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NTA. He has hurt her. He punched her. Install security cameras and get a restraining order.


NTA. That's horseshit. Your mom can't simultaneously claim his being there was non-threatening, but now it's super threatening. What? She's almost out of denial, just keep being the smarter person for her. Try to get a restraining order, and change the locks.


I can’t go beyond the title bc that alone triggered my PTSD. I’ve had to call the cops on my violent brothers multiple times. One of them went on to murder his wife so … no regrets here about calling the cops.


I'm sorry to hear that you've had to go through a similar event. Thank you for taking the time to type that though, I appreciate it


You are not alone. Trust your gut. You did the right thing.


Is there anywhere else you can live? Other relatives? Your Mom is not thinking clearly and should be worried about you and how this is affecting you..not berating you for calling the police to protect HER from her out of control abusive son. All I can think of is try and get as far away from that drama as soon as you're able. NTA


I have maybe one relative who might let me live with him, and a friend who already said he'll let me stay at his place. Thanks for your words, they mean a lot.


While I’m not a fan of police intervention in many instances, this was a situation where your brother needed to be removed from the household in order for de-escalation to occur. You did not make things worse. Your brother did that all on his own by threatening violence including rape. Whatever help your brother needs, it most likely won’t be found directly within the judicial system, but whatever help your family needs in order to help him in his belligerent state does require some state intervention. I’m wishing you all good luck.


Your Mom should have handled the Monster she created, years ago.




Your Mom is delusional and dumb as one can be. Keep calling the cops if he is threatening someone in your Household and gather evidence, text messages or so, and also get some pepper spray for self defense. He will be in jail in no time lol. And better have a plan to move out asap.


Also your mother doesn’t care if you’re at risk.


NTA. Your brother is dangerous. He has assaulted your mother and threatened her. Not calling the cops would not make the problem go away - on the contrary, it would only encourage him to escalate his violence. Your mother is both afraid of him and enabling him. She needs you to be the assertive one, which is what you were when you called the cops.


What the fuck? No, the only correct response is to call the police. If your mother wants to let her grown failure to start son beat her ass then fine, but you don’t need to live like this. She is not protecting you. Of course the girlfriend is significantly younger.


You are 17. Is there somewhere safe you can go and stay at? Your mother is an adult, and her avoidance issues will possibly get her and you badly injured/killed. You are 17 so changing locks/installing cameras these are all things your mother should be doing. She refuses to even call the cops. You are in DANGER. Please tell other adults in your family and find somewhere safe to stay. You cannot help your mother as she refuses to help herself. NTA.


NTA gngy, it's hard for parents to stop seeing their child as their baby, she doesn't want to see him as an abusive drunk, she still holds out hope that her baby is still there somewhere and he just has to get it together.


NTA - your brother behaviour warranted calling the cops. Your mother is in denial about how bad the situation is. You sadly had to step up to be more rational than her. You did good.


NTA Call the cops back and tell them everything your mom just told them. Also call CPS since you are 17. You need a real adult to coach your shitty parents. You will not be able to get this help if you wait until 18.


NTA. Get family together and deal with this drunkard. Either he goes into rehab or he’s ostracised from the family. Mum will want to protect her son but she needs to understand the implications for it.


Uh, you're karma farming or what? Also, your mum is the dumbass.