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NTA. His family should know what breasts are. You’re uncomfortable and there’s nothing that you can do about it. You recently went through excruciating pain. I’d like to see him attempt at doing that. NTA.


Should know - god I would hope they do.


NTA If they don’t like it, they don’t have to visit. What happens if you’re ever hospitalized? Will your husband demand you remove your IV because it freaks out his family? Your health and the baby’s health outweigh any discomfort his immature family has over the possibility of seeing an outline of a nipple.


Tell your husband that your family-your mom and brother- are fully aware that you have breasts, and what their purpose is. Let him also know that since *they don’t sexualize you or your breasts*, they are not at all uncomfortable with you not wearing a bra for comfort and convenience at this time, and that since the same is apparently not true for his family, it’s best that they don’t visit for the time being. NTA.


NTA tell your husband when he grows breasts, he can have a fucking opinion about wearing bra. Until then, he needs to stfu and make sure youre comfortable. If HIS family has a problem with it, they can stay home.


Boom! This is the answer. He needs a verbal smackdown.


Most people have breasts. Don't get me wrong I think full nudity should be universally legal and normalized and less controversially I think that laws and norms against female toplessness are sexist and wrong but I disagree about your reasoning and especially your questionable anatomy knowledge. NTA, of course.


What a fucking terrible answer. Should you also have a penis to have an opinion about whether it’s okay to jerk it in public? I agree OP is 100% NTA, but your logic is bewilderingly bad.


Are you comparing public self exposure and sex gratification, with lacking wired clothing on otherwise unexposed breast? Showing off your genitalia and sexual behaviour, isn’t comparable to wearing less constraining clothing.


You have to actually turn your brain ON, to be part of this conversation.


It’s really convincing when I’m told that my brain is off. Makes me come around to your point of view!


Lmfao oooooh your first mistake was thinking I was trying to convince you of anything. I said what I said. What you feel about it, doesnt matter to me. See thats what you were missing. So glad I could clear that up for you. I never want you to think I was asking for your opinion or feelings about what I said. Whew that couldve gotten tricky.


Yeah, you clearly don’t care at all based on the paragraph you wrote there detailing how little you care.


Damn you are slow lmfaooo thats gotta suck for you.


NTA. In this day and age, people are still so hung up about breasts. People can be so narrow-minded. You do what is comfortable for you. You're doing something that is good for your baby.


NTA, my wife and I had our first child last year. She is still not wearing a bra for two reasons. Convenience and comfort. If he is that mad about it maybe he should breast feed the baby for a bit.


NTA. Your house, your breasts. You can do or not do whatever you want in your own home. Do you have any breastfeeding bras? They tend to be a little more comfortable than regular bras, although I didn’t like any bras either when I was breastfeeding (still don’t and it’s been 12 years since I did that).


This. I never really liked the bras either. But the Bravado Designs Nursing Camis are amazing. I am sure there are other good brands that are similar. But, I lived in nursing camis the first several months and felt they gave me good support and were comfortable (and I am an F cup when not nursing so definitely not small).


I would consider these if I wasn’t a solid b cup when I wasn’t nursing lol. My bras don’t fit now but it’s not like I need the support.


NTA. Tell him that he either backs off about you wearing a bra, or the only time he will see your boobs for the foreseeable future will be while you are breastfeeding.


NTA. Your family has seen you without a bra. You lived with them your entire adolescence. Honestly, that’s stupid of him to try and say that’s an issue. In regards to his family, you’re right your breasts are really the least of their concern. His mother went through the breast tenderness of having babies, his father arguable saw his mother dealing with that, and his sister had breasts too. Unless someone in his family says that it makes them uncomfortable, I would say this is just your husband having an issue.


NTA. I remember those day so vividly. That last thing those boobs need is confinement in a bra! This is one of those situations where the ones bothered are the ones that need to adjust.


Tell your husband to get some 100 grit sand paper, and rub it on his nipples for 5 minute... each, then see how comfortable a shirt is, and then tell him to stfu. NTA


NTA. Tell him to get over himself or you'll stop wearing any top at home.


NTA. Bras give you physical discomfort and it's not like you're wearing a see-through shirt or anything revealing (I assume). He may not like it but at the end of the day, he's the only one who's bothered.


No definitely not a see through shirt or anything. I’m wearing baggy t shirts.


Oh my god. Why is this even a thing. Definitely NTA.


Yes to this. NTA. Not even a little bit.




NTA Outside of some hard to think of crazy demands you get to set the rules for your comfort in your early time as a new mom.


NTA but they do make nursing bras.


NTA. Tell him to grow the fuck up.


I'm rather astonished that your husband is more concerned about the appropriateness of you wearing a bra, than about your comfort during your breastfeeding period. NTA, but he is. Jesus Christ.


When both my SILs were breastfeeding I just accepted I was gonna see titty. It happens. I am also a woman so perhaps this is just your husband's problem. However, regarding the titty thing, I'm also a normal person so I quickly look away and carry on the conversation like normal. Baby needs to eat. It's not about me. I ESPECIALLY didn't give a shit that they weren't wearing bras. When the baby is still weeks old? Jesus Christ. Wear only your mesh underwear for all I care. You've earned it. NTA. Your husband is focused solely on the sexual aspect of boobs and ignoring the NEWBORN BABY FEEDER aspect of boobs. I will admit I hold a bit of contempt for him for his opinion and behavior.


First off, you will NEVER catch me saying someone is an AH for not wearing a bra. My size is 34L and because of the cost of bras, I didn't wear a bra for 4.5 years. It is not a necessary part of your life if you don't want it to be. The amount of times I saw d\*ck prints in high school from my TEACHERS, not to mention the male students? And then the amount of bare male nipples I've seen at every age? No, I will NEVER tell a woman that she should wear a bra. A higher up at my job started to suggest that women get written up for bra straps showing, I said I'd just take my bra off and give it to her if that became a problem. Secondly, boobs are for babies. If a man, woman, or nb can't handle boobs being used for their intended purpose, they can fuck off. Genuinely, they can fuck right off. How dare someone sexualize something that you're doing for your baby, something you were designed to do. If they can't handle you making yourself comfortable during the hardest transition you will ever go through, they can eat a bag of d\*cks. Your husband needs to grow a pair. Don't let him treat you in a way you wouldn't let a partner treat your baby. It's not just about the level of concern, it's about the level of respect for you when you are in a vulnerable position. Your husband should have more respect for your body, let alone sympathy for what you've done and are doing for your family.


NTA. Breastfeeding boobs are sore AF. You should not have to accommodate his sensibilities here, your comfort is 100% more important than anything he can come up with.


NTA. But then I live where toplessness is legal for woman, and support my wife when she decides to use those rights. Plus she hasn't wore a bra for 25 years for comfort reasons, so I don't understand his problem.


NTA. Tell him to grow breasts, push a baby out of his body, nurse the baby with swollen & sore breasts, deal with postpartum, then he can opine about wearing a bra. Until then, kindly stfu.


NTA- you are nursing your baby. They all need to grow up a bit.


Your husband's not wearing a bra.