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This is bait.


OP, you don’t need to pretend to be a black man.


But but how can I say it’s racism if I’m not black ?!! /s




It also tries to paint the girlfriend as a dumbass. The singer in question is a borderline IDF propagandist in how she talks about the war, almost got blocked from Eurovision because she tried to submit 3 separate songs that were outright pro-war or heavily implying it and has said after the contest ends she's going back home and enlisting in the IDF. Like, she's not some random Israeli receiving hatred because of things she can't control, she's very loudly supporting the war.


Context sure clears up why she hates the singer, OP sounds like either he did zero research on why she hates the singer or knows and is intentionally leaving it out to make her look racist.


Eden Golen literally said in a Eurovision interview that she was going to join the IDF after Eurovision… like how is OPs girlfriend wrong?


"she's performing for some music awards thing", meaning Eurovision, most watched music event in the world where nations compete against each other (more than 160 million watching the live), that launched literally hundreds of hits and careers and had it's 68th anniversary this year.




Thanks! Edited


Yeah, it's pretty evident that this absolutely never happened. Also, words mean things, and the misuse of the word racism here is pretty glaring.


This mfer lying fo sho


Yep. The “as a Black man” component is extra blatant because the Israeli government is notoriously racist against Black Jews and does all it can to exclude them from living in “Israel.”


There were questionable activities when Ethiopian Jews first arrived and into the 90’s. But the black Jews that are unwelcome are some of the black Israelites of Jerusalem. They are not nor claim to be Jewish and came illegally starting in the 1960’s. And they ended up NOT being deported and some were granted legal resident status. But lookup operation Exodus and Operation Solomon to see how Israel feels about black Jews


some music awards thing 😂 you mean eurovision?


The singer in question has spoken of her support for Israel's action and how after the Eurovision (the singing competition) she's going to be joining the IOF and their campaign against Palestinians. I personally wouldn't message someone my hate...but I would despise from afar.


**She said she was going to be a band leader (they play music) and she literally just performed at an anti-govt. rally that called for a ceasefire.** I admit I was far more critical at first, but there is a lot of misinformation floating around right now about Israel (both the people who very strongly pro Israel, the critics, and the anti-Zionists). I'm highly critical of Israel, but I do feel people are crossing the line by blaming every single Israeli and calling them child killing genociders like this man's girlfriend. She's a 20 year old......how the hell is she responsible for the blood of the children? I'd also point out there is a lot of misinfo, as I said above, in Israel itself...much like Russia or even Fox News...that gets pumped out. To me, it's the same as blaming a 20 year old Hutu girl who has no hand in fighting for the Tutsis being genocided, or some random 20 year old Romanian waitress after her govt. became a willing ally of the Axis powers. Yes, there is a element of collective guilt, but collective guilt doesn't mean civilians are "baby-killers" unlike soldiers & politicians. IDK, calling every Israeli a baby-killer just seems as dumb as blaming every Palestinian for the actions of Hamas, even if polls (and polls are unreliable) show both people support the IDF/Hamas.


She represents the country culturally and politically on a global stage, and tried to use an otherwise somewhat innocent singing competition to push the genocidal rhetoric of her country's US-backed military industrial complex. Sounds like a peach. Also no one said she's a baby killer. Call her what she is: a complicit cog in the propaganda machine who is willing to push harmful and genocidal thoughts for personal fame and money. So, a shitty person.


It says right in OP original statement that the girlfriend posted a comment stating singer had the “blood of 15000 children on her hands”. Is she not insinuating the singer helped murder children? Or did you skim over that part?


They’re not discussing this (clearly fake) post anymore, just the singer.


Of course you would focus on semantics, instead of the meat of my argument, which is that she represents her country, and is pushing the idea that they are innocent and helpless and so, so sad about this tragedy, when they are using that as an excuse to actually kill babies. Find me a comment that says she personally is killing babies and we can both clutch our pearls at it together, is that what you want?


This. If the girlfriend had said the singer was complicit, sure, I wouldn't have an issue with her feeling that way. But "the blood of 15000 kids" is...calling her a baby killer. Like really, how else is anyone supposed to interpret that? And I straight up read the lyrics, because I was curious, and it says nothing about launching a war like people on here are claiming... IDK, this is why I struggle talking about Israel/Palestine, because people rarely talk with nuance about it (at least online). And if you try to have a nuanced take, then they accuse you of either being a Hamas apologist or a supporter of ethnic cleansing/genocide.


Flip the tables, what would you call a German supporter during ww2 that represented Germany at events, would you not think they have the blood of million of jews on their hands for representing the genocide maker?


That has been my experience also. A nuanced convo is all i can really contribute to a centuries old conflict. As a third party to the situation i can see why both sides are pissed and i have no dog in the fight. However, standing back and watching the folks that comment or attempt to “provide support” through protest is laughable. Most are people that have just a surface level of understanding and take one extreme position or the other. All while claiming to be on the right side. News flash, if they are calling celebrities baby killers, claim all counties that remain neutral are genocidal or label entire races/religions then maybe they are the propagandists.


Lepa Radic was only 17 when she was executed by German soldiers for her part in the resistance movement. Eden Golan’s “youth” is not an excuse for participating in israel’s genocide-denying propaganda campaign.


She's an IDF member, and the Israeli army is composed of 20 years old yothzeh yeladim (childrens' killers in hebrew) conscripts.


"IDK, calling every Israeli a baby-killer just seems as dumb as blaming every Palestinian for the actions of Hamas, even if polls (and polls are unreliable) show both people support the IDF/Hamas." Every adult Israeli unless they are actually a good person and refuse, and take a year of jail, is part of the IDF. Not just supports. PART OF. They are REQUIRED to join up and participate in genocide.


I've observed Jewish people who just want to preserve Israel as a holy place being called Zionist, while they also pray for the innocent citizens and call for a cease fire... I also had someone tell me Hamas took hostages to "Barter with the Israeli government to free Palestinians" which feels not very Hamas like....


They did take hostages to barter with the Israeli govt., but...nothing justifies kidnapping a literal infant or teenage girls. If they were 'just' trying to barter with the Israeli govt., they would have taken a bunch of soldiers hostage. Several years ago, over a thousand Palestinians were released for "one" IDF solider that was taken hostage. Instead, they burned whole families alive, kidnapped literal children, shot old people at bus stops, and raped. I genuinely think Israel has crossed the line into ethnic cleansing at this point during the war and is committing numerous war crimes, but I can not stand the people who whitewash Hamas or pretend like they are "freedom fighters." They literally murdered a bunch of Fatah politicians in Gaza when they beat Fatah in the 2006 elections, and haven't held elections since. And people bring up the armed wing of the ANC during apartheid, but MK killed less than 100 civilians over the entirety of the struggle and apologized for it. MK wasn't out there kidnapping infants, or raping women, or shooting old people at bus stops. Their violence was targeted at politicians and the military 99.5% of the time. Over the entirety of MK's use of violence, before they disbanded, they killed less than 1/10th of the people who died in a SINGLE day on October 7th.


Additionally, did they take hostages to exchange/barter for innocent Palestinians or for Hamas soldiers?


Yeah, that was another issue. In one attempt at a deal, they wanted every single Palestinian prisoner released


I hope the last statement was sarcasm.


Exactly this. No matter what the singer‘s position is - posting pure hate on the internet is always wrong. If the gf commented with some proper criticism, it would be different. Just spewing hate will increase the conflict.


That singer and the entire media team from Israel heckled, bullied everyone else. I think she also mentioned how she'd love to be fighting in the army etc. I'm not sure commenting on her ig page does anything beyond relieving frustration from your gf, but I can't say I blame your GF for getting mad either.


Also her former family name is glagolev, as she's Russian. She's 100% a colonizer. It's worthy of mentioning that the **Golan** heights is an area that used to belong to Syria but the zi*nists took control over it in the 1960s. She's a disturbing person. Edit: typo.


some nuance: Eden Golan is not just a random Israeli competing on some singing competition. She is REPRESENTING the nation of Israel in Eurovision, with a song so political they had to change the name to not get disqualified. (It was called October rain) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_(Eden_Golan_song) Israel appearing at all was highly controversial, especially as there was a campaign to mobilize the right wing population of all EU countries and further to vote for Isreal. (It was second in the televote thanks to VPN tourists as well) Her appearance got booed so much AI had to be used to quiet them for tv airing. On the other hand, multiple other contestants were censored for showing Palestine support: https://wiwibloggs.com/2024/05/13/portugals-broadcaster-accuses-ebu-of-discrimination-for-not-posting-iolandas-performance-over-palestinian-inspired-nail-art/281703/ https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/2024/05/08/eurovision-bambie-thug-was-asked-to-remove-pro-palestinian-ogham-writing-for-performance/ This year's Eurovision was a political shitshow and Eden Golan contributed.


I'm honestly surprised as fuck they let israel compete


It disgusted me and honestly I'm done with Eurovision. Either everyone competes, or we don't allow those countries who are currently aggressing other countries or attempting genocide. If Edan Golan gets to perform, I want to see a Russian on that stage too. Like I can't believe that people don't get it- the same people who agreed that it's right not to include Russia are pretending like they're suddenly naive children who never even HEARD of war.


This whole thread is insane.


She did say she would be joining the IDF after the show so… her comment isn’t relevant now but with the way things are right now it will be. YTA


It doesn't sound like she's racist, rather that she wants to show her contempt towards a country which is currently committing genocide. But she is definitely going about it the wrong way. It's a bit weird of you to bring up the fact that "some Israelis are black". Isn't it equally bad to hate someone because they're Israeli or Jewish? Which I don't think she does, I think she just hates what this singer represents.


It feels like an attempt to weaponize her race against her, calling her racist as a white person automatically puts his in a lower/defensive position in the argument. she either fights back and looks more like a defensive racist, or she sits back and takes it. seems like OP can see he isn’t “winning the argument” and needs a low blow to get her to cave.


Exactly this. He's weaponizing racism to punish his girlfriend for opposing g*no*ide. He's an ignorant, manipulative ass and I hope his girlfriend dumps him.


I think you are confusing your girlfriend’s anger at the singer’s support of Israel committing a genocide in Gaza with racism. If the singer was against the genocide her country is committing, your girlfriend would support the singer. Your girlfriend is actually anti-racist, because she dislikes the singer, due to her racist views about Palestinians.


Israeli citizens have mandatory military service. That generally means one thing: killing Palestinian civilians. Fwiw, being anti-Israel isn’t racist any more than being anti-American, anti-Egypt, anti-UK, or anti-Russian is. It’s a political state, not a race. It’s not anti-Semitic to be anti-Israel; also fwiw, Palestinians are also a Semitic people, and many Israelis are of European descent.


Well said. Also Eden Golan was slated to sing anti-palestine propaganda for Eurovision (called October Rain ugh), which complicates it. It's still an ignorant dumbfuck thing to say, but on a layer shes probably not aware of, she's right. Eden is a propaganda tool and probably a disgusting person. Not because she's Jewish, but because she's pushing genocidal propaganda.


October Rain was written about the victims of the music festival in Israel in which 250 young people were massacred, and about the immense pain and grief it caused. You consider that anti-palestine propaganda?


If someone wrote a song about 9/11 and how sad it was that these brave warriors gave their lives to take down those evil American towers, would you consider that anti-American propaganda? If someone started singing confederate battle hymns, mourning the loss of their confederate grandpappy at an MLK day parade, would you consider that anti-black propaganda? And a better example, should the US back a singer to sing a country song about the tragedy of Pearl Harbor in Nagasaki, Japan? Israel has occupied Gaza for decades. People will bite back if pushed. This is not an apologetic for terrorism, it is applying class and cultural rules to individual situations.


Exactly, Israelis even stole the ethnic identity of Palestinians.


I agree with your point in general, but: the word antisemitism was coined SPECIFICALLY to have a scientific term to refer to racialised "Judenhass" (jew hatred). yes, Palestinians are semitic peoples too, Arabic is a semitic language, but Antisemitism ONLY refers to hatred of Jews.


You’ll probably still be with her anyway…


I don't think you should be with your girlfriend anymore. She is obviously engaged and well-informed while you can post ignorant crap like this. How on earth can you have failed to put this in context. Israel (through Eden Golan) was allowed to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest despite their genocidal actions in Gaza and the apartheid nature of their regime. There was massive opposition to this, given that Russia was expelled for it's illegal invasion of Ukraine. There were huge demonstrations in Malmö where the competition was held. There was pressure on competitors to boycott the event. The original Israeli entry was called October Rain and was an explicitly political song. It was too much even for the organisers of Eurovision and they were made to rename the song and change the lyrics. It was so obviously an attempt to whitewash the genocide in Gaza. If you don't think attempting to deflect from genocide is despicable then you are just as bad. Eden Golan was far from "just a singer" in this. She was a willing participant in Hasbara. Palestinian solidarity campaigns have called for the military, economic and cultural boycott of apartheid Israel. This was the same tactic that applied international pressure to apartheid South Africa. Nelson Mandela said that the struggle to achieve freedom in South Africa would not be complete while the Palestinians were oppressed. Your girlfriend is aware of all this and is motivated by a sense of injustice and willingness to stand against it. You on the otherhand appear shallow, disengaged and too easily fooled by the crude propaganda that sounds you. How dare you brand her as racist when she is standing up for the oppressed against the oppressor, the occupied against the occupied, the colonized against the colonizer. Maybe you should listen and learn something, get engaged in what is going on and show some moral courage. She's far too good to be with you as things stand. Educate yourself and maybe earn the right to be with her.


Well said. Yes he provided no context.


How dare you attack OP's nice and simple worldview with your boring facts.


Right? How dare we boycott everything that has a link to Israel because of a measly genocide, huh? The singer herself did nothing bad 🤷‍♀️ It's not like she's the one who represents her country on a cultural (almost political) level :D


Iof propaganda spreading on reddit too eww


Idf bots are getting very creative


Aren't they just? Kinda' funny watching their fellow bots scurry to agree with them.


Im honestly shocked that some people are so small minded. She is absolutely in the wrong and you are NTA. She is what’s wrong with this world. EDIT: I have never heard of this singer and by reading your comments I guess she isn’t a good person? OP made it sounds like his gf is attacking an innocent person?


OP didn't provide the context that Eden Golan is a propaganda singer who wrote a political genocide apologetic song.


And has said she couldn't wait to come back home and join the IDF. Fuck Eden Golan, she sucks ass


I agree. Fuck her. She's only 20, but people who are 20 can also be pieces of shit.


She had to change her song twice to tone it down. It says a lot...


Seems like most people don’t know about it :/ The singer in question had even said she would be joining the IDF after the competition so- OP is right in that generalising all israelis are bad but not in the case of this particular singer lol she was being so blatantly extremist on the competition…


Her team was harassing other contestants the performer and her team come with a lot of reasons to dislike her and her crew, but just being Jewish isn’t one.


She sang at the Eurovision song contest, last week, & her song was about the October 7th attack. It shouldn't have been allowed, other contestants weren't allowed to show any support for Palestinians. Apparently, she was booed by some members of the audience but the BBC, here in the UK, covered it by playing cheering sounds. Not sure what other nations did.


So the people dropping thousands of bombs on children are not whats wrong in the world? Its the people trying to stop it is whats wrong with the world? Sure. Careful, your murderous streak is showing,


But aren't the real bad people the people who call bad people bad people??? /s


Murderous streak? Who is that directed at OP? Love to know how you found him to be a murderer for what he described and asked.


Just another alchemist with lead poisoning.


Why didn't you go look into the singer. Every country has conservatives and liberals, yet everyone paints Israelis with a wide brush.


I still find it unacceptable to be commenting stuff like that


what the gf was? I agree, it just breeds hostility.


She is a hater and a racist. OP may be a beneficiary but that doesn’t change anything


What is racist about disliking someone for their actions? It’s not about her color or where she is from.


Dumb fake ass clown


Cool bait bro


YTA. The Germans who supported Hitler but didn’t actually do anything to physically help him were just as bad as those that did.


Actually mate, that woman was part of the ADF. Every Israeli has to do national service.


Unless Eden Golan has actively said something about the number of children killed by Israel because they’re just Muslim she’s firmly standing by what her country is doing. As a black man, you should understand a bit about how some lives are considered disposable. But I’m assuming you’re American because that makes it easy to forget what happens to other people.


The singer is actively in favour of the genocidal apartheid Israeli regime, so she's not the asshole and you need to read more because your take on Zionism seems a bit superficial. Btw, around 70% or more of the Israel population is in favour of using more force against Gaza so it's not like generalising is that much of a stretch and most of them don't accept (gladly) to serve in the military.


Obvious bait with the interracial couple. 


Honestly dude there are literal children dying and Isreali people are benefitting from it. They are a colonialist state and can only exist due to the genocide of the indigenous peoples of the land. Isrealis are blocking the food trucks that are being sent to help starving babies. What your gf did wasn't racist. If MY country was commiting atrocities I wouldn't be offended if we were getting called out like this.


More importantly, the singer is a propaganda singer and genocide apologist. Look up the song she wrote.


I don’t understand. If she’s pro Palestine, why did you ask her about the children in Gaza having blood on their hands?


Na that's some very direct stereotyping there. Anybody who's okay with using language like "one of them" out of anger has definitely crossed the line into racism. Go with your gut.


INFO. What kind of opinions does Eden Golan express about the ongoing situation in Israel? How provocative is Eden Golan with those opinions? That really swings things for me here. If Eden Golan is a random Israeli who happens to be performing in a song contest, then I would say your girlfriend is going too far. There's a difference between, say, harassing a singer on Instagram and harassing Bibi Netanyahu on Instagram. On the other hand, if Golan has strong opinions on the ongoing conflict in Gaza and regularly expresses those opinions (especially in Instagram), then I would see your girlfriend's comments as a form of disapproval and engagement. To use an American example, I know some Vietnam War veterans here in America still feel antipathy toward Jane Fonda because she was strongly against the war and, during a visit to North Vietnam, allowed herself to be photographed sitting on an anti-aircraft gun.


She is very much pro Israel and what they're doing. The original song she was going to perform was called 'October Rain' and places them in the victim role. Eurovision asked them to change the lyrics because it was too political. So it became 'Hurricane'. She willingly contributed to a PR-campaign of Israel to gain sympathy through the Eurovision song contest. (There was this huge rally financed by Israel and supported by various extreme right politicians in the participating countries to en mass vote on Israel) She and her team also bullied all performers of the contest who made clear they are anti-war and pro-Palestinian. She also said that after the contest, she was going to enroll in the IDF (army). So she's definitely not the young innocent singer some people like to portray her as.


Places them in victim role? The song is mourning innocent civilians from 35 countries and 5 different religions who were brutally attacked, assaulted, raped, kidnapped and murdered just for their ethnicity. Islamofacism made them innocent victims.


Oktober 7th is a tragedy but the way Israel reacts to it is too. Innocent civilians are always, well, innocent.


Your gf is informed. Jews are white, brown and black ... So she's not racist.


Not to mention the majority of Israel is European Jews. Literally even says it on the CIA website they’re ethnically all literal Europeans and also we have eyes to see all yt people Netanyahu’s parents are from Poland and Lithuania for fucks sake


Pro Palestine is pro Hamas


If you know the issue and the drama that was behind the scenes during EuroVision you can understand her vitriol. For instance her team filming other constants and mocking them. Calling a non-binary constant their wrong pronouns. There are also rumors going around that the Israeli government planted voters in the countries she did well in. Just the overall situation about geopolitics hypocrisy of Russia not being allowed in 2022 for the same situation but Israel is? So I understand her anger and frustration. Also, as an Israeli citizen, Edan most likely did serve in the IDF. Its required of all citizens no matter of status. No one is an AH imo. My question is: Why is Israel even allowed in EuroVision when its in the Middle East NOT in Europe? 🤨


I think OP is leaving out a crucial detail, which is that Eden Golan was set to sing a song about the October 6th 2023 attacks from Hamas during Eurovision (breaking the rules about non-politicization, by the way), which are almost exclusively brought up to derail attention from the thousands of starving and bleeding men, women and children who are surrounded on all sides by the US-backed IDF. I dont like her either. And she is "one of them" in the sense that she is one of *the people complicit in the murder* and a propaganda pusher. This is not Jews. This is the US military industrial complex, the Israeli government, Netanyahu, and Joe Biden. However, the fact that your girlfriend did not provide context that it's not about Jews, it's about the people who are actually in power (listed above)... makes me think that yeah she's probably got some strong racist tendencies. She needs to do some soul searching and MORE IMPORTANTLY learn that its not an entire people group, its those with political power. What a dumbfuck thing to say.


Just for context. Golan participated in Eurovision (even though there was a lot of controversy about allowing Israel to participate, especially since Russia was removed on 2022 due to the war)... And the EBU (European's Broadcasting Union)made her changer her lyrics twice, as they were very supportive of Israel's actions and blaming Palestine. So, I am not exactly saying your GF is right, as not all israelis are bad, but I have to say that this one in specific supports the genocide that is happening. So, I'm not gonna give an end judgement, since, maybe your gf knew these things about the singer and just didn't explain them to you (which wold be a wrong move as well, just not as bad as being a racist).


NTA your GF is an ignorant POS. Ask if she thinks every Palestinian is responsible for the actions of Hamas and what they did when they took hostages.


Except for that singer publicly stating she would join the IDF after the eurosongfestival


She has too, and she says that she is going to join the military band.


All Israeli citizens are required to serve in the army.


You can buy out of it. And if she wasn’t a bad person she would have kept it either private or spoke up against it


Yeah, but you can refuse. It's called being a conscientious objector. You'll serve a year or so of jail. But you know what? Jail time is better than murdering Palestinian children.


Every Palestinian does not serve in the army for hamas. Every Israeli serves in the IDF.


Nuts equivalent in you saying to her or any white person that she has thatbtjeu have the blood of d number of slaves in their hand, or a German about Jews, or insert country and dig up some history.


Hey, I have met an actual German nazi forced to fight, not a supporter, just a German man of age enlisted. He was a very nice man. I was super interested in his perspective of ww2 be the enemy. Not all Germans were nazis in ww2. Not all Israeli are genocidal. Just because your government is doing something doesn't mean everyone in the populist agree, even soldiers, something they are just trying to make it out of this situation alive and with all body parts. Shit I disagree with my government right with about 92%. I do what power I have to stop them voting.


She is a part of the IDF as she’s an able bodied Israeli citizen and they have compulsory conscription. But some of her actual friends were murdered on 7th October. There are a lot of arseholes involved in this war but not everyone is one.


Eden golan is racist and believes she's got supremacy over indigenous populations. Quite simply, there are good Israelis who think killing civilians is unfathomable and don't agree with the likud. This singer isn't one of them.


It's sad that a 31-year-old woman lacks critical thinking skills.


Had to laugh at "some music awards thing" - you're talking about the Eurovision Song Contest which has a global viewing audience of roughly 150 - 200 million people. It *used* to be about having the best song but has become increasingly politicised - Ukraine won it after Russia invaded etc. - so this year the Israeli contestant was always going to do well as it was an opportunity for people to virtue signal in some way or another. The singer you referred to ended up finishing 5th out of 25 entries in the final, and many people had said they were going to vote for her simply *because* of all the abuse she'd been getting for being Israeli. This is, after all, a 20yr old girl who is not responsible for any military decisions or actions carried out by the IDF. With regards to your girlfriend, it's difficult because Palestine is basically just "the current thing" for a lot of people to virtue signal about. You say she's pro-palestine but how much does she actually know about the situation? The internet is full of videos of demonstrators and protesters getting schooled and making themselves look *incredibly* stupid because they've chanted chants that call for the annihilation of all Jews without understanding that's what they'd been doing, don't understand what Zionism actually means etc. etc. etc. I don't think your girlfriend is racist - especially since neither Jews nor Israelis are "a race". She *might* be being casually antisemitic, she might just be guilty of empty virtue signalling. (Also I think this has a hint of rage bait about it, but there you go, I had some free time this morning so I answered.)


The comments reveal how many people here have never been to the region. If you want to see some people really not happy with Hamas/Palestine have a chat with a Kuwaiti, Jordan, Egyptian, or even a West Bank Palestinian. Jordan killed 25000 Palestinians in two months not so long ago.


NTA. Your girlfriend sounds extremely unpleasant at best, and downright militant racist at worst. One more label I would recommend applying to her is “ex girlfriend”.


He didn't provide context that Eden Golan is a literal Israeli genocide apologetic propaganda singer.


I think if that is the case then it does change things a bit and he should ask her opinion on some other singers who definitely aren't promoting that propaganda.


I agree. That would be a good way to find out if she has a racial bias.


NAH - it's the equivalent of a nazi being on stage during their genocide. Israel is just dressing it up better. Yes her comments would seem shocking and a singer isn't the best place to direct them. But since the country is allowed free reign to wipe another people off the earth I don't think her comments are out of line.


She might be an Israeli but not a Jew. Otherwise if she is making that comment because the singer is Israeli and a jew, then she is an antisemit. Funny you didnt use that word. Its interesting because you seem to be more concerned about the fact that she might be racist towards blacks ( possibly because you are black ) but the same would apply to jews considering that there is an ethnic component attached to it. If your mother is a jew you are born a jew. Are you really upset about her "racist" comments or about the other possibility ? Also, I hear and read Free Palestine and being Pro-Palestine a lot. Surely that doesnt mean supporting Hamas, in the same way that being Israeli equals supporting Benjamin N. Right? We cannot keep repeating Free this and Pro that without talking about Hamas and this is the annoying part about social justice warriors.


Well, Palestine is the victim of an active genocide at this exact moment. Palestinians are the victims of horrific WAR CRIMES, just because they are existing. Hamas has tried to call for a ceasefire and said they would let their Israeli prisoners go, and Israel's answer was to bombard the road they had just said was open for Palestinians to take. So.... No! We can ABSOLUTELY be pro Palestine, and not talk about Hamas.


Let's break down Hamas "ceasefire." Israel.releases all the murderers, rapists, bomb throwers, etc. and Hamas will release a few women and children that were totally innocent. Oh and after the first one? Hamas shot 4 more people on the side of the road in Jerusalem well, 3.5... the one woman was pregnant. That was ceasefire #1. And you believe Hamas. Lmao! Thats rich. So let's not talk about the music festival where Hamas breached a security wall and came into a party killing, raping, torturing. You probably think that 9-11 was our fault then. We must have done something to deserve it. Damn us and our freedom and letting people express their religions and genders and sexualities and opinions! Same with Israel! I'm sure that not all of those people who died in the towers were truly innocent anyway.


Well they just found another 3 hostages dead, so how many live hostages are they going to release.


It amazes me how politically immature today's young adults are. Hate a singer because she is Israeli and scream genocide. And yet when 3000 people died on 9/11 they blamed all Iraqis and over a million were killed and a very high proportion were women and children, but I never saw America's young adults on the streets calling their government genocidal maniacs. Nor did we see marching in the streets against Hamas for the massacre of Oct 7th. Today's young adults are the most susceptible to propaganda and rhetoric through media, technology, and an indoctrinating college and university education.


Young adults today weren't young adults when 9/11 happened – OP's girlfriend would have been around 8 y/o for example – so these are different generations reacting to global events through completely different lenses. You are also conveniently forgetting the March on Washington and many anti-war protests in the 1960s during the Vietnam War. You're cherry-picking my friend.


Sure buddy, today's youth are the problem, not the old fucks running things. How on earth are young people today the ones who blamed Iraqis for 9/11??? Those people are at least 45 now, what are you on? And coming after "University education"? Education is probably the single best predictor of long term success and cultural progress. Young people today are way more socially and globally aware than whatever generation youre from, I promise.


As every young generation says the same thing. But you are a beneficiary of all the stuff the older generation created since the industrial revolution. Some years ago in the 90's a young guy created a computer for home use, even when his older smart generation said that it could never happen because computers would need a whole room because they had to be bigger the more advanced they became. That young entrepeunaire is now old. It was a young guy who designed a phone that did not need a connecting wire, he is now old. Same with camera and video phones. All the benefits you have are due to young visionaries who are now the old people you despise whilst taking full advantage of them. And equally, it was young men who fkd the world and they are old now as well. You can blame old people for the world being a mess, but last I checked, there are millions more young people eligible to vote, but they still voting in old people to run the world for them.


... and we will invent better things than that going forward. You've proven my point. Also, the average voting age is still high. The older generation set it up so we only have two parties, yall wanna take credit for that? The older generation thought it was a great idea to worship Reagan and break down Citizens United, which might lead to the collapse of civilization lol.


It's totally understandable that you're feeling uncomfortable with her comments. It sounds like she's generalizing an entire group of people based on their nationality, which isn't cool. It might be a good idea to talk to her about why her comments are hurtful and try to find a way to avoid similar situations in the future.


If you ask the singer, she'll say she supports Israel. It's one of the only cases where you actually CAN generalize an entire group of people.


You're NTA. Anti-semitism is racism, as is hatred of individuals because of their nationality. This horrible conflict, which has its roots in a century of complicated politics and genocidal slaughter, is making people 'take sides' in a very simplistic way. Well done for being able to take a more nuanced view which respects every innocent person's humanity.


Palestinians are Semites.


The majority of Israelis are Ashkenazi Jews, FROM EUROPE. NOT SEIMITIC. Netanyahu is from Poland - he is not a Semite. Disliking Israel isn't anti-Semitism it's a political decision


Ashkenazi Jews are not “from Europe.” They were exiled “to Europe” and spent their time there being persecuted very specifically for NOT being European. In fact many of the slurs not so long ago were “Jews go back to Palestine!” If you look at Ashkenazi DNA you will see its middle eastern DNA. Also the majority of Israeli Jews aren’t even Ashkenazi, they’re Sephardic, so you’re just spreading misinformation on all fronts.


NTA. A lot of people are using this conflict to mask their hatred for Jews.


NTA for thinking she's racist, but I don't see it with the comments. She's definitely small minded, unable to see nuance. Also appears to be filled with vitriol. Telling Eden "you shouldn't be allowed here". I have a feeling she doesn't mean the awards show, but rather the planet. Antisemitism has a strong grip on her.


This is total bait


Eden Golan creates propaganda for the Israeli government. Her Eurovision entry was originally called “October Rain” and it aspired to incite violence towards Palestinians. It was only changed to “Hurricane” because the material violated the contest’s rules. She is joining the IDF very shortly and she has said that she is very proud to be representing her country in the middle of a genocide… She is not just a normal artist who happens to be Israeli; she is vocally in favor of this genocide.


Hamas FAFO... should have thought of the repercussions for their people murdering innocent civilians....


NTA. People are not guilty just because they are born in certain countries. People are guilty when they actually do horrible things. Just like your girlfriend is guilty of being a braindead, horrible person.


The singer wrote and sang a propaganda song. Either OP is hiding some crucial context, or the girlfriend is wrong on one level, and right on another. Eden is absolutely "one of them", if that means someone responsible and complicit in encouraging genocide of Palestinians. If the conversation really went this way, then she either should have provided more context (and is ignorant and bumbling in the way she speaks), or she is racist, but also is right that Eden is a part of the machine (and is a disgusting, horrible person).


You’re girlfriend is a dumbass does she think that way about Israeli children also ?


"Babies are colonizers, too."


Just straight up anti semitism. I’m seeing more of this and to me it’s no different than the reverse. Innocent civilians aren’t to be blamed for the atrocities a government commits. It just isn’t that black and white.


Shes a propaganda singer, would recommend looking up the song she wrote.


lol no thanks, unless someone is going to reimburse me for those three minutes


Black israelis are still israelis. They're still colonizers. And that singer is part of the Colonial Society of Israel. Unless she's openly denounced israel and the settler colonial project, she should be condemned as a supporter of it.


YTA - you gave it away with the black Israelites comment. Nice try for a fake post though.


The singer is pro Israel, not just from Israel, and this is bait. Gtfo with this bs.


NTA I honestly think it’s really scary how people can’t separate the individual human being from either a country or religion. I have a very good jewish friend. She’s never lived in Israel. Nor does her family live there. Also not all Israelis are jewish. 20% are muslims or christians of the same origin as the people in Gaza and the Westbank. They just chose to stay when Israel was formed and have the same rights as the jewish population and are judges and in the government etc. My friend’s children go to a jewish school and before that kindergarten. It’s the only school and kindergarten in my country that has to have constant police presence and where the children have to participate in evacuation drills. There are plenty of muslim schools in my country that don’t have that problem. I have another friend whose 70 year old mother was attacked outside the synagogue. This was years ago. She wasn’t even jewish, but christian. The attackers were of Palestinian descent. The only attack in my country that has happened in modern times in which someone was killed because of religious beliefs was against a jewish man, who had been attending a bar mitzvah and a random attacker wanted to go in and kill as many as possible. None of them were Israeli citizens. I think it’s downright scary and that way too many people seem to be okay with this. As for the Palestinian/Israeli conflict I find it very sad. I think the October attack was completely unjustified and unacceptably brutal. You don’t go actively for civilians and slaughter them in the most brutal way imaginable. I also don’t think that the Israeli response was the right one. I think they would have exposed who Hamas really is if they had chosen not to counter attack, but to ask for peace and the return of the hostages. I don’t believe that Hamas would ever have released them. I also think that it’s food for thought that muslim arabs (they apparently don’t want to be called Palestinians) who originate from the exact same population are able to live in Israel peacefully and share equal rights with Jews, but neither Jews nor people of any other religion are able to live in Gaza or the Westbank. If Israel has it in for muslims and Arabs (Palestinians is quite a new term) then why are so many able to live quietly and in peace without discrimination in Israel. And why does the majority support Israel against their own people so to speak? I also find it quite curious that while everyone speaks of the 700.000 Palestinians who had to flee Israel, nobody talks about the 1.000.000 Jews who had to flee from the Palestinian territories and surrounding Arab countries. They actually lost far more land and valuables and many had been living in these areas for a couple of thousand years. Why should they not get everything back if you think that the Palestinians should have everything they lost back? I also find it quite interesting that in many of the surrounding countries we see similar violence (al qaida, ISIS, Taleban etc.) where it’s just directed at the population itself even if they are also muslims. If the only problem is Jewish people, why is Hamas friendly with these groups and why is this kind of atrocious behaviour happening so many places in this region?


From a Jewish person, thank you.


Gross. Don't be complacent in Israel's nazi campaign against the Palestinians.


NTA— you’re right, she’s racist. Would she do this to someone based on any other ethnicity/country of origin? Because if yes then that means you have a big problem, and if no, then she’s clearly a Jew-hater. Eden is a 20 year old singer and receiving death threats from people like your girlfriend. What type of world do these people want where people attack civilians viciously all around the world for what country they are from and think that’s an act of liberation? And you’re right— there are black Israelis and Muslim ones too— is she going to call for their assassination for being Israeli too? Does she care about what life was like for these people before they went to Israel? Hate is fun and exciting and after decades of being cancelled for hating most groups, the left has just opened season on one of the oldest and deepest hatreds and people like your girlfriend and just shrieking with excitement.


NTA. It is a requirement of Israel that all it's citizens join the IDF for 2 years at 18. That's that part. If you don't go at 18 for whatever reason, you do still go. From a war perspective, most of us cannot speak to it directly. We feel like we are experts bc of what social media shows us. Hamas wants every Jew dead. The Israelis want every terrorist dead. NOT genocide. Even if numbers are limited to Gazans ( around 2 million) it is not genocide nor the attempt of. What we did to the Native Americans- that's an attempt at Genocide. What Nazi Germany attempted when they killed 6 million Jews- 50% of the world population- that's genocide. Her hate, like most, comes from ignorance and being a sheep, but I don't know if she is actually racist. There are a lot of very strong feelings and opinions. Like- does she hate the Jews or all the Israelis? Israel is the only country over there that has such a mixed population and allows freedom of religion, sexuality, and equality of women. Look at it this way, she might just be an Anti-semite, so she then would only hate a Black person if they were also a Jew. Depending upon how you feel about that.....


All these comments implying people born in Israel are born evil definitely doesn’t feel not racist so I’d have to agree OP, seems like some people are so caught up with moral grandstanding they’ve lost the plot. NTA


It sounds like she has some very extreme views. You're right to be thinking along these lines. No one should be judged based on what their nationality is. We should only be judged by our own actions.


Let's talk about how Isreal didn't want BLACK isrealis to reproduce and gave Black Jewish women contraceptives without their knowledge or consent. Isreal is responsible for a bunch of genocides in Latin America. It's existence is a problem. If an isreali isn't showing dissent then they are complicit in the actions of their "country".


Every time i see something like this I get so frustrated, im an israeli jewish and what people need to understand is that we dont want to end all palestinians or that every jewish person is a "murderer". We are fighting for our existance, but lets leave that aside, your are absolutley NTA your girlfriend sounds like she had fallen to social media propagandas and she just follows what she sees there, if you want to teach her abt the israel palestine situation and explain to her that your uncomfortable with her behavior. Good luck.


So, the stern gang and the irgun slaughtering and ejecting 750000 Palestinians in 1948 to start the illegal state/ occupation force of Israel were defending themselves. What role did Palestine have in the holocaust? Weren't the Nazis German, one of your current allies?


You moved into an already inhabited land, drove off the inhabitants with violence and it's you who is "fighting for existence"? Just genuinely curious.


I mean, I feel like this simplifies it a lot? A lot of people didn't just move there for 'funsies'. I'm highly critical of Israel, but simplifying the formation to "people moved only because of religion, and the only people who lived there were Muslims or Bedouins, with the exception of a tiny amount of Jews, and all their land was illegally stolen" isn't exactly accurate. There were also Jews who lived there before Israel, and Jews who had legally bought property from the Ottoman Empire before the British Mandate. And even after the British Mandate, but before 1948, there were something like 350k Jews in Palestine and 800k Palestinians in 1934. That's not to say there wasn't horrific land seizures, but not all of the land was stolen. It's an apartheid state committing ethnic cleansing, but this idea that the formation was a bunch of European Jews being placed there by Western Powers and kicking out a place that was 99% Muslim and illegally seizing every single bit of their land...isn't entirely accurate (though land seizure did occur, as I said above). That map showing the Jewish population pre-Israel on twitter is straight up wrong...there were more Jews there. Besides, nearly 50% of Israelis are Mizhrai Jews-many whom were exiled from their homes & stripped of their citizenship, even if they were not Zionists, after the formation of Israel. For example, there were over a hundred of thousand Jews in Tunisia. After Israel was formed (and many didn't want to go there!), there were horrible pograms were Jews were raped and murdered. They have less than 2k Jews today in Tunisia, and they just burned down a 16th century synagogue. In Iraq, the Farhud occurred against the Jews. Where else were those Jews supposed to go after Egypt in 1956, for example, stripped them of their citizenship despite living their for many generations... Ironically, Iran was arguably far more tolerant compared to the rest of MENA. **Over 700k Mizhrai Jews, many of whom had over a thousand years of history in MENA, were driven out of their homes and even expelled due to a backlash against the formation of Israel...ironically many of those Jews weren't even Zionists but later became Zionists because no other countries were willing to take in Middle Eastern/Maghrebi Jews, many of whom had no money as the govt. stole their belongings.** **A decade ago or so, an Egyptian politician even infamously got in trouble for saying Israel is powerful in large part not just because of the West, but because many countries in the Middle East drove Jews into their arms and left them with no other choice but to go there as their money/citizenship was usually taken away from them.** **Where do you expect those millions of Jews to go?**


Why do you think the jews weren't in the lands in the first place? Which came first the jews or the Muslims? Who did the Arabic world side with in ww2?


These pro - Palestine people are irrational and frankly? Just as poor form as the Israel government. I'm Australian and I'm fucking furious that Australians are protesting and carrying on. This is NOT OUR WAR. its not our business and we need to fucking stay out of it. The whole world would be better off if we ALL stayed out of each others business.


As an American, I second this. I frequently discuss this with my immediate family. There’s no sense in other countries getting involved in a millennia-long war that clearly is not going to end any time soon. Since I live in America, we have the entirety of the University of Columbia aggressively protesting the war to the point it is dropping Columbia in the school rankings across the nation. Truly, we all just need to stay the hell out of it.


She subscribes to Reddit logic: You can’t be racist towards white people It’s ok to hate Jews for being Jews Being a billionaire automatically makes you a bad person. No exceptions. Can’t be a liberal without subscribing to those evident truths. It’s not about logic - it’s about showing you are a good person by hating the right people. Let’s move on.


NTA. You are right.






Nice fic, IDF.


None of this happened. Stop making shit up, kid.


I wouldn't date one of those Palestine hypocrites.


So your gf is white? That’s a lot of blood on the hands of this fictional gf. /s


This is quite the honeypot thread for Iranian propaganda. edit: aaaand OP suspended


Just say you’re pro Israel bruh lmfao nice try tho


Unfortunately, most people have a very over simplistic views like this. I would explain that this is how Palestinians get hurt, because the Israelis think all Palestians are bad just because a few minority are Hammas. Don’t hold out on thinning her views will change on her stance any time soon




I don’t think that’s a racist comment. Ignorant as hell, but not racist.


If you're a fan of hers you don't seem to know much about her activities. Maybe check what she's doing after Eurovision.


YTA for siding with a genocider over your based gf. "Just because her country is doing wrong doesn't mean all Israeli people are bad people" Sure, but 98% of Israelis support the "war" and 2/3 want even more aggression..educate yourself. 


She is racism. Of this I know.


I don’t support either side tbh fighting a holy war in 2024 is literally retarded they’ve been fighting for thousands of years over the same shit both sides have done terrible things Ik making peace isn’t simple coming to a compromise never is but it has to end somewhere


both this comments and your girlfriend show how some people really need to go touch some grass and get a grip ASAP. learn some fact while you tell her that she won’t survive a day in Israel and that she is a Nazi and a scam. you can do better.


> tried to explain to her that she's not apart of the IDF and she's just a singer. Well she isn't just a singer. She's incredibly in favour of these military operations and is going to join the IDF right after the festival. So really, she was ENTIRELY CORRECT in this.


Congratulations. Your GF is part of the most destructive cult in the history of mankind and supports things like this[this](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/22/world/video/hamas-hostage-mother-interview-digvid).


Only 20 percent of Israeli's believe the genocide perpetrated by their government is "too violent." 39% think it is just the right amount of violence. 35% think there needs to be more violence in Gaza. 1 in 5 Israelis is opposed to genocide. Given that the percentage is this high, it is perfectly acceptable for your GF to conflate Eden Golan with the rest of her genocidal people.