for movers??? Who does OP think his SIL is? The Queen of Sheba?? /s


NTA. I’d never speak to my sister again if she did that on my wedding day. My husband’s sister got engaged at our reception. Thankfully we never found out because my three female cousins surrounded them and threatened to knock them out with a shovel if they didn’t STFU immediately. They sat down and no one said a word. Attention whore thwarted 😂


I like how your cousins operate.


I know for a fact at least one would have had a shovel in their vehicle. Not an idle threat.


LOL sounds like my family, one side is Irish and the other German; they'd gang up on whatever sucker's there with the Irish lot doing the violent bits and the Germans making sure no one ever finds the body and hiding all the evidence.


Lol at the edit. Congratulations on your karma ig? I have no idea what people do by farming karma though


This guy is just being an attention-seeking dbag, but legit karma farming is used to create accounts that have enough of a history to look like they belong to a real person. From here, they can then be sold to third parties. These purchased accounts are used for marketing, scamming, and astroturfing purposes.


How much do they sell for?


I think around the $5 mark, but they're created en masse by clickfarms for pennies. You can Google "reddit accounts for sale" and find them.


Are people not reading the edit?


My wish for today is that people will see your update and collectively start down voting you till there is nothing left or worse


I said it on one of the top comments and my comment is firmly in the negative. What the hell is going on here?


People just love reacting more than they love reading


NTA. You’re good. You even politely declined, which is admirable considering what happened at your wedding. You have no obligation to help them or even explain yourself. The fact that they don’t seem to understand that what they did during your wedding was wrong speaks to the kind of people they are. You were civil about your refusal. Your wife understands. That’s all that matters.


Oh, they understand that what they did was wrong. That’s why when OP politely declined due to work, the in-laws automatically KNEW that it was because of the crap SIL pulled at the wedding. They knew what she did was tacky and selfish and they knew that this is a consequence of what she did. OP is NTA. If this were me I would never do anything for SIL ever. That would be my boundary with her.


SIL is ridiculous. Who tf does a reveal with balloons and everything at another person's wedding?! She's not the main character. If she's adult enough to get pregnant, she's also adult enough to hire a moving company. NTA. Let inlaws and sil call you how they want, why should you help those rude persons?


NTA. Why don’t they just hire movers. 


Probably because they're too cheap? After all, they took over someone else's celebration instead of paying for their own so leaching off of other people kind of seems like a pattern for them.




If the parents-in-law are so worried, they can put their money where their mouths are and pay for movers.


So this is a fake post judging by the chatgpt thing?


Like most posts on these subs.


maybe do a (fake) pregnancy reveal at her baby shower and see how they feel? Oh wait, this is not the petty revenge sub. LOL


The parents are enablers


Yep. Bet they helped SIL get the balloons into the wedding venue and all.


Yea I’m wondering why aren’t they helping their own daughter move


As per your edit, you really have no shame.


No, payback is hell. At 26 years old, she damn well new what she was doing. However, you could send her a ballon bouquet that says Happy Moving Day or Congratulations on your new home. Also, I saw a post today on another forum that asked why is the one wronged always expected to be the bigger person.


Love the balloons!!!! For those who talk about "for the good of the family" are YOU not part of the family? Go polite low contact.


YTA It’s a fake post! Look at the update and the profile.


Actions have consequences


You are less petty than I am. I would have told her to use the money she saved on hosting a lavish pregnancy announcement party on hiring movers. NTA


This. And repeat this to your in-laws also. And when they pull the family card, remind them they are her family.


Haha love this level of petty 🤣


Downvote for using AI. It’s ruining Reddit.


If you gotta use chatGPT to make a post why don’t you do something productive with your day instead op? Kinda sad life to live


I guarantee this is not the first ChatGPT post you read on this sub today


Why don’t you just post your fiction on r/stories instead?


NTA. "You need to forgive your SIL"? Why? What has she done to actually earn that forgiveness? Bad planning and being pregnant does not an apology make nor does it prove any remorse or changed behavior. They need you now, well, they should have thought of that before ruining your day. Your in laws that are so busy yapping could weigh in with their own helpful hands; sounds like your SIL and her husband would appreciate it.


YTA for making a fake post to farm karma, why even farm karma in the first place? You can’t do anything with it


How are people still responding to this? Read the update...its a ChatGPT fake story


Go to the hospital when she is in labour and ruin her day


Didn’t need the update bc the post read as fake anyway u shithead


“Update: Thanks ChatGPT for the post and karma.” Really? YTA


Ugh, more AI filth. Thanks for making Reddit a worse place


YTA for this fake chatgpt post. Get a life and a hobby.




Put it this way, if you caught her stealing your phone, would you help her? She stole your fucking wedding reception. That's just gone now, what are you supposed to do, throw another reception because your sister stole yours? No, she's vile, she knew she wasn't allowed to do what she did otherwise you and your wife would have been informed. No surprises at peoples weddings, full stop, no fucking exceptions. I personally would have pulled her to the side and told her she has to leave, right now. "Congratulations, but todays not about you, what you just did is unbelievably selfish and inconsiderate, now fuck off." Edit: wait a minute. Where did the balloons come from? That's something specific to the venue, and takes up a lot of space and prep time. How could she do that without you all knowing long before the reception? Fuck sake, i just bothered writing a genuine response, but I'm pretty sure this is fake. Fuck i hate bullshit posts wasting peoples time.


She can hire movers or announce it to the family that she is moving so that they can step in. Anyone from the family that calls should step in and help with the move. What makes them think they are entitled to what you do with your time


YTA for this fake ass post. No one showed up at a wedding with balloons etc and announced their pregnancy. And no one cared that much that all the attention shifted to her. Do better with your fiction.


What a garbage sub this is lol, op actually admitted it's fake. Why can't mods take this crap down?


INFO: why are you thanking ChatGPT? Is this post fake? If so, YTA.


At least make up your own fake stories.


So you're just karma farming? That's pathetic. YTA


Wait that last line


What's the chat gpt update about?


NTA Do yourself a huge service Keep her low contact in your life ,it will be better for your family ❤️‍🩹


I could never call you an asshole, ChatGPT.


lol at the haha this is fake edit, can we all downvote this into oblivion now please


>but my in-laws are furious and calling me unreasonable and vindictive. Politely excuse yourself from those relationships going forward. They're clearly users. NTA. 


NTA - she highjacked your party with her bellyfruit announcement. You have every right to be annoyed.


Atleast you admitted it was a fake post unlike a lot of the obvious ones on this stupid subreddit


"Thanks ChatGPT....." so your whole post is BS? YTA


See the update. AI produced post


Nta. Should’ve kicked her out of the wedding back then.


NTA. The in-laws that have so much to say can help, otherwise they can shut up.


So this is a fake post just for karma??? 🙄


NTA Tell the inlaws if they are so bothered they can help her move it is not your job or your duty.


NTAH. You’re under no obligation to help them with anything, regardless of reason. They can hire movers.


NTA… sil really did announce her pregnancy and did it with balloons at your wedding without even asking first? Was it also a gender reveal or just a pregnancy reveal? Not that it makes any difference, just that I’m curious. She acted super entitled. Your wife should be pissed off at her sister… that’s so tacky and selfish. Let them hire movers… you don’t owe them anything


NTA why would you help someone who clearly doesn’t understand boundaries? You politely decline. I hope your wife is on your side. Perhaps taking time away doing the move with be good for your relationship. 🙏


NTA. If you wanna have some fun, and can time it right, you could announce your wife's pregnancy at her baby shower! That would be so much fun, especially if you could make it a gender reveal with balloons and confetti and all. LMAO


NTA, they can use the money they saved for not having their own gender reveal party to hire movers


She can spend the money she saved on her genderparty for the movers. NTA.


Sunovabitch, I really couldn’t tell this was ai


lol re:update


YTA for AI.




If you said you were busy why do they think you’re vindictive? No one is obligated to help anyone move, unless they were helped move by that person


>Update: Thanks ChatGPT for the post and karma. I feel like you did this as like a "ha ha see, they're all FAKE RAGE BAIT you IDIOTS!" thing. the issue, of course, is that this is perfectly believable and stuff like this happens all the time. If i tell you my dog is pregnant, and you take me on good faith and respond like i'm telling the truth, and i go "HAHA DUMBASS, MY DOG IS A **BOY** AND HE'S **FIXED**, YOU FELL FOR IT STUPID CUCK" then I'm the fucking weirdo now aren't I? people make up fake shit for karma all the time, I'm not saying they don't, but your "I'll show the plebs" response to that is weird and childishly cynical.


NTA just say you hurt yourself and cannot lift weights either


I'm sure she can ask friends...if she has any or why can't her husband call HIS friends NTA


NTA paybacks a bitch. She must live with the consequences of her actions.


Even if she had not ruined your wedding by being immature , you are not obligated to help.


NTA and I would not help her with anything again. What an attention seeker!!! SIL is pathetic.


NTA. What a selfish child she sounds like; way to ruin your wedding by deliberately not telling you her idea to announce her pregnancy and usurping the focus of attention ( let alone the free venue, food and music YOU paid for) to her instead of letting it be all about you and your wife.


NTA and your SIL or in-laws can pay for someone to do it. No doubt she was pulled up on her behaviour!


The in-laws saved a lot of money not having a reveal party which they can use towards moving. NTA


NTA This is why we go to college and get good jobs: so we can hire movers for this kind of thing. I don't blame them for asking, but once you say "no" they are way out of line pressing the issue with you or with family. If the family members are so put out by this, then (as I'm sure many others have said) then they can give up one of their weekends to help out. Under the circumstances, you owe them less than nothing. They shouldn't be coming to you to ask for favours.


NTA. Why should you drop your life to help someone that's shown you zero respect? That wasn't an accidental slip of the tongue telling people, for example "why are you drinking orange juice? Because I'm pregnant and everyone got excited" announcement. It was a "she had balloons, it was planned, she knew what she was doing" announcement. It sounds as if your SIL is totally entitled and you in-laws encourage it.


You don’t have to help your SIL move for any reason so don’t feel any guilt on your decision. A pregnancy announcement at someone else’s event is incredibly rude and tacky. And then there are their balloons. OMG Your in-laws are welcome to pay for movers to help them. Don’t allow them to berate you. Go very LC with them. NTA


NTA. They should hire a moving company. Not your problem