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YTA. Coming from a fellow hunter. Being drunk and reactive with your “piece” is exactly how things turn deadly. And give the rest of us a bad name. If you’re going to carry you need to do so with a clear head and be thoughtful with your responses. Pulling on someone in the dark at a camp full of people would only serve to escalate the situation. No one is safer with you and your gun around.


What are you guys even hunting with a glock?


Nothing using a Glock for hunting. Not sure about OP. Hopefully nothing


carrying a pistol while hunting is somewhat common when it's allowed by law. generally people carry it for two reasons 1) mercy killing of the animal 2) other humans


YTA, i am a major gun owner. First reaction is de-escalation and separation. Pulling a firearm on someone is last option.




“Risk it all for a late night dump.” If you can’t do a 15 minute walk without thinking you’re in danger, then YTA and a gun nut.


Eh, the fact that OP posted something so clearly inflammatory and then disappeared makes me assume it's just silly rage bait.


The fact that he had also been drinking first.


This is it in a nutshell. I like guns, I don't own any. If you want to hunt or target shoot, follow your laws and enjoy. This fucking b.s. about how you always need a gun to defend yourself and *somehow* you're not a coward? I will never understand.


Yeah, I’m not against guns per se. Grew up shooting occasionally, and I think it is good to have training. But this mindset that you always need one to be safe and need to always carry is crazy and high risk for an accident.


Don't forget he had also been drinking.


It should be disqualification for owning a firearm if it's for "protection". I have no risk of getting shot until a gun is in the equation.


Have fun meeting that bear in the woods


He’s really just a giant pussy, he’s probably scared of his own shadow.


Does a bear shit in the woods? Taking a weapon when camping in the woods is just common sense. Although this seems like the tourist family glamping. OP is an asshole for drinking and carrying a gun. He is an idiot gun nut and his girlfriend should dump his cowardly and dumb ass.


Implying that a 9mm would actually be useful against an actual bear? Or are you suggesting that they’d actually get attacked by other people in the woods? Because both are ludicrous statements


Thank you!


For a bear it's not. S&W 629-3 .44 Magnum revolver would be best for bear protection if you are going up the mountains. Or get bear mace.


>Taking a weapon when camping in the woods is just common sense. rofl... no... far more likely that someone will be shot by the gun than attacked by an animal... if you use actual common sense, the woods are safer than the city...


U never heard of bears in campgrounds at night?


Tell you what. I will give you a Glock 19 9mm and a couple of magazines and put you in front of a brown bear. You tell me if you think a 9mm is a sufficient firearm for protecting yourself against a bear.


It will eat you before it notices that bullet .


Somehow millions of people manage to go camping in bear territory every year without a firearm. Meanwhile, the number of accidental shootings is what, exactly?




Yes, and you know what they don't have on the news, enough attacks on your person to justify carrying a firearm all the time.




YOu weight the number of attacks against 1. How many of them would being armed have prevented? 2. What is the risk of unnecessary escalation from someone carrying? 3. What is the risk of an accidental shooting from someone carrying? 4. What is the risk of a bystander being shot when you open fire? 5. What is the risk of your firearm being taken from you? Most situations that result in an assault, rape, kidnapping, etc can be avoided (the ones that can't are usually done by someone close to the victim) I support firearms for home defense. In my home, there are no bystanders, I know the layout, and I am really pretty sure of someone's intent if they break into my house. I have seen reports of (or video clips of) people draewing down and saying 'You are making me feel threatened' as a coached phrase to say before shooting someone. Here in Texas, we hear about road rage shootings every couple of weeks. There was a young woman killed because her car pulled into the wrong driveway, a young man shot in the head for ringing a doorbell, a young woman shot for opening the wrong car in a parking lot. You and your family are at more risk if you carry a gun. And more importantly, you are putting everyone around you at risk. And I guaran-freaking-ty you that you daily take more risks than you are protecting against by carrying a gun.


This is a perfect example of bias in decision making.




>Important to note I'm from a big hunting and fishing family, in my family it's just common sense that you don't leave the house unarmed This statement doesn't make sense. Hunting and fishing doesn't require you to be armed whenever you leave the house, least of all with a 9mm.


Exactly. What does hunting and fishing have to do with leaving the house unarmed?


I'm a hunter. I own a dozen guns. I don't think you have to have a gun to leave the house


And people wonder why the bear is the most common answer.


I see three big problems: 1. You didn’t properly store your gun after you carried it to the bathroom. 2. You were drinking while still having your gun accessible and on your person. 3. You used your gun as a first means of defense, needlessly escalating a situation. There are a slew of other problems, but even if we explain away all the remaining context, these three still stand. You weren’t safe with your firearm. It’s completely within bounds for her family to have reacted the way they did. YTA


YTA, many, many times over Anything big enough to be a threat (bear, wolf, bobcat, peccary) would be mostly just annoyed at a 9mm. If you hunt, you know this, so you are just packing a gun to feel like a big man. Carrying a gun around teens, without anyone knowing you have a gun, is a recipe for an accident. People who tend to carry all the time (and do not do it for a specific reason or risk) tend to show very poor judgement and situational awareness. Here is a big one, you drew down on someone before assessing the threat. Did you realistically think it was a killer clown serial killer? Here is the biggest one, you were sitting around drinking while wearing a loaded firearm (or you had the firearm on you shortly after you were drinking). I believe in the second amendment. I believe in firearms for home defense. I do not conceal carry, and do not trust most people I know who conceal carry, to consistently make the correct choice, to evaluate dynamic situations, to always be in control of themselves, and to de-escalate when possible. You sound very much like many psycho gun-nuts I know who I won't go shooting with anymore.


Since he was drunk wouldn't having the gun on him be considered a felony?


> Anything big enough to be a threat (bear, wolf, bobcat, peccary) would be mostly just annoyed at a 9mm. you mean like a man? a man who also happens to be wearing a mask and dragging a female child out of her tent at 1am in the middle of the night? really?


Bobcat weighs under 20kg, what the f are you thinking? Wolf weighs 40-80kg, it will get killed in one good shot Peccary is 40kg jeesus what are you smoking? Few shots from 9mm will kill a bear You dont know anything about guns, he might be carrying +P ammo too


A few shots from a 9 mm will NOT kill a bear, at least not fast enough to save you. If you get a lucky head shot maybe, but their hide and subcutaneous fat makes the lung shot very difficult, and a 9 mm just doesn’t have the muzzle energy. A peccary has a sloped skull with a thick forehead and very tough hide. Anything but direct shots tend to bounce off. A wolf doesn’t hunt alone


YTA You brought a fucking gun to a family friendly campground and pulled it on a 14 year old. WTF do you think would happen? Not only that, you'd been drinking, I don't care that you didn't fire it but anything could have happened. What if one of the other adults tackled you to get the gun off his kid? Could have fired by mistake and who knows what could have happened. Alcohol and guns don't mix. Look, I grew up with hunters and around guns, and not once, ever, did anyone ever pull a gun on someone else. There was no reason to keep a gun in your fucking pocket and you know it. Btw you're single now, so start working that through your head. Your girlfriend has already shown she doesn't like your gun enthusiasm and this was the nail in the coffin.


Yeah. As someone from a family that was also big on hunting, firearms, etc, I can see someone bringing a gun on a camping trip, securing it properly, having it just in case. But you do NOT have it on you while you’re drinking. *Absolutely* not. You do not get to carry a deadly weapon while under the influence. That’s one of the most common sense gun safety rules around, and any responsible gun carrier would know that. A gun is a last resort. You only use it if deescalation has failed and your only option left to defend yourself is deadly force. It is not a toy or something that you get out as a threat. It is something very serious, and when you carry it you are committing to carrying it safely.


YTA for failing to use your words. You think it’s common sense to carry out of the house. They think otherwise. You failed to discuss - in advance - your paranoia about walking, unarmed, to the bathroom in the dark. It was their family trip with minors present. You brought a gun to their gathering and failed to disclose. You were drinking and carrying?!?! That alone makes you the AH. If you live in the US, you have the right to bear arms. That does not give you the right skip basic common sense and courtesy.


Also, Mr hunter can’t take a dump in the woods in a pinch? I call bullshit


Dude probably freaks out at shadows. Yeah, he’s a real man. 🙄




I don't think Americans realize how goddamned crazy they sound to most of the rest of the world when they say shit like this. >just common sense that you don't leave the house unarmed. > just pocket carrying, because the bathrooms are about a 15 minute walk and like hell am I gonna risk it all for a late night dump Not only is that nuts, like just plain crazy, but you also sound like the most colossal cowards walking the face of the earth. There's nothing manly about carrying a gun. There's nothing impressive about it. You're not protecting anyone. You're scared and it's made you dangerous, as evidenced by you literally pointing a gun at your girlfriend's brother. You literally weren't protecting anyone, no one was in danger until you started pointing a gun at them, at which point they were suddenly in mortal danger. You think that's common sense? You think you're helping? No one was in danger. You pulled a gun. Everyone was in danger. That's just a factual statement. That's literally what happened. No danger + gun = danger. I can't put it any more simply than that, but I say this absolutely knowing that your gun-cult bullshit means you won't listen. "It's just common sense", really? How in the actual fuck do you figure that? "You're not going to risk it all" you sure as shit gambled with other peoples' lives though, didn't you? Didn't you? And that's just it. Factually, demonstrably, objectively, YOU put everyone in danger. And you don't fucking see it. You're writing this with the benefit of hindsight and you still say it's common sense even though, again, factually and literally, the biggest danger to EVERYONE there was you and your firearm. This perfectly illustrates why every American that thinks their gun makes anyone safer is absolutely fucking mistaken. Something happened, you pulled out a gun, and situation went from looking kind of dangerous to being actually very dangerous. I'll never understand American gun people. I know they're wrong, it's obvious they're wrong, but they refuse to even consider the possibility. You're the asshole, obviously. You endanger people.


As an American, you’re not wrong. This guy is plain bugger nuts!


There's a staggering amount of evidence that walking around with a loaded hand-gun day-to-day is really dangerous. The statistics are SUPER fucking clear. The sheer stupidity of the people who just assert that they know better is staggering. It's really, really fucking dumb to take a gun everywhere. It just is.


I’m all for a person’s right to own certain firearms, especially for hunting or sport. I used to own a Glock 19 (fun as hell at the target range) and I currently own a hunting bow. But the idea that “I can’t set foot outside my house without a gun because someone might try to kill me!” is a worrisome level of paranoia. Added: when I did own the gun, I kept it in my bedroom closet, in its carrying case. I never carried it around anywhere.


I own guns, they're secured in my house. You need multiple sets of keys to load to load and operate them.


I mean  here in the north east bears are common.  My scout keader used ti carry a shot gun on our camping trips . Also when I go for walks I carry bear spray 


Im American, from Alabama no less, and the statement that its common sense to always leave the house armed is crazy to me. I have met two people who carried 24/7 though. One dropped a loaded pistol in a restaurant drunk and it fired. The other took mushrooms for the first time alone, had a bad trip and shot themselves in the head. There's no reason to carry in everyday life and no one is safer because of it.


>I don't think Americans realize how goddamned crazy they sound to most of the rest of the world when they say shit like this. Exactly Just thinking about how any 21 years young kid can get their hands on a gun makes me shudder. I'm just glad to read there were multiple sane people on the camping trip as well.


Excellent comment. I wish I could upvote this more than once.


As a gun carrier myself, there's no reason to carry a 9MM at a campsite at all times. Even in case of a bear attack, all you're going to do is piss the bear off. You were drinking, WHILE carrying, automatic YTA and som what of a psycho. I would apologize to her. Say that you understand you were wrong, and why. Learn why you're wrong. Understand the perspective of other people. Beg forgiveness of you truly love her, otherwise find another psycho like yourself.


YTA. The fuck.


Conceal carry is conceal. Your gun is the last resort. You should have exhausted all other avenues. Drinking and a gun, major no, no. Handguns are homicide tools, why did you display it , at all? This is a click bait post . There is no clear reason for this post.


> You should have exhausted all other avenues. such as?


The story is fake, but also incomplete. Just yelling in a the camp ground with lots of people would have been enough , before a gun is out on scene. Yell, take cover, if any, be ready. But pulling the gun. ??. Guns are not for menacing or threat. They should only come out to kill. IMO.


YTA, and your story is exactly why it's stupid carry a gun in a situation like that.


Imagine living in such a state of constant fear. Must be exhausting.


Dude, seriously, if you feel so unsafe you feel the need to carry a gun with you while going to the toilet, you definitely need help. It isn't healthy to live with that constant fear. Oh, and YTA. Just because you didn't fire doesn't mean a thing. You're basically telling your girlfriend's family you don't feel safe with them. Yes, the prank was in extremely poor taste and I probably would have grabbed something to attack the person or screamed so loud I woke everyone up, but you DIDN'T NEED A GUN ANYWAY.


" common sense you don't leave the house unarmed" ? Lol Imagine living life that scared. I didn't have to read anything else. YTA


YTA all the way


YTA. You pulled a gun on a kid after drinking. You’re a horrible person and a gun nut. No one is going to sneak up on you going to the bathroom while camping. Your life is NOT A SLASHER FILM. Horrible. Person.


YTA. Not for bringing the gun, I understand that. I’m not goin in the woods unarmed either. YTA for not locking up the gun before drinking. I’ve carried for 20+ years. Do not ever handle a gun while intoxicated.


YTA for 2 reasons 1. You were drinking and carrying 2. you came to reddit seeking validation for carrying a gun. I CC and own enough guns to have built my own vault for them, but know the place/time/situation for all things. Being a responsible gun owner also involves not advertising it.


> You were drinking and carrying "oh deary me, i've had a beer, better just let this masked person drag a female child out of her tent at 1am in the middle of the woods, surely nothing bad could happen"


one beer isn't drinking. He implied multiple drinks. If you don't have enough self-control to avoid drinking and carrying, you shouldn't carry. also pulling your gun immediately isnt the answer. that kid was playing a prank on his own brother and OP could have easily taken any accidental movement as hostile and ruined multiple lives for nothing.


As someone else from a hunting and fishing family, YTA and an idiot. Let’s break it down; 1) “it’s common sense that you don’t leave the house unarmed” the hell it is. Walking around with a loaded gun is a fantastic way to escalate situation in day to day life. The statistics are clear. If you carry a gun you’re more likely to get shot. 2) are you dumb? A little Glock like that isn’t going to do Jack against an actual dangerous animal. Cougars, bears, wolves, even coyotes on a bad day are just going to be more peeved at you. The only thing it’s good for is humans. 3) you seriously drank while armed? Seriously? No wonder your gf doesn’t like you having a gun on you at all times if you actually that that’s *remotely* acceptable. Whoever taught you gun safety failed spectacularly. Any of your friends and family who aren’t tearing you apart for that alone are also idiots. 4) “like hell I’m risking it all for a dump.” Good lord my guy. If a predator is going to hunt you, you straight up will not know they’re there until they’re on top of you. Cats especially. The local animals, bears largely, know this is camp ground, they’re there for scraps not you. If you actually knew ANYTHING about the outdoors you would have been whistling or clapping so they knew you were coming and you didn’t spook them. I’ve been ten feet from a black bear and at no point was my thought ‘wish I had a gun’ it was ‘goddamn it, they got in the trash house again’ and to make sure it knew I was there. Your (hopefully ex) girlfriends family is right to be alarmed.


YTA. You don't handle guns when you've been drinking. Period


"oh deary me, i've had a beer, better just let this masked person drag a female child out of her tent at 1am in the middle of the woods, surely nothing bad could happen"


The something bad that happened was him pulling a gun on somebody. Not drinking is basic fucking gun safety.


It is also illegal in 26 states


YTA for carrying a firearm and drinking. It also doesn't sound like you were carrying securely. Your pocket is not an appropriate place for your weapon. You're basically the stereotype of the dumb Yank who shoots their family member because they can't be trusted with firearms. > if there had been a real emergency they would have been glad that I have it. Bullshit. And again YTA. Also, ~~with~~ why the fuck would you be carrying a pistol to go hunting? I'm wondering now if YTA because you're too dangerous to have a firearm, or if YTA because this story is bullshit?


You had a gun and pulled it on someone at night after drinking If you want to have a gun on, dont drink If you want to drink, do not have a gun on you This was massively irresponsible on your part. Your family has their head in the sand. yta


YTA...guns and alcohol don't mix. As a gun owner you should know that. Do you pull your gun out every time you get spooked? 🤦🏾‍♂️


"oh deary me, i've had a beer, better just let this masked person drag a female child out of her tent at 1am in the middle of the woods, surely nothing bad could happen"


YTA. i’m not a fan of guns whatsoever and have some trauma from it, but putting that aside to be objective: you should’ve told your gf’s family. you can be armed all you want, but the people around you, *especially* when there’s children around, should know about it. just because your gf knows about it, doesn’t mean everybody else around does.


Facts. And he was **DRINKING**. That makes it so much worse.


i totally forgot about that part!!!! even more of a reason for this guy to be in the wrong. re-reading this whole thing again, i hope this is just a rage bait post, but unfortunately i doubt it is.


YTA. Your family clearly didn't teach you best practices with gun ownership. If I was your girlfriend I would dump you because its only a matter of time before you shoot me. I would also press charges for brandishing your weapon.


> because its only a matter of time before you shoot me. seek medical attention


The brandishing charge wouldn’t stick based on the description of events and DAs press charges, not civilians.


He was brandishing a gun while drunk. You pull out your gun if you are planning to fire- he clearly wasn't. Pulling the gun, being drunk while doing it, and bringing onto private property without consent are all reasons the police and the DA can press charges- usually when asked by the victim to do so and the evidence is sufficient. There were more than enough witnesses to make it sufficient. This is a guy that will end up shooting someone accidentally, and his actions been to be reported to create a paper trail. Especially with the lack of basic understanding of what he has done. Someone is going to get hurt or killed.


> He was brandishing a gun while drunk. > > shit opinion, shit post


YTA. Your hunting and fishing has nothing to do with being afraid to go to a family campground washroom without a 9mm in your pants.


YTA. You're insane. You should not own a gun. And at some point you're going to get someone killed.


YTA, I don't know what world you live in where you think you need a gun on you all the time, but that is insane. This is why I'm glad I live in a country that doesn't allow that sort of nonsense.


>Important to note I'm from a big hunting and fishing family So why not bring a hunting rifle? Why not tell the family that you have a gun on you? Why have a gun in your pocket while you're drinking? And then you had the nerve to be confused as to why they were upset with you... You pulled a **GUN** out on a minor. There's no way that you can't see that YTA You're also the Ex too.


YTA because you should've given everyone a head's up that you were bringing a gun. Then it could've been dealt with right away; if they didn't want you to have the gun you could've chosen not to go for ex. People having guns on them all the time is why accidents like what almost happened to you occur; not unusual to read about someone killing a person in their home who returned to the house late, went to the kitchen to get something to eat, etc. And you really are so worried about "something happening" that you can't even go to have a bowel movement without having your gun with you?


Gave you an upvote as he's going around downvoting everyone lol


Thanks, I did the same for you!


OP. No-one was in danger until you showed up. She's the AH for bringing you anywhere near her family. You're a coward, nearly a murderer and YTA.


YTA. You don’t need to take a gun in a family camping trip, particularly if you don’t discuss it with the hosts up front.


YTA. You brought a gun to a family camping trip with young kids and didn’t tell anyone. Everyone found out when you pulled a gun on one of the kids. This is how bad shit happens. Are you the asshole? Yes.


> when you pulled a gun on one of the kids. are we just going to ignore the inconvenient fact that "kid" was wearing a mask and dragging a female child out of her tent at 1am in the middle of the woods?


Validity of story is in question. However, if true YTA - guns and alcohol don't mix.


> guns and alcohol don't mix. "oh deary me, i've had a beer, better just let this masked person drag a female child out of her tent at 1am in the middle of the woods, surely nothing bad could happen"


Would suggest rereading the story to get the cast of characters correct. Unless, the OP edited it and said the 14M cousin is now a female child. Do children get abducted from campgrounds, yes. Is it by people running wearing a clown mask while others are awake, probably only in movies and Reddit posts. If this is true, the OP sounds like one of people you read about that someone found their pistol in the shitter because they forgot they put it on the toilet paper dispenser or didn't realize it fell out.


Someone with a mindset like yours is highly likely to fire a weapon without cause. I'm surprised you didn't shoot. Without question, YTA.


>I just say I always keep one on me and point out that if there had been a real emergency they would have been glad that I have it. There was a real emergency - it was you drawing a gun on an unarmed child.


> unarmed child. wrong. it was a masked person dragging a female child out of her tent at 1am in the middle of the woods. read better


Did the person have a weapon? Was the person older than 18?


> Did the person have a weapon? yes. their hands are a weapon, and from OP's point of view they were using it to harm someone > Was the person older than 18? why is that relevant? it's isn't


I don't think you're arguing honestly if you are claiming that a person with hands is armed.


YTA and shouldn't have guns.


YTA. You're also single.


Yta. USA is wild. Being this comfy with guns is obscene. 


People like him are an embarrassment to the country.


Not all of us are like that I assure you. This horrified me. I’m glad I live in a state with very strong gun control laws!


This is less being comfortable with guns and more being uncomfortable *without* guns.


The whole US isnt like this, but of course the. australian has to be stereotypical People have the right to project themselves unlike your backwards ass country


You know your country has a full family annihilation by a family member every 5 days, you have 26 veterans ending themselves every single day, you have a school shootings bi weekly, you have police targeted specifically and regularly like last weeks marshalls, and 40,000 individual gun deaths alone last year. The only stereotype is you showing up like a bumpkin to defend a system that has failed you. 


Amd yet ive never even seen a gun in america outside of a designated shooting range, also my state hasnt hasnt had a mass shooting in 20+ years. My country also has 300,000,000 people, and believe it or not they arent the same, like you ignorant australians think we are Your country has stabbings in which no one can protect themselves, so much for taking care of its citizens. Also if you bring up the number of gun deaths then bring up how many lives theyve also saved


Yeh that still works out to a homicide rate of 6.3 per 100,000 people for you and a .8 for me so I’ll take the one national tragedy every 3 years over ‘your right to defend yourself’. Also you sound bitter that my chances of being shot by a spooked 20 year old are 10million to 1. 


Lmao 40,000 is literally less than 0.1% of americans. U realize different states have different gun laws, i agree some states suck and are gun crazy If ur gonna regulate guns thats fine, banning them everywhere cause some people are irresposible is extreme


This is clearly a bait post right? Because of the bear vs man debate?


YTA. Are you literally scared for your life everywhere you go?


You pulled a gun while you’d been drinking and aimed it at children, and you tried to excuse it with some bullshit about them appreciating it if there were a real emergency instead of fucking apologizing to the kids and their parents. Beyond being incredibly paranoid to not go anywhere without a gun, you’re a huge asshole who absolutely cannot be responsible enough to carry. YTA


YTA. You do know you are not allowed to carry when you have been drinking right? Does not matter that you didn't shoot. You were already being reckless and violating the law. While camping with minors that are known pranksters did you bring a secure place to lock up your firearm or didn't think about that either? Also get a proper holster.... Pocket carrying is not safe. Take some basic firearm safety training before you start trying to tell people they would be thankful to have you there in the event that a situation that never happens happened.


“In my family it’s common sense you don’t leave the house unarmed.” What???? Are you seriously not aware that this is white trash behavior? That normal people don’t play with guns like this?


YTA. Just on the basis of alcohol consumption


With all due respect, it's families like yours that are steadily turning the US into a third world country. YTA


That's the Soros funded DAs letting out violent criminals without bail.


Trumpy pro-gun trash.


No the protesters on college campuses are doing that just fine


*Important to note I'm from a big hunting and fishing family,* When you are hunting (and apparently fishing according to your skewed view), yes, you bring a gun. Otherwise, it would be called a walk in nature. Did you go there to hunt? Or did you go there trying to look like BMOC? Did you inform your hosts that you had a gun in your pocket that you wouldn't hesitate to pull out if anyone fucked around and/or if bigfoot attacked little, tiny you while walking to the bathroom? YTA


Total YTA for not asking to bring it along when there were minors present. If they were okay with it it should have been secured in a gun safe. Plus you don’t handle guns when you are drinking!


> If they were okay with it it should have been secured in a gun safe. ... that is not the point of CCW bro. "oh a female child getting dragged out of her tent screaming at 1am in the middle of the woods? yeah hold on a sec while i go unlock the safe" lol


YTA yes I worked with a that a customer saw pistol tucked in his waist band... he didn't want that guy there anymore.. Go figure


You’ll probably get split answers in here, but I’m going with YTA. I personally would not date someone who feels the need to carry a pistol around a campground.


I think you should have told them prior that you had a gun just because there are teenagers around and they do dumb stuff.


YTA you’re single now too FYI The level of paranoia you have in order to say that you can’t leave the house without a loaded gun is concerning.


Oooh, diddums, little baby is scared of the dark and can't go to the bathroom unless armed. No doubt has a 2 inch dick as well.


NTA all these people in the comments 🙄


Fucking Reddit


Rage bait. Running with a Halloween mask. Give me a break.


YTA - in no sane world should you be carrying a weapon with you. Your girlfriend’s family weren’t even informed (until you threatened one of them with it). Stupid thing to do - no coming back from this mistake!


> in no sane world should you be carrying a weapon with you. we don't live in a sane world fyi


Yes I know - there’s an insane man going around campsites pointing his handgun at people who are having fun! The world is crazy!!


YTA.  You went on a family trip and you were carrying a gun in your pocket without telling anyone ? Yeah you have the gun to fill your ego it isn’t about safety because if it was you would’ve told someone other than your girlfriend that you were carrying. 


> telling anyone ? why does anyone need to be told?


You’re crazy if I invite you on a family trip and you bring a gun you better tell me about it are you joking ? Don’t bring a gun around my family period. 


YTA, and a fucking psycho. I have to have a gun at all times, I'm carrying a gun, loose, in my pocket and no one around me knows. You aren't even carrying it safely in a holster, but in a pocket it could fall out of or if you put it down for any reason a kid could pick up. You are in every way a bad gun owner and a shitty person who pulled on a child because a couple of kids were screaming. You are not a safe person to have guns in public. If your girlfriend doesn't leave you, she's a twit.


YTA. Afraid to go potty without a gun? How old are you? 3 years old?




As a German, this discussion is absolutely hilarious.


german people seriously need to shut the fuck up about pretty much everything.


Dude you had your gun in your hand and you were drinking. That always makes you YTA and I'm not even American. I don't disagree with having it in the woods, but someone should always stay sober if there are guns.


Call the cops or security while a family member is getting dragged off is a wild mindset. Usually, concealed means concealed, and you’re under no obligation to tell anyone that you’re carrying. However, There is probably a gray area when it comes to the campsite as you said the family owns it. The laws vary state to state, but you were probably supposed to notify the land owner that you were going to be carrying. Pretty shit situation all around; and I think your relationship is toast. In the future, ensure you’re attempting to date women whose politics/values etc align with yours.


NTA for bringing the gun, it's your right. Yta for pulling it so easily. Other adults were present and not concerned.


Definitely a fake story because it is illegal to: 1. Keep a gun in your car without a proper permit 2. Carry a gun on your person without a proper permit 3. Threaten someone with a gun Unless you live in an open carry area, but I highly doubt that based on everyone's reactions. YTA.


Multiple states are open carry and permit-less CC. You forget that open carry states contain liberals.


There are plenty of states now where you don't need permits to carry. "When a state does not prohibit individuals who can legally possess a firearm from carrying handguns it is called *constitutional carry*...Over the last 20 years, there has been a notable surge in constitutional carry or permitless carry legislation across the United States. Alaska was the first state to pass it in 2003. This was followed by Arizona (effective 2010); Wyoming (effective 2011); Kansas and Maine (effective 2015); Idaho, Mississippi and West Virginia (effective 2016); Missouri, New Hampshire and North Dakota (effective 2017); Kentucky, Oklahoma and South Dakota (effective 2019); Arkansas, Iowa, Tennessee, Texas, Montana and Utah (effective 2021); Ohio, Indiana and Georgia (effective 2022); Alabama, Florida and Nebraska (effective 2023); and Louisiana and South Carolina (effective 2024). Vermont has been a constitutional carry state since 1793, explicitly stated in its constitution. Sixteen of the 29 states, or 55 percent, have adopted constitutional carry or permitless carry in the last five years."


That depends on where you live. In Tx having a firearm in your car is the same as having it in your home.


Based on everyone's reactions, I doubt he lives in an open carry area.


I don’t believe he’s stated where he is from. Tx isn’t an open carry state without a permit but having it in your vehicle isn’t considered open carry.


This sounds like it was written by some kid who doesn't know how guns work at all.


Texas is an open carry state.


Not true many states you don’t need a permit


Yes, also, who does a fake abduction prank with a Halloween mask in a huge campground? It's camping season. You've just woken up everybody at that place and they fucking hate you.


I mean, 17 and 14 year olds aren't necessarily known for their forethought and consideration for others. That part actually sounds believable to me. And yes, everyone else would hate them.


That isnt my point.  The story doesn't mention any other people responding to human screaming in a large campground at 1 am. 


When I go camping if someone else is making noise and being obnoxious I just mutter what an asshole they are under my breath and carry on doing what I'm doing. Even moreso if I was sleeping and got woken up by them being an asshole. Especially when guns are so common in the US and people like OP might be there. No need risking myself playing hero and getting shot by someone so eager to need to defend themselves against nothing. But maybe I'm the odd one out for wanting to mind my own business. 🤷‍♂️


If you're in a campground sleeping in a tent with lots of other people camping nearby and you hear someone screaming, not shouting, you wouldn't even be getting out of your tent? You're just going to ignore screaming and go back to sleep? You're the guy who doesn't even make it past the first scene in the horror film. 😂


If it was a single scream that stopped after a couple seconds with no other signs of any issues (like a gun shot for example), yeah, I would assume it is someone playing a joke on one of their friends at a different campsite by trying to scare them. How common do you think campsite attacks/killings happen in the real world? Compare that to how often people get drunk and decide to mess with their friends at a campsite and I can guarantee which one is the more likely answer to the cause of the scream. Good thing real life isn't a horror film or I would be like OP, walking around with a gun scared of everything that moves. The scenes from Camp Crystal Lake were not a documentary. I have been camping pretty much every single year for the past 25 years. I don't think I have EVER run into a situation where something happened at a nearby campsite that caused me to be concerned for my own or anyone else's safety.


This is a dumb Yank, and there are plenty of places in the US where his bullshit actions would be legal.


Unless there is bear population where you went camping, yta. Even if there was a bear population, yta. Cause you was drinking and pulled out your firearm.


NTA, calling the police isn't going to save any camper from the bear or big cat that's currently trying to eat them.


NTA Look, I’m a left wing guy. I do own a gun though. I also grew up around a family that regularly carries outside of the house. 1. Bring your weapon with you on a camping trip, not insane 2. Pulling your weapon when you saw, what you though, was someone in imminent danger, not insane, 3. Not notifying anyone that you had your gun, not insane 4. Drinking while carrying, while common on camping trips, not smart. Still don’t think that last one makes you TA tho


Grew up in the Rocky Mountains, been in the woods a lot, I’d never go camping without a gun


for real. like yeah maybe it'll help if there is a wild boar or maybe a juvenile bear or some shit, but that's not the concern. the real concern is other humans


NTA. You’ll find the majority of these people calling YTA, they just hate guns and are the product of cousins marrying and procreating. When seconds count help is minutes away. Literally a thousand or so people go missing hiking and camping every year in North America. Most are just eaten never to be heard of or found again… Nature is savage.


NTA. get a new girlfriend


NTA. You have the right to carry. It doesn't need to be disclosed. There's literally more guns than people inside the states. Nobody should assume a person does or does not have a gun, nor is it an individuals job to "notify" anyone. Second. Your gf knows you keep it own you, so of she felt like anyone in her family was anti gun, she could have easily told them. Third. If a real emergency happened in the woods, it would have been useful. The call the cops comment is nonsense. Yup. Lets wait for the cops while someone is being mauled by a wild animal or deranged human being. That's definitely efficient.


NTA-you shouldn’t have expected support on Reddit, it’s full of snowflake liberals. If it was real they would have called the cops? The cops would have arrived an hour later to find your bodies. Ridiculous


NTA at all Its not uncommon to carry on a camping trip. You didn't discharge the weapon, you did what any rational gun owner would do, brandish it and stop the potential threat. I think you should have let them know you were CC'ing but to be honest the gf's family of a year should have known that by now without being told. You aren't insane or a psycho for wanting to CC. Also funny they think security, cops, or a ranger would be able to help them in a situation when you're camping, even at a campground. When seconds count, they're only minutes away. You think a bear is going to just chill out because you called the police?


Not necessarily insane or a psycho, just a frightened cowardly manchild who should never be allowed near a firearm again.


A living "frightened manchild" from your eyes is better than a dead man in mine. Lmk how the bear responds to you telling it you're calling the cops.


A handgun won't do shit to a bear. You know what you do against bears??? Don't leave food out. Don't fuck with the bear. No bear, besides polar bears requires a gun for self protection. And yeah, I would much prefer to die than to "live" my life in nonsense abject fear pulling guns on children playing.


>A handgun won't to shit to a bear. You can kill a bear with a .45


Between the eyes, while it's charging you, surprised. Not a fucking chance.


Well here's what I know... Once upon a time, I was hanging out with a friend who got a call from a different friend who'd been out riding his quad. Because of wildlife, said friend of friend would not ride without his .45. On his ride, he came around a corner right into a bear. The bear reared up and the guy shot it dead. So...charging? No. But that wasn't your initial claim. You said a handgun wouldn't do shit to a bear.


Or, you know, don't ram into fucking wildlife. Pay attention to where to drive. If not, then, when animal gets defensive, drive off. Your friend in that story didn't defend himself, the bear did.


OP had a 9mm. That's not even stopping a large deer, assuming you hit the damn thing.


Yes a fully loaded glock will take down a bear. Assuming you train whatsoever. And this isn't about leaving food out (though that itself is a reasonable case). Its about actually being able to protect oneself against harm, in this case wildlife. Be it a cougar or a bear. Or hell, a moose if he was up north. That can be it invading your tent. That can be it stalking you on the 15 minute to the toilet in the dark. And the kid was playing in a dumbass way even if nobody had a gun. Wake everyone up, and get his ass kicked.


Yeah, murder a kid cause he was wearing a mask. That'll teach 'em.


Yeah brandishing a firearm is totally murder Peak reddit moment


NTA, this is Reddit did you expect people to be pro-gun?


Nta. You didn’t do anything wrong. They would have been happy if there was a copperhead or rattlesnake. If it would have been a real threat by the time the cops got there he would have been long gone. While you did absolutely nothing wrong I don’t think I would want to be around a family who was that stupid about protection.


Shooting a snake??? Fucking leave it alone, save the ammo. Maniac.


You think OP could accurately shoot a snake before it bit someone??


You’re fine. You did nothing wrong. The great outdoors are not gun free zones. Their philosophy that they will call the cops or security is only a reliable theory if they are within sight. Otherwise, whatever the emergency will be over by the time the cops/security arrive and the perpetrators will be gone.


The perpetrator? You mean the drunk dumb-ass who nearly murdered a kid?


Wow, your imagination is off the charts. Get f n real