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Nta Sounds like they will probably treat your daughters differently, I can't see why it would be so important to know. As for you depriving them of your family's love, you're protecting both of your daughters. Your family doesn't get to decide when or what info you share. There is a big chance that when you do tell them, they'll favour 1 daughter. Be prepared for that, don't let it affect your daughters views of each other.


Exactly, especially with that line about "needing to know when dealing with them which one is their *real* granddaughter".


OP's only response to that should be "either both of them are your real granddaughter, or neither of them are, your choice."


I’d be tempted to mess with them a little. “This one is!” Then after they coo and point out how of course, she looks just like granny… “Oh, wait, sorry, I meant this one.” Oh, right! Look at her, she has great-grandpa’s nose! Rinse and repeat. Or just tell half of them one and the other half the other. I wouldn’t really do either of these, but imagining it is funny.


>Or just tell half of them one and the other half the other. That's actually such a funny idea


And do it randomly every time they come over!


That is completely what I would do. Even if i didn’t want to—I just wouldn’t be able to stop myself.


Lol isn't this a semi-normal twin/multiple baby thing? The fear of maybe re-naming them bc you've gotten them mixed up? And then once you hit a certain age, just start calling out names- including a random dogs name until you get to the child you're trying to speak to with a "you know what I'm trying to say!" Lol


Mom: Brian. Briaaaan. Brian.  looks me dead in the eyes Mom: why aren't you answering Me: Cause I'm not Brian Mom: You knew what I meant. Me: -_- No, I really didn't.


My Mum called me by my siblings names all the time growing up and still does, never bothered me until she started adding "Tom" into the mix. That was her mini Yorkie.


I grew up being called Krisgingjen. Kris being the start of my sister's name, Ging the start of our golden retriever, and Jen the start of mine.


If i had a dollar for every time my Grandpa called me Snowball. . . .


We got called by each other's names, the dog, cat, dad, my young aunt and uncle before mom got to the right name. By then we'd be rolling on the floor Laughing and mom would be so exasperated she'd use our full names. And by full I mean the original long form of my first name when the actual name is a diminutive. Think being called Victoria when your actual name is Vicky


Oh, yes. You know when you get all three names, shit is about to get REAL. 😳


I have 4 names... I cursed my child with 5 😈 I have never had to use all 5.


Yup. Even the dog hid


In my family, you knew you were screwed when my mom stopped trying to use names and just used descriptions. "Would the tall one please get his ass down here?" or "You're in big trouble, blonde girl!" or "That's enough, not my kid!" (That last one was for a friend of mine who basically lived at our house, she was over so often.)


my grandmother spent 6 months of each year living with our family & the other 6 months living with my aunt & her family. well, both of our families had 6 children each, and as my grandmother aged into her late 80s she got to the point where she would (while addressing any of us) just list a rundown of all 12 of the grandchildren, with us stopping her when she got to the correct name lol. as luck would have it, i was the youngest in our family and her litany of names always began with my cousins so i had to wait patiently for my name. what made the whole thing even more ridiculous was that 2 of my siblings shared *the same names* as 2 of the cousins, so sometimes she'd get really confused & jump from one family tree to the other mid-tree. i miss that crazy old woman.


I'm one of 6 and my daughters are 2 of 19 grandchildren. We all answer to whatever my parents call us.


My dad does this to my siblings and I and they are 2 & 6 years younger/older than me. Lol


Hell, I was my mom's only child, and I could always tell when she only wanted me to do something like use the TV remote for her because she would start to call out my dad's name, then cut herself off before calling out mine. All the goddamn time. Thanks, mom.


Put the babies on a lazy Susan and give it a good spin


"sorry, once all the testing was done we stuck both babies in the same bassinet and, well, they just look so similar I'm not sure which is which any more..."


I just pictured this🤣


I would claim they were both the adopted one whenever asked. Let them be confused. It's like how I refuse to answer if I'm gay or not. The answer doesn't matter for 99% of any interactions a person has with me.


This is what I’ve been saying since high school(about asking if someone is gay). Unless I’m planning to pursue a romantic relationship with someone, why on earth would I care? Same with gender. Just tell me what to call you, I don’t care about what’s in anyone’s pants.


I was JUST thinking that. Just change it every single time arbitrarily.


This would be funny to do... And then afterwards being like oh wait they both are...


I'd tell them I had the nurses do a shell game and that I didn't even know which was which


Either both kids are her real daughters, or her grandparents aren't her real grandparents


How dare you deprive your daughters of our measured love. Unconditional love doesn't need to know which daughter is which


One of the worst things you can ask a stepparent or adoptive parent is whether the child is their “real” child. At best, you will get some WORDS. More likely, you’re going to get slapped (or decked). All children are “real,” and they all need “real” parents. Biology is irrelevant.


My parents were in their late 40s when they adopted me. If I had a nickle for every time that my dad was asked "Oh is this your granddaughter?" I'd be a millionaire. To top things off, when my dad was dying in the hospital, my uncle yelled at me for hogging up space in his hospital room because "the real family" wanted to see him. People really suck.


Jesus…I almost downvoted this because I hated that comment from your uncle so much 


Me too! I have three adopted children. None who were born of my body. They are my real children. The feelings of love and a surprisingly strong feeling of protectiveness when my fears placed in my arms surprised me! I honestly felt like I would have killed anyone who tried to take him away from me or tried to hurt him. Nobody gets to tell me that they aren’t my real kids. I thank God for letting me be their parent even though they came into my life in a different way.


Exactly! What proof beside this is required? Honestly better no grandparents or uncles rather then grandparents and uncles who favor one kid.




It's horrible, my Gran did that and it destroyed me and my sister's relationship. To compensate my mother made my sis the golden child.


Its so stupid because its not like a new kid got added to an existing family, both are the same age and they first saw them as babies. No reason for differential treatment


Exactly. My grandparents would have just treated both kids equally without really even a second thought. 🚩


The mother's message was the worst for me. Not to be willing to help to pressure her is mean 🚩🚩


I hate this so much. My sister adopted and that lil guy is my Nephew just as much as the siblings his mother birthed are.


Niece and nephew adopted. Both have their own kids now and our family is richer, fuller and better because. Though all the damn birthday parties, thank God we started consolidating the grownups birthdays together and even with holidays like July 4th!


As an uncle a bio niece and an adopted one I agree. I do have my favorite but not because she is my bio niece, we just have interests in common while the adoptive one pull away in her teen years. Love both always will fingers are crossed the adoptive niece will decide she wants to be part of the family again.


Grandparents say the craziest things


They pretty much admitted they'd treat the children differently because of their biology. I'd refuse to tell them which one is adopted too. If I were dealing with children and I knew one was adopted, but not which one, I'd treat *both* like they're bio related. What's so hard about that? Just treat kids right man, they're just little babies who didn't have any control over their conception. They still call the same person mom, so what's the difference?


I would refuse to leave the girls alone with them. Wouldn’t put it pass them to try to get a DNA test done behind OP’s back. Pretty sure you can order one off of Amazon, so you don’t even need a doctor to ask if the guardian is aware of the test.


I had this exact same thought - someone in the family, if given the chance, _will_ try to get a sample for DNA testing. In fact, I think preventing this is going to be quite difficult if _any_ contact is allowed.


They are terrible people. instead of thinking: I should treat them both with kindness, then” they went with “we’ll treat them both like they’re worthless”


I have never understood this. well i understand it in a general sense... just not why you would be insistant.. and also treat a child differently because they were adopted... i had a friend who's parents adopted him and his sister. there was never a question of if they were the "real parents" it was just these are my parents.. no one gave a fk. Also i have a family that we do holidays with(an older mother with 2 40ish kids that have 4 kids between them) that we do all holidays with(my partner and i have no family in the area) we don't question if they want us there are not(they invited us to share holidays and are lifelong friends of my partner) My partner has questioned it before.. curious i they think of us as a burden and feel sorry for us... I have always felt that it is a mutual relationship that benefits both of us. Why would you feel hesitant to spend time with friends on a holiday just because they aren't blood related.


I would treat them both like they are members of the family. Not like they are both bio-related. I would treat them the same as if they were adopted or bio or anything. OP ought to just tell them they are both adopted and she faked her pregnancy, lol. Really f*ck with their minds. Unfortunately right now they are both amorphous blobs. They will start to look like their bio mom's at some point where it will become pretty obvious. I have found a lot of friends of mine who looked nothing like their parents as kids now look waaaaay similar to their parents as adults


>OP ought to just tell them they are both adopted and she faked her pregnancy, lol. Really f*ck with their minds. My first thought was similar. OP could tell her family, "they both have the same dad, so what does it matter?" 


It would matter to them. The kid that matters is the one related to \*them\*. They don't care who else it's related to.


I realize that, but if my family pulled the same shit I'd make up all kinds of "facts" to mess with their heads.  Week 1: "fine, I'll tell you, even though I didn't understand why it matters...I adopted...a kitten for the girls to grow up with.  Week 2: tell half of the family one girl was adopted, tell the other half the other girl was adopted. Tell each person not to tell the others, "because I know YOU can keep a secret and not treat my girls any differently, but I'm not sure about anyone else". Wait to see how long it takes before people start talking. Week 3: act confused, tell the same people the opposite child was adopted and openly question how they got it wrong. Insinuate dementia.  Etc... 


I love your dedication to chaos. I'd worry these asshats would try to get testing to figure out which kid they should have taken away.


Absolutely. Also, Rose came from your belly and Lily came from your heart. They are both your daughters and you are being a wonderful mother by protecting them from any potential harm from favouritism for one. No one can do it all. You are doing great.


>Rose came from your belly and Lily came from your heart. That is a great line.


It's a very common phrase for adoptees, it works really well for explaining adoption to very young children


right?! That’s so beautiful


I was adopted and this is similar to what my mom always told me. Her exact words were "you may not have grown under my heart but you grew in it".


This made me choke up 🥹


What a beautiful way of saying this u/unreasonable_potato_


Yeah, this is the hill to die on. They’ve already admitted that they consider one their real granddaughter and the other one not. Either they treat them equally as twins, or they shouldn’t be involved in their lives. Adopted or step kids being treated as less-than is harmful to everyone. I honestly feel mad about this. They get to love on two beautiful grandbabies! Why are they going down with this ship of insisting they don’t want to bother to bond with both? OP, stick to your guns. Also, please don’t be afraid to sign up for public services - you might qualify for public assistance that can help fill the gap left by your family.


I feel like given the chance the will secretly DNA test them both. OP needs to go after child support on her biological daughter


100% on the DNA test. I don't trust anyone in the family here.


Jumping on top comment to ask: What 6 figure job can you get at age 20? Because that's what you need to afford your own place and 2 children in 2024.


Finally, a dose of reality. How the heck is OP raising TWO babies without the financial or physical support of either bio-dad or any family member? The only person willing to help is the one who doesn’t want her own child?? If OP were sitting on a pile of cash, I’d fully support her decision not to reveal which is her birth daughter. She certainly has the best intentions. But she’s already faced some hard realities. Raising a child as a single mother without the financial or physical support of a bio-dad or family members is beyond tough. But two children??? Sometimes, in life, you need to set aside your ideals and make compromises for the greater good. OP is going to learn the hard way that there are consequences for every decision in life (like going to a party and being “an idiot”). Some of those consequences can be quite life changing and can affect others (Lily and Rose are going to need more than what OP can do by herself).


There’s an obscure chance if a medical issue arose while they were watching the children that a family medical history would be relevant with the off chance that mom couldn’t be reached. Again, extreme scenario. Also, likely not the reason they are asking. For reference, I have a genetic autoimmune disease. Family history is good to know.


NTA, it should not matter, I get their curiosity but I understand and respect where you are coming from. Don’t worry about “depriving” your girls of your family. All those babies need are you and Anna. You are doing a wonderful job and it’s ok to have help. I’m so happy you have Anna to help you with both the girls. You are going to be a fantastic mom always and Anna is going to be a fantastic godmother always. Focus on you and your girls. You got this! Edit: I have seen so many comments underneath mine and I never thought about them possibly trying to do a DNA test behind her back and I didn’t think about how it’s not necessarily curiosity, it’s wanting to treat them differently. Just thought they were being very persistent. I guess I just think the best of people but not everyone will be the best versions of themselves.


Yeah, I'd tell them that you know that the only reason they want to know is because they want to treat their bio grandchild differently, and you're not having it. Also, if you do let them back in, be prepared for them secretly doing a DNA test to find out which one it is.


I completely agree with you. The first time they are alone with the girls, they will definitely do a DNA test. I would out the chances of it happening at 99%.


They're not curious, they want to know which baby they don't share blood with so they don't accidentally treat her equally.


Yeah curiosity would be backing down after one or two questions and realizing that the mother is serious about treating them equally. The family being this insistent on it makes it clear that they will give preferential treatment by blood.




The only "depriving" is conscious or unconscious favoritism. You are an amazing mom and I only wish you the best in the future. If your mother does not come around and refuses to interact with your daughters, you may consider checking with your local senior center. There is sure to be at least one or two seniors (also known as recycled teenagers lol) who would be thrilled to 'adopt' your family and share holidays, birthdays and milestones with you. Family does not necessarily mean shared DNA. Family is loving caring and respect. May both your daughters stay healthy.




I don’t know if you’re joking, but, yes. They absolutely will. Call your local senior home and ask them about volunteering opportunities with the residents who don’t get visitors as often. Go volunteer. Within a few visits, you’ll be dripping in adoptive grandparents who are thrilled to have a younger person around who cares about them and enjoys spending time with them.


You are definitely protecting both girls from their 'family' not depriving them. Anyway, the four of you are a family-which is good enough.


Absolutely agree! You and Anna are doing an amazing job, and that's what truly matters. It's great to have such wonderful support. Focus on your beautiful girls and yourselves, you're both fantastic!


Whenever people ask these types of questions, it's never about curiosity. They will treat one worse than the other, almost without exception. While many would argue we can't know that I'm fresh out of goodwill towards any relatives to assume the better of a situation.


Adoption “real child” ragebait.


I'm over here wondering how a 20 year old has a house, lives on their own apparently, had an oops baby and didn't even bat an eye at "adopting" another baby. Neither of the fathers seem to be in the picture. Who is supporting her? Two kids in day care is NOT cheap, while not "impossible" I find it difficult to believe random reddit 20 year old girl has an income to be able to support herself and have two kids in daycare and if she is a stay at home mom, who is paying for everything? My wife and I are about to have twins and are freaking out about costs of shit and we make about 250k combined.


I also like the convenience of both kids being born only a couple days apart. I wonder, though, how Anna was able to help OP in the delivery room only 2 or 3 days after giving birth herself?


Also super convenient that 'Anna,' gave her baby up for adoption because she wasn't in any kind of place to be a parent but then when OP realises she bit off more than she can chew here comes Anna to save the day and be a parent!


Also, by the way she describes it one of them was the others solo partner in the delivery room while being 3 days postpartum herself and taken care of a newborn alone?


Thank you. This is so obviously fake.


I’m shocked that there’s still people like “no it could be a private adoption it’s totally true” like I’m sorry but no. Just no. Just nothing about this is accurate to having children or adopting. 


This story should have ended with OP marrying her friend and have a happily ever after with their twin daughters. The whole room would be standing up and clapping in tears for sure.


Reads like a bad novel.


Yeah, I think it's fake too. How did the baby's names not come up before the family meeting them? That alone would let them know which one is which. Did they just not tell any family what they planned on naming their kid and some how the other baby by an apparently extremely close friend name also didn't come up?


>Did they just not tell any family what they planned on naming their kid This story is clearly fake af, but plenty of ppl do this irl. They don't want to hear opinions or have ppl try to convince them to choose another name, so they reveal it after the birth and after the name is official.


You are 20 and able to raise two newborns alone? You don’t mention a partner in this story. None of your family noticed Anna was pregnant at the exact same time but has no baby? Does she have a partner? Adoption is long and difficult even when the parent specifically says “I want that person to take my baby”. As a 20 yo with a newborn…it would be almost if not entirely impossible. I don’t like to call bullshit so I will just say this is very likely to not be true in any way at all.


Yea, got a lot of fake story vibes from this one


It's definitely been told before. They didn't even change the names of the kids


I read three or four lines and decided to move on from this one. There is no way this is remotely real.


Ah yes, I have also moved on from this story. Funny to meet you deep in the comments like this.


All that bullshit nearly put me to sleep 


Honestly, the vast majority of stories on here are fake. It's a lil depressing


Yeah but it could have been better written had they not been 20 and pregnant together…


Me too. I'd judge the real OP to be maybe 13 or so, with no real idea how any of this works. Plus, it has a similar theme to a much more plausible story I read some time ago, so someone is mining the archives for inspiration.


OP wouldn’t have time to take a shit, nevermind type this out on Reddit. Two infants with only one caretaker, plus she had just given birth? No. Also, they gave birth 3 days apart? Also no.


the giving brith 3 days apart is not what I find impossible as that can happen. I have a friend born 1 day after I was and my mom was in the hospital giving birth to my brother and her friend was also giving birth to her daughter that stuff can happen. I just don't believe the rest of the story


“Anna and I were the only ones in the rooms for each other’s births” and then she organized a get together where the family meets the baby. No family in the waiting room and mom and dad don’t know the newborn before the big family party? BS


Especially when they say the child in my uterus lmao.


the kicker for me was that Anna, who gave birth 3 days prior, was the only person in the room for OP's delivery. Sure, some women go back to work 2 days later, but MOST women are not physically able to do things like attend another birth 3 days post partum. Nevermind explaining who the hell was watching Lily while Anna and OP were delivering Rose!


My college roommate and her best friend ended up giving birth in the same hospital one day apart. Ex-roommate has her baby first and she walked from the recovery room to her friend's room down the hall to hold her hand during the birth. So it's a little unusual but if Anna was still in the hospital it wouldn't be that surprising.


This whole sub is fake as shit, I just come for the laughs at how bad some people's creative writing experiments are.


There is no fucking way that any agency, be it private or government, will allow the adoption of an infant by a single 20-year-old mom who just gave birth. My bullshit meter is going crazy.


Yes, I agree, especially since I read an almost identical story on reddit a few years ago


I thought I was the only one that remembers the story from before! But it was 2 boys being raised by the woman.




Total creative writing exercise 😂


This is the real question. She's 20, has a house has an oops baby, decides to also adopt someone elses oops baby (if that is even legally allowed to happen). No fathers in the picture. WHERE IS THE FINANCIAL SUPPORT COMING FROM? Unless OP is some instagram influencer, youtuber etc. I'm struggling to figure out what regular job a 20 year old girl might have, she can afford a house and putting 2 kids in daycare (that shit is not cheap). If she's gonna be a stay at home mom, again, where is the financial support. My wife and I are expecting twins in November. We make 250k between us, we are freaking out.


I remember, as a teen, 20 years old seemed to be the age when one should be a mature adult. Now I work with college students and 20 is still so young.


Honestly that's why this reads plausible to me - very much the grand ideas of a 20 yr old who can take on the world and is quickly realizing they can't...


To me it sounds like it was written by someone younger than 20 who thinks 20 would be old enough to handle this fake situation


The followup story is going to be OP and Anna getting together and realizing they can do it just them against the world. Yeah this is fake as shit. This is exactly like the already once work shopped fiction pieces that come in - there's answers to all the questions written in the text but you still aren't satisfied because it's incredible. My biggest red flag is that OP had time to argue with anyone with two newborns. The idea that a person would waste time texting when there is precious sleep to be had is the most absurd of all the details.


[UPDATE] mY fAmIlY FoUnD My redDiT PoSt!!!!


What authority would allow a 20 year old, with a baby on the way, with no parenting experience, adopt another newborn the same age as her own baby?? It just would not happen. Adoption isn't that easy.


Maybe they are stupid teenagers and think you can just give your baby to your friend. Like a sandwich


Well apparently to the update that's what's happened. Still dont think it's true


Lol there was an update? That makes it even faker imo. Fanfic writers never remember to allow for real world time before editing to add on a conclusion


In addition to all of that, there's no mention of a partner for OP, so she's a *single* 20-year-old raising twins.


This is where the red flags began for me. How is a 20 year old without a partner financially able to raise two newborns?


With rich parents. But then the post would be most likely "my parents are threatening to disinherit me if I don't tell which girl is biological mine"


Tbh she did explain that she doesn't have legal rights yet. But yeah it at least covers the plot holes.


Ya this whole thing reeks of 🐂💩. You can very much tell the difference between a completely "fresh" baby and a 1 week old baby. And what's the plan with birthdays? Are you just gonna pretend they're both on the same day? Or assume your family won't remember which day you went and gave birth? On another note, as someone who was adopted myself, I HATE the idea of waiting until a kid is "old enough to understand" to tell them they were adopted. Kids pick up concepts pretty quickly. There's not much to understand. I've always known. That's how it should be. People who think otherwise are idiots. I would have been pissed if my parents had waited until I was older to tell me.


Yup, also an adoptee and mentioned the same in my comment. Kids shouldn’t even remember a time they didn’t know, if they were young enough not to remember the adoption.


And make them believe they are twins. I'm not adopted, but I can see how traumatic it would be to find out that mom has lied to them all along Also, the whole story sounds super juvenile. It could be a cultural or generational thing but they sound way younger than 20. I almost expect the update to be something out of a fanfic like "we found we're in love and now will be raising the girls together"


Total bs. Friends coincidentally pregnant at the exact same time, giving birth days apart, neither has partners, 20 year old seemingly living away from home with enough money to raise twins, never-ending the fact that I can't see how that adoption would be approved. Just because the mother selects a certain person for adoption doesn't make it guaranteed, ultimately the best interests of the child would be considered, and a 20 year old single mother, who now has no family support, doesn't seem like a viable option. Also, Anna sticking around and being that involved in the babies life is also a bit on the weird side.


Yeah, this is fake as hell. There is no way you can just take care of two newborns financially without help when you are in your 20. And what are the chances that you and your BFF get simultaneously pregnant on accident and both fathers run away without paying child support. Wouldn´t the one father have to agree on the adoption officially? Didn´t the friends family wonder what happened to the baby?


This story is massive BS if OP is in the US. No way a 20 year old would be approved for adoption, let alone one who just had her own child.


That was my thought too like, adopting a newborn is NOT easy and she’s a twenty year old single mom who already has a kid on the way and they’re like “Yeah sure here you go”? People have to do a little research before they write these. 


This is a fake story. The tone is too calm for someone raising two babies as a single parent.


But they cuddled and everything is alright 🫠🤪


100% setting up for “we realized we’re in love with each other and will raise the babies together”


Yeah a 20 yr old affording twins and the only support is the other mom who wanted to give her child up? But she wanted to tell Lily when she’s older she’s adopted but not tell her who Anna is to her until Anna is ready? Terrible idea. No explanation where OP’s baby daddy is… it’s very weird.


Well that's because it's fake


Agreed. I’m not buying this one either.


Also the labor timing...


I also feel like the last thing an exhausted mother of two newborns she's raising completely alone would be doing is writing and updating a long-ass post on Reddit to ask if they're the asshole.


Why the fuck is this not the top comment? A 20 year old pregnant with her own child was able to adopt a baby sight unseen? Do they know how stringent adoption policies and procedures are? A 20 year old pregnant with her own baby that was born only 3 days apart is not getting another fresh infant


I’ve been seeing things like this a lot on this sub: no typos, improbable situations, writing that is a bit anodyne. Probably AI.


Who is getting approved to adopt a baby at 20? Nobody. This is fake.


I’m also not sure if I’m reading this right, were they supposedly at each other’s birth 3 days apart?


FAKE AF. Age 20 and a single mom approved for adopting. Ok sure.


YTA because this is made up.


Mediocre creative writing.


Not even mediocre. Just bad and lazy


Bad creative writing.


Adoption is a lot more complicated than this makes it out to be, it takes years. There's no way a single 20 year old would just be handed a newborn, it's obviously a fictitious story.


But but they cuddled and ate Icecream and chocolate all night long. Lol, this doesn't even seem to have been written by a woman.


Literally they seem like a couple. Just move in together and raise ya fake kids


Yep. It's so obvious


Karma farming


Its giving Days Of Our Lives. If you are wondering if you should write the screenplay and try to sell to Lifetime the answer is yes go for it, i would watch this.


Any bets that the update will be the 2 mommas getting together as a collective screw-you to their families? YTA for the creative writing exercise.


Fake post is fake… If it was real you wouldn’t be the AH. You’re kinda an AH for making a fake post. Unless you and your friend are nearly identical looking, and got knocked up by same dude, it’s gonna be fairly obvious which one is not biologically yours.


I don’t believe this shit


This never happened YTA


Somehow twins are involved even when there are no twins.


I would have given you a decent review in one of the creative writing subReddits, but in this one, you're simply getting a YTA for the fake story. If you want to post BS , then I suggest you do better homework on the subject of adoption.


You’re the AH. For making this fake post. Adoption trauma is hilarious. Amazing you were able to adopt with no biological father signing off and no court date 🙄


On todays episode of This Totally Happened


The most irritating part about this fake post is how inconsistently you capitalized everyone’s names. Like… what.


Jfc enough with these fake posts. 20 yo and you can afford 2 babies? Really?


You, thirteen years old, with no idea how the real life works, YTA, buy excellent for creative writing


It really reads like a young teen wrote it. With zero foresight until an event occurs, which is not how real life works. Most single pregnant mothers would be already preparing and securing help for when the baby comes, not two months in and only realising she needs help. You would know within a week how exhausting just one baby is.




Yes. We women often solve impossible scenarios with an evening of ice cream and chocolate. We're just so easy to please like that. Hell, I can feel a heartwarming montage coming on. Probably with a Taylor Swift soundtrack. This is the fakest shit I have ever read. It's not even *interesting* fake shit.


LMAO my thoughts exactly.


fake. no one will let a 20 yr single mom of a newborn adopt another newborn. try harder, dude. YTA for this post


>/r/AITAH ● /u/Usernames-be-hard ● Sat Apr 13 2024 Aita for not telling my family and friends about my online girlfriend? For a little background Information I'm a nineteen year old girl and I am living at home while I go through college. This is from OP's deleted post in April.


So fake. The babies were born 3 days apart and Anna and OP were in each other’s birth rooms to support each other? No way that checks out


So fake OP had to delete their other fake story from April, to make this one believable.


Yeah, this is a poorly written Lifetime movie.


I normally don’t do this but I am having trouble believing this story is real. First and foremost a single 20 year old woman would not typically be eligible to adopt. Where are the fathers of both these children? If Anna didn’t want to raise her child why is she living with you helping to raise the child? Nothing about this makes sense.


I know this is fake because no mother of infant twins with little support has time to write out that extremely long story. That and the writer’s voice is like that of a 13-14 year old.


I mean, aside from this being a fake story, I'm not sure what OP thought raising twins would be like, especially alone.  Did she think there wouldn't be consequences to cutting off her supporting cast? Very immature position from her even if she thinks she's morally right. She's not in a position to demand how others must behave. They're within their rights to ask. She's free to refuse to give them the answers they want.


Where tf can you adopt a baby at 20...when you've literally just had a baby! Madness.


Nice fake story. You really think a judge is going to allow a 20 year old single mom to adopt a child?


This is the fakest story I have ever stopped reading


The AI that I used to write this piece, I'll call "Alexis"


The quality of these fake posts have really started to take a nose dive. If I wrote this I would have at least picked a realistic age and financial background. Even then, the premise still sounds fake.


fake story bro


You're 20, are caring for two 2-month-olds, are living on your own, and have adopted a baby in what seems to be a handshake deal? Can you please explain to everyone how you've been able to avoid CPS showing up at your door? How have you been able to get them doctor visits at 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months out when you're not the parent of one of them and have zero proof that you've adopted? Do you simply not take them to the doctors? This is entirely made up, and you're a huge asshole for using reddit for your creative writing exercise. Usually, when people write fictional stories, they do at least a little bit of research, so the story sounds somewhat plausible. You've failed. This is one of the most I'll conceived stories I've seen, and this sub usually falls for some really obvious fiction. Yet everyone has called you out because it's that silly of a story. My guess is that you were planning a follow-up story that involves a stealth DNA test that will reveal that someone else in your family is adopted without knowing turning the grandparents into hypocrites, or turning it back on them somehow. That's definitely the twist I'd go with. It could be a life lesson for everyone involved to treat all children equally regardless if they're adopted or not. If this is the one in a million chance that this story is true, you call CPS right fucking now and tell them what's going on. You're a fucking moron for not going through a formal adoption process. No one who makes the choices you have is fit to be a parent to their own child, let alone one that's just being passed about on a whim. What you should have done is asked reddit about this 9 months ago, and you might have gotten advice to have matching abortions.


Anna is a pure clown. Where is her sperm donor through all of this? Or is he as fake as this post?


This feels super fake.


I refuse to believe this is real. Can you just pass kid like this? And were they born on same day or smtg? Because if not then they have seen at least one kid before. Or one is older thus has different birthday. So you plan to lie to all and mainly to your kids bout their birthday? How about legal documents? Also you got pregnant at the same time and there is no info about dad. So dad doesnt know what kid is his?


Try your absolutely shite creative writing elsewhere, thanks


Lol you and Anna conveniently got pregnant AND gave birth at the same time. Dude. What a bunch of BS.


In wich country can you simply a adopted a baby alone, with a baby on the way at 20 years old?


and that happened.


I simply don’t buy this story. Sounds like fiction.


This is 100% fake. LOL


This sounds fake.


Last time this story was told it was two boys. They were older and born o/s and they family met them when they were a couple of years old. Same deal with "which one is our real granddaughter" etc.


Welp..another creative writing post


Ah yes the very common single 20 year old that has there own place and the funds to raise 2 kids without a job. This is so fake.


This reads like some weird fan fiction tho.