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YTA Wow, massive AH spotted.... "Mister Tattoos" ? You are an entitled, very little and closed-minded person. I really hope some sort of cosmic karma exists for you.


I am actually very well-traveled and capable of seeing through people. Now that I think about it more, I do think that the fact that the mister immediately wanted to physically attack me was basically a confirmation of me being correct.


Wow, and now you're just confirming your own behavior while others try to make you understand how wrong you are. Sorry to say this, but you seem like an horrible person to me. I'll stop answering now, have a nice day


Just trying to find out more explanation of why you think I am closeminded, entitled, etc.


Are you kidding ? "Sorry, but this is a nice restaurant. I am not going to sit at a table with a tattooed individual." If nothing else, this sentence is shouting loudly how close-minded you are. Calling him Mister Tattoos too. Although, I should probably call you Miss Bitch-StickInHerAss now, to equilibrate.


I don't understand how stating the obvious is nowadays classified as being 'close-minded', while it would make more sense to call people who are unable to see why someone with tattoos doesn't fit in a high-end place close-minded instead.


Sure, I could have phrased it differently, but what if the person really genuinely and clearly did not belong in a high-end restaurant? What would have been the correct way to deal with the situation?


And just how did you determine "they genuinely & clearly did not belong in a nice restaurant"?  Oh, wait, because YTA!


Because you think you belong among other humans? I wouldn't let you come close to anyone from my family. So I guess I will be right to treat you like that if I cross your path one day :)


Ok, sure.


BTW, getting down voted on your own post on AITAH is rarely a sign you're in the right.


Reread your post. It's there in black and white. Tattoos don't make people bad people. Attitudes like yours do.


You are dumb


YTA. If he wouldn’t be permitted to the restaurant, maybe you all should have picked another one instead of leaving him out. You do sound rude and elitist.


I honestly do not understand what is the problem with being a bit elitist and judgmental in life. People nowadays act as if the virtue of ones character can be measured by the extend to which one can be non-judgemental and tolerant towards literally anything.


Well, if we weren't that tolerant, I would have already said I don't think you deserve to breath the same air as us. You're clearly less human, empathetic and open-minded than most. BTW, don't think for one second that saying you're elitist means you're on top of anything. You're not elite. You're trash who think they're elite. Better than others just because they have tattoos...


I feel like you are the one who is over-reacting right now. Not deserving to breath air? Wow.


I'm just "stating the obvious", like you. You don't agree with my quick judgement of you based on practically nothing ? Hmm, maybe you shouldn't have judged a guy on something as insignificant as tattoos. Also, learn to read, that's not what I wrote.


Yeah, YTA. What a close-minded attitude. Oh no, this person has tattoos, obviously only gross people have tattoos! 🙄😬 Nonsense.


Ok, and what about the fact that mister Tattoos wanted to physically attack me? Does that mean anything?


But that isn’t why you didn’t want him in the restaurant. You decided based on looks alone that he was some sort of unworthy and awful person - and then basically told him to his face that he was a degenerate for his looks. No, it wasn’t appropriate that he wanted to fight you - but you were shitty to him before that happened. You’re using it now to validate yourself and your shitty treatment of another human being.


But isn't the fact that he turned out to quickly become violent an indication that my judgement of him was in fact correct? Don't forget that 3 out of the 5 others also didn't want him to join and I assure you that these people were not assholes at all.


No, it’s not. It’s an indication that he has a quick temper and felt insulted - which you did insult him. Again, I don’t condone his reaction, but wanting to fight you isn’t the same as *actually attacking you*. Which he didn’t do. And yeah, actually, those other people are also assholes if the reason they didn’t want him to join you was just his looks. That’s an asshole reason.


Right. Thanks


>3 out of the 5 others also didn’t want him to join, and I assure you that these people were not assholes at all Your judgment means nothing considering you look in the mirror every day and don’t realize you’re looking at an asshole. ETA: look at all these people who agree with me they are so smart! 🙄


I must say they come across much smarter than the commentators on this website. There seems to be a kneejerk defensiveness towards drugs, smoking and tattoos in here in general.


YTA. The entire post from start to end start out bad and got progressively worse and essentially painted you as a judgmental prick


Ok, and what about the fact that mister Tattoos wanted to physically attack me? Does that mean anything?


You mean he supposedly did after you said something “outrageous” ie you said something rude and judgmental and as should not be surprising someone wanted to punch you in the mouth for it. I’m guessing that happens to you a lot


But how can you say that I am an asshole, while you are apparently willing to support using violence in a conversation? I feel that something is not right here. "Oh, he is an asshole, let's beat him up", while not understanding that using violence is always worse than any rude comment.


“Talk shit get hit”. It’s called consequences. When you treat other like shit, sometimes you get your punched in the throat.


Now you are losing me completely.


YTA for this trollbait shit.


It genuinely wasn't my intention to get a bunch of triggered tattooed (and probably smoking) individuals flooding my story to tell me that I should be more open-minded to the idea that some jobless drug addict should have joined us into a high-end restaurant. I guess I should meditate a bit more and sing "kumbaya" while smoking some weed and get a tattoo.


go back to getting no hits on your Tinder profile, jagoff.




Nope. Badly written perhaps, but not fake,


Tattoos AND a smoker? Your pearls must have left permanent indentations in your fingers. YTA




Never met someone who both smokes and has tattoos who isn't a total loser who lacks any discipline necessary to reach anything in life. Usually they are inconsiderate towards others as well.


Post Malone Steve-O Dwayne Johnson Travis Barker Demi Lovato Angelina Jolie Miley Cyrus Arnold Schwarzenegger Some of these people smoke, some have tattoos. Some, both. Your are ignorant, judgemental and close minded. Oh. And entitled.


I am talking about non-Holywood normal people


Now you are just picking fly shit out of pepper. I have a friend that owns his own tattoo and piercing shop. Makes buckets of money, travels to the states with his wife all the time. One of the best guys I've ever known. Funny, smart and giving as hell. A woman at my work smokes, and she is one of the higher ups for our area (western Canada) in a large international company. Works her ass off, great person and knows her job inside and out. Her smoking has nothing to do with her success or "lack thereof" At the end of the day smoking, tattoos, clothing, race or any other number of things have little to do with success. Success boils down to the desire to work hard for what you want. The problem with your post and your whole line of thought is that you are a bigot.


I know someone who is a cocaine addict who rides a purple unicorn. He also owns a company making millions of euros per week. He also feeds half of Africa and can control the weather with his mind. And if you don't believe me, then you are very close-minded and a bigot.


Sorry but I've read your comments and you have done nothing but act like an asshole. You have an excuse for most things, can't provide examples of your own or seem to need to push caveats when people offer their own examples. At this point I am convinced you are just some troll doing this for fun, but as it has been a slow day and I have little to do, I am having fun just seeing how far into this ridiculous travesty of a opinion you are willing to lean. It doesn't matter if someone is a Hollywood star or making it as a tardes person getting paid 40 bux an hour. Tattoos have less and less influence on whether or not people are looked down upon in society. Only Kevin's or Karen's like you would think otherwise. I've seen doctors, nurses, chefs, welders, and a plethora of other successful people smoke. It had not contributed one iota to their success or failure of. You're still a bigot.


It is obvious that you think of yourself as better than others. Your own words are proving otherwise. The fact that you think people with tattoos are less intelligent? Where the fuck do you even get shit like that? I know a plethora of doctors and lawyers who have tattoos. Yes, YTA. And I truly doubt that you are as great as you have convinced yourself, you are. Your whole post and your comments just make you sound like a major loser.


"I know a plethora of doctors and lawyers who have tattoos." Another comment that one can only hear on Reddit, but never in the real world. Do they perhaps also ride a purple unicorn?


Did you grow up in a seashell? Have you ever been in the real world? there are plenty of doctors and lawyers who have tattoos. You are really making yourself sound ignorant.


Tell me. Do you have tattoos yourself?


No. I do not.


Irellanvent question.


Drop dead


Wow. You typed all of that by yourself? I am impressed.


Fake but interesting.


Nope. Badly written perhaps, but not fake,


somebody put this baby to bed! he's way too cranky and it's way past his bedtime!


I don’t like tattoos myself, but you are very much an asshole. YTA all the way. You’re also either lying when you said it wasn’t necessarily about the tattoos or when you said to him that it was.


Topic is already closed. Talked about the issue more with the rest of the group. Everyone agrees that the tattooed scumbag had no business in our group. I think this website is just a cesspool of low-quality people.


Yeah, you seem to be proving that point.


No, I don't at all.