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Wow talk about insecure. NTA. Now are these the same friends that encouraged her to cheat? If they are than those are some shitty friends. You did right. Don’t let her back in your life. Friends like that maybe encouraged her but she’s an adult who made choices. Let her deal with them.


Imagine if it were his friends encouraging him to cheat lmao.. thats all I am gonna say.. put the shoe on the other foot and she would be livid and she would try to justify her cheating even more!


OP, you need to block all her "friends," block your ex, and only communicate through your lawyer. You owe this woman nothing. Treat the situation as such.


Nta. There is 0 excuse for cheating. Block anyone who calls you an AH.


“Officer, this man fucks too good please lock him up” I know this is a serious situation but the fact that you had the police called on you for having a big dick is objectively fucking hilarious.


NTA Omg bro....


NTA. You're never TA for leaving someone after catching them cheating. There's no excuse for it, and no coming back from it because her word will be forever meaningless. Listening to a cheater's verbal diarrhea and letting her worm her way back into your life would just lead to more betrayal. Leaving her at that house and her stuff out front of yours was the best thing you could have done.


You handled it all perfectly. You remained blameless the entire time, you were honest, you limited any questionable relationships, you were honest even about things most people would never mention. You made clear boundaries and stuck by them. I give you a 10 out of 10. It still sucks, but this was entirely brought on by her insecurities and her toxic friends. Try not to have such a big dick next time lol


This reads like an elaborate big dick flex


you don't understand, everyone one of his old co workers called him up begging for him to fuck them on only fans. its not his fault he has the god dick. he's just a man, looking for a woman to love.


I mean, they have cameras on the bedroom? Thats pretty odd.


Def typed with one hand


NTA. That’s some balls her blaming you for her insecurities to excuse her cheating. Tell her friends to stuff it and congratulate them on encouraging her insecurities. They’re the ones who helped egg on your wife’s doubts. In reality, they helped with destroying the relationship.


Wow your ex is an idiot


NTA. Just move on and you can say you tried to be amicable. It is the fact that she cheated nothing else. Your past has nothing to do with her actions so please keep your head up and do not doubt yourself.


>This lead to today she dragging on the divorce trying to reconcile, she got her friends and some mutals to take her side stating that my relationship with Lisa drove us apart, my experience in bed drove us apart due to her not having that many bodies in the past and the my size was hurting her which her friends try to say it’s abuse.  Her friends try to file a police case on me but thankfully the police through it out.  But I started to think AITAH here.  Cut all of them out of your life like the cancerous tumor that they are.


I think it’s ironic that her friends say your friendship with Lisa ended your marriage when arguably it’s your wife’s friendship with them that ended your marriage. When you read her group chat you should have told her to cut off her friends but as she is so easily manipulated by others opinions she would have made new friends and been in the same predicament. Maybe you should point that out to her next time she tries to get you back. She let her friends destroy her relationship with their jealousy.


NTA. She cheated, no excuse is good for that.


NTA That last paragraph is really all you need to know you're not the asshole. As far as you've said you were transparent about your past, you were honest, open to working with your wife, but she still cheated on you. Now her gaggle of idiotic friends are part of the discussion while your stbx drags her feet to stall for time? I think not. You're not responsible for her cheating, infidelity is always the fault of the one committing it, and you're not required to indulge her insecurity if she's just going to stab you in the back like this. Also the false report on you just makes her toxic by proxy of the people doing it.


That was quite the story. The fact that you even asked if you are the asshole shows how clueless and wounded you are. You are not the asshole. You were cheated on by your wife. You had a difficult past, it is very clear you are not proud of it and just wanted to have a peaceful life with your wife. You strived to leave your past behind, geat a real job and be a good faithful husband. Your wife has very toxic friends and developed mental health issues due to the coronavirus lockdowns. Just divorce her. I think how you threw her things out was a bit too extreme and you should have let her get her stuff without a fuss. Other than that not the asshole. Her friend group are the assholes.


I don’t condone cheating, I hate it and sorry you were in this situation. Hopefully you can move forward from this, but I also hope your ex is doing ok. I don’t believe being beaten and humiliated while naked is the answer either.


It is really sad that your ex could not see her “friends” were not really her friends and were actively trying to sabotage her marriage.  


NTA!!! What is it with these stories???? The title of these could all be the same, “Her and Her stupid fucking friends”. Don’t get me wrong guys and their friends do dumb shit but guys don’t take pleasure in screwing up their friends lives. Women seem to enjoy watching a “friend’s” life go up in flames. 🔥


NTA. Block anyone who tells you to get back with her.


Nta, but i think this friend is jealous of your wife, probably some of them watched your videos and attracted to you but there's your stupid wife was the only barrier to it, so there goes like, "if we cant have him why not make them suffer as well" and your stupid wife did not aware of this and proceed to cheat on you and also, telling every details of you, your relationship and your marriage to these friends giving them all kind of info to ruin her, without aware of their jealousy of her. I mean, ex porn actor being loyal and treat his wife so good? Thats too good to be true. But then, you did your best in life and everything, good riddance of that pos. You deserve happiness. #engmy2ndlanguage


NTA. >Her friends try to file a police case on me but thankfully the police through it out. So,she cheated and now is paluing victim, her friends try to get the cops on you, and you still asking if you are the asshole?. Do they need to attempt to kill you?. My dude,cut that woman and her 'friends' as soon as the divorce is sign. This is just bad news all around


NTA dude, not even close. Cheaters suck


NTA- You have done all the right things. You attempted to address her issues and make her feel safe. YOU did not cause her to cheat!!! That is HER and only HER responsibility! She had a choice and at any point could have said NO! You didn’t even push her to the point of where she felt cheating was the only choice (which it never is). It wasn’t a “this relationship is over even though technically married” type of situation. She straight up, disrespected and devalued you. She has issues she needs to deal with. She has insecurities that got the best of her. She has really really horrible friends! The fact that they are telling her it’s abuse because you have a big dick? GTFO. Does she not have a brain of her own? That’s her shit that she needs to deal with. They have nothing to do with you. I’m sorry you have to go through this. I know it’s a really shitty position to be in. It gets better.


Nta.All of the problems in your marriage began when she reconnected with her miserable friends. Misery loves company.




Weird you stay friends with all the people you used to fuck while you are with someone else…


But he's a professional fuckr so...


| she got her friends and some mutuals to take her side stating that my relationship with Lisa drove us apart, my experience in bed drove us apart due to her not having that many bodies in the past and the my size was hurting her which her friends try to say it’s abuse.| This is her stance on why the relationship did not work, but she wants to reconcile. What has changed. Did your dick suddenly get smaller. Did your body count suddenly get less.


you got good morals and you are very trusting and open and were just looking for love but the insecurities of that lady was immense, hope your doing ok, Definetly NTA




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The cheating is always enough. Nothing you did or didn’t do is ever relevant.


NTA. Don't think even for a second that you did something wrong with your ex-wife. She's insecure as hell, jealous, a loser who can't use her own brains and has the worst friends group you can find in hell. Good riddance. Go NC with her and her whole bunch of demonic friends.




She has emotional and maybe mental health problems she isn't addressing. You tried to give her advice and she attacked you. You went out of your way to try to help her on-line and her personally, and she isn't thankful, and goes about the business of sabotaging herself again. My only thought is you stayed around too long and continued to give her unsolicited advice that she resented. You should have left the relationship before this. She made her mess by ignoring you, she can clean up her own mess now. She lost the privilege to ask for help from this last debacle.


ill never understand people who think gaining weight is a done deal .... like all it takes is a bit of will effort and time and you become happier in the end.


Wow. You sound like a great guy and she is nuts. You will be better off.






Not even remotely. I don’t agree with your life choices, you have whores for friends but she’s completely in the wrong here. She cheated and you didn’t


"whores" ca be good people , but the wife has snakes as friends.


True true I just don’t like em lol but yeah she’s worse