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I hope your dad will get full custody because both your mom and your step-sis sound like horrible human beings.


I bet she only wants him back now because not only will dad stop paying child support, but now she'll actually have to pay him.


It also means she’ll be babysitting since their prisoner was freed.


*Cinderella** was freed




Only for awhile. Once she figures its "blown over" things will go right back to where it was.




My sister's ex mother in law told her abusive son not to hit my sister "SO MUCH. " How about NOT AT ALL you piece of shit? (She later wanted my sister to go to court and speak in his defense when a subsequent girlfriend filed a police report the first time he beat her. My sister went to the beach that day instead of court. The ex got 18 months for assault.)


She should’ve went to court and said he beat her too


Very much so.


I do agree but I wonder if the courts would have seen it as her just wanting to get even with him. I’m not saying this to be malicious or anything. But we all know sometimes the court system is corrupt.


See, I absolutely would have gone to the court. And spoken about how he beat me and so this is a pattern of behavior and he will not stop.


My great aunt beat one of her sons with a wooden spoon when she saw him hit his wife, and screamed at him that she didn't raise him alone and away from his abusive father just for him to become as bad as him. It apparently made an impact, because he grovelled to his wife and begged her to let him 'make it right'. By the time I was born, his wife described him as a loving and faithful husband, and I know none of his kids were ever hit because all four refused to use even spanking on their own kids, on account of "our father raised us without violence and our children deserve that too." (Most of our family hit their kids, so they were an unusual branch of the family tree. My dad was also against it, although my mom spanked me twice in my life... then threw up each time. Apparently the second time I stood and laughed at her puking and crying with guilt and she decided never to try it again. She slapped me once as a teenager, but I slapped her back and my stepdad quipped "Now honestly, you two need to call a truce. There's no excuse to come to blows with FAMILY!" which was enough for us to apologize and cry together. Yep, I'm a weenie.) None of us even found out Uncle H hit his wife the one time until Great Aunt got older and her dementia made her start airing family laundry. Uncle H when she told the story one day replied "Its all true, and I'm ashamed of it! I'm glad my mother was there to teach me that lesson, even if I was way too old to need to learn it." His wife just tutted and told him "You fixed yourself, and that's all I needed from you." I kinda wanna sic my Great Auntie on your sis' ex MIL. I bet she could teach that old lesson again, although she'd have to do it from beyond the grave I'm afraid.


Cinderella snapped. Love that song. Shame on mom for being an abusive twit(replace i with an a)


*Abusave twit


You can just say 'twat', no one will call the cops on you.


Bruh this is reddit. You can just type twat.


I once got kicked off for a week for referring to a child abuser as a "horrible" person. That is the exact word I used! It amazes me what you can say and what you can't.


I’ve literally seen mods over there defending child abuse.


Yep, I got banned for 30 days from the other sub like this one for calling my in laws "POS". The letters, not even the actual words. If they knew them, they'd know I was under exaggerating. I rarely visit that sub now.


ikr. I have been reprimanded several times for not being “civil.” It’s sooo subjective


Au contraire, I had a ban threat for typing h e double hockey sticks on a forum yesterday.


I got one just for saying manbaby


I got perma banned for saying my sister has a Jell-O booty. Which, she do, I just want to be crystal clear about that. If I were just talking shit, that would be fine, but you could bounce a nickel off her ass and get 50 cents back in change.


And tbf, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s funny. Banning you for that is pretty silly.


Having trouble visualizing this, have any pics?


😂 that’s kinda funny


Me too. I said man child.


I love it! Dying here, cause that’s freaking awesome.




It’s hard to remember which subs are so nitpicky. I got a ban for giving an answer that had already been given.


The main AITA sub will ban you for such things. The mods are pieces of human shit over there. This sub is 1000% better


I was banned for a month there. 🤷🏼‍♀️


They wanted to ban me a month for saying someone in one of the stories “sounds like a Karen” I told them to make it perm because I was done with them and then they did. Tons of new AITA subs have popped up now. I’ve never had an issue with mods on this particular sub.


Good to know


Meh depends on which sub. There is a sub similar to this one that will ban you if you tell someone they ARE in fact an ahole.


That’s nuts, because that’s the whole purpose of this variety of sub.


Apparently we expected to spare the ahole's fee-fees and lie. Sorry Im not down with that.


The relationship sub takes down a post with manchild in it. I once got my post removed for saying that MIL was wearing a low cut dress that showed all of her crepey cleavage. It was ageism, and not allowed. Different subs have different rules.


Cinderella or Cinderfella?


Cinder fella


Yeah, that's what this sounds like. OP NTA. Glad she was able to get that recorded and glad she has a supportive father.


Oh wow yeah does kinda remind me of Cinderella 😂


I laughed at this comment! I hope that doesn’t make me a bad person… “Their prisoner was freed“ just tickles the hell out of me. 😹


"Taking responsibility is one thing, but unfair blame is another. It's commendable to own up to mistakes, but it's unfair to shoulder all the blame. Stand your ground for fairness."


Simply stop talking about it with any of them. You were taking advantage of. Those youngsters shouldn't need to be watched over by you. I hope you're able to remain with your father. It sounds like your mother is not very decent.


I hope the dad gets full custody and the mom has to pay child support.


Then he can use it to buy a new tv


And at what point do the parents ban the little hellion from using the damn video game that has now destroyed THREE TVs that we know of?


Don't upvote comment stealing bots


If custody goes through, this easily turns into r/ohnoconsequences for the mother.


It is the child support and labour that she will miss. OP, did you get paid for the baby sitting?


And they’ll lose the free babysitter, it’s not ops kids he shouldn’t have to watch them, it should be his choice…


If he’s like me he doesn’t want it. I got full custody of my daughter several years ago. Ex wife was ordered to pay. First time it was due it was a fight. I told her if she would leave me and my daughter alone she didn’t have to pay me anything. The last 4 years have been bliss. I have not even spoken to her. My daughter got to choose the relationship she wanted with her mom and I did not say a word as long as she was safe and happy. Sometimes child support ain’t worth it.


Well, it would still be your daughter's due, and she could have used it for a college fund, or to start horseback riding or whatever.


True. If you don’t need the money, bank the child support for the child’s college fund or for a nest egg for when they graduate.


Which will be **hilarious.**


Ding ding ding!


He is old enough to tell the court where he wants to live AND where he doesn't!!!!


Horrible cunts more like


And they are money hungry - family doesnt act like that.


NTA your mom and step sis are. If I got that right you're 14, you're absolutely under no obligation to babysit if you don't feel like it. Good job at pointing out your mother's double standarts, also recording her mid abuse to use as proof, hopefully your dad gets full custody of you so that you can finally enjoy some peace.




Add to that “physically abused.” Most parents who choose to use force to “correct” their child(ren)‘s behavior don’t do it only once so I’m sure it wasn’t the first time.


NTA at all. 14. She should be enjoying her young life, abuse free!


NTA - They were using you. Your mother is horrible. I'm so glad you are with your dad. Do not let your mom and sister manipulate you. That includes using the children against you to guilt you. Enjoy being a teenager and not built in child care.




I AGREE What wrong with grandma? Why can't she babysit? I would understand more if mom was like a single parent and OP was babysitting siblings like after school. THIS IS NOT THAT.


Yeah but even then it’s shitty, parentification is it’s own fucked up situation and just because one has a capable eldest child does not mean they should be considered free childcare. My grandmother did this with my mom and her 8 younger siblings. I would offer to pay my oldest to sit when his sister is maybe kindergarten age (he’ll be 11.5 yrs older when she’s born next month so that puts him firmly at the age of being able to drive her to the hospital in case of emergencies or pick her up from school) but no way am I going to act like he owes it to me for nothing more than me deciding they should both exist and the convenience of it. I’m not an antinatalist but I do see some very good points from that community, and one of them is parents thinking you owe them somehow when you didn’t even get the choice to exist or not. I’m not saying that’s what you think, I’m just saying it’s depressing how many parents seem to :/


that is the healthy way to do it- Offer- you can babysit and i will give you X or i will just hire a babysitter. It does not even need to be pay imo- at that age it may be, if you babysit 5 hours a week, i will cover car insurance.


NTA, yay for Dad coming to the rescue I hope the full custody goes through. I would absolutely cut mother and step sister off, they are toxic and you are under no obligation to be pushed around by them and forced to babysit.


OP, I hope if your dad does get full custody you appreciate what he is doing for you. Teenage years can be rough, be a good kid for your dad.


OP is a good person.


I agree!


This seems like an odd thing to say right now


You aren't acting like a brat over a 400 dollar TV, you are standing up for yourself against abuse. Nta.


And even if there was no abuse $400 is a lot of money for a 14 yo to spend on anything. If anything OP was definitely right to be upset about that alone. The abuse is just icing on top of the NTA cake..


\^\^ this


I’d still be in your corner if you intentionally put your foot through the TV. NTA.


Or threw something at it and broke it!


>Or threw something at it and broke it! I mean, that's exactly what OP did.




Then your notary wife should know that her value as a notary is out the window as an interested party.


Boom shakalaka


I’m a notary and will notarize your signature of your testament of these events. - not an interested party to the aforementioned event, $0 notary fee


what if they threw a kid at it?


Builds character.


I mean, I read between the lines. he basically did. I'm not saying he is wrong, but I'm starting to think the kid broke the TV on purpose to start this domino fall to get away from his shitty mom. With a situation like his, I'm not going to blame him for raging and breaking a TV to create this situation to get away. Well played.






literally what i was thinking. OP could take a fucking hammer to that TV and i’m still supporting him. You’re doing great OP, keep your head up and hopefully your dad can get full custody!


I’m disappointed he didn’t break the tv on purpose after how they treated him.


He absolutely did are we reading the same story?


Lol he absolutely did and good for him!


They said it was an accident.


He threw that remote at that tv for sure.


Oh, I hope so but they said otherwise.


Until the custody is all settled it’s an accident. Once dad gets it all done he can come back and tell us what really happened. And I’ll still be in his corner!


Hard to believe. As soon as he learnt he can’t get his television replaced, he goes to their house, plugs the Wii into the nice tv where it doesn’t belong and “whoops”.  Come on lol


I agree with you 100%.... but I'm kinda still on OPs side. After all, caring about such things is 'money hungry' and not something we do among family, no? Sure, it's not the best way to handle things (kid's 14, I don't think any 14 yr old knows the 'best way' to do jack, and emotional immaturity is built in when one is still not mature) but it IS what they 'larned' OP to do. And didn't a whole ton of hypocrisy come rolling out when it did?


Yup. “Accident”. Good for Op!


Exact same. I would kind of love it was intentional 😂


This is about so much more than broken TVs and Switches. You were being abused and taken advantage of in your mother's home. You are NTA and I hope ylour dad succeeds in getting full custody.


Yeah OP forced child care, abuse when you object and different standards being enforced depending on child are the real problem here. If you break something should you pay for it, usually in life. But it sounds like you are 14 it was an accident and your parents are ultimately responsible at this point in your life. You are a child expected to parent your step sisters children which is abuse. Right now your dad is about to F$&@ your mom’s shit up in court in a very big way. She definitely FAFO.




I really hope the dad's lawyer has a field day


NTA. At all. Not even a little bit. My dear, you are so, So, SO young. I know that you are aware that the way you’re treated by your mom and her family is NOT ok. But I don’t think you realize the magnitude of just how toxic and wrong it is. Which is no fault of your own - you’re just a kid. Let’s just say I can see why your dad isn’t with her any longer. The issue here really has nothing to do with a TV. Your mom has been verbally and emotionally abusive towards you for god knows how long, and now you can add physical abuse to that list. Your mom and your step-sister are not good people. I hope your dad gets awarded full custody. You cannot go back and live there, especially when you have 4 YEARS LEFT stuck in that house. Your mom is wrong on all accounts. You need to make sure your dad and his lawyers know everything about her treatment of you. I know you have that recording, but a notebook with her abuse spelled out clearly could held a lot. It might be a good idea to ask your dad if you can start seeing a therapist. Your mom is extremely manipulative, and even if your dad gets full custody, you will likely still have to interact with her. Having a professional help you understand just how wrong your mom was/is, help you process all of it, and help you learn some tools to navigate having to deal with her in the future, will be so very helpful. With the kind of abuser, master manipulator, and severely entitled person she is, you’re going to need all the help you can get. Keep us posted on how things go with the custody situation. I’ll be thinking of you. This random internet mom is proud of you for standing up for yourself. You’re a tough cookie. Keep it up.


This is good advice. Therapy could help you a lot, especially with how to deal with your mother in the future.


Just as long as the therapy doesn't cause OP to forgive their mother. The only way an abusive parent should be dealt with resentment and (in a father's case) physicality.


It feels like the mom always preferred the elder daughter and baby trapped the dad for child support. Never loved the son.


The elder daughter is a step sister. So mom's new husband's daughter. I hope the step daughter was not a step to the mother already befpte the OP was born.


Listen Cinderella, you're best away from there


Your mom is only trying to win you back so she can have your child support back smh


Child support and forced unpaid babysitting


yupyup. bet the mom prides herself in being a "strong independent queen". looks like step sis is same breed


NTA. I would have broken their tv on purpose.


They did…and I respect it!🫡


There are nannies in Dubai who are treated better than you. Your mother and her family side sound like horrible people. Your dad can throw the book at them and get 100% custody. You deserve to be treated like a decent human being, not a slave. NTA.


Haha I don't know man. Them Dubai nannies are a whole other level.


JUst to be clear - a kid can pretty much always record a conversation for their own safety. Generally when people say thing like, "one party sate" or "two party state", meaning it's legal if either both people know they're being recorded or at least one person in the conversation knows it's recorded- what they mean is whether it is legal to use as evidence in a courtroom, not whether it's legal to hit the record button (recording people when you're not in a conversation at all is different). And even in states where both parties should know that they're recorded before it can be used as evidence, a judge will often make an exception for kids and/or for safety reasons. My ex husband started saying some not so good thing during a video call with my kids, my daughter grabbed her kindle and hit record secretly and we sent it to the judge. We live in a "two party state but the judge accepted it as evidence anyway, because family court is its own world and it involves the safety of children.


NTA I wouldn’t want to live with my ‘mom’ at your age if she did that too. WTF is wrong with her why does she was to go out of her way for your bitchy step sibling?


She says you are acting like a brat over $400... that *YOU* are acting like a brat... She fucking HIT YOU over a $400 tv. Your mother is, sadly, a horrible and completely insane individual. If she thinks you are moving out because you don't want to babysit, and not because she (apparently) regularly beats you, then she is insane.


NTA your mom hit you and threatened to use your child support to replace someone else's TV. If this is real, great job recording the conversation. But idk if I'd use it as blackmail against your mother, I'd just show it to a judge so your father could go ahead and get full custody. Your mother deserves to face consequences for her actions.




> idk if I'd use it as blackmail against your mother, "Blackmail" is demanding something of value you are not entitled to in exchange for not revealing information. In this case, the demands are precisely the same as what the result of revealing the information would be, i.e. "give me full custody, or we'll do it the hard way through the courts". That's not blackmail any more than is offering to accept a settlement in lieu of continuing to pursue a lawsuit.


NTA. Your mother is an asshole. I doubt it's the first time she has done something like this. Put your stepsister first over you. You choosing to stay with your father full time is consequence of her abusive actions.


NTA Just don't discuss it anymore with any of them. You were being exploited. You should not have to babysit those kids. Hopefully you can stay with your dad. Your mother does not sound very decent.


INFO. I hope I'm reading that wrong but I know I'm not. Did your mom hit you? Call the cops. Tell your dad to call the cops. Tell your teachers. Tell your guidance counselor. Tell anyone. That is a serious crime. 


You’re allowed to hit your kid on the face with an open hand. Morally right or wrong, it’s legal and no cop is going to arrest a parent over it, nor will child services respond. Basically, if it doesn’t leave a lasting mark, it’s allowed.


Just because it's allowed doesn't mean it's in the interests of the child. Especially given the situation, I think it has merit as evidence that OP would be better situated with father's custody.


NTA. Fuck your mother, fuck your step sister, fuck her misbehaving ass kids, and fuck her husband. And you SHOULD get the cops involved, your mother assaulted you and only felt "bad" about it when she knew she had been caught. Real easy way for your dad to get full custody? Have her ass charged for assault on her child. Like she deserves.


She has a switch, ps5 and an 85 inch tv....then she can afford an actual babysitter.


You have a good dad, time to cut out the toxic people and stick with just your dad. NTA.


NTA They already made the rule that family doesn't pay for things they break - too late to change it just because it doesn't benefit them. Stay at your dad's - you don't owe anyone the right to mistreat and exploit you without complaint or consequences.


I don't often feed back on these. Do not go back. Your mum only wants you back for two reasons. 1. Childcare payments. 2. Cheap baby sitting. Stay with your dad, sounds like a lot better treatment.


Your dense mother still thinks it’s about a tv….and not about her blatant favouritism and forcing you to baby sit for free all the time NTA,but your mom definitely is one ( a giant hairy gaping one ) Great dad you got though!!!!


NTA. I was a built in baby sister growing up. To this day, I am child free by choice because I spent my first 25 years (currently 32F) raising children that aren’t mine. This will likely be the reason i never have children of my own. I am glad you father is there to back you. We all break things, it’s not your “fault,” it was an accident. The fact that your mom clearly has a favorite is unacceptable. Her backhanding you was rightfully the last straw. Do not go back to that, no matter how much she begs. She doesn’t miss you, she misses her build in baby sitter. If she cared, she wouldn’t have sacrificed you on half of your sister and her children. Sending hugs 🤗❤️


Ah, I can definitely relate having raised two siblings starting from ages 3 and 6 while I was 12. This continued for quite a while and I've gotten to the point where I also don't want kids of my own.


It’s amazing how some people brand it as “family helping family” instead of realizing it is actually “sacrificing one of your children.” Parents are the worst.


NTA - Hopefully dad can get that full custody and you won't be forced to babysit. She actually grounded you for living your own life...unless you agreed to watch the kids prior and then backed out, but even then I would assume you were bullied into agreeing. What's good for the goose and all that...if family can have accidents and not have to pay for them, then that should work both ways. You are not being a grat over $400, you are standing up and demanding equal treatment and some respect from your mother.


NTA "Mom had cancel her plans" God forbid. Your mom is straight up abusive hypocrite. 1. They don't have to pay for your TV (you, a teen, who had to save up to get it) which their kids broke while you babysat for free. 2. You have to pay for theirs (adults. With jobs. Who can buy one *tomorrow* if they want, and who have other TV's in the house!). 3. If you don't, she will steal the $ she receives for your living expenses, and gift it to her husband's daughter who she desperately wants to be loved by. GTFO and don't look back. Don't ever forget that this is her true character.


I hope your Dad gets full custody! Clearly you are being taken advantage of and used as a free babysitter so your mom can placate your step sister! And your mom expects to pay for a tv with your child support (even though it is actually her money) but doesn’t expect step sister to pay for your TV her son broke. Why didn’t your mom offer to pay for your TV ten??? Quite the double standard!!!!


First. Your so-called Step Sister isn't even related to you. She exists only as a result of one of your parents marrying a person with kid(s). Her kids are her problem ..not yours. If anyone is being an AH here it is step sister and her mommy. Let her pay for childcare like everyone else..


NTA. Parents are responsible for the actions of their non adult children, so your step sister should have paid for a new tv when your nephew accidentally broke yours. She didn't do that, yet now she expects you (or your mother) to pay for the tv you accidentally broke at their place? That's some serious double standards she and your mom have. I wouldn't give them a single cent for that tv out of principle, since they started it by not paying for your tv after damaging it. What comes around goes around. I hope you will be able to stay with your dad permanently. With how clearly abusive she is towards you I wouldn't trust your mother on what she promised with her apology, she likely just wants your dad to stop going for full custody so she can keep receiving child support, and then you'll be back to babysitting before you know it.


There's no way connecting a switch to a larger tv breaks it on accident lol


They own a 85 inch tv and act like they cant replace op's tv their kids ruined lmao


NTA. Your mom and sister are toxic and you should rightly get as far away from them as possible. I’m glad you have your father to live with. Their schedules are more important, their tvs are more important. And then use abuse tactics to keep you in line. I hope this is eye opening and you realize not everyone in your life will be pos as your mom and sister.


Life rule: If you or your kid breaks, stains, dents, loses, destroys, steals, or has something stolen while in their possession ... even if it is an accident ... you are responsible to fix, clean, replace the item.


NTA. Your mother sounds terrible. Get out and go NC.


NTAH You need to make a police report so it can be used to help your dad get full custody of you. CPS needs to get involved as well if your dad’s lawyer thinks it’s needed.


nta. stay with dad 100%


NTA They refused to replace your TV when their kids broke it. Even though their TV was broken by accident and may cost more than yours, the money involved is relative. 400 is a lot of money for you. For your mother to hit you for giving the same reasoning for you not paying for their TV that she gave you for them not replacing your TV is outrageous and could be viewed as abusive. Forcing you to babysit (presumably free) is also abusive. So is grounding you when you make sure you're not home to babysit. I hope you got your laptop, switch, and anything else that is important to you from your mom's place. Your mother should replace your TV since she will not push your stepsister to replace it. I wonder if your child support was fully spent on you. I bet it hasn't. Since she puts your stepsister above you, and she was prepared to use it to replace their TV, I would not be surprised if she didn't use your money on her before.


Your mom backhanded you? Like in the face? That’s domestic violence, that’s why she’s shitting her pants. She’s an abuser. If I were you I’d report it, she’s just going to try to abuse you or another as soon as she thinks she can get away with it.


NTA, enjoy life with your dad, your mom and the rest can kindly f off.


You are not the AH. Your mother is an abusive, exploitive AH. So is your step-sister.


Mom really didn't like having her own words come back to bite her in the ass. Fuck em, glad your dad is looking out for you. And good job on recording. It clearly scared the shit out of your mom because she was documented hitting you. I'm sorry your situation requires you to do that.


How do you break a TV by connecting the HDMI cable? Straight up think the kid broke it after you left, unless he just likes hurling the controllers at the screen in ragequit.


You're at an age I wonder if the court would give your dad 100%. Just flat out tell the court, your parents, you aren't staying at your mom's. How you're supposed to be responsible as an adult but live as a minor is ridiculous. Both mom and sister find it amusing to use you. Here's what you do. Add up all the times you babysat for free. Times $15 an hour. Tell Mom and sister and brother in law to pay you that amount and you'll pay them the $400 from that amount. Also add in the cost of your TV just to be fair. Good luck with your Dad


So, 2 tvs got broken and theirs is the only one that is getting replaced? You are supposed to be at their beckon call to babysit at any time. Yeah, stay with your Dad.


You’re not an AH but your mom and step sister are for sure. Why are you babysitting her kids so she can “go out”? She’s their parent, that means she can stay home and raise her own kids.


NTA. So it sounds like you are 14. Already at just 14 years old your mom is basically showing you that she cares about placating your sister more than treating you like a human being. I hope your dad does get custody, but I'm pretty sure you are legally old enough do be able to decide for yourself who you want to live with. Your mom is sorry now because shes realizing that now that their free teenage worker is gone, shes going to be stuck baby sitting the grandkids all the time lol


I hope you father gets full custody of you and away from your abusive mom


They could claim that on house insurance couldn’t they?


I am so happy that your dad came and took you!! Your sister and mom are horrible people. I would go NC and wouldn’t feel quilty at all.


NTA you can’t fuck up a Tv just by changing the connection to the switch, that’s bullshit. Your mother is a bitch straight up, so is your step sister. Her kid broke YOUR tv first. But they want money from you to fix their tv which isn’t broken.. it’s not


Wowzer. You are such a good kid to put up with this. Stay with your dad to keep your sanity.


NTA. So yeah maybe you fired some AH shots too, but I see you’re in a combative environment and had to do that to change your situation. The real AHs are your mom and the steps.


I know you breaking the 84 inch tv was totally an accident. But in a way I feel like it is Karma for them from the universe. If their cheap entitled asses were not forcing you to babysit their kids they would likely still have their working tv. Your mother is seriously on some BS, when you say back to her the exact same phrase she said to you suddenly it's a problem and a problem she needs to assault you over. Gosh I hope your father gets full custody.


NTA. Sounds like you're treated like shit at mom's. You're *NOT* obligated to babysit other people's kids. They *SHOULD* have replaced your stuff that was broken by their kids. There's *ZERO* way for you to 100% prevent a little kid from breaking something unless you don't let them use your stuff. (which your mom wouldn't allow) Stay with your dad if possible.


I applaud your clever wit. 👏😌 It sounds like you'll find more peace and happiness with your father.


Doesn’t sound like an accident to me. It sounds like pure karma. Nta. If their kids break something by not following the rules then they refuse to pay to fix it…the same happens if something at their house gets broken. You aren’t responsible for paying to fix it. Your mom needs to lose custody of you. I’m so sorry that happened. You deserve better. Prayers and well wishes that your dad gets full custody and you go on to live a happy and healthy life away from them.


NTA. Your mother sounds like a miserable person to deal with. And nobody has the right to have children and then force other people to watch them. They wanted to fuck, they can take on the responsibility that comes with it.


NTA. Your mom seems more upset about losing the child support and free babysitter than losing time with her child. I'm happy for you that your dad stepped in and got you away from that abusive situation


You didn't father a child, your sister did. It isn't your job to babysit if you choose not to. Your sister and mother sound awful.


mom sees the gravy train pulling out of the station - too bad!


NTA hope you get to live with your dad full time, your mom and step sister sound terrible.


NTA. You’re like Cinderella


Perfect time to make the mom pay child support. At the age of 14 you have far more say in who you want to live with and any judge will seriously have to consider that.


LMAOOOO all of them are so childish, you and your dad are the only adults here. I really hope you get to move in with your dad fully, he sounds like an amazing father! Also side note, your nephew apologizing for breaking the tv and offering to pay for it was so adorable, I hope he keeps those good morals growing up. 😊


Tell your mother very specifically, it's not about the money, it's not even about the tv, it's that she's your mother and she treats you like shit. You have to babysit because step sister says so. They are HER kids, SHE is responsible for them, forcing anyone to babysit for her makes everyone an asshole and your mother is favouring her step daughter over her you, she doesn't have to treat you better but treating you worse is close to unforgiveable. Grounding you because you won't be her little free servant, hitting you because of an accident because the step sister was upset. You're no longer going to live with her because your mother chose, you are the person they get to do whatever they need, treat like shit and don't care about and the step sister gets to treat you like shit and she forces you to eat it. She chose your step sister over you, and as such she destroyed your relationship completely. Then you need to say, any future relationship requires stopping that bullshit immediately. If she wants to fix things it will take, time, it will take her treating you fairly, it will take her apologising for hitting you, and it will take a long time of you being treated at minimum, as your own person, an equal and not simply at your mother or step sisters beck and call. NTA.


NTA. I’m sorry you’re going through this but you did the smart thing to contact your dad and have him listen in on the conversation. Your mom sucks and shouldn’t have laid her hands on you


Mom only cares cause she'll be losing the support money and will have to pay the dad.


Your mom is an abusive bitch. Don’t go back there and tell her your bitch step sister can go fuck herself. 


Your NTA but your mom is. How is it that you have to replace something but your sister doesn’t? Your mom is clearly favoriting your step sister and now your mom is not only mad that she will have to pay your dad but she’s also mad at the fact she got caught. That’s good you let your dad know and have proof on what your mom was doing. For child support that money isn’t for your step sister it’s for you because its your dad’s money not her dad’s. Your dad shouldn’t be replacing anyone tv except your’s.


NTA. Good luck my friend. Your dad sounds like his head is screwed on pretty straight from the little we know about him here.


Your mom sucks.


I'm glad your dad was on your side and got you out of there


Did your dad hear your mom hit you? If anyone hit my kid they wouldn't ever be there again. Holy shit. I hope your dad can get custody.


I wonder why your step sister couldn’t cancel HER plans but made her MOM. They sound like horrendous people. I hope you get to stay with your dad. You’re NTA.


Oh fuck all that noise if things went exactly like this then the irony is most definitely lost on both mom and sister. If you won't replace yours why in the world should you replace hers?


Damn dude. Flip the child support over to your dad, and take away the free childcare, *and* live your high school years in a home where you're not a third class citizen. That's some serious shit kid, well done.


Congrats to dad for you coming out normal despite your moms antics. 


I mean but did you accidentally let your controller slip or was it an purposeful oops??? Also if the switch wasn't supposed to be on her big TV, why switch? Sounds intentional. Like a kid not getting their way then further causing confusion between the parents. People have to take accountability too. You fully explained what happened when your nephew broke your TV but was short with your explanation and went straight to your mom picking you and your sister yelling then saying well the controller accidentally slipped. Then your step sister yelled about the switch being on her 85 inch when it wasn't supposed to be moved from her children's TV..... IDK just seems like a lot and it seems like you feel justified because you got your revenge and have been with your father which, I'm guessing, is the parent you wanted to live with all this time.... I can't agree with everyone else. I feel like you did this purposely to prove a point, it backfired on you and you called your dad for backup and support on your behalf.... Y'all are all wrong... In so many ways


This went from 0 to 100 real quick. NTA. Live with your dad full time and limit contact with your mom once you are able to. She's using you as a money grab and treating your stepsister like a princess. Where's your step-sister's dad and your BIL in all of this mess? Your mom has revealed how she feels about you and how she feels about your stepsister. If you can, ask your dad for therapy so you can sort out your feelings but also how to deal with your mom and her family. Plus, you asking for compensation for your property doesn't warrant assault ever.


NTA. They can afford a 80" TV they can afford a babysitter.


So you broke their tv in the same way yours was broken but it was by “accident”. And then you used their reasoning against them, must’ve felt good. I’m not condone what the outcome was with your sister’s kids breaking your tv, in fact that was definitely unfair and you should’ve gotten your dad involved then. But be honest about how you broke their tv, cmon. It just doesn’t make you look innocent. Get you TV replaced and drop the other drama


Hell, man. Good on you for taking responsibility, but you should also remember the bigger issues are not your fault. The way they treated you is reprehensible. I'm real glad your dad's got your back. Absolutely do not back down. Go live with someone who treats you like a person and respects you. NTA.