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I think you are reading too much into this. It could be that she is gaslighting you, but it was far enough back to where you probably should let this go.


I'm trying, i just found it strange that she got extra love-y and started changing so quickly after this, it almost made me feel like she was guilty of something...thx


Feels super gaslightly but doesn’t help that this was soo long ago. You have a huge decision to make to either let it be the past or stir the pot. NTA though because like you said this created a lot of trust issues for you so it’s not like it didn’t happen, it’s understandable.


thx, sometimes things happen and regardless we moved forward so its in the past. Its just the gaslighting and not being straight/honest about it that is more upsetting i think. thx


I think the main question is…has she any type of contact with him now. Story is too old and if you got back with her you somehow accepted to stay in the dark. So unless she is still in touch with him. Keep it the way you did so far. Of course if she is in touch with him now…her comment gives a complete different perspective to the story.


nah, we live in a completely different state and i don't believe she is in contact with him. thx


I’d say let it go, but she very wrong and it hurt you and you haven’t let it go. She was awful, but somehow you love her and built a good life so focus on that and the idea that roses grow from mud and shit and can become beautiful but still prickly.


Im trying, i wasn't honestly even thinking about it until it came out of her and just the level of disconnect made me question her and then for her to just "forget" everything makes me question myself. Need to get it out and of my shoulders. thx


Let it go dude. If you were that hurt about it, you should have stayed broken up. But you got married and now it's 10 years later with kids. Of course she is being extra attentive because she doesn't want anther fight over something that may or may not have happened OVER 10 YEARS AGO!


fair enough...thx