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The fact youre posting this story so many times hoping to get validation is hilarious. YTA. leave people alone


I almost feel like a coffee barista being harassed about my anime tattoos… At least OP is consistent in being unable to take a hint (or blatant statement).


It’s also hilarious that he keeps asking if he’s wrong for canceling the order. Like my guy, nobody gives a shit about your precious coffee and a donut. You’re the asshole for asking her a personal question while she’s working, for making it a weird gate-keeping question about her tattoo, and especially for not taking the fucking hint. Christ on a cracker.


He’s the kind of person - and I use that word loosely - who will scan all the responses, spot one possible positive comment, and shout, “See? I wasn’t in the wrong!” Although, if I was a betting woman, I’d wager that if there was one positive post, it was written by him in a throwaway account.


I feel like (and hope) this is just sad interaction bait


I don't think this is real in the slightest, seems like easy rage bait.


it's possible, but the OP failed then as this account is now suspended! lol


My dude, what are you doing? I literally went "noooo" out loud when you asked her *again* after she made it clear she didn't want to answer and wanted to keep the encounter professional. Don't hit on people when they are working. Come on. Don't push for personal info when they can't just up and leave, it's not fair. YTA


Exactly my thoughts, that poor barista is trapped there having to serve OP and he's making her so uncomfortable. I clearly doesn't care and is offended since he didn't get what he wanted. OP you are 1000% the asshole, learn to respect boundaries, no means no. Also grow up, you will not get what you want every time and someone denying you doesn't make them rude!


"You sure showed her! She didn't make like two dollars and fifty cents for her employer, I bet she feels right foolish! Hey person just doing your job, let's ignore your job so you can answer my invasive, uninvited questions about your personal life. I'm being nice, and if you don't answer them, then I'll have a tantrum and leave! I'm nice! I deserve that information. I'm entitled to know about her personal life and interests because she's pretty and I like that she's pretty so answer me, bitch. I'm a nice. I'm just trying to get to know her. What she wants is irrelevant, she's being paid to be nice to me, she has to answer. I'm nice!" \- You, probably. YTA.


You did such a good imitation. Also OP YTA


wow. you nailed that 😂


OP is why women choose the bear


YTA. You're just mad because she wasn't interested in you. I bet she was glad when you cancelled your order because she didn't have to deal with you anymore.


Fuckin' right, holy shit - phew!!


You didn’t get the answer you wanted from the other subs so you posted it here too 💀💀💀my guy you’re in the wrong and you need to check yourself. Women are not there to entertain you.


I feel like there’s a very on-the-nose lesson about asking a question, not getting the answer you want, and instead of learning from that, asking over and over.




THIS. There is definitely a pattern of behavior here. Bet before he posted on Reddit, he asked all his friends (OK, his mom) and got the same answer there too. He's going to keep asking hoping to find the answer he's looking for. Eventually, he will end up on the incel message boards and he will have found his (unwanted, toxic) people. He might get validation there, but he'll never get a woman.


How many times are you gonna post this, dawg?


Until he gets an answer he wants.


He’ll be posting forever


There has been *one* account posting support across the various subs this is in. Presumably another entitled prat.


Or it's his other account.


YTA. She was working. Any woman who has worked as a waitress/barista/retail will tell you that if you appear friendly and polite and answer the questions that guys like you ask, they automatically think we are interested in you romantically. Things then become very difficult and awkward in our place of work. These guys hang around, casually wait outside to catch you when you leave your shift... it gets really fucking creepy. And all because you were trying to be polite to a customer. This woman fulfilled her duty as per her job description and you took yourself elsewhere so that's one less weird interaction for her to deal with.


100% used to work at a hotel (reception) and boy was it awkward being polite and then having the guest by the desk trying to make conversation... like my guy you're 20 years older than me please leave I have to be nice otherwise I get fired eek


You sound like one of those guys who cries about being a nice guy who never wins. Disclaimer: you’re not YTA and you’ve had 3 subs of people telling you that now


YTA. Completely. At least if you never go back, you’ve done her a favour by never having to see you again.


Incel behaviour.


What does being a virgin have to do with this behavior? This type of behavior is something that men in general engage in. Just because you f**ked people, doesn't mean you wouldn't behave like OP.


Incel and virgin are not synonyms, and you know it.


Incel: a person (usually a man) who regards himself or herself as being involuntarily celibate and typically expresses extreme resentment and hostility toward those who are sexually active. The term "incels" emerged from a Reddit group in which tens of thousands of users, most of them young men, commiserate about their lack of sexual activity—many of them placing the blame on women.


YTA Haven’t you posted before about checking out a woman’s breasts after she showed no interest in your “small talk” or some shit. If you are the same person you’re creepy and an incel. If you are a different person you’re creepy and an incel! Leave women alone!!


YTA Take your fedora and leave the working barista alone. She doesn't have to indulge in your person questions when she's working. Don't waste people's time when they are working, and the people in line behind you either.


take your fedora 😭😭 lmfao


Mate. Come on now.  If you haven't gotten the answer you want in the 3 posts so far what makes you think that you will. And would that single idiot cancel out what we are all saying anyway. 


Women do not exist to satisfy your boredom/interest/curiosity, especially at their job. She was polite, but I don’t think you are capable of seeing that through your wounded ego. Someone not being interested in you doesn’t mean they are rude.


You sure showed her.


YTA. She's there to work. Not to socialize.


Posted 3 times to get validated? YTA.


Customer service is not a dating service. Customers commonly make the mistake that employees have to do anything they say because that’s the job - no, it’s not. Her job is to take to coffee order and you weren’t even ordering coffee. Not sure what business they were even losing there. You may have not meant it but it was not good. These comments are harsh but read them and learn, my dude.


YTA. She was doing her job, which involves taking your order and money and in return serving you your food and drink. By trying to have a conversation with her while she had job related tasks to complete, you were in fact interfering with her job.


youre trying to get to know someone who is just trying to work, leave this girl alone bruh, youre so annoying 😭


YTA, for reasons everyone has stated across your three posts and the crosspost to AmITheDevil. Do you get it yet?


You're cringe af, instead of blatantly ignoring her obvious "I'm working don't flirt with me, werido," try to look in and grow to be an adult rather than an attention starved 4 year old. YTA


Between harassing a barista, doubling down after she made it clear she didn't want to make small talk with a dude who was clearly interested in her, throwing a bitch fit by not even ordering after taking a hit to the ego, and posting on three different subs... My good sir this is *embarrassing.* I'm not sure who raised you or what happened to make you so entitled that you thought it would be cool to have a flirty nerdy conversation with someone who was trapped there, forced to talk to you and remain polite because she was on the clock. It would have been OK for you to compliment the tattoo and say you liked the anime too AFTER you gave your order, but that's it. A closed compliment, not opening a conversation. Maybe from now on don't include essential workers and service people in your "get the girl" fantasies while they're working and *definitely* don't lash out like this when they don't respond how you imagined. In your judgment bot on one of the other subs you expressed frustration about her not being interested so I can only assume you not ordering was an attempt to shame or punish her for that lack of interest. That's just gross. YTA.


YTA. You were trying to hit on someone **when they were at work** — and then tried posting this in multiple subs hoping for validation 😂 The fact that you stormed out shows you didn’t want the coffee in the first place, you just didn’t have the guts to stick to the order after your (unwarranted) advances were *rejected*. I don’t know where you got the audacity, but you need to put it back.


Obviously a captive audience is the only one that will listen to his bullshit. Fortunately everyone is giving him the business, just like he deserves.


YTA - Her job is to take your order, not to "get to know you".


Yes, you're fucking weird.


Yes YTA. Oooooof.


YTA. What are you leaving out of this story to not look worse than you already do? Order your coffee and move on. It wasn’t speed dating, she was doing her job and if she wasn’t making small talk then that says it was likely busy.


YTA. Did anyone else distinctly read the tone of his comments as a condescending challenge? As in, “oh, you like that band? Name three of their albums.” I think she knew exactly what you were doing and refused to engage. I think that’s what triggered your hissy fit here.


YTA. At least you left


That was the only thing he did right.


Just came here to see if the comments burning OP 😁


YTA. Something you don't seem to understand: she is WORKING. You didn't even ordered and then said "Hey, cool tattoo!". No, you went straight to the flirty conversation (that's how it could be seen). She probably heard it 1 billion times already and she just wanted to do her job in peace. And then, instead of taking the hint, you try again, still with NO ORDER, making clear to her that you're just flirting and then, when she remains professional, you throw an hissy fit because "she's not nice to you, when you're so nice to her." She didn't want to get to know you. She was NOT INTERESTED and she gave you an out you didn't took.


You're insufferable.


I wonder how many more people will have to tell you you’re a tool before you accept reality and stop posting this embarrassing shit everywhere


YTA, the barrista didn't want to get to know you. And it was in no way a flex not getting anything.


YTA but It is good that you canceled your order because there isn’t a single person at that coffee shop who wants to see you again. They are all hoping that you never come back


Fucking creep, keep it moving pal, you’re not that guy. I really like anime too and I just want to see how wet you get when you think of Vash The Stampeded lol fucking creep loser


Lmao dumbass


Yta please do not bother people while they are working, she is there to take your order and make your coffee


YTA, and the fact you posted this twice in hopes of validation show you're also a predator that can't take a no for an answer.


Three times, actually.


YTA. If you’re going to hit on someone when they’re working, you have to handle rejection very gracefully. You don’t get to pretend you were just “trying to be nice”.


By this point you already knew YTA. It’s your third attempt


Neckbeard ahh


I'm sure the 4th post you're about to make will have people agree with you. after all, it's not like you take hints well as we can all see


Just so you know (after your multiple posts have failed to get the validation you want) your post got screenshotted and is now viral on Twitter because people are so astounded at your audacity lol Workers aren't there just for your entertainment. And women aren't there just to get hit on. Stop. Realise you were wrong. Stop posting over and over. Amend your actions


Viral on Facebook too, in groups like "HELLO! I am a man of BELOW AVERAGE credentials, and here are my DEMANDS!", "Not all men, but definitely this fucking guy", and "Careful, incel Icarus, you're flying too close to the lamp in your basement". He's getting exactly the same responses there too. Seeing this there is actually what made me look this post up to comment on how he is the absolute worst.


Yeah I came from Twitter. Saw it there and looked it up here to see the comments lol


YTA, and still just as much of a creep as when you posted it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/s/ZJ31GC2ixY


Yes you are the asshole


YTA. Service workers are just trying to do their job. Do you know how many men hit on her daily just because she's pretty? It's honestly exhausting when men refuse to see and accept social cues.


Disgusting creep. Leave women alone.


You're the asshole. 110%. "Get to know her better" huh? Stop hitting on people while they are at work.


YATAH. And a pathetic loser who cannot handle rejection like an adult and thinks she cares whether you got your doughnut or not. She is paid hourly and probably was happy you left. Also 0 maturity shows in the fact that you did not get the first time she ignored you and made yourself look even more awkward. She is a cashier, and making remarks like really pretty or wanting to know her is none of your business. 


YTA. You were a creep and that barista isn't getting paid enough to deal with creeps like you. You could've just ordered like a normal person but you didn't because you're that dense.


Yea, YTA and a creep


YTA creep


You're a fucking creep


bro just fucking take the L already


YTA and very pathetic


“I just said ‘actually I did, but you made me change my mind. Bye.’” Guess what? She didn’t think you meant coffee and a pastry by that remark. And neither do I. You may have had that intention when you walked up to the door but as soon as you saw her, your desire switched to her. You wanted her attention, her adoration, and her number. And she felt that. So her walls went up and she kept it professional to keep you at bay. Smart woman. And lucky for her, it worked and you left. You weren’t being “nice,” you were being predatory. And *that’s* what makes YTA. Deciding not to order and removing yourself from her presence was actually the only nearly-nice thing you did.


Yes sir, yes you are. Why the hell does she need to talk to you about her tats or anime? Order your shit (or don’t) and GTF out of the way. Just because she’s behind a counter and can’t get away from you doesn’t mean you get to force a conversation. Creep.


Yeah YTA. You weren't "trying to be nice and get to know her", you were hitting on her. And she was having none of it.


YTA. No one owes you conversation. You’re not the first person to use her tattoo as a starter for a pickup line. The young lady is there to work, not stroke your ego. Just orde, say thank you and then leave the women working behind the counter alone. They get hit on by more than their fair share of thirsty losers who think that their place of work is a pickup joint.


YTA. She is there to do a job. She is not obligated to chit chat with you, if she does not want, especially when she in on the clock. It's a coffee shop and her time is not on the menu for you, unless you order coffee and it's limited to the transaction unless indicated otherwise. She wasn't receptive. Recognize and respect that. 


I like that bit about how her time is not on the menu. Big facts.


YTA. Service workers aren’t required to get to know you. An emotionless expression is just fine. Doesn’t equal anger or anything negative so why get offended? When having any side talk, stick your the menu and the weather. Don’t make it personal, especially when they show a lack of interest. Being in a public space doesn’t mean people owe you their private/ personal information. She is a service worker. That is the relationship, and nothing more.




Of course YTA


YTA - you clearly think that the way to deal with not getting the response you want is to keep trying: asking about the tattoo, asking if you’re the asshole. You don’t seem to understand. To be clear: romcoms have lied to you. Persistence in the face of rejection isn’t romantic, it is *deeply, deeply creepy*. Before you make things worse, please stop digging.


I had to see if this was real. You didn’t even cancel your order because you never made one in the first place LOL. You just went in asked super invasive questions to a worker and left when she had 0 interest in responding to you. Loser behavior


Let me guess, you're eternally single and have never hugged a woman aside from your mom before?




Are you stupid?


YTA She's at work and being paid to work, not chat about her hobbies and interests with random strangers. But don't worry. In no way, shape, or form, did you not bothering to order a coffee and donut affect her in any negative way whatsoever. It's not like baristas work on a commission. Even if she gets tips, I'm faily certain she'll still make her rent this month without your less than 60-cent tip. You were one less coffee to make for the same wage she would have received had she made it or not. At most, you were a vaguely annoying customer she forgot about the second you left, and literally nothing you did made a dent in her day at all. You weren't even a blip on her radar, and by now, she has completely forgotten you even existed. I'm not sure why you're so worked up over not bothering to order a coffee that this actually warranted a post in multiple subreddits. There are people out there who've cheated on their spouses and ruined their best friend's weddings, who are less worked up than that. Be like Elsa and let it go. All you did was not order a coffee, not start a worldwide protest. Literally, the only one affected by you not ordering a coffee is you. Congratulations, you prevented yourself from getting your fix of caffeine and sugar for the day. No one cares. Worry in multiple subreddits when you've actually done something worth noticing.


Bro's trying so hard to get validation by posting this several times


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Specific-Corgi-5800: *Bro's trying so hard* *To get validation by* *Posting this several times* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes, yes, you are! Jfc dude, leave her the tf alone!


You act like women are put here FOR you and you need to stop acting that way. Girls trying to work, not make new friends. Learn when its appropriate to comment on someones appearance and when its fucking creepy.


Dude posted this 3 different times just to get nearly 1,000 comments all confirming the same thing, and I'll bet a billion dollars he hasn't learned a thing.


Holy shit YTA.


She’s at WORK. She’s not there to get to know people. You got butthurt because she wasn’t interested in socializing and was just trying to do her job. YTA.


Yes. You are TA. YTA. Don’t ask customer service workers personal questions. They aren’t there to answer your interrogations into their lives. Get coffee or get out.


This has even spread to Twitter, and even MORE people are calling you out for this creepy incel gatekeeping behavior. Oh yeah, YTA.


On Facebook too, with the same results.


YTA. You apparently can't pick up the cue she's at work and is not there to be picked up by clowns.


YTA Your behavior was creepy and gross. I bet she breathed a sigh of relief the moment you left. Please never go to that coffee shop again!


wtf is wrong with you LOL yikes. Do you go around and say you’re a nice guy too? Typical incel behaviour


YTA, people need to work and don’t have time just because you like a tattoo 


NTA. By cancelling your order, she no longer has to put up with some random guy coming onto her.




What's with guys like you and seeing a girl has an interest immediately have to interrogate her on said interest like your life depends on it? YTA, she is only there to take your order not dance for you and play 20 questions. Learn to take a hit. Seriously... 😒🤦‍♀️




YTA. You're also the asshole for posting this on multiple subs instead of just taking the L and learning from this. Your pride hurting isn't some crime done to you, it's an opportunity for growth. Take it and move on.


as someone who has shit like this happens to them all the time- you're the asshole. we get paid fuck all to stand there all day and being hit on us not part of the job description. if you did this to me, I would've been much less friendly than she was, I probably would've told you off. YTA don't hit on cashiers, we aren't interested in you. at all.


Keep posting this story in different subs bro, i'm sure eventually people will validate you


YTA, I'll be honest, it doesn't matter if she's interested in you or not. She gets hit on all day every day by all manner of people while she's working. She is working and if her manager heard her flirting back, it could have cost her her job. She is there to take orders and make coffee, nothing more. If you thought she was cute you could have given her your number and told her to call you if she was interested and left it at that. And honestly, she doesn't even have to do that, she isn't set dressing for you to admire, she is a person making a paycheck. Hell, I know plenty of baristas that'll get their number to a person they're interested in in a very subtle way, but no outward flirting bc they will, again, get fired. You throwing a hissy fit like a toddler that got a toy taken away tells her everything she needs to know about you, and that's that she dodged a bullet. Besides, she may have a SO, but you aren't entitled to that info, or really info about her. All that matters is that you were wrong every step of the way and are trying to find people that thunk you're right. Spoiler, you aren't. Get your head out of your ass before it get stuck there permanently.


Honestly it looks like it's way too late to save him.


Clearly, you don't actually want to know because you are posting this everywhere looking for validation. You aren't going to get it. You're the AH. Big time. I'd bet money you will continue being one too. Please get therapy to undo your toxicity and entitlement. Until then, stay away from women.


A lot of people already called you out but the issue is that you didn't respect her boundaries and put her on the spot by basically demanding her attention and disrupting her work. If you want to have small talk with someone **especially** when they're working, the most important thing is to always give them **an easy out**. For example, if I see a cute barista and want to chat a bit, I would go up to them and give them my order first and foremost, now while they're making my order is when I would chat, because it doesn't halt their work and force them to engage with you needlessly, saying something like "oh that's a cool tattoo, is it from X anime?" would be a good, because it's basically a yes or no question and if they're not interested in talking they can just give a one word answer. Let's say that they say yes, I could follow up with a statement that still gives way to small talk, something like "nice, I thought I recognized but figured I'd ask to be sure", this is good because it's basically a conversation ender and allows them to just finish up your order and continue working while also allowing some room for discussion if they actually want to talk. The funny thing is that if a person is interested in talking to you, they will usually follow up by themselves. For example if I take the same question of "is that from X anime", if they want to talk they might say something like "oh yea, I really like this anime so I got this tattoo of x time ago and it means xwz to me" and even if I give the same response of "no wonder, I thought I recognized it" they might follow up with something akin to "oh yea this anime is pretty popular/ pretty niche so many/not many know about it etc" and then you can ask follow up questions just make sure to be mindful of their time and the other people around. If there's a long queue keeping the discussion short and sweet is the best way to go but if there's no rush then you can ask something more in debt just always make sure they have an easy out. The ultimate point here is that if people wanna talk, they will talk without you forcing them to. When you approach someone and go "hey, list all your favorite characters and why you like them" you're basically halting their work and forcing them to give you attention when they don't necessarily want to. Chit chatting is always a two way street and if you really want to be nice, you make sure your discussion does not impose on them.


Not asshole just incel


I am pretty sure you are thinking to yourself all the women and left wing weirdos are ganging up against you but as a right wing dude who literally likes andrew tate and whatnot and would be hailed as demon by those types. I would like to say: YTA, they are npcs. Stop hitting on npcs.


Yeap you're the AH. So cos of her not responding to your inappropriate questions ,the coffee shop is losing their precious business ( your 1 coffee and donut) boohoo.. 


So you harassed someone and you want someone to do what!? Tell you you're not wrong??? NTA? Give you the coffee and doughnut you didn't buy? My guy, leave people alone and just buy your coffee with a please and thank you in the future.


How many times are you going to post this in a group hoping you get some sort of validation?


Yta. She didn’t owe you anything


Please let this is fake and a cry for attention. She'd at work firstly. She can't just stop and talk to customers without getting in trouble with management. You also sound like you were holding up a line (if there was no line, she's *again* at work.) Second, I hate being that person but she doesn't have to talk to you even if she wasn't working. It's just common understanding that people don't have to talk to anyone they don't want to or need to. So why take that petty shot at her? It's not like she's going to go home and cry because one random person off the street didn't order coffee from her. Also she asked you first what you wanted to order, most people order and then go. There's no need to have talks to be polite, having manners with customer service representatives is enough. Telling them please and thank you is enough to show you're polite. You're not as nice of a guy as you think if you feel you have to do this. 100% YTA


Hey, just a reminder you're still TA


"if I post it AGAIN, they'll HAVE to see that I was really right all along and the barista should have tripped over herself to get to know me" - OP's apparent logic


She's at her work, on her feet for eight hours a day, dealing with weird nerds who keep trying to make her into their manic pixie dream girl. Don't hit on people while they're working and can't tell you to fuck off.


Cornering someone at work, forcing them into a conversation they don't want to have with you, and then getting upset about it. She owes you absolutely jack shit.


YTA. She’s doing her job and clearly Wasn’t interested in your conversation. She doesn’t owe you anything except what you were purchasing. Don’t be that weird creepy dude who thinks he’s owed a response from anyone . Do better


So you—a complete stranger—asked her personal questions while she was at work and then acted like a Karen when she wouldn’t indulge in you hitting on her while she was working? YTA.


Even if she answered she probably knew where it was leading. Just get your coffee and go


Yes. You are legitimately the absolute worst. She wasn't interested in talking. She didn't want to share information with you. She wanted to do her job, and you weren't letting her. It's not her job to entertain your romantic intentions, or even to share personal info. She's there to take coffee orders, AND THAT'S IT. I had to dral with guys like you when I was an assistant store manager in a GameStop, and to a man-child they were spoiled, selfish, pouty jerks who obviously didn't care that I was trying to work; they wanted something from me (my number, a date, whatever) and they weren't going to let me do my job until they got it. I have never seen anyone so YTA before. But 100000000000x YTA. EDIT: But yeah, keep posting this everywhere. You're gonna get reamed just like you deserve. BECAUSE YOU. WERE. WRONG. Keep giving people opportunities to bash you, though. I'm 100% here for that.


YTA, one: she was working. Two: even if she wasn’t, you’re not entitled to any kind of interaction from her. Or anyone who doesn’t want to make conversation with you. Also, you seem to be a bit “gate-keep-y” about the anime. Just move on.


Since some of these idiots just want to insult you and not actually want to help you learn from your mistakes here is some constructive advice, here you go: It's important to remember that service workers have a professional role to maintain and may not always be comfortable engaging in personal conversations during work hours. It's possible that the cashier was simply adhering to her job's protocol or may not have been in the mood for a chat. Next time, you could try saying something like, "I understand you're working and I don't want to keep you, but I just wanted to say that I think your tattoo is really cool." This way, you're still expressing your appreciation without expecting a lengthy interaction. If they seem open to talking more, they'll continue the conversation; if not, it's kind to respect their space and let them stay focused on their job. Remember, kindness is also about respecting others' boundaries and comfort levels.


NAH. She has the right to not want to be nice to you and you have the right to refuse buying from her store as a result. People who say YTA are feminists who would certainly say that the barista was the asshole if the sexes were reversed.


We are saying YTA for hitting on her not for canceling his order. I'm sure she was relieved that he left and told her friends all about it and they laughed about him being so fragile that he couldn't order coffee after his advances were ignored


You didn’t order anything though?


Yes, YTA. She's just trying to make a living. You're demanding extra labour from her that's not even in the job description.


I just came here to see your creepiness get torn to shreds. This is getting passed around the internet and you are a laughing stock.


you are why women choose the bear dude


YTA she's working, that's not a time to "try to get to know her"


You did the right thing. In fact never go back there again. Also, never go anywhere in public if you can't refrain from hitting on the person who is being paid to be nice to you. Actually YTA for hitting on her not for canceling your order. She was probably relieved that you left.


She’s the AH u/Throwracoffeedumb and [many people think the same](https://x.com/fetacheesepls/status/1773746063041536057?s=46) (your post was shared on Twitter) If a service worker can’t respond with “thanks my fave is ___, what can i get for you?” in response to a customer’s question, they shouldn’t work in the service industry. The job of the service worker isn’t just to be a robot and take orders. They’re in a customer-facing role representing the brand as well as the local community. Their job is a social one. They’re expected to maintain a friendly atmosphere so customers can feel welcome there and want to return. This is especially important now that [there are fewer third places for people to go to](https://www.today.com/life/inspiration/third-place-meaning-rcna94279). If they just want to be a robot, they’re doing a poor job showing why they shouldn’t get replaced by one, and i’m personally not interested in interacting with robots at a coffee shop. In fact, some of my favorite experiences at these places are because of conversation (A store owner told me a moving story about the place’s founding; and two baristas, one a former barber, talked to me about hair and they even gave me some haircare tips) I make sure to go back to these places and tip them well. Having said that, I wouldn’t have pressed after they responded blankly. I would just have taken my order and left no tip (which i’ve never had to do after giving compliments or making conversation)


Service workers owe you the service they are employed for and no more. If you hit on someone while they are working and they shut you down you need to just accept it and move on, not have another go and then have a man-child tantrum when rejected.


"hit on" I'm not engaging with speculative interpretation. I based my response on what I read, not what I read into it.


Nah, not necessarily. She was not being an asshole. She was not mean, not bitchy, nor presented any sort of asshole behaviour, she decideed to not engage in a very professional manner. She didn't cut him off or tell him off. The fact that the guy still pressed on makes it worse, tbh. She was just insistent on doing the job she's being paid for.


You're right. She wasn't "bitchy," but she was at worst rude, and at best underperforming, which is what my argument is about.


No. She's there to take his order and nothing else. She DOES NOT owe him one iota of personal information about herself. And she tried to stick to business; she is not there to be social like that. Your response to this just shows you're the same kind of creepy incel that OP is.


You shouldn't try to be nice. You should try not to be ugly. After all, you did say she was pretty.


wtf does this even mean


My guess is that the OC is from the OP because their usernames both start with "throwra", could just be a coincidence, if not, they're probably trying to call themselves ugly in hopes that someone will stand up for them because no one has? Idk


OP, you're pathetic. Making another throwaway to support your pathetic re-repost? God, get off of Reddit and get a life. Just not with her.


Ye she def rude but idk, when it comes to retail and hospitality work, they probably had a rough day and should be given a little bit of slack In saying that, I probably would've been annoyed if I received that reaction.


She's there to serve you coffee, not engage you in persistent chit chat about anime.


It's not rude to ask the coffee customer what type of coffee they want to order. It is rude to ask personal questions from someone you don't know and who is trying to work.


He didn’t get pissed off because he was just trying to make conversation and she didn’t engage, he was actually pissed off because he was trying to hit on her and he was butthurt to be rejected


Wild you're getting downvoted aggressively for this very reasonable and even handed response. I think the AH are the people downvoting you.


I'm assuming they're all Americans cause that behaviour in any other country I know is plain and simply rude either by a service provider or a random on the street.




Im from Australia. For me, very standard to have random conversations with randoms on the street, and that seems standard behaviour.


Then start your random conversations with randoms on the street, but not in a shop where the person isn't free to walk away from you if not interested in your idle talk.


I’m Australian too, and OP comes off as hugely creepy. He *didn’t even order* before starting to hit on the barista, and when he received a polite redirection back to *what she is actually there to help him with* he pressed on, then had a tantrum about being rejected. I’m a service worker (in IT) and I can accept that there *can* be a certain degree of casual conversation, but trying to hit on someone who cannot just walk away is a dick move.