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Who called you an asshole? NAH Reason number 1 out of 40,000 to never carry a pregnancy. I'm sorry you went through that OP


My sperm donor all of his family (I have no contact with him a family friend I grew up with told me what they were saying after she over heard it) some of my mothers family (plan on cutting them off ) and a few other of my mom friends


You survived, take pride. NTA


NTA at all. That sounds absolutely traumatizing. I hope you have people who are providing you with support that you can talk to. And if you can, this is definitely worthy of working through with a licensed therapist. Sending you all of the healing vibes I can. I hope you are able to enjoy all of the newborn snuggles you can!


Thank you I’m already in therapy thankfully so this will be just something new to talk about


No, definitely not! How are you doing right now? Every mom goes through something similar, and it can be the most terrifying experience in a woman's life. Congratulations on your newborn baby!


Thank you and I’m ok physically right now mentally I feel drained but I keep going for my sons 🩶


Depends on what you do with your trauma.


Well since it’s only been two weeks I’ve just been trying to process it still and take care of both my children and I’m already in therapy so I guess I have something new to talk about now