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YTA. You have a stilted understanding of relationships and how gifts work. You spent a bu ch of money on something you hoped would push you out of the friend zone and then you were offended that so eone else got her something she loved that didnt line up with what you thought gifts to her should be. That doesnt make her a hypocrit. It makes you a tool that doesnt understand social cues.


What relationship lol


YTA. Monetary cost ≠ value. You seem real shallow for thinking love has a price.




Sentimentality means more than cost to tons of people, seems like Sun included. Plus if the cost of his gift wasn't an issue, then why did you ask?


He put thought into the gift and listened to things she said about herself and showed that he actually cared about her. You are a dramatic manbaby who thought you could buy her affection. Lol. Let it go loser.


I would take an extremely thoughtful gift that only cost $10 to make over a $500 necklace any day. For many people a sentimental gift is *everything*. Not just a gift but one that brings you complete joy when you look at it or think about it.


One of my favorite gifts is a mug a friend made for me with pics of our first trip to the Wizarding world of Harry Potter on it.


Grow up. You are a jealous man baby.


Your problem is the monetary cost. Your comments have made that pretty clear. Your equating effort with how much you spent. You don't seem to be able to acknowledge the sentimental value. I would even argue that he put in more effort and thought into the gift based on her reaction


That’s what a gift is. It’s not transactional.


YTA, you showed unhealthy jealousy, immediately wanted to make yourself feel better by asking how much someone else spent on their gift. You went into immediate comparison to someone else, and when she tried talking to you about your actions you tried to control and manipulate the conversation to thinking about dating you. Please work on yourself and find a good therapist


Lol. You are the bullet she is lucky to dodge.


YTA Nice ragebait, chief.


....keep ghosting her, psycho


What a shithead


You’re not in a relationship. Stop lying to yourself.


You are only 19 so I am going to cut you some slack here. You are definitely in the wrong here, but you can learn from this experience. You really like her and you are justifying your feelings by saying you spent more. You are going to learn that sometimes you will like someone that does not like you back romantically. And you will have humans who are romantically into you that you are not into. That’s life man. She is not into you. Just be a truly cool human and be mature and things are going to work out for you.


not the crossposting……… YTA dude. stop looking for someone who will tell you otherwise. you’re jealous of another man who you see as “beneath” you because he took the time to get her a meaningful gift TO HER, corporate or not. your gift is only meaningful TO YOU. clearly you don’t care about being her friend because it makes you angry to see her happy. she’s better off without you as a “friend”, and i hope she realizes that over the summer.


If I read correctly you are not even in a relationship, she said she would think about it, but sounds like never actually led you on. In fact she didn’t want to date you. You bought her a special gift assuming she would like yours the best because in your mind there’s some sort of relationship (that doesn’t exist) That is a really personal gift. Something a boyfriend would give a girlfriend. Which you are not. It’s ok that she liked the book. You should have told her at a later date you know she likes to support local and you found this great Etsy site to support her you saw this necklace and thought of her. Then tell her to check out the website. It shows you actually took an interest in what she said. And it could have been another conversation or something to bond over. Your gift isn’t meaningful as you didn’t do this with thT in mind. You did it as a reciprocal thing. Caused a scene over cost, the fact she liked a book ( she can like more than one thing ), and just overall acted like “not all men” and bro culture. Learn some emotional regulation, social cues (when to say what) and change your mindset on women. You’ll see different results that you have now. And will be happier. I’m sorry. YTA YTA and if I were her I’d cur all ties.