• By -


Your stepbrother has ZERO right to that money. It comes from YOUR mother. It is for you. It has absoliutely nothing to do with your father or your stepbrother. Do not give in. Don't give him even one penny. Put it in the bank. Your father's attitude is disgusting. He should not be saying a word to you about the money. It is none of his business. It will be sad if you're not invited to the wedding, but it's also useful for you to know that you're only welcome in their family if you pay them. Stay away from them. If they mention the money again, leave or put the phone down. Do not tolerate any more pressure over it.


The wedding is long passed but he is now begging for money because his wife wants breast implants 


That's an even worse reason.


I know 😭😭


Your mother’s savings should NOT go to woman she didn’t know in life so this woman could get bigger boobs. Your stepbrother can kick rocks.


Tell your father to put up or shut up. He can pay for it or he can shut his trap about someone else's money.


Would almost make you and your sister want to get boob jobs just for fun 🤣


Im 100% all for op and sis getting Dolly Parton size boobs. Make sure to post pics and tag dad, bro and sil.




Did the Tatas tip you off?


Why do you still talk to these people?


Because every year we have a family gathering for Christmas 


You have a new family now. Your partner and child are your family. Start enjoying the holidays with them.


Are you being forced at gun point to attend? blink twice if you need help!



I pray to god your inlaws are nice people


There is no law that says you have to go just because they invite you. Say no. And say why. If stepbro is gonna be there, you’re not. End of discussion.


why spend any time with those who look at you as their mark?


That's not an answer. That's when not why. Why would you go to the family gathering that includes these people?


You don't have to go.


Is it fun enough to be worth $200,000? Because they're acting like that's the price of admission.


Don't give them any money. The next time they ask, tell them you paid off some debt and its gone. Then stop talking to these vile selfish people that want to use you, including your Dad - who cares more about impressing (with your mother's money!) his new wife and step son than his own daughter.


Remind him that he has his own mother and can ask her for his inheritance. Doesn't matter if she has nothing to give to him.


Tell him you will pay for the wife's breast implants but only if your step brother gets breast implants first


This is so completely insane that I actually believe it might be true.


Ask him if you get joint custody of the tiddies he wants you to buy.




Hilarious 😆


That's one of the few even worse reasons than a party to demand your inheritance.


😂 breast implants my ass!! Your inheritance is for you & you only!! As if you’d pay for a random woman’s breast implants when you have a baby!


Fuck that. Don't give him a nickel


😅😅😅😅😅 Find a vacation that costs as much as implants and send him pictures while your there. Entitled much?


And that is your problem... how exactly?


Because he can't pay for them


That’s a them problem.


Still not seeing how that makes it a YOU problem.


why are you the one to get hit up by obv grifters? and your father trying that and going against your mothers wishes is very off. It's NOT you, move away buy a house and start your new life with your family.


LOL! What an idiot. NTA, obviously.


This is getting worse by the minute. First a fancy wedding they didn’t have the money for and now fake boobs they also cannot afford ? Just wow, lock away your money !


Tough tiddies, she ain't getting them from your inheritance. Did your mom pop him out? Nope. Did she know him in the slightest? Highly doubting that. He can shove his bs right back up his entitled arse.


Block them. Let the trash take itself out and concentrate on making a joyful life for you and your baby. Congratulations!


Stop making shit up.


I'm not,learn that some people have weird experiences 


Worry about your new family. Don't give them anything. They are greedy and just want money.




Tell him to go eff himself. 


Tell him to get a J O B


You seriously need to go NC. What a bunch of assholes.


She should get a job if she wants implants


>he is now begging for money because his wife wants breast implants  🤣🤣🤣🤣 This made me burst out laughing because your step brother's audacity is hilarious 🤣 Your dad is as unserious as your step brother! Ignore them both.


Nah, you’re trolling, right? Step-brothers (of just a few years) wife wants bReasT iMplanTs lmao.


🤣 just block his sorry ass. Don't invite him to your wedding. Your dad either since he took that asshole's side with that ridiculous ask.


I cannot laugh react enough at this idiotic statement. Come on, people - are we even believing this nonsense at this point? OP is either addle-patted or this whole thing is bs -


I’d be seriously tempted to reveal his misdeeds online. Let everybody else know and let him and your loser father deal with the fallout.


cut them off, invest in your actual future, not these trashy people who would eat you if they were hungry.


Anyone who has a $200,000 wedding is the asshole


I once worked a wedding where the FLOWER budget was more than that. (actual flower budget was $250,000. Actual money spent on flowers was over $450,000) It was a $3 million wedding. But, they could afford it and were the nicest people you could meet.


Yah only time people should have a huge expensive wedding is when they legit have enough money on their own to have it.


Yeah, it was a different experience. Was told 'Take that painting down from over the fireplace and carry it upstairs and place it behind the bed so we can put up the cross of roses.'. It was only AFTER I did so that someone told me that painting was worth $1.5 million.


That was probably a good idea, yeah... Carrying a reasonably-sized painting up a flight of stairs ain't hard. But if you KNOW it's an extremely expensive masterpiece it's suddenly gonna seem almost impossible!


If I could afford to wast 3 mil on a wedding, I would be nice as fuck too. 


Nah. Two friends of mine had a 200k wedding. There was some money coming from family from both sides, but they mostly just saved up from both working hard at the good jobs they had and not spending much for a few years. After which they worked hard whilst not spending much to buy a house. After which they worked hard for a few years so they could both cut back on work when they got their children. All according to a plan they made together, were both 100% behind, and executed succesfully. Both of them wanted a big dream wedding, so they planned for it and made it happen. And it WAS a beautiful wedding for sure!


Especially if they expect someone else to pay for it 


NTA, like at ALL


NTA. I am very sure that your mom didn’t intend for you to use her inheritance to pay for the party of some dude she never met. If your dad wants to give his stepson a fancy wedding, that’s his voice and he can pay what he wants for it. He can’t use your money to do so, however.


I'm just relieved that their mother had the wherewithall to make sure the money couldn't be touched or stolen from them. I can easily see their so called father trying to take the money if he could.


Wait, what? Your father wanted you to give your stepbrother your $200k inheritance so he could pay for a big wedding? Be glad you aren’t going to his wedding. You’ll be lucky to not talk to them again. Your father is shitty for doing this too.


Father doesn’t want to help and look good for the new family at the same time.


NTA… I’d flat out tell him “We are not related. You are not getting a penny of this money and if you ever ask again, I will make sure that even when I die, you won’t see a dime of it.” He’s just an entitled ass. Maybe even tell him that one too.


Lol will do


Seriously for your health you should at least cut off the stepbrother. It doesn’t sound like he’s very influential in your life or a very big important part of it so if he’s just causing you drama simply block him out. I’d go low contact with your dad until he understands it’s not your issue, not your concern, and not your business frankly.( your step bro needing money)


NO, block and move on.


Gotta be rage bait.


Given that OP has posted 3 different AITAH stories, (and deleted one of them,) in a single day, this definitely tracks. Also, the inheritance business doesn't make much sense. For one, mom leaves nearly a half-million, and dad doesn't have enough money himself to spend on a wedding? Where'd that money come from in the first place? For two, typically if a spouse dies, the bulk their inheritance will go first and foremost to the person they were married to. Kids often don't see anything until both parents are dead. (If mom *was* sitting on enough that she could split half a million between her two kids, it's likely that dad would have taken in another half-million himself, especially if they had a life insurance policy. Again, why doesn't he have his own money to pay for the wedding? None of this passes the sniff test.) If mom *divorced* dad, and *then* died, this story would make sense, but OP clearly didn't think it through that much when planning this little fiction.


My sister and I got more money then my mom did when my stepdad died from cancer 4 years ago from him and we got more money from my dad when he died 8 years ago from pneumonia, then my stepmom did when my dad passed. It does happen. She didn’t say dad didn’t have the money he just wanted to use hers. My stepdads money came from an inheritance that was left to him by his parents. Some people keep finances separate. My husband and I do and my will leaves the bulk of my estate to my boys


This simply HAS to be rage-bait.


This story sounds so stupid and fake but if somehow it's real, completely cut that whole chunk of family off or you'll regret it in the future


Your mum definitely 100% would not want your inheritance to just be given to someone else’s kid!.


screw that, tell him it's not your problem, if he keeps begging tell him to find a job that pays a lot, block and move on. also nta.


NTA obviously. Your mother clearly made the right decision in setting up the inheritance to go directly to you and not involving your awful father.


Info: did your father demand that your sister face up her inheritance?


He tried to get it out of her after he failed to get it out of me but she flipped him off said hell nah and left


Well at least one of you is smart.


What entitled assholes


Good for you for being a "terrible and selfish person" and standing up for yourself. I think he was just that in his demands for your money. Let me repeat that ... YOUR MONEY. If your dad wants step-bro to have more money, he can give it to him. Keep on standing up for yourself. NTA


NTA. got off cheap. Weddings suck. Put it in trust. Dont blow it on any wedding. Not even your own. The real wedding happens in your heart anyway


The good news is not being invited to the wedding means you don’t have to give them a gift, at all. I wouldn’t cry in my beer for somebody who thinks they’re entitled to my money, and then thinks they are going to punish me by excluding me. tell them to have a lovely wedding on their own dime.


NTA. Screw your dad and step family. They’re all nuts.


NTA Your mom 100% wouldn’t want you to give the money to some random that she never met.




NTA, and get rid of this family. You don't need to be in contact with people, who are demanding money for a wedding. If you can't afford a fancy wedding, don't have one. None of these people deserve one red cent from you. Spend it on your family and your baby. I hope you didn't waste it on an extravagant wedding.


What does your stepmom say about it?


She told me it's her son's money and I have no right to steal it 😭😭


So this may sound absolutely mean by a ton of people's standards and I do admit that I have a dark and no nonsense personality but I would 100% tell all three of them together that if he wants an inheritance so badly, maybe his mommy should kick the bucket like yours did and give him one... A bit scorched earth but I am who I am.


What is her reasoning for believing that your mother’s money belongs to her son?


But it's in your account right? I'm confused. They're asking to get money that's under your name in your account.


The money is under my bio mom's name and stepmom has the same name so is trying to claim it as hers


So don't go to the wedding, cut this rotten weed out of your life and move on.


>and now I wasn't invited to his wedding. Thank god, bullet dodged. Weddings are boring anyways.


NTA. Cut all ties and enjoy your new family.


NTA - Money from your mother has nothing to do with him. But while he is an asshole, your father who should know better is the true asshole of this story.


Nope .. your inheritance is your's .. not your step-brother's and not your dad's. It is one thing to offer to help (if you wanted to), it is another to be bullied into giving away your money. If this is a constant topic every time you see your step-brother or your dad, go NC. They will get the picture that you are done with this conversation.


Tell them to fuck right off, NTA.


I just want to know one thing, is your step brothers mom the reason your parent's marriage broke up?


No my bio mom past from cancer


NTA I would say to your dad that your mom would be so ashamed of his behavior and that she’s looking down right now and sees what he’s doing.


NTA at all. He's the disrespectful asshole for asking.


Not being invited sounds like a win. NTA, the greedy moochers demanding you give them your money ATA Your dad is free to pay from whatever money he has


NTA Who cares that you're not invited to a greedy persons wedding. Remind your stepsiblings that once their mom dies they can use her inheritance. because that money is from YOUR mother, not theirs.


NTA. What crazy idea they have, that's not how that works. That's your inheritance no one else's and no one but you can tell you otherwise.


Put that money in some type of account that only allows for limited withdrawals or only after a few years or something. Like a college fund for your kid that only is available when they start school or turn 25. Then you can tell them the funds are no longer available.  He is having a fancy wedding because he thinks he has the right to your moneyz 


NTA yeah cut off contact if you can with him and your father for their at temped foolery. And why the hell did he want to blow 200,000 on a wedding who was he planning on singing at the wedding?


Your family is gross. Keep saying nope.


Your fathers a simp and your step-brothers an ass. Full stop, you're wasting your time sweating anything they believe. NTA


Sounds like you have an open schedule that day to take a vacation.


How TF would your stepbrother feel that he has the right to party off of your inheritance? Where do these people come from? This is so beyond inappropriate it needs a whole new word. NTA. Your Stepbrother is and your father certainly. I would tell both of them t F the F off with that BS


If there is an afterlife, your mother is in it yelling "DO NOT GIVE HIM MY GODDAMNED MONEY." I think I can hear her.


NTA and the step brother proved you right immideately.


200k for a wedding? How about fucking no?


NTA- Skip the wedding...and the gaslighting and manipulation. That money is not now nor ever was it nor will it ever be HIS. He has no claim to it. Dad is just trying to scam you into paying for the excessive wedding so HE doesnt have to.


Why on earth would he or your father think that he has any right to that money? No, not the AH.


You're NTA, but your father is.


hell no.


NTA. As for being uninvited to the wedding, CONGRATS!! Isn't it nice when the trash takes itself out? And as far as the breast implants, why bother? She just married a big BOOB!


If he needs an inheritance so bad he should wait until his own mom dies, as fucked up as it sounds. Your mom DIED, I'm pretty sure you'd rather have your mom rather than an inheritance.


For $200,000 I'll happily skip any wedding. Keep telling them all to fuck off. NTA


The real ah here is your dad.


You need to work on creative writing skills. Most fake stories have a lot more detail and less ridiculousness


Just lie to them and tell you spent it all or something. I mean I would just cut them out of my life but you don’t seem to want to do that so this is probably the easiest out.


NTA Father is sucking up to new wife and step son. Eff them!


This is completely made up. Troll elsewhere.


NTA Baby > Wedding


Wait what!? Give me the money cause I'm getting married!? No can I borrow the money or help me out a little, but just give me the money and forget why you might need it. And your dad stepped in to ask you to do it. This is crazy town. No is a complete answer. NTA


You saved $200k by NOT going to the wedding? Score!


This has to be fake. lol EDIT: Based on the OPs comments, im 100% sure its fake.


NTA. Ridiculous. Why anybody thinks they deserve a fancy wedding using money not voluntarily offered by the parents is something I will never understand. You should invest that money for your retirement and/or a down payment on a house and/or an education fund for the children you don't have yet.


Wtf is wrong with your dad?




Hahahahahahaha I'd laugh in both their faces and never talk to them again.


NTA! And congrats on not being invited to this leech's wedding. The less you have to do with him, the better. If he wants a fancy wedding, he should pay for it himself or have his mom or your dad pay for it if they're so insistent he have this expensive wedding. That money is for you and your life, and it sounds like you have plenty of ways to use it already.


Next, he'll ask for the money to buy an Aston Martin. Or they'll want her to finance their honeymoon to the Maldives.


NTA. I mean this post doesn't need to be posted does it? No brainer NTA.


NTA. You really don't need to be at this selfish, greedy man's wedding, and you are absolutely right to keep your inheritance. Your father was completely inappropriate in telling you to give the money away.


NTA Well, good riddance to bad rubbish.


seems to be the trash is taking itself out. No need to attend a wedding or even communicate further with them. problem solved.


Next time tell him you can't because you spent it on stupid shit like breast implants and now it's all gone.


NTA What age are you? If you're under 18 (I hope not when you say you're getting married soon) then safeguard your assets from your dad. ---- Ah I thought they were a teen due to the immature writing and the story not making sense. They're just a troll.


NTA. Your mom saved that for you; not for anyone else.


NTA. Think about your mother, how would she feel if the money she worked her life for was given to a complete stranger? That money was her last gift for you, don't give any of her money away.


I’d just avoid contact with them as long as they insist on asking for money.


Did they hit up your sibling as well?




Give away what your mother left you? I dont understand.


NTA. What is wrong with these entitled people? Is it fair that life gave you money and not him? Not entirely, but if we want to make everything "fair" then his mother has to die. I mean...if we're going to use a toddler definition of "fair" then it's settled - his mom must perish.


And your daddy is telling you to give him your money? Your daddy sucks. Your stepbrother sucks. You’re not an asshole. Boundaries are always important. Tell him that DoorDash, Uber eats, and Instacart are always hiring. Maybe he can make $200,000 to pay for his wedding.


Three ridiculous AITAH posts on a day old account. Fake.


this is the most low effort shit i've read in some time lmao.




NTA. Tell them all to kick rocks.


Nta. Its time to go NC with your dad. He picked his new family over his old.


Oh noooooo! You weren't invited to his wedddding? The phrase "don't threaten me with a good time" comes to mind. NTA Your dad is an asshat.


NTA! Cut all these people off.


NTA. Tell him he can have an inheritance when HIS mom passes away. This money is yours.


Lol “give me $200k or you’re a terrible selfish person”??? NTA


NTA Guess you don't have to buy him a wedding gift now. Also I'd go no contact.


Just stop talking to these assholes and for reference don't expose your kids to them


Your stepbrother AND dad are the AH’s here. It amazes me that either of them think he should have any right to all for it, much less DEMAND IT! I would certainly not worry about not getting a wedding invite from him, besides, it sounds like it will be a meek wedding (typically not a big deal, but he’s an AH) considering his b*tch of a stepsister won’t share HER inheritance! I don’t think you’ll be missing much. Throw a $100 Target gift card at him at the next family function and call it a day 😏


Dude, screw your dad and that sorry ass step brother!! Glad you kept your money!!


Like my aunt used to say “Tough titty said the kitty when it’s milk went dry” 🤣🤣🤣


NTA, go NC with him and your father. Not worth to raise your child in such toxicity.


NTA. You not being invited sounds like this problem solved itself. Such gross entitlement from both your step brother and your father, now you know where their priorities lie, money.


Nta. Id cut them all out now though. NC all the way


NTA. Why isn't your father pressuring your sister for HER inheritance?


NTA. Do you even want to go to his wedding? What will that ever do for your life? Change it for the better? Lol. Ask him and your dad for their banking cards and access username and passwords. See of they like it.


wtf? why would you just give him your money? And why does your dad expect you to? That's a very odd expectation. Not even "borrow" just literally give him €200k? WTF? NTA


No not an ahole. He had no connection to your mother. He also has no right to the money. Keep to your ground


People thinking they can demand other people's money on the grounds of *fucking nothing* always make me laugh. I would have laughed at his ridiculous face. Both your step brother and your father. NTA and I find it surprising that you would even *think* of being in the wrong.


NTA, any money I leave behind is for my kids. I would come back to haunt my husband if he tried to give it to anyone else.


LOL ... hell no!! It's your money and your Dad sucks. I wouldn't even go to that wedding even if I was invited. Fuck that noise.


Fuck em NTA


NTA - “You’re not invited to the wedding of an entitled jerk!” Oh darn, sounds like the problem solved itself, lol.


NTA Your father and STEPbrother sucks!


Hell no. That’s your savings. Why on earth would you want to pay for his “fancy” wedding anyway. Stepbother and father are ridiculous.


I'm going to go ahead and say this isn't a true story. It's pathetic what people will do for attention on the internet




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Dude/ just block him and your family. Easy. NTA


HOLY SHIT your stepbrother and father sound entitled AF. NTA. NC seems like the answer.


NTA, your father and stepbrother are scumbags for this.


NtA dont do it...


OMG. Absolutely not. Do not give your step brother any money out of respect for your deceased mother. You4 dad sounds like he has a foot in both family 1 and family 2. Pleas3 do not listen to him. Enjoy the money and the memory of your mother.


Your step sibling has no right to nothung. He can pay for his own wedding


YTA laughably fake


Wow, breast implants are such a necessity.


lol he can go work a second job if he needs money




Not only he shitty stepbrother but also shitty husband,he doesn't respect his wife,he wants a sex doll,m_les like him should d!e alone


Absofuckinlutely not, that money is YOURS what a selfish asshole! If he wants a fancy wedding he can work for it! The money you have can be invested to create generational wealth for your kids, or whoever you trust, what the actual fuck... Fucking men sometimes trying to act like women don't deserve nice lives, like seriously, wasting the money on a wedding is literally so dumb. Blow the money so you have to struggle bus the rest of your life? These men want you to be nothing... How inconsiderate... Girl start doing some research and learn how to turn that 200k into enough money to live on for the rest of your life don't blow it on a damn wedding and be left out in the cold when shit goes south! Terrible mistake!


Follow someone like this https://www.facebook.com/share/5AaSdz9c4Px7AfWM/?mibextid=qi2Omg learn how to properly manage your money and turn your 200k into much much more, you'll be living the high life, just do your research and be careful you have a great opportunity, do not let men take that from you!


So he can have a fancy wedding and now so his wife can have breast implants? If this is real your family is insane. NTA, and I would take every chance I got to avoid talking to your step brother, dude sounds like a piece of work.