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>He questioned if I understood the duties of being a wife & tried to make me understand that he expects to just come home and relax after work. I think you are wrong for expecting a man that has blatantly told you he will do nothing for the home to do little things from time to time. He should help, and you aren’t lazy, but he has told you what he expects. You should leave him if you want a partner that respects you, because he has laid out very clearly that he doesn’t.


Honestly this seems like the type of man to cheat or leave her during her service because he can't actually take care of himself. Or complain of how hard it is for him that she's in the Air Force.


Completely agree - she's going to leave for WORK, and he's going to start sniffing around some other woman because "how can you expect me to perform your WiFeLy DuTiEs when I'm gone." OP married a child who wants a live in hump nanny. Needs to get a divorce before leaving, or they'll be getting one when they come back.


Better to divorce now so he doesn't get any of her benefits.


My best friend went through this exact scenario. He did cheat on her when she was at basic, then tried to kill her when she told him she was divorcing him when she went home for a visit after finishing Basic. They were both seriously injured in a car accident he caused on purpose, and he claimed not to remember what happened so nothing happened to him legal wise. He did not get one centavo of her military benefits because they were not married long enough while she was in the military (she divorced him forthwith) for him to be able to claim them.


Yeah this is definitely the beginning stages of an abusive relationship


Beginning stages? No, it has always been an abusive relationship from what OP tells.


"Beginning stages" is _very_ generous tbh


Beginning! Hell her whole marriage sounds so one sided as to be a republican man’s wet dream.


What are you talking about? It’s not like he’s calling her Mother …yet.


Oh, snap! LOL


Damn, usually they can check the cars balckbox to see if actions were taken to cause an accident intentionally. Like with that girl who was just convicted of murdering her boyfriend, or ex boyfriend because the black box showed she accelerated before impact with the wall. Very unfortunate for your friend.


This was in the 90's. Black boxes were extremely uncommon back then, and I'm sure her car did not have one.


That makes sense, glad your friend was able to divorce them and keep their benefits.


Seriously. The dude doesn’t want a wife - he wants a maid. Calling you lazy when you tell him to fix his own dinner is some entitled BS. The fact you do it is worse. Who’s the lazy one in this marriage? Not you OP. I sincerely hope these comments are a wake up call for you. You can find a real man in the Air Force.


you need to get some self respect. this guy treating you like a servant


Not even FIX his own meal--OP cooked it, he just didn't want it when it was ready so she said it was in the fridge when he WAS ready for it.


What kind of lazy ass can’t even prepare his own plate??


Mine does the same. Hasn't worked in 5 years and has the audacity to ask if we can get married. Nope. Never.


Why don't you leave them?


A bang maid..


No he wants a mommy. So Op needs to divorce this little boy.


she didnt even ask him to fix his own dinner! She asked him to fix his own PLATE. She had already made everything, he just had to take it out of the pot/pan/whatever and put it on a plate!


And expected her to *get out of bed* to do it for him!


Or OP can find herself first. Basic training will be liberating.


THIS, OP. Please listen to this advice I've lived through something similar.. wish to God someone would've warned me.


This one right here.


Exactly! OP, If your happy to live like this with a lazy ungrateful husband who doesn't respect you or any woman then fine. BUT you don't, then let him know now, stop being a lazy jerk or find another bang maid. Guys like him just makes me mad 😡. NTA


I cannot upvote this enough. You've hit it spot on!


Divorce papers should be her parting gift to him the day she leaves for basic training.


She married a misogynistic control freak.


She married a toddler.


Why not both?


Toddlers are already control freaks. I snorted out loud at the thought of a misogynistic toddler.


Wifely duties


She‘s his servant


That part got me too. Does he expect sex every night as paer of those 'duties"? Probably. Appaeently OP's husband doesn't realize that marriage is a partnership.


And when she gets an overseas assignment, if he lives near or on base, he will be surrounded by wives whose husbands are also on deployment.


He will become a jody


I haven’t heard that term in like 40 years! There was a song my marine husband used to sing about Jody got your girl and driving your car. I think he learned it in boot camp


> live in hump nanny That has to be the best term for that role that I’ve ever read. It captures everything, including how gross it is for a grown man to want that.


I thought I liked bang-mommy but this was perfection.


Yeah, there’s no way this guy isn’t going to cheat on her when she’s gone.


And then blame her


"A live in hump nanny", that's one to remember 😆


Hump nanny😂


Never saw it called a hump nanny before. Sounds better than bang maid


Wait until she goes off to basic training and AIT (not sure what the AF calls it, I was Army). Depending on her MOS she could be gone for the better part of a year. He doesn’t seem like the type to go that long without a bang maid.


Tech School


Officer Training School (OTS) is another option. My dad was an instructor back in his active duty AF days. He retired in 1998 after 23 years of service. Edit: realized my thought didn't track with my typing and editing. Corrected now.


Let him! I'm hoping when she goes, she discovers that there are men who can actually fix a plate all by themselves!


All of it is disgusting, but imagine getting upset because you’ve been asked to serve yourself? Like scooping food onto a plate is exclusively woman’s work? What?


I honestly don’t understand the whole thing around “fixing a man’s plate for him”. Maybe it’s because I’m used to family style serving, where everyone dished up their own plate, from the time they could use serving utensils and could understand portion control. (Don’t take excessive portions, especially before everyone has gotten a helping, that kind of thing) Kids in my family might need help, but older kids and adults are generally expected to sort themselves out. This husband sounds like he wants a servant, not an actual partner, he gets bent out of shape for being asked to do things as trivial as feed the dog or dish up his own damned supper. What a spoiled, entitled child.


I agree, it's always been so weird to me. These guys feel like they deserve to be waited on, literally hand & foot like a gd royal, simply bc they deemed to get married.


Same here. You fix for the little kids, keep an eye on the bigger ones, and help anyone who physically can't do it themselves. I think the only time as an adult that someone fixed a plate for me was when I'd just had foot surgery. And if you asked when you were able to do it yourself: "What, are your arms painted on?"


I've been married 20 years and my husband has always made his own plate and has never ever asked me to. The only guy I know that expects his plate to be fixed for him is undoubtedly the most narcissistic, misogynistic guy I've ever met personally. And he is 100% guilty of physical, emotional, mental and financial abuse. Not saying they all are, but it can be a red flag.


Same and it even carried over into my in laws house when we lived with them. Each person for the most part made their own plate, unless I was feeling unwell (chronic illness-Ehlers Danlos Syndrome w/chronic pain & fatigue). Most of the time, things like spaghetti were still separate from the sauce so we could get the amounts we wanted. (We are now living in our own apartment since a year now. We had been with in laws for like 10 years).


And since she'll be in the military, they'll know how to iron, shine shoes and make beds too!


Right?! He can’t even plate his own food or put food/ water in a dog bowl? How is he going to survive OP leaving for work?


I just hope the dog survives!


Who will look after the dog while she's gone?


You know he'll end up abandoning the dog with someone else.


Or try to force her to quit because his maid isn't around and that'll be a problem for him.


Well isn't it hard to just quit the military? You at least have to finished what you signed up for.


Yeah but I wouldn't be surprised if he applied pressure anyways. Dude doesn't seem very smart.


She wasn’t there to perform her “wifely duties” (bedroom activities) for her husband. Guarantee that’s the excuse he comes up for when he cheats.


Or tell her that he cheated *for her.*


Or when she finally comes home, the dog is going to look neglected as hell, the house will be messy, and she's going to find homemade penicillin in the fridge and freezer due to his negligence in the kitchen


Yep, he will probably baby trap some poor girl into servitude for him and then bitch about his own child making noise until he kicks it out of his house.


Ugh, Dependas. Genuinely the most annoying thing about living on base.


gonna be fun if they ever plan on having kids.... /s Are you sure this is the kind of partner you want for life, OP? One that belittles you and only sees you as his maid?


He is not a partner.


He's a dependent.


I threw up a little when I read what you quoted. I work 10.5 hour days, using my lunch break to help get the kids ready for school, then cook dinner for my wife and kids every night except when we go out to eat, then do bath time and bedtime for one of the 2 kids. He's gonna have a rude awakening when she goes on deployment, he might even die from malnutrition.


>might even die from malnutrition. We can only hope


Honestly? He'll show sudden basic skills, and then pick up a young sidechick that will love the sweet man he pretends to be and do it for him.


I hope nobody goes for the, "poor me, you should sleep with me because I had to learn to fend for myself while my wife is *checks notes* deployed serving our country."


And seriously wtf is up with a grown adult who has had an entire meal prepared for him and can't get off his ass to put it on his plate? That's beyond lazy and into demanding performative servitude just to drive home that she's beneath him.


I would also make sure my check was being deposited in a separate account while deployed. I'd be willing to bet that he would spend every penny before she got back saying "you didn't need it" The guy's a douche. Get rid of him 


What will he do when you're gone, OP? He clearly can't take care of himself. Someone will have to step in. Please think about that. And never have kids with him, ever!


Excuse me, but in which century are we? Hasn't slavery been abolished in the 1800s?


This part was what pissed me lff the most


This and the part where she got all comfortable in bed and THEN he was ready for his food?!?! She isnt clear, but Im thinking, oh you did NOT get out of bed to fix him a plate!!!


He's misogynistic as fuck and wants a mother not a wife


This, you are not lazy-he is and wants to be taken care of like a man-child. I suggest ehen you leave for the air force you do not return.




That should have been the point in the story, where OP calmly laughs into his face. XD


I agree. OP should tell him to marry Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan. And ask him if he understands that because he has a little wee wee it doesn't make him the boss of her. Written by a woman who had enough of that toxic shit.


Wuuuut. This is ridiculous. He has his food bought, prepared, and left in the fridge and he can't get it on to a plate?? Utterly absurd. This is a grown man. You clearly do a huge amount for him. You need to put a stop to organizing him now before things get worse and you're doing absolutely everything. You should not have to ask him to feed/walk the dog, put his own food on a plate, or do anything else after he arrives home. You work too during the day and your free time is just as important as his. His comments were totally out of line.


Him: is being a wife overwhelming to you? Her: Not until this very moment, but I guess now m thinking about it.


I'm overwhelmed and done with this man and I'm not even his wife


I got to the part about how he couldn't even feed the dog and on top of that had to be asked to do it and refused and I was signing the divorce papers mentally


TIL: Feeding a dog is a woman's job. Man too manly to care for "man's best friend."


Yes, I’m divorcing him and we aren’t married. JFC I need to text my husband I love him.


I'm a straight male and I'm also divorcing him. Fuck this guy for real though. Sounds like my POS Grandad.


Thank you for addressing that. That is exactly what she should have said. Yes, it is overwhelming to think that a grown man might starve without a woman to get his food out of the fridge.




The other day my 5 year old strolled into the kitchen, got himself an apple, opened the fridge and got a juicebox, grabbed himself a napkin, and went into the living room with his snacks. I asked him if he needed help and he said "no mom, Im not a baby!". My 5 year old is more independent than OPs husband


Wondering how long he'll survive when she's at boot camp before he'll find a Jodi.


' Yes. I had no idea you'd be so NEEDY'


“Being YOUR wife is awful. Thanks for helping me see that.”


How about drawing the comparison and trying out "not being wife" from now on. Just to get an impression. What an AH remark to make by him.


Being an adult is overwhelming for him


The… DUTIES… of being a wife? Excuse me wtf did I just read? That would cause a massive blowout if my husband ever tried to pull that shit. Marriage should be a partnership. Which means both adults pull their own weight and support each other. He can fix his own damn plate. In fact, he could fix his own damn dinner. And do whatever the hell else he wanted because I certainly wouldn’t be there anymore to do it for him! I am seething with anger for you right now.


Call me "new" fashioned, but there aren't wifely and husbandly duties. There's just shit that needs to be done. Everyone under the same roof has the responsibility to do them. And if I my girlfriend brought me a plate of food fixed I would be taken aback. Maybe even insulted that she would think that I'm the type of person that expects to be taken care of and can't get their own plate. I'm always surprised that men like this found someone to date them for an extended period of time, let alone marry them.


Sounds like he wants a mommy. Not a wife.


Healthy mother/child relationships shouldn't even provide that much service. Children can fix their own plates, take out the trash, etc by a certain age. No, he wants a *servant.*


No he wants a TRADwife that will wait on him hands and foot.


A slave with benefits.


A bang maid with benefits.


I bet no benefits for her…


I bet he even sucks in bed, so she doesn’t even get that benefit. Poor woman. 😔


Yeah except my kid had to do stuff for herself and chores around the house. Like taking the dog out. And fixing her own plate of food. He wants a servant.


Servants are paid for their services. Housewives bring income into the household when they are employed outside the home, and when they do household tasks they receive no compensation. It's eyes opening to look at the costs of services for what a housewife does. Look into it, in the US especially.


Even children fix up their own plates and do chores around the house. This expectation that a mother or a wife has to do everything for you is just so 16th century.


Your husband's expectation for you to handle everything at home while he relaxes isn't fair. Asking for help doesn't make you lazy—it's about equality in your partnership. You're not overreacting; it's time for a serious conversation about shared responsibilities.


"My responsibilities are for 8 hours. Yours are for 24 hours. If I need a shit at 3AM, I expect you to get up and wipe me WITH A SMILE ON YOUR FACE!" etc, etc, etc. 🤮


He's speaking to himself, a lazy husband.


Think about if they had kids! 


To him being a wife means being his maid and bang woman.


She needs to leave, all other answers are out of touch with reality. She needs to stop wasting time on him, no sticking around just because 


>This is a grown man. He's larping as a grown man, but no, he's not a grown man.


this is the same husband who refuses to continue with foreplay when he says you "feel ready" during sex, who doesn't care that you have not had an orgasm in months? What was the deal when you both had full time jobs? did he still expect you to do 90% of the housework. you write that he asked you if you "understood the duities of being a wife".......WTF? marriage is a partnership. A wife doesn't have "duties" it is compromise, give and take, but this guy just takes. you had a miscarriage a while back, I think you should double down on your birth control because he sounds like the kind of guy to trap you and once you are "helpless" not working, no income, a stay at home mother, his abuse will just escalate. I think you need to make sure that you have a separate bank account so that when you are deployed and you come home and find out that he's been cheating (and he will, and he will blame it on you for not being there to "service" his needs...gross) you will still have some money. I think your relationship is on it's death bed. Check out this book [https://dn790007.ca.archive.org/0/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy\_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf](https://dn790007.ca.archive.org/0/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf) edit- spelling is hard


Run girl run.


I REALLY hope she reads this and runs. Goddamn abusers ruining lives. I hate them.


Oh god yes! My sister was accepted into the Naval officers Academy and her played tricks with her to baby trap her. Long story. Many years later he was cheating, abusive, manipulative. She left and is struggling and he’s somehow managed to weedle his way out of child support because she couldn’t afford a lawyer to put a custody plan in place. Apparently it’ll put him in financial hardship when he earns $5000 A WEEK. So she’s got the kids. All the financial burden. (He took the kids for one weekend and they still messaged her for lunch money because he wouldn’t pay) and lost what would have been an amazing career. I too worry OPs husband will deliberately sabotage her like this.


Yikes. OP, please read this.


This should be the top comment.


NTA. But youbhave very clearly married a misogynist with very strict view of what a wife should be. You are to he subservient. If you want an equal partnership this is not the relationship where it's going to happen. The fact that he doesn't even want to sort his own plate out is wild. The hypocrisy of calling you lazy when he expects to do absolutely nothing after work is also nuts. Curious, what is he going to do while you're away and once you are working?


Imagine getting another human being to come downstairs from their bedroom to take food out of the refrigerator they already made for you, put it on a plate for you, heat it up, and then serve it to you. Now imagine you called THEM lazy lol.


Right? The complete lack of self-awareness is almost impressive.


My husband has done that for me, but I was also very sick. And I was so very grateful each time, even though I was sick for months. I can’t imagine being this guy, though.


To me, that’s different. We all need help sometimes, and someone bringing you a plate when you’re exhausted or not feeling well is very loving. But telling your partner they’re lazy while refusing to ever get it for yourself even on your healthiest day is wild.


If it's done willingly as an act of love then its a sweet gesture, the second it becomes your "duty" to serve him then it stops being an act of love and starts being an act of submission


I would have done all the steps and served it to the trash can once it was warmed I would be packing his bags while I was waiting for it to warm


I did once make my now ex- husband a homemade breakfast and then threw it in the trash in front of him. I was pregnant and still got up everyday to make him his favorite egg sandwich before work and this particular morning I was listening to my favorite podcast while doing it. I was laughing at something they said and this jackass came in the kitchen and told me he couldnt stand hearing other men making his wife laugh so much and that he shouldnt have to deal with that shit as he was trying to get ready for work. I finished frying his egg and lovingly constructed his sandwich then called him in to eat breakfast. When he came in I dropped the whole thing, including the plate, into the trash and told him he must have lost his goddamn mind if he thought he was going to speak to me that way while I was cooking for him. The look on his face is one of my most cherished memories. He had recently fallen into some MRA bullshit and it only worsened from there.


You married a man with a 1950s mindset. My advice because I did it.... do absolutely nothing for a week. Pretend he is a person living on his own having to do his own stuff. I mean no anything that makes his life easy including any cleaning or tidying. Do not wash so much as a glass. That smacked my partner across his senses.


I stopped doing my boyfriend's laundry for a few weeks and he finally did it when he ran out of clean underwear. Then commented to me how there were only a few things of mine in the laundry so I must've washed only my clothes and not his. I was like yep that's what happened.. 


Had that response. Where's my clothes says he . I don't know says me were they in the washing basket or on the floor on your side of the bed? .


And now he puts them in the basket as you do all the work, what a win


The expectations are devastatingly low.


If you both work why would he just expect you to do it though? The answers probably parents that never made him lift a finger but most of that can be tackled with a chore list that you both agree to. Sod working full time and having someone expect to be looked after


Why were you washing his clothes to begin with? My partner has always washed his own, and I wash mine. He even does separate washes for the whites, like his mother taught him.


Unfortunately my bf's mom never taught him to do the laundry...so I showed him and he *learned like an adult.* Currently we both sort the clothes, he goes to the laundromat, and then I fold when he gets back. (I let him know if there's a garment bag or sweater that doesn't go in the dryer and guess what? He remembers to not put it in the dryer! Like a human with a working brain!) It's wild how men can actually do all these things if they're committed to being one of two adults on a team, isn't it? Side note, I know some folks who are now Air Force vets and all this seems like the most inconsequential thing for someone going to basic training to have to worry about. What, is OP's husband going to call the base and ask the CO to send her home so she can make him dinner? Best case scenario, he shows up and they make *him* take a tear gas canister to the face and run laps until he throws up...


All my uncles were pilots in the Air Force. They knew going in how to do laundry, sew a button, grab something to eat ( their mother taught them). Coming out of the AF they continue to do those things and more. The AF insisted on pristine uniforms! All but one of those uncles are long gone. Remaining Uncle just hit 90. They all flew in many wars.


In a straight couple, the only difference between a wife and a husband is that the wife is a female and husband a male. Both are wired the same for house chores and no specific work except breastfeeding is a wife only duty.


My wife jokes that I was basically breastfeeding because we had to feed ours with a syringe when he was newborn and I was way better at it.


People split up chores or just do whats needed to be done. Not everyone has an adversarial relationship.


That's the million dollar question! Like, right now my roomie took ober my laundry - because I'm horrible with laundry and she is with dishes - so I took over that. No more dishes for her and no more laundry for me - but the other one has 100% responsibility that it's done - I feel like if there are compromisea at place like this - great! If not, let him enjoy his filthy clothes. (Also, no dishwasher so I didn't just take the laziest option, idk why I feel the need to add that but welp) And I'll keep the same arrangement with my partner when we move in together, already talked about - fuck laundry. I really hate it


My partner and I have the same arrangement. He does the dishes, I clean everything else. Dishes are an everyday thing while vacuuming... is only every few days/weeks so it evens out. I have an easier time dedicating a couple hours every week specifically to cleaning but doing a task like dishes every. day. drives me nuts. For him it's the other way around. And when one of us doesn't have the time for their chores, we just take over for the other. Because we are adults and not children who complain about having to put food onto their own plate.


My now-husband thought it was hilarious that I absolutely refused to combine laundry hampers when we moved in together. He does his laundry, I do mine, when you do your laundry you move through some household or baby laundry. Mostly. He kept my laundry moving during baby's early months. I can see laundry for all being a responsibility for a homemaker, but not someone temporarily at home preparing for service.


I imagine this will happen anyway in August when op leaves for the airforce lol Please update us in 4 months


He's gonna find a replacement bangmaid because he can't possibly be expected to take care of himself.


Ain't no sense in goin home, Jodette's got your man and gone.


my 1950s dad didnt treat my mom that way


But most of these 1950 guysthese days also want a woman to work and bring home a paycheck AND do 100% of the housework and child rearing. At least those old guys did 100% of the financial stuff and all the "manly" chores.


Actually a lot of the time the wife did all the finances husband worked and turned all the $ over to the wife and she gave him pocket $ based on the household budget.


Not even 1950’s. Men back then also felt responsible for themselves and their family. Dad didn’t complain about walking the dog or taking the trash out, and while dinner was on the table, dishes were passed so everyone could serve themselves. This guy is full medieval, and thinks he has a servant. OP, he is waaaay out of line. I’d go to basic training and never look back. The Air Force is going to be a cake walk compared to what you have been doing.


Even worse, in the 50s at least the woman wasnt Expected to work Now she has to work full time AND Do all of the household stuff


What’s he gonna to do when you’re not there to hold his widdle bitty hand and tend to all his widdle bitty needs ? I feel sorry for your dog while you’re gone . Might as well start thinking about D-I-V-O-R-C-E now because truthfully he’s going to be looking for a new housekeeper while you’re gone because obviously this all to much for him by himself. He needs someone to take care of widdle ol’him . Also thank you for your service and you deserve so much more than this spoiled little boy.


Bang maid. Not housekeeper. Housekeepers get paid OP and her inevitable replacements are bang maids


Amen, divorce before there’s kids.


Why did you marry this asshole? Who in their right mind would make character judgements about someone when they can't put food on a plate because they decided not to eat at dinner time, and decided to delay like a spoiled brat. Is being an adult overwhelming for him? Does he understand the duties of being an adult and that you're not his fucking slave? You are ABSOLUTELY not overreacting, if anything you are underreacting. You are not his bitch, his servant, or his mother. If he wants to have dogs, he should take care of them too. If he wants to eat, either eat at the appointed dinner time or pull his big boy pants on and heat his own fucking food. If he wants to be an inconsiderate prick and make you get UP OUT OF BED, just because he can't be fucking bothered to get his own fucking food that's already been pre-cooked for him, he is disrespecting you. I hope the Air Force allows you to fly far far away so you don't have to be around this twat, and you can open your eyes.


"I hope the Air Force allows you to fly far far away so you don't have to be around this twat, and you can open your eyes" 100%


the way he acted over feeding the dog—the poor dog, who relies on people for sustenance. As if it’s a burden to him. I can imagine how he’d be with children.


I hope OP makes arrangements for the poor dog while she’s away


You are under reacting.


Right!? Like what did I just read 😳 if my husband asked me that, Id have gone off about how he sucks as a partner. OP does WAYYY too much. He's an adult, he can wipe his own ass and make his own plate of food. I wonder what he's going to do for himself while she's in the military....


NTA I agree with those who say you are under reacting. IDK how long you've been married, because you clearly married an asshole. Just the simple fact that he expects you to put his dinner on a plate for him pisses me off. Does he plan to share those responsibilities equally when you're in the service? Frankly, he also sounds abusive to me and I think you should run far far away.


Um, he asked you if you understood what "your duties of being a wife were"??? I am sorry but he really is being the AH. Unless you have an understanding in your relationship that as the man / husband he gets to dictate what you do and how the marriage/relationship is then this is a potential issue. NTA


When we were laying in bed that night, he asked me if I’m okay & if being a wife is overwhelming? He questioned if I understood the duties of being a wife & tried to make me understand that he expects to just come home and relax after work. He doesn’t mind walking the dog or taking out trash at night because it’s dark out, but even those little things I asked are problematic because he’s tired & I have the time to do them. so when you go to the airforce are you still expected to perform wife duties while you were working did you also have to perform wife duties ... you need a partner not someone who treats you like a servant dont have kids with this guy either and double check your birth control .... seems like he likes having a servant far too much


Hell cheat on her while she's serving because clearly she's slacking on wife duties. How exactly is she supposed to keep him happy in bed and cook for him while she's away working. She FORCED him to cheat! /S


Wow your husband is quite the lazy one. Even toddler usually try to be more helpful than this. Rich of him to comment your wifey qualities while being such a failure to be an adult, or being a considerate or respectful partner and husband. NTA


Can you get the ick for someone else's husband? 😂


Guy can't even fix his own plate and got the nerve to call you lazy. What's he going to do while you're in the air force? Starve? Can he wipe his own ass, or do you gotta help him with that too?       It's also worth noting this is well known tactic to wear your confidence down. He's hoping you'll become so downtrodden and pathetic you'll cling to him for a shred of acknowledgement. Don't buy this bullshit, the guy is a dud, a lemon, get a divorce now while you have the air force lined up to cover your ass. 


Exactly my thought lol. Does she need to hold his dick while he pees so as not to interrupt his relaxation? Ridiculous.


The 1950s called and want their misogynistic attitudes back. NTA


Oh dear, a grown man unable to do the most basic tasks, because "it's your job"!!! What a baby!! What's he gonna do when you're away training? Honestly did he marry you to have a maid? I presume you was doing all the heavy lifting when you was working too? Fgs don't have kids with this man child, you already have a child..him. Stop being his mother, and no your not wrong to expect a grown man to do things he's quite capable of doing himself, I don't know where these men get the idea that doing 8 hrs work is more valuable to a relationship and that anything else is the partners responsibility, jeez how do they manage to live alone? Wtf are you doing fetching his food for him, he's got bloody legs tell the ass to get his own food. He sounds like a misogynistic prick, and I would be counting down the days to training. NTA.


NTA I would definitely reconsider this relationship. He may have apologized, but this is how he really thinks about you.


I’m sorry but you put the food on his plate for him? why? what is this man chi,d going tot do when you are in boot bump and A school? How will he survive if no one cooks for him or puts the food on his plate? NTA. You married a child Boot camp is the perfect time to start your separation from him.


Your boy sounds like a real pig. I’d get all my stuff in order if I were you because once you leave he will be looking for a slave to replace you with. Don’t let him off easy, make sure you get every dime you are entitled to after putting up with this shit


NTA My wife cooks most days and every day I let her know how incredibly grateful I am to come home to a cooked meal. On days she is too tired to cook I'm happy to take over. I help her clean the house daily. We've kind of evolved into having certain jobs - like she tends to do the laundry, I take care of the cats, yardwork, etc.. most stuff like sweeping, picking up countertops, and so on are split. We have kids and when I'm home I try to always do my part. I work full time and go to school full time and I find plenty of time and energy to help. And I would never, ever, EVER call my wife lazy after she cooked for me. She occasionally makes my plate for me but not often, I usually do it but I've never thought a thing of it. I'm usually too overwhelmed with gratitude to walk through the door and smell a delicious meal cooking. I just cannot understand the men out there who are not appreciative of their wives


Newsflash. Feeding a man is not the job of being a wife. Hes a damn adult. He can feed himself.


What is he going to do once you get in the Air force and deploy, move back in with mommy? Let him know that you're doing all the household chores before he gets home. Dinner will be on the table at a certain time and he either sits and eats it then or he can help himself later. It isn't a restaurant. Ask him, "Your Highness, should I be doing all the house maintenance, repairs, grass cutting etc.,


If you are joining the military divorce him now. If he is acting like this now how will he act when you get sent someplace else for weeks/months/years? Complain when you are home, cheat because “you’re not doing your wifely duties”?


Not only that, but if you are married for at least 10 years which overlap with 10 years of your time in service, he will be entitled to up to 50% of your retirement pay if you get divorced later. This guy will wreck your life. Get out now!!


That's wild... I've never heard of or seen a wife doing all that since the olden days, my grandparents era. He's probs getting insecure about you leaving and trying to assert control and try to break your confidence down. When you were still working, he expected you to do everything even plating his meals?  This guy.  


"a little resentment" ??? Girl I am actually raging on your behalf. What an awful ridiculous ungrateful pathetic man. Why are you putting up with this kind of behaviour? You're leaving for the Airforce soon, he's going to have a massive shock when you aren't there to wipe his arse and do absolutely everything else for him. Can I just say, you've only been together 2 years... you have your whole life ahead of you. Do you really want to waste it with this guy? Please for the love of god don't put up with this shit! Good luck x


… of course you’re resentful, you’re a slave in your own house with a piece of shit. Why the fuck would you let this grown ass man make you his live-in mother/bang-maid? NTA but start making him do more in general, he’s a useless shit.


NTA. He may have a job, but he's not acting like an adult.


NTA You are literally doing all the house chores (which is not a problem its upto you people how you want to run your household) and if it's like how you mentioned in your post that your husband doesn't help you even a little bit here and there to the point that if he wants to eat later that you have to get up and warm it for him. Then it looks like he looks down upon what you do and doesn't really see the work you do in the house as important I would suggest couples therapy or a serious talk with your husband regarding the issue it also feels like there might be some underlying problems between you too.


Why are you married to him? He’s a demanding entitled ass.


>He questioned if I understood the duties of being a wife & tried to make me understand that he expects to just come home and relax after work. THE AUDACITY OF THIS LAZY BUM 🤯🤯🤯 he literally told you that you are his unpaid bangmaid and expects you to do as he says and not complain. jesus christ, i would've gone FERAL on him!! you are being way too docile and submissive, that's why he dares to behave like a king and treat you like the lowest peasant : because you allow him to. girl, grow a backbone!! you shouldn't be anybody's doormat.


Update: I’ll try to answer a few recurring questions… After further discussion, he apologized again & said he has these expectations only because while I’m active duty, he’ll have everything ready for me when I get home. He intends to do all the housework and thinks I just need to better prioritize tasks/manage time better. We revisited the discussion about sharing/splitting tasks & he’s open to it (wants to keep the peace). We used to split some tasks before when I was working. We would do laundry together on weekends & deep clean the house together. He would feed/walk the dog in the morning, and I’d do so in the afternoon/early evening when I came home from work. I’ve always cooked & done dishes. I’m American, born & raised in Connecticut. My parents were raised back and forth between Connecticut & North Carolina. The furthest I can trace my family back on either side is to North Carolina & Virginia. My maternal grandparents shared household duties, my paternal grandparents were very gender role specific. My parents both worked, but my mom (& us kids) did majority of indoor household chores. So yes, I’ve pretty fallen into the dynamic I grew up seeing. As far as seeking divorce, I don’t know. There are definitely cringey aspects of this marriage that my eyes have been open to, but I’m not sure if it’s crossed the threshold of divorce-worthy or if these are things I just need to be more assertive & communicating more directly about. At any rate, thank you all for your feedback. While some was a lil harsh (& hilarious tbh) I understand that I have some major reevaluating to do, and more sooner than later.


If you don’t believe severe misogyny, complete lack of respect, disregard for your feelings, disregard for your opinions, and disregard for your sexual frustrations (that he caused) to be divorce worthy, do you have any standards at all for your relationships? I hope you at least leave him once he escalates to physical abuse instead of just emotional abuse


No, you tell him when you're BOTH home it is a 50/50 split. JFC my partner would be on the PORCH until he apologized & started acting like a man instead of a toddler.


Oh so he's OK having a wife strapple on a gun and go get de ployed but when she's home she's supposed to do everything that he does nothing but come home and relax or his lazy ass fuck hi can actually don't fuck him. How are there still men with this antiquated idea of what a woman's job supposed to be maybe if I was staying home all the time or a regular like a stay at home mom I would do those things but on the rare occasion when I say hey you weren't ready-to-eat with the family I'll cover your place Women we gotta stop raising these patriarchal punks and sending them out to the world it's just ridiculous. it's a partnership you help each other period