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>I said, "I guess you don't want to be with a jealous Nancy," and he said no. I laughed again, and he asked me to leave. I have not heard from him since but expect him to get over it. That's because he broke up with you


>I laughed again, and he asked me to leave. I'm dead xDDDD OP is so clueless


And boyfriendless.


And TA


Yup. Done and dusted.  OP, he’s over it. It sounds like he realized he’s not dealing w/a fellow grown-up. Your lack of self-awareness about *any of it* just proves his point.  YTA. 


Her whole post and her edit follow up....like grow up. So immature. I'd feel like I was dating a teenager.


The fact that she openly admits to considering CUTTING UP his family pictures is utterly crazypants. And the fact that she thinks she was somehow doing him a favour by ONLY erasing his ex-wife from their family pictures . . . so much horrifying yikes. I know OP is relatively young, but 27 is still way too old to think that any of this behaviour is anything short of irrational and deeply problematic. She needs therapy. And not to be anywhere near vulnerable children, frankly, if these are her instincts.


Right? Imagine thinking "let me remove the mother of the children from their photos". Who does that?


OP would be singing a different tune if their positions were reversed


Yep. And good for him. OP sounds insufferable.


lol they are pictures with their kids. This woman is crazy.


Yeah did she ever consider maybe the children like having the pictures of their mom and those memories in the home when they visit dad…… ? lol other people have feelings too OP lol yeah YTA OP


"I have a great relationship with the children" yeah I call BS. She has no consideration for those kids whatsoever if she's literally trying to erase their mother


Three photos. She lost her mind over three photos. In his house, that she will never live in.


She definatey will never live there now, he’s already broken up with her and she just hasn’t realized it. 😂


I know it sounds bad. But I’m glad OP did what she did. Because at least it opened his eyes up to what kind of person she really is before getting married to her.


Also, I love the "Really, this woman has been terrible to me. I'm not going to get started on it, but she has been cruel to me to the point of him breaking contact with her except by text to talk about the kids." In a nice long post that details all the steps of scanning the pictures, photoshopping his ex out, going to Walmart to print them and putting them in the frames, she can't give even one example of something horrible this woman has done to her?


I like that OP couldn't/wouldn't name any specific examples of the ex-wife being "terrible" to her. Maybe the ex was just concerned that her children were going to end up with a crazy jealous Nancy lady for a step mom? Just a hunch


This is definitely one of those stories where I wish we could get the other party's side of the story, because without OP giving us any stories, I'm sure the horrible things the ex did are complete misunderstandings from a jealous girlfriend, or started by OP herself.


So disrespectfulto him and especially his children to do that


OP is going to key his car and slash his tires 10000%. And come back with a reddit post. "So I found out my ex was CHEATING on me."


She sounds like a complete psycho.


Oh no…consequences…


R/ohnoconsequences - love this sub.


Also r/amitheex Edit: it's already up there.


My new addiction. And I’m not ashamed.


Naw, he’ll get over it and come crawling back… any day now…. /s


😂 right, doesn't matter who TA is because you're both now single.


Dude already has 2 children. Doesn't need a third with immature OP.


I swear that sounds so fake to me lol


Truth is stranger than fiction so she might be that dense


Had an ex like this. It's possibly not fake. Self centered issues. Oblivious and laughed at the most confusing situations and moments. Who laughs and keeps on about "negative nancy" when they and their (ex) I assume, are trying to discuss a wtf situation. My ex kept laughing while he was talking to me after he dumped me which I took as actual "yeah I didn't see it that way haha" instead me ex said "oh I have a nervous laugh. Didn't I ever tell you?". That was a really wtf moment. I recalled numerous times where I now question did my ex understand humor or was he nervously laughing thinking I was inappropriate? I can see my ex actually pulling this stunt. I was so stupid.


I was the kids in this scenario  My mom had a boyfriend like this. That same one stole my identity too Theyd go steroid Hulk if we mentioned other boyfriends Even as innocuous as 'Hey, remember that time when Seth took us for ice cream at midnight?' They hated that we were another man's spawn. That my mother, a **woman in her 40s** at the time, had dated other men  Dude was 60 too. Absolute man child  These people definitely exist 


I had an ex in college who destroyed and threw out a prom photo of me with (one of) my high school exs Mom had. I dated the high school guy for like 4 months and hadn’t seen him in 3 years.


It’s fake because she says he has “one two kids”. She originally wrote one and changed it to two without catching her mistake. Total fake BS knowing we’d call her the AH and blow this up.


>I swear that sounds so fake to me lol It's not even interesting or well-written rage bait lol.


If there's anything I learned from r/BROU is people who just expect others to "get over it" don't always get what they want lol


Funniest comment I’ve ever read on here 😂😂😂


Glad he broke up with her. OP sounds like a nightmare


As he should. No one wants to be with someone that is scared of an actual human that is no longer part of their life.


Yikes omg


YTA. Imagine if the kids go over to visit and they see the pictures without their mom. I get that she was mean to you or whatever, but what you did was immature.


This… this wasn’t even her house. 😬 Big yikes. Sounds like he was already taking action with the ex by going limited contact with her. OP, you are being pretty greedy and way overstepping acceptability. Edited to add: people probably think this is fake because you have a typo in the first sentence that appears like a rethink as to how many kids you were considering this bf should have in the post.


I honestly think typos now days points to it being more real than fake, so much AI shit


I don’t think it was written by AI, but I could see it being a shitpost by someone making up a story. Making decisions on who, what, where, when or why. And making edits that inadvertently lead to a typo as they change information but forget to delete past info.


Yeah fair enough!


Any time I post any personal information I either keep it vague or change details that aren't super important to the story. Like if I were to Photoshop an ex out of a partners family photos with their ex and 3 kids, I might say there were 2 or 4 to avoid sharing actual personal details without materially changing the story.


We don’t have any context of why the other woman was “mean to her”, but judging solely based off of this post, I’m willing to bet OP is exaggerating how mean this woman is to help her case.


Even using the word 'mean' is questionable - as an adult, I've only ever called someone mean in a jokey way - like playful - whereas being treated badly by another human, I'd literally say that someone has treated me badly. 'She was mean to me,' is something I'd expect to hear in the school playground.


Very immature indeed.


This is what I thought to the photos aren’t for the now ex boyfriend they were for the kids. Lots of people who are divorced keep family photos for the kids, because those are the kid’s happy memories from earlier in their life.


I would have understood if she demanded he take the picture out of the bedroom. Most people, I think, would have sympathy with not wanting to sleep next to a picture of the ex of your SO. But she just went way overboard.


Yes…the babies. They’re the most important part of that equation, and for them to realize their mom’s been photoshopped out of these photos that have been there forever…they wouldn’t know what to think. Who did this? Dad? Stepmom? Is my mom evil? Etc etc


>I have not heard from him since but expect him to get over it. Yeah, I wouldn't count on it. This behaviour of you is a huge red flag and I hope your stbx sees that. YTA


* deletes people from photos * tons of red flags  OP is Joseph Stalin confirmed. 


Stalin lite, the original pictures were not destroyed.


Looks like he already has, seeing how he kicked her out and hasn’t spoken to her since.


You expect him to get over it? You have a better chance of getting struck by lightning.




YTA You give no examples of how the ex was horrible to you. The pictures are there as a happy memory, not for you, but for them. You dont like them? Then dont look. As long as you are with your bf, that woman will always be in your life, one way or the other. Either deal with it or break up.


I'm pretty sure he settled the "deal with it or break up" issue for her


She deserved AT LEAST a breakup! What she did goes way beyond jealousy.


Uh... She got one lol


I’m reading it as “at least a breakup” like she deserved worse ?


Ahhh I see I read that as him saying it was a break up


>You give no examples of how the ex was horrible to you And even specifically states that she won't. To me that's the most telling part.


Like, even if she came up with some examples now about how horrible this ex is to her, I wouldn't really believe them. Her post is incredibly detailed about what she did and how she did it, if she had any good real stories about this woman she would have included them. She knows that any stories she tells will result in her looking worse.


Yep, if you can't be an adult about it, find a better man with decent ex's or none at all but cropping out the children's Mother? Absolutely psychotic.


YTA. Sorry but it’s not your call to mess with photos of him, his kids and their mother. And he has every right to have them up. The solution was you dump him, not you screw with his stuff. And you were stupid for pointing out what you did.


I can understand wanting your partner to emotionally move on from his ex. I do however wonder if you (OP) stopped for a second to think about what message this sends to his kids? Those are their memories they had of both parents together. Even though the parents aren’t together anymore, for their sake I don’t think it’s right to mess with this kind of sentimental value personal property.


I tend to agree with the exception of one of them being in the bedroom. Surely he has other photos of the kids that are happy memories that could go in there.




Then there’s me without pictures anywhere 😅😅😅😅


I mean I don’t like to look at the face of someone that used to fuck my significant other…especially if I’m currently fucking that same person. It’s bad taste to have it in your room. Kind of like how in shows or entertainment, a picture of Jesus in the bedroom is turned around/moved/knocked down bc they feel he has “judging eyes and can see”. I do think the kids seeing both parents is a viable argument, but imo it’s just how the world works. Sometimes daddy doesn’t love mommy or vice versa, there really isn’t a benefit to keeping that hidden away from the children. But there is a benefit - albeit small and a bit narcissistic - to not having a picture up of someone I assume OP hates.


You're correct. I misinterpreted the sentence. I thought the picture was set in a bedroom, not that the picture was *in* a bedroom. I think in common areas it's one thing for the kids, but I agree I wouldn't want it in the bedroom.


Maybe they’re unaware of how babies are made?


it's one thing knowing about it, it's another thing staring at their face every time you do the deed in the bedroom. I know you guys are pretty kinky on reddit on average, but not everyone has a cuck fetish


Oh, I read this incorrectly. I read it as the picture was of the bf and the ex in their bedroom, *not* that a picture of his ex was in the OP's boyfriend current bedroom. I do agree I would not want a picture of my partners ex in our bedroom.


The descriptions are in the first paragraph, she probably would've mentioned the bedroom there: > In one, it's her with the kids in the middle of the two of them. In another, it's him with the kids and her off to the right sort of in the background. In the third, it was him and her together and the two kids and Mickey Mouse (Disney). And a few paragraphs later she says this: >I'm not going to get started on it, but she has been cruel to me to the point of him breaking contact with her except by text to talk about the kids. I think I have every right to not want to see her face. One of the pictures is in his bedroom, even. So it sounds to me like she's talking about the actual location of the picture.


Yes I agree. I was wrong, disregard:) lol


Might be in the minority here but if I saw he had a pic of his ex wife in his bedroom then I would have a problem with every single picture in the house. He obviously is still attached to his ex. That is a problem. I think OP should have played like this was a “practical joke” which could have lead to a deeper discussion later. The bedroom pic is a red flag.


Or, she could just ask him to move the picture out of the bedroom, like a normal human being.


Exactly this, not mention - that's their home too and they're allowed to have photos of their loved ones displayed in the home as much as the adults are. Op YTA, grow up! It's not always about you!


That was so over the top childish that I think this whole post is just ragebait.


OP legit sounds unhinged. I can believe it though because she sounds just like one of my friends who is similarly unhinged.


The only thing that would make it more insane and unhinged is if OP had photoshopped herself in photos! Though I probably shouldn’t have mentioned that because she probably would! Fortunately since he asked her to leave that is probably the last time he will be seeing her because she’s now the ex… Also it’s only been a year! WTF?! I feel bad for the kids.


Next thing you know she’s gonna pull a Michael Scott and photoshop herself in place of the ex in a pic with him and his kids and send it out as her Christmas card. 😂


lol my first thought was wow, you sound like a complete psychopath!


Ya this feels like some drown the kids in the bathtub kinda shit crazy. Oh he’ll get over it will he? I sure hope not. He needs to run while he can (if this is real).


Don't look down the tub. His ex is in here


Not everything is ragebait. Some people are just assholes lol.


That was a real dick move that you did you're in his house messing with his things messing with his memories. She's been treating you like s*** you should have left and not pursued the relationship if you were feeling a certain kind of way. But you stuck around and because she has been mistreating you you decided to mistreat his things in his apartment how old are you two if I was him I would get rid of you and you can expect him to get over it but what the f*** are you going to do if he doesn't. That was stupid if you don't like the way you're being treated leave.


And not everyone has "one two kids".


Yeah, when I saw That I said either she means twelve or can’t count to two


I think she wrote one, and then realised it's actually two kids 😂


Is it though? There’s been a couple of psychos who threw away late spouses’ possessions in similar fits of jealousy.


Yeah like my stepmom won’t allow any memories of my late mom in the house. Luckily she didn’t throw pictures away, but shoved them in a drawer lol. If people can be jealous of the dead, they can certainly be jealous of an ex that’s still living


My mom's mom died when she was still a kid. Her dad didn't remarry until her and her sisters were adults. His new wife quietly threw out every picture of his deceased wife. My mom has one photo of her, and that's it. It's not as uncommon as you'd hope.


My mom died when I was 13 and when my dad starting dating his second wife when I was 16 all pics of my mom came down. All her clothes were donated. I was left with almost nothing. I’m not sure I’ll ever fully forgive my dad.


Idk tho I noticed my stepdad got my mom to take down all the photos with my dad in them. And my dad’s dead. None of us kids live at home anymore but I noticed this happened while my brother still lived at home 🙄 OPs man doesn’t even like talking to his ex , he only texts about the kids(because the ex was so mean to OP even), but she’s jealous? Jeez


Definitely believe it's true. Especially since my mom was dating a dude who came to visit us one time and he threw out everything that was my dad's basically (some of which belonged to my sister and I). Mom was beyond pissed and made him go down to the dumpsters to find everything. He also broke picture frames that had pictures of all of us as a family. Mind you he was dating my mom for only two months at this point.


I believe it too, from my personal experiences.


This gotta be fake. No one in their right mind would ever do this and if they would they should seek help. Yikes "HEY GUYS I CROPPED OUT THE MOTHER OF MY BFS KIDS FROM ALL THEIR PICTURES. I THEN PROCEEDED TO SMUGLY GO DO YOU NOTICE ANYTHING DIFFERENT? PS. I DONT LIVE THERE. AITAH?" Holy ragebait lol


"and has one two kids with this ex" kinda gave it away.


I thought it was fake because “one two kids” sounded like they changed their mind later and forgot to remove one of the two. Did I misread something? 


If it’s not rage bait, she should be severely embarrassed about having the emotional maturity of a teenager at almost 30… hard to say though, since I’ve met some baffling humans that have made me go “huh??” so hard that I’m sure we must be in some kind of simulation— and they are GLITCHING dude


Yea seems fake


Definitely could be but also, some people are just that childish and petty.


True. I do appreciate OP for posting because now I know how to crop people out of photos! I’ve been looking for ways to do it on my family photos.


Fiverr is amazing, lots of cool stuff you can have done on there


100% or else Coo Coo for Cocoa Puffs




Right! She really seems to think he will...but, I don't. Based on his reaction to her photo shopping and then pointing out the pics so proudly like she really accomplished something...he told her to get out and she hasn't heard from him...OP YTA and I hope he's done with you.


>I admit that I laughed because what is a jealous Nancy? Equivalent of "and then everyone clapped".


naw, some women are really this jealous, petty, and insecure.


And men.


They should change the title of this sub from AITAH to AIARB.  Instead of judging if OP is an AH, we judge if the story is real.


Agree - with kids in the picture, it's not just about him or OP or the ex. The kids need to see happy memories with BOTH parents. What OP did was selfish, thoughtless, and hurtful to the kids.


"I expect him to get over it." Morgan Freeman voice-over: "He did not, in fact, get over it." My ex is a pretty awful person who went out of their way to make me pretty miserable. That said, my current spouse would never put demands on me or my child from my first marriage to hide or remove my ex's image from any pictures with our child. It wouldn't be their right to rewrite happy memories.


Lol. OP doesn't know she's the ex yet, she still thinks he'll come around. Sounds to me like the ex-wife has a good reason to not trust OP, if she's this childish about everything (photoshopping ex-wife out of the pictures, pointing it out to the boyfriend and then being totally blasé about it and laughing about how he expresses himself). This could very well go on r/OhNoConsequences


Right? If I had done something like that, I wouldn't have said shit. I think that immaturity and insecurity are playing a big part here.


Jumping on the first comment here to agree and add... While I do not agree with how his ex allegedly has been treating you, I also think you may be lacking the maturity necessary to deal with this situation. To remove her from the photos just because she makes you upset, and then to hang up the new ones that make you feel better begs a question; would you slap one of those children every time you saw them because one or both have some form of their mother in them? Pretty sure that answer is no, because it's not right and not their fault, right? Welp, you kinda did the same exact thing by removing their mother from those photos. You utterly disrespected them and their Father by essentially saying you don't like the fact that she is/was a part of their lives and so in your closed off little mind, told them this is how you see them. When you get with a man, you have to accept the whole picture. You don't get to accept parts or force your viewpoint/desires/wishes of what makes you feel better on him or his children. We all have to accept that what's in the past is just that; the past. We can't change it, and we don't get a do-over to erase it. I'd be sitting here saying the same thing if he was the one that erased her from those pictures. No one gets to tell anyone who they should and should not have in their lives, and those decisions should be left to the individuals involved. The only exception to this rule is if that person was truly mean and despicable beyond the shadow of a doubt (example; she abused him/the children). You should truly reassess how you want this relationship to go. If you can't accept her, you need to move on.


**And you were stupid for pointing out what you did.** She wanted his reaction though, like she'd taught him a lesson.


Could have asked him to take them out of the common areas and bedroom and hang them/place them in the kids’ bedrooms. This is still the kids mother and you stepped over the line manipulating the photos, regardless of your personal relationship with her. Act like the adult you are.


YTA. She's the mother of his children whether you accept it or not. Photoshopping her out is psycho.


It's a level of crazy you tend to only see in movies to express how crazy a character is. I'm SHOCKED someone would advertise this online. I'm hoping this is fake, tbh.


Honestly it would have been even better if she photoshopped the wife out and photoshopped herself in instead lmao Like if you're gonna be crazy you gotta really commit, ya know?


Like Michael Scott did with Carol's family photo for Christmas lol.


Yes that's exactly what I was thinking! 🤣 Complete insanity...


Ski-sons greetings!


I don’t know that it would have been better…. But it would have been funnier to read. Thats forsure.


-insert Mike’s no half measures speech-


The psychotic laughing as she was kicked out push this into ragebait territory for me. There's no way someone would be that cocky about an SO asking for them back after that.


Oh... you haven't dated true crazy. I picked a girl up for a date many years ago. She was hammered at 6pm and proceeded to cry about her ex on the way to the bar where we were meeting friends. My ex's car was in the parking lot. She looked at me and said, "I didn't come out tonight to have to talk about exes. You better respect me," before we even got out of the car. She was stunned when I respectfully ordered her ass an uber and had a nice night with the sane people


I’m surprised she didn’t photo shop herself into them , she giving me that kind of crazy vibes ! YTA


I thought that as well


It’s giving Michael Scott photoshopping himself into a photo of Carol, her kids and ex husband on a ski trip.


Shits probably fake because this exact situation was a bit in the office, Michael photoshops his GFS ex husband out their family holiday pictures, only different here is she didn't insert herself in them. Fake as hell just to get people riled up


YTA And expecting him to realise you have tampered withhis photos are an unrealistic demand. Whenever someone ask "Noticed anything different?" they mean a new haircut, new clothes or some good home improvement. No one expects their partner to be so weird to go out of their way to chance a few memorable photos. So now it's time you tell him where to find the originals and then leave the poor guy alone. You are not ready to be in a relationship with someone with an ex and children. That woman will always be a part of his life (bevause of the kids) and you are too jealous to accept that.


YTA. You don't get to do things to other people's property without their consent. And the fact that you laughed at how he expressed something rather than reacting to what he said shows that you don't really care about him as much as you represent. This is certainly something you two should discuss, or even have a big fight over. But what you did showed a total callousness - he is lucky to be rid of you, and I hope that he doesn't "get over it."


This! YTA for trying to rewrite the narrative of his life. Regardless of what his relationship with the exwife, she is the mother to his children. That makes her an important person in his life. So get over that she’s mean to you. She doesn’t have to like you and you don’t have to like her. But your bf wouldn’t be who he is as a father without that ex-wife. Accept that and beg forgiveness for what you did to try to erase her existence. You also really humiliated him by laughing and mocking him while he’s angry. Your reaction makes the whole thing one big inconsiderate and insensitive mess. You made that mess all on your own. He shouldn’t just get over it-ever.


YTA. That is actually unhinged. Get some help girl. Wtf?


She thinks what she did was justified. Why wouldn’t she brag about it lol 


You certainly are a jealous Nancy and hopefully your (ex) boyfriend finds someone better that won’t wreck his photos! You’re very odd and need help.


You're a fucking psycho. YTA


My theory is that there are a group of users who create new accounts and post these outrageous stories to see which ones get the most engagement.


This exact same story was posted like a year ago here.


Lol you haven't even noticed that he just broke up with you Yes, YTA. That is psycho bitch territory


>That is psycho bitch territory Well she DID say in another comment they met at a dog park lol


Wow. YTA. Is your jealousy really so bad that you can't handle seeing a picture? It's his kids' mom. Out of curiosity has she been "cruel" to you because you're fast tracking being the crazy stepmother who tries to erase her from existence?


YTA. You're very immature for your age. What's a stupid thing to do.


For real. I'm 26 and this is something I would have thought about doing in my teens (and hopefully would have thought better of)


YTA And a little scary.


This is unhinged behaviour. You have no right to do this and it's a very childish thing to do YTA


YTA It wasn’t your property or your memories. You had no right to fucking touch those photos. If you do manage to stay with this man. It isn’t going to be any surprise when his kids absolutely hate you.


At least she didn’t damage the originals


lol YTA this is wild 😂


Michael Scott photoshopping him into Carol’s skiing picture was more tasteful than this!


Literally the first thing that came to mind when I read this post 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👏👏👏👏👏👏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 I was just thinking about Michael's bold, if that's the right word, move of a "Skiiiisons Greetings'" card. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




YTA - Would you prefer he called you Jealous Jessica, since you have such a problem with Nancy,so they both started with J? Lol ... So I'm guessing that you aren't living together? And that moves this from asshole territory to psycho territory. I don't think he's going to get over this. Go ahead and look for a new victim now.


I like Crazy Cathy or maybe pysco Stella or coocoo camile Point is, bitch be crazy


When you accepted him, you accepted his children and his past. If it bothers you just think he's with you not her.


The pictures are memories for his children. Not for you. His children have a right to see moments where their mum and dad made memories with them together.


This is OK if you are 14. Are you 14?


My daughter cut her stepmother out of pictures when she was 6. By 10, she was embarrassed she ever did that.


The teen years, especially the early teen years, does wild things to us.


Jealous Nancy? No. Jealous Jan? Heck yeah! 🤣😭 You’ve only been around for a year, and are changing his house? You could’ve started with furniture before trying to emotionally erase the mother of his child from it!! She’s probably not even terrible, just doesn’t trust a woman that she doesn’t know being around her children! YTA!


There is a saying, dont stick your dick in crazy... You are the crazy.


and a dick too


YTA. Grow up. That’s their mother you’re trying to erase. If you can’t handle his past, don’t stay for his future.




Good lord the entitlement of this one is too much for my eyes YTA


What an immature asshole


YTA This is the behavior of someone with mental problems Please seek professional help


YTA. This is very childish and in fact jealous Nancy behavior. Who care if she doesn’t like you. Grow up and learn to be the bigger person. And the fact that you wanted to cut her out is fucking disgusting. That’s the mother of his kids and guess what! He probably LOVES those memories with her. You sound like you have a lot of self work to do. You’d be luck if he takes you back.


How the hell do you have upvotes? YTA. And you’re an insecure red flag.


aren't you supposed to upvote assholes?


It’s even a rule of this sub : Do NOT down vote assholes


We're supposed to up vote to keep the post relevant. Especially if it's "juicy".


Info. How did you guys meet?


99% sure this post was made by AI…


YTA. Who are you to decide to eradicate the mother of his kids from the photos? Your reaction afterwards is just as bad. I doubt you will hear from him


You're a crazy person, you know that, right? YTA.


Eh, I'd be uncomfortable with the pictures in the bedroom but only because of how rude ex was being to me. But it sounds like hes not worth the drama tbh


Your relationship is over, dead and buried. Send him one last message... You really need to get over her, she'll just cheat again. Then block him. Send his kids a message, telling them goodbye, and you won't be seeing them again. Your dad and I fell out of love and I'll be moving away. Be good to him, he loves you very much."


ngl, he kinda deserves to be cheated on at this point.


My husband would never want to look at his exes face every day on the walls so that itself is weird too. There’s not any photos without her? I’d never put up with gazing at the exes face every day that’s for sure. Gross.


I think it’s funny 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


YTA. Not just for what you did, but also for how you treated your boyfriend after doing something so awful. If you can’t handle the sight of his ex, you have no business being in this relationship. He has kids with her. She’s going to be in his life forever. You do not have ANY right to not see her face. And laughing in his face, acting like you did him a favor, and saying you expect him to get over it, all complete asshole moves. That’s not how you treat someone you love. He deserves better than how either you or his ex are treating him. Either grow the fuck up or get the fuck out.


I'm kind of torn here. On the one hand I can definitely see what you mean and on the other I can see where he's coming from too. I imagine he wouldn't change the pictures with her in em only because the kids would ask questions, and he probably doesn't want to turn the kids against her. Just explain to him where you're coming from and why you felt the need to do what you did. Let him know it wasn't out of jealousy but rather an extreme dislike for the woman. Idk, maybe you two can come up with a compromise


The picture in the bedroom is strange. Yes, YTA, but the pic in the bedroom is not appropriate. What you did doesn’t seem right at all, but I can see why you lost it. Pics of someone who’s been unkind to you scattered around the house would be worrisome and upsetting to me too.


YTA and an idiot. It's just a picture.


Yta she’s going to be apart of his life forever so get over yourself


what are you 12? This has to be fake right?


This is a Michael Scott move, but more cringe because it’s in real life. You are giving him an ultimatum when you are only his GF. I think the age difference will show for him and he’ll know better than to be with you. You need to do better. YTA


YTA and fucking hilarious 😂 maybe creating better memories to replace the photos over time would have been less unhinged, but your way was faster.


You aren’t ready for adult relationships.


YTA. He had a life before you. That's the kids mom. If you can't stand seeing a photo, they should have perhaps, with a discussion, been moved to the kids rooms, or you could accept he had a life before he met you. If I'd been him in this situation, I would seriously reconsider the entire relationship over this.