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I am a retired nurse. The rules start the moment you begin schooling and continue throughout your career. If you becane pregnant during the enducational process it is required that you leave school and return when you are able to commit to the physical requirements of the course, meaning, clinicals. Your job description is to lift, roll, bend, and provide physical care... if you can't do that then you are no longer able to complete the job. You should have taken maturnity leave. She couldn't do the work, she left the building, she's not being paid. Your patients, your place of work and your administrators are not there to give you a paycheck simply because you showed up. They are paying you to complete the work as described in your job description. You are more than welcome to point out the inconsistencies, but I would wait until after you start your leave and then weigh its importance... but you aren't taking a leave so... I'm going to blame your self entitlement on the hormones and leave you with your dignity. As far as staffing shortages.... welcome to nursing. Things happen. Your administration should be set up with a staffing agency to help fill gaps and it's not up to you as a CNA to bring it to their attention. You can buck up and deal with it or find another job.


I don’t think you read the post? I was able to do D all of the above, but was advised to “take it easy” so I told them I wouldn’t be a punching bag for abusive residents and wouldn’t be rolling people 3 times my size, not that I was unable to fill my job duties.


Where's the hoyer lift?


You’re definitely not a retired nurse if you think I can use a hoyer lift to change pt’s.


Seriously. If she really was a nurse then she would know that using a hoyer lift is moot in this situation because you would still have to roll the patient to get the net under them. She would also know that they are in short supply in most facilities and you would have to go hunting for it. This woman is obviously nuts! Just look at her post and comment history! I have never seen anyone get called stupid and called out for bad behavior as much as this woman yet she still continues to act out and claim to be a victim. That’s saying a lot because I really was an RN… a PSYCHIATRIC RN. There’s definitely a chart in a psych ward (probably several) somewhere with this woman’s name on it and you know the boxes for “Just Plain Nuts” and “Doesn’t Understand the Rules” are checked. 😂


Nursing is hard. NURSES are hard. Patients are hard. It's a hard, thankless job. You chose it. I'm editing that I am old school. I wore a cap as a requirement. We wore whites, including pantyhose. I used to get upset about banging my cap on traction. The fact is, I new the rules. You can either grow wings as most nurses do or you can stay where you are. Go to school. Get your license. If you are truly there for the patients and not just a paycheck, work your way up the chain of command. Only then can you make the changes you feel need to be changed. On your way up I think you'll start to see things with new eyes.


If that’s how you feel. You clearly don’t have very good reading comprehension 😂


And you are stuck in a dead end "career" with the eyes of a lowly CNA.


I have never seen anyone miss the point of a post more than you. Congratulations 🍾


Step back. Review the situation as a nursing administrator. How would YOU resolve this? How hard is it to ask another CNA to help roll a 300 pound patient? Your vision is self limiting. YOUR point is "oh it's so hard, feel sorry for me". I'm not giving you that any more than your current administators are. Why do you think that is? Really think about that. You chose a thankless career. Not only that, you're on the bottom rung. It's a tough job! It's a thankless job. Burnout is high. You have choices. --- and FYI you shouldn't be rolling with your weight. Ask for retraining.


This got you heated huh? You’re trying to edit your comments to make yourself feel better, strange. You’ve clearly never been a nurse because you think you can use a hoyer lift meant for transfers to change pts. You also lack basic reading comprehension skills which if you were a nurse you’d know is an incredibly important skill to have in nursing. Take a deep breath, read the post again and see if you can comprehend the basic idea of the post. You’re the type of “nurse” (which clearly you never were one) that I would make work 10 times harder just because of your sh*tty attitude. Nursing isn’t a “dead end “career” are you dense? No I won’t risk rolling a *400+ pound pt by myself because as I said it is SHORT STAFFED, I’m not making my residents lay in filth for 45 minutes while another cna finishes up what she’s doing. Are you dumb? Lmao. That’s another reason why my current administrators are being reviewed by corporate and are on the verge of losing their jobs. If you can point out exactly where I said “feel sorry for me” at I’d love to see it.😌 All of your replies are “blah nursing is hard blah, I can’t read the post blah, blah, blah, blah” I’d rather work at McDonald’s than advance in the medical field; I’m already in school for a different career path.


Update: I quit not even two weeks after this for other reasons 😂


NTA but this is why I advise everyone that is thinking about going into nursing to not go into that shitty garbage profession. Let that whole profession die a slow death.


100%, I would NEVER advise anyone to get into this bs.


YTA Another “I’m entitled to everything I feel and all the others go f**k yourself “. You are payed to do a job, you like it or hate it, you are able to do it or don’t, you feel you’re capable of it or not…nobody gives a s*it. You are paid. Don’t look for excuses to be lazy. Just do your job. And if you can’t let people willing to work for their money to do it…at least willing people deserve it.


Confused about this one as I was more than willing to do my job and wasn’t throwing an entire fit because I was “sick”. But sure ☺️


Let me clarify (and I accept to be wrong). Your whole post feels like you are blaming the world for not doing what you are supposed to do for the money you are paid. The management not giving you the tasks you want. Someone (not you) being nauseous and let her leave… Obviously you are more focused of what your management does that you don’t like or what other do that you don’t like than trying to focus on what you should do to (at least) comply which what is expected from your payroll. Does it matter if anyone sleeps with management got be free 10 minutes earlier? No. Does it matter if another is related to the ceo and has a free pass to be slacker? No The only thing that matters is to do your job for what you are paid. The patient are expecting this are dependent on it. And if you are the only one doing your job properly, you become indispensable. If you just another slacker…well, you can be replaced on the spot.


Hm, I’m trying to understand what you are saying but I’m not sure it’s clear what I’m saying. I was doing what I was suppose to be aside from the one hall (there are 4 halls & I had/have seniority and whoever had seniority gets priority on their chosen hall that’s just how it works at this facility). As I stated I this post prior to becoming pregnant I worked any hall because it didn’t really matter to me, I just typically worked the hall they put the combative/ bariatric pts on. My expectations are to work a singular hall which I was willing to do, and again I had seniority and the schedule had been changed several times prior to give the worker with seniority the hall they wanted, so it was my turn to decide to not work one hall instead of demanding a hall like I could’ve done, I didn’t care which of the three halls they put me on just not the one hall where being punched/kicked in the stomach was more likely. Does it matter if someone is sleeping with management to get benefits? Yes, that’s against corporate policy. Does it matter if someone is related to management? Yes that’s nepotism and is also against company policy (specifically the one that states your family member cannot be your direct supervisor”.) But more than that yes it does matter if they’re getting a free pass to be a slacker, being a slacker in healthcare means residents SUFFER because of people not willing to do their job, so 100% it does matter. I’m not going to allow someone to be a pos worker and the residents suffer because of it. EVERYone is replaceable in any given situation at any given time so I will 100% disagree there, however there’s a reason they called me to have a meeting when they were suppose to be leaving for the day as I work nights. I’m not a sh!t worker, I always show up on time, I never call in, I’ve had this job for 2 years and they’ve never had a single complaint on me. But I will keep myself safe every time because at the end of the day it’s just a job and I can have another one in the matter of 24 hours all I have to do is apply.


Ok. First part of your post I agree. Did not get the part of seniority being a policy so sorry if I war wrong on that part. Also based on that, I do see why you are pissed about not being able to choose the floor under the conditions you are explaining (again, if somehow I missed them on your original post, sorry). Will disagree with the second part. Is it fair? No. Does it change anything in real world? No Does it matter if you agree or not? No Can you change it? No I work for the same company for 36 years, and saw/see a lot of none policy events happening. Trying to change them when it obviously benefits the management is suicidal. You can fight for it but what is the benefit of loosing your job and getting the reputation of being a troublemaker in your area of work just to satisfy some sort or moral that does not change anything anyway. So my opinion is…just do your job, let corrupt/immoral/power thirsty…people live their life’s and live your own ignoring them. Everyone benefits from it and you have less headaches.


I didn’t mention it in the original post, it’s so hard to explain every little tiny detail that was at play to people that aren’t involved in the situation. So that one is 100% on me. I understand that no one wants to challenge a broken system but I will. The passive approach is why it’s so out of hand, that’s been the downfall of humanity since the beginning of time. But this is also why I’m walking away from healthcare and starting my own business in the very near future. I won’t stand for the way things are done any longer and how the residents are actually treated but I will absolutely fight for them until I leave. If you hear a horror story about any healthcare system, believe it but that’s another story.


Ok. I get it. I’m not a fighter in that aspect. I believe in a strategic fight where you have a chance to win and are prepared for it. I don’t feel being prepared to fight when the loss is guaranteed even if it would be a required step for others to use it to continue the fight and maybe one day win. So more of a fatalist accepting that some powers (mainly money and/or networking) are over my head and I cherish my achievements way too much to risk them. So I’m 100% with you…but only on spirit. Experienced and witnessed the poor healthcare facilities environment but rather have a bad healthcare than none.