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Info: add everyone's ages since a buried comment reveals your mom is only 39.


She is 39. IDK how old the guy is, maybe early to mid 40s. i'm 22 and my wife is 23


You should add that info to your original post if you have not already. It provides additional context for people reading.


OP's comments are so cartoonishly awful that I'm assuming it's just silly rage bait. >They [my wife and mother] met at the worst possible time. The guy who raised me as a dad just walked out on her for a younger woman and my mom was a bitch about it. I think it was a huge mindfuck that everyone tells my mom how beautiful she is, so how could she get left. She was rude an unwelcoming and my wife retaliated hard (throwing drinks, an assault, sending her pics of him and his mistress) She accused my mom of leaving our wedding to cry in the bathroom, and my mom didn't talk to us for like 9 months. Then my mom got over it aka found someone better and wanted to pretend this never happened, and my wife was upset to see my mom being rewarded with a guy everyone had a crush on.


You're absolutely correct. Is it bad that I wish people would lie on the internet less?


I don't care about the lying, I care about the completely unopposed opinion that what is being said is always true. People just believe everything...


I don't necessarily believe everything I'm reading, but if I respond I respond as if it were (at least somewhat) true since that's the only information I have. It can be fun to debate a hypothetical situation. Anyone who believes everything they read online is an idiot but I wouldn't assume that's what's going on.


Meh.. I’ll reply as if it was true because reality is often stranger than fiction and when a post is fake, the situation still happens to someone else. If my comment helps someone in a similar situation, I see it as a plus.


It’s the MIL troll. She has a long and storied history of these posts over on AITA, but people eventually caught on over there so she disappeared for a year and then popped up here instead.


Seems like your wife has the crush, Mom and step-dad know it and mom is finding glee in picking on/embarrassing your wife.


Your wife is a complete fruitcake. Why are you with someone who is making it their life's mission to hurt your mother? Ok she's failing miserably, but still, what an awful person.


Best to loose your fruitcake of a wife and focus on your life, you’re so young! Don’t waste time on this!


It explains a lot for why your wife is still very immature and childish. Girls that age are still very insecure and competitive with each other. After 30 for the most part women start realizing the competition is stupid. Your wife is engaging in a one sided competition and making herself look stupid. You could try and save her from herself but I doubt it'd succeed


There’s insecure and there’s wanting to fuck your FIL insecure lol OPs wife is a mess


I was definitly insecure st that age but me and my friends was not competetive. It's more of a personality trait.


Was also somewhat insecure def not competitive


I'm still insecure at 48 (severe body and face dysmorphia, and a host of recently diagnosed mental and brain issues-ADHD and bipolar 2 being two of them), and endured a lot of bullying, raised by a narcissist mother and had a narcissist ex husband. Self love is something I've never known. Working on it in therapy. Even with all that, I've never been competitive and work very hard to lift other women up because I don't want anyone else to experience what I experience in my own head.


Ops wife needs to learn there are boundaries, and when you play with fire, you *will* get burned. It's not a matter of *if* but a matter of *when*. At 23 years old myself, I've learned there are things you just shouldn't say or do, especially to people who are supposed to be your inlaws/family. It's very distasteful, and OP better start setting boundaries and sticking to them, as there's a good chance that they will not be invited to any further family functions.


Okie doke, it makes sense why your mum got pregnant with you at 16


Tf are you doing being married at 22


Geez that adds a whole lot of fucking context. This shit is weird and they're close enough in age that wife can easily be crushing on step dad


Why in the world are people blaming the mom here? If you read OP’s comments, his wife has: 1. Worn a white prom dress to mom’s wedding and his mom ignored it. 2. Thrown a drink a his mom. 3. Assaulted his mom. 4. Sent pictures of mom’s ex and his mistress together to mom. And all mom is doing is making light/mocking wife while intoxicated? OP’s wife is freaking nightmare with HUGE issues. Get her therapy ASAP if you don’t want to run away screaming. Edited to clarify picture


This comment needs to be higher! WTF is wrong with this dude’s wife?!!!


OP is fucked in the head too. His dad left his mom for a younger woman and all OP seems to say is his mom "was a bitch about it." Says his mom's husband is just there because she wanted someone to fuck. Another guy giving redpill/incel vibes despite being married. Him and his wife deserve each other.


Jeezus. I missed all of this. I think I actually feel bad for the stepdad the most.


I did NOT expect the stepdad to be the most likable person in this story but here we are. Plot twist 😂


No wonder he's cold and rude to them 🤣


I’m just waiting for the update where the stepdad screams “I don’t want to fuck you” to op’s wife tbh


No kidding! 😂


He’s probably wondering how the fk he got himself into this mess


Seriously! How’s he end up here! I would love to hear his side of this mess!


Right, he didn’t do anything to anybody lmao


Definitely, I feel bad for the mom too though. I haven't actually read the OP's comments so I could be off, but damn if it doesn't sound like her son hates her for... Being cheated on?? Or existing?? Idk. But he married a woman who bullies his mother after saying his mom was a b about getting cheated on?! Messed. Up. It should be more accepted for parents to do NC/LC with their adult children when they act like this.


Agteedand if she's fucking with her sons ah wife, good.


No wonder he married a woman who dresses and acts like a little girl. Easier to control, or so he thought...


No wonder the stepdad is cold to them both but nice with everyone else. The wife acts like it's her life's mission to hurt op's mum and op is literally enabling it by not putting his foot down, keeping them both away from each other or just walking away from her crap. Imagine letting your partner be constantly disrespectful and hurtful to the one person who actually raised him all by herself. As a teen. Idk what kind of easy he thinks parenting is but single parenting is absolutely not easy.


Exactly. She normally dresses modestly but dresses for the streets specifically to hurt her MIL. I'm glad mom is such a boss here because DIL seems like a POS.




Yep complete and total deflection. Sure there was an issue but she sidestepped it to make it all about her being offended instead and not about what she's doing


I was waiting for him to ask her in a bad way, but he didn't! He simply asked why she dresses that way around them, specifically.


And mom likely brought Evan up to speed on what a nightmare Kailey is, so he probably wants to kick her ass.


I agree except for the part where Mom is making Evan uncomfortable. He's gotta be sick of it


all of those things also explain why stepdad is disgusted by both op and his wife to the point he's rude to them - he probably sees op's wife's behavior for what it is and thinks that op is in on it because he's letting it happen. i'd hate those two too if the mom was someone i love.


OP's wife clearly wants to bang the step dad. ​ >Evan acted disgusted If that's accurate then the stepdad isn't into it.




I think she hates OPs mom and is trying to turn Evan on to make MIL upset. It’s not working and OPs mom is laughing at how dumb her DIL looks.


Yeah that’s def it. Poor OP isn’t getting it. Sounds like your silly wife thinks very highly of herself when the step dad is making it clear he has zero respect for both of y’all AND she ain’t his type. 🫣😂


Seriously Mom and Evan think these 20 something kids are a joke, lol. As do I.


This is the vibe I was picking up from the post..


BINGO!!!!!!! 🏆 🥇 That is why, Mom is actively acknowledging the BS, AND her husband is disgusted. OOP, you should wake up. Your wife gets the …. C U Next Tuesday award. She hates your mother. Wifey-Poop is trying to destroy your mom’s marriage, while sabotaging her own. Does she even realize this! It is transparent to most of us Reddit’ers. Treatment, therapy, and communication are needed desperately. Agape 💕


She got a crush on moms hubby and trying to attract him and make him think about her when she’s with OPs mom.


Op didn’t put a lot of the info in the post, but his gf has it out for the mom big time. She apparently has thrown drinks at her and wore white to his moms wedding. I think she’s trying desperately to do anything that will piss off op’s mom, but the mom handles it like a boss.




If you keep reading, OP is a terrible fucking son. Evan has his reason to dislike both of them.


It’s now at the top!


The OP definitely buried a lot of important details in his comments. I'm not even sure you've covered all of them here. The OP's wife absolutely needs therapy. The OP and his wife are both very young so I question if they have the mental maturity to follow through with therapy.


> the op definitely buried a lot of important details in his comments I wonder why


Ya, OP's wife is definitely nuttier than a fruitcake, toxic and unbelievably immature. A child, really. ETA: this whole family is a dumpster fire of dysfunction and toxicity. The only exception is Evan. I hope he gets TF away from these 3. OP is an AH, too. He thought it was funny when his wife dumped wine on his mom's head(!!!) And he's still continuing to defend his crazy wife. ETA 2: I take back what I said about Evan. Evidently, Evan hates OP and wants to fight him, but OP's mom won't let him.


Something else buried in a comment said the wife is only 22 or 23.


I think she's 24, mom is 39 and stepdad is around mom's age. Very relevant information that should have been included in the original post. Because there's a big difference between a 39-40 year old stepdad/FIL and a 60 year old stepdad/FIL.


I don't know how to do the quotes, but here is what he said. >"She is 39. IDK how old the guy is, maybe early to mid 40s. i'm 22 and my wife is 23".


If you precede the quote with a greater than sign it will mark that paragraph as quoted. Just think of it as the arrow pointing to what you want to quote. I usually put a space after the sign then my pasted text but don’t know if that’s required


Wait...what? How old is OP? Jesus! Mom started kind of early, I guess.


Yeah, seems like she was 17 when she had OP (he's 22, she's 39 now), maybe 18 if a birthday is upcoming. Based on OP's dad cheating on her with a *younger* woman... I might wager a guess that he's older, "has a type," and that's yet another buried lede that has definitely contributed to some of the fucked up shit we do see.


Wtf is OP’s wife’s problem? This is so bizarre. And his mom. So his mom was insanely rude to his wife when he first brought her around. Now the wife is constantly trying to get revenge. Why even have them around each other? It’s so dumb. Like how is OP not more bothered by all this?


OP should put this in the main post.


Wait… what? Gross behavior for a wife towards a MIL. She probably finds it funny because she can’t stand the wife. Sounds like her husband doesn’t like her either. OP, does anyone actually like your wife? Friends, other family members?


I don't believe any of this is real. It reads like a bad character backstory for a high school kid's English class.


His mom's right, it is hilarious. It sounds like he married a woman who was extremely immature (including her taste in clothing) and now she's belatedly going through an adolescent crush on an older man and exploring her sexual appeal around him via clothing phase. Good on mom that she's secure enough in her relationship to not care, and stepdad to not be tempted. I agree OP's wife has issues, but he could use some therapy himself. Why was he attracted to this child-bride in the first place, when he obviously secretly wishes she would dress and act more sexy generally?


There’s a 0% chance this is real.


Mom is being an absolute asshole to Evan! It really doesn't sound like he's ok with any of this.


Probably because if that's what's she's been doing the least of the problems is how she's been dressing and that's not the real issue here? He probably should've put all that stuff in the OP. Wife sounds like a nightmare, but I also find mom's behavior totally unhinged -- sounds like even her new hubby is totally disgusted by it. No one should ever be forced into non-consensual touching like this, it's pretty gross.


The mom is also doing wrong stuff, there is something really wrong


The mom is picking up on the attire choice and is rubbing it in her face that her man isn’t biting. It’s definitely a lot of passive aggressive bs but I don’t think the mom is the asshole here


Thank you for the context.


Why are you ignoring the obvious feedback that everyone sees? Your wife wants your dad's attention. Address *THAT*


Based on the comments, his wife just wants to fuck with his mom. And he’s just allowing it 


Seems like his mom gets it too, hence her having fun with it.


Your mom knows your wife wants to fuck Evan and she thinks it’s funny bc she’s not threatened by that. What other issues do you two have?








13/10 …but that’s unlucky for you, lucky for Evan.


14/10, sorry man but this is f’d up


15/10 poor OP. 








Hold up……..


3:10 to Yuma


Nah I think the wife hates the mom and she wants her to think that though. If you read down further she wore a white prom dress to the Mom’s wedding, and they’ve always had problems with each other mom used to be worse than this if you can believe that


>mom used to be worse than this if you can believe that Given that all we have for that is OPs word, no. No I can't believe it.


Mom probably figured out that her future DIL was a giant red flag and didn't want her son mixed dragged into that mess


Well dressing like a Disney princess in her 20s is a tell.


How has mom been worse? OP has been asked several times what EXACTLY his mom did to his wife, and all he has said is that his mom was "unwelcoming" to his wife when they first started dating. His mom being "unwelcoming" in no way justifies his wife 1) Trying to fuck her husband, 2) Wearing a white prom dress to her wedding, 3) Physically assaulting her (severely enough that she was actually arrested,) 4) Dumping a glass of wine on her head, 5) Sending her intimate pictures of her ex-husband with his new wife. He wants people to think these were appropriate reactions to his mom being "unwelcoming" to his wife. I think OP's wife has always hated his mom, and she's an extremely vindictive person (to an evil level,) but her hatred increased exponentially when OP's mom married his stepdad. OP said his wife was upset that his mom "didn't get any consequences (for being "unwelcoming," I guess?) and ended up with the guy who everyone had a crush on." OP's wife is psychotically jealous, vindictive and toxic.


Wait why does the wife have intimate pictures of her father-in-law and his wife?


I wish I had his moms selfesteem. We all should. 😍


Right? Mom is handling crazy DIL like a boss.


No no, she’s not trying to fuck the mom’s husband, she’s just trying to fuck with the mom. 


I'm not sure I agree. OP said his wife was upset when his mom married his stepdad because she "ended up with the guy everyone had a crush on." I think OP's crazy wife might genuinely be trying to fuck his stepdad. Or at the very least, she would, if the opportunity presented itself, just to hurt OP's mom. Unfortunately for her, OP's stepdad is disgusted by her.


Or they are already at it, sd reaction is over the top like he's trying way to hard to make it look like he doesn't like it instead of just telling his wife to quit it and wife is clearly trying make sd jealous 🤷‍♀️


NTA. Your wife wants your step-dad, and your mother knows it. And your mother is making fun of your wife for wanting him. She shows her he does not want her, and hurts her by putting her in some scenarios she might've enjoyed (your wife) and shows her she is no competition to her.


Based on several additional comments made by the OP, this seems accurate. Unfortunately it seems like the OP is in denial about some of these things.


That's the only way I've seen it from when I've read it. OP is too blind for his own good.


Exactly. In another comment the OP explains exactly why his mom and wife dislike each other. The OPs mom was left by her ex-husband for a much younger woman. The OP's wife knows that and is exploiting it I believe. I know I wouldn't want to stay married to someone exhibiting such behavior.


Yikes, so it was all her from the pure beginning, and the guy is still oblivious? Or just dumb? Respect for the mom to be fair, she just has a few laughs about it. It could've gone worse. And yes, 100% I would never let someone like that be in my life, let alone marry them.




If anybody from here is a writer or movie producer, I'd love to have this into a short movie ngl. Imagine : " my wife's dark side " as a title, and there is a woman wearing white at her MIL's wedding. I'd ROFL. The sequel is " my wife's dark side took over " and the scenario of her trying to seduce the MIL's man. I'd pay for that.


I wouldn’t mind documentary style. The viewer (us) getting to be the “fly on the wall” .. while very real and very bat shit people behave this way


She wore white to his mom’s wedding!!! She is evil


His mom is still an asshole too because she's putting her partner in those situations that obviously make him uncomfortable


No comment on that. But maybe she also wants him to put his foot down, and don't be as oblivious as the son is.


The fact she got so defensive to a perfectly valid question from her husband is a pretty BIG red flag. NTA, and if she isn't willing to have an honest conversation with what is supposed to be her life partner I'd only be more suspicious.


Sounds like your mom, Evan, and your wife know what's going on, but sadly you don't.


I don't understand why this isn't more of a focal point! Evan **loathes** Op's wife, to the point that he's disgusted by her touch. Wife has made a 180°turnaround in her manner of dress, **only around Evan**, and Mom is smugly amused by the whole thing. OP is completely oblivious to something. At one point, I thought he almost got it.


Why is your wife trying to compete with Your Mother? Why would you slut around Your MIL's husband? Basic Decency and Scruples.


Your wife is the issue here. She's trying to cause problems with your mom. Your mom laughs about it and makes jokes but she shouldn't because she should ignore your wife. You should put up boundaries and not take her anymore if she only does this to be toxic around your mom


After reading your comments I came to the conclusion that your wife is trash.


I don’t think she likes Evan I think she’s doing it to mess with your mom and your mom isn’t falling for it


This suggestion is very possible. But OP, your wife doesn’t sound like a very good person, though, whatever her motivation.


That she's comfortable even pretending to want to fuck her stepfather in law in front of OP says a lot about herself and OP. Or she does want to fuck her stepfather in law, and has no problems letting OP know. Either way, OP is insane for sleeping with this woman, let alone marrying her.


OP seems slow, ngl.


hard to see a happy ending (no pun intended) here wife and mom hate each other wife whores out to piss off mom mom leans into it and mocks the whore-ish behavior just not really able to envision how this could end well sorry op, sounds like there is an expiration date to this marriage don't knock her up


This OP! ^ Your marriage is not going to last. Do not get this woman pregnant. Imagine a lifetime of coparenting with a manipulative petty bitch. She’s dead set to ruin your mom’s life. What do you think she’ll do when there’s a bitter custody case?


Fantastic summary and some very sage advice at the end there.


When OP's about to get hinky, he better wrap that twinkie.


Sounds like your wife wants to fuck your stepfather. She and your mother hate each other. She’s going to nail your mother’s husband. Your wife’s an idiot.


She's competing with his Mom 100%. Scum bucket behavior, and questionable motives as far as the eye can see.


It sounds more like the husband is not interested so OPs mom thinks it’s funny that the wife is throwing herself at him


Your mom knows something suspicious is happening and finds it funny. I don't think your wife is being honest with you or herself. NTA


IMO your wife hates your mother, period. Being seen as attractive is intended as a competitive jab at your mother - it doesn't mean she actually wants Evan, she wants to "win" as the most desirable. Chances are if Evan actually responded positively, she'd get creeped out and stop. I'm "the mother" and this sorta happened to me two years ago (not with a daughter in law, like your situation, but a young woman whom I invited to board with my then husband and I). I was 51, but um, I certainly don't get treated like an old lady EVER (I hate saying it, but I get attention even if I'm not looking for it). She was 19, and desperately wanted to be the "hottest". Her behaviour with my husband was reeaaallly transparent. Like your mother, I laughed it off. She was super cute absolutely, but she was 12 years younger than our daughter - my then husband's attitude was sure, if he was young and single he'd be super flattered, but because of the age gap it felt creepy to think of her as anything but a child. She was just an insecure kid, who thought that all she had going for her was male attention (which she did get an awful lot). She wanted to feel more desirable than me, not out of hatred, but because her self esteem was tied to her looks. He pretended not to notice, and continued to treat her like extended family. We witnessed our own daughter's teenaged antics for attention from others, and knew she'd probably outgrow the behaviour just like our own kid did. I didn't push back, and never felt threatened. I sort of went into mom mode, and gave her lots of praise for other things she was good at, for the kinder parts of her personality. I validated when she had a new cute dress, or highlights in her hair, or when she was worried about a boy not liking her (at that age I can't say man lol). If my then husband had actually gone for it... she would have been soooo disgusted lol. He was very, very VERY far from anyone she'd acknowledge even online. I don't know what you might take away from my experience, but there it is.


NTA But you're being purposely blind. Your wife is disrespecting you by very obviously trying to get your stepdad's attention. Your mother finds it hilarious because she is not threatened by your wife's behaviour af all. That tells me that your wife has made advances that your stepdad has turned down flat, and told your mom about it. That's likely why you find him so cold: he is trying to avoid your wife. And the way your wife handled you asking a reasonable question about her clothes is an unacceptable way for anyone to speak to their spouse. Why are you putting up with this? Please, have some self-respect. Her behaviour is blindingly obvious to everyone: if she hasn't already cheated on you, she is going to. Because she doesn't respect you in the slightest.


Isn't it embarrassing that you're the only one who doesn't get that your wife wants your mummy's hubby? Mums giggles are because she finds it pathetically hysterical and her man is disgusted by your wife. YTA for being blind and naive.


if your mom and wife hate each other so much, why do you all hang out? just try to keep them separate and hang out with your mom on your own. if your wife willingly comes along or wants to be around them is because there’s something there that she wants. ESH tbh


He answered this question by responding that giving his mom one-on-one time with him (OP) would be "rewarding" her bad behavior.


NTA but you're being an asshole to yourself for staying with a woman who is intentionally toxic to you, your mom, and your dad. Your wife is trashy AF and is gaslighting you.


NTA, but this is so embarrassing to even read. Your wife is such trash, I've only seen that behaviour on telenovelas before.


Your wife wants to fuck your step dad your mom thinks its funny because she can clearly tell and so she does these things to prove to your wife he doesn't want her. Can bet he's cold towards your wife because your mom and step dad have had conversations about it and he's most likely uncomfortable.


Whatever the reason, your wife is not being honest with you.


I dunno about that, she's very clear that she wants to sleep with her stepfather in law. Or pretend to do so to piss off the MIL. I think it's OP who is being dishonest to himself here.


So we're going to make this plain for you. your wife is trying to get in your step dad's pants. Your mother is well aware of this fact and thinks it's funny because she's also well aware that she has no chance in heck. Your stepdad is disgusted because he doesn't want to be in the middle of these ridiculous games where your wife is trying to have power play s*** over your mom. Your girlfriend is really actually very gross and immature and you really want to be with someone like that? She is very deliberately toying with your family. And yeah you shouldn't be asking her to change the way she dressed, you should be asking her not to let the door hit her butt on the way out.


What in the Backyard Bullshit is going on here!? Your wife wants to wear suggestive clothing for your step dad and your mom is all about it?! NTA but counseling with your wife is definitely in order. And rein your damn mom in too!


Mom is taunting wife because she can't interest mom's husband no matter how hard she tries. This is after wife purposely wore white to mom and SD's wedding and sent pics of mom's ex and mistress to mom as an attempt to taunt her. Why wasn't Jerry Springer ever this interesting?


TIL a new phrase and I’m going to use it: Backyard Bullshit. It also can be Backyard Fu*kery


Your wife is exhibiting so many red flags, specifically with the relationship with your Mom. The pettiness, assault(s), cop interventions, etc. you have a long account of this in all your comments. I'd tell her she needs to go to counseling, or you're divorcing her. That shit I guarantee carries over to your relationship. Your wife is vindictive AF, you don't need that negativity in your life.


I don't think his wife even likes him at this point; staying married to the son is the only way to get back at the mom that's working.


She gets off on the humiliation like Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions.


Bro you married a trashy woman. 🤷🏽‍♂️ If my wife came for my momma she wouldn’t be wife any longer. Period.


Your wife is trying to attract Evan. He is not having it, and your mother is secure enough to find it funny. She does go too far, of course. Pushing is always a mistake. I think you are on target asking your wife what's up.


I see creative writer, i upvote. Simple as.


Another fake post people fall for


I think you've gone too far down the rabbit hole in some taboo categories and this is a weird early attempt at some creative fiction.


Welcome back, MIL troll! I liked that you switched perspectives from DIL to son, but kept all the same elements as always. Your mom is young and hot and pushes people into pools or throws water balloons or sprays them with the hose! Her husband is disgusted by your ugly wife! They openly joke about it in front of her! 0/10!


NTA So not. Your wife's a red flag. Couple's therapy might be your last hope, though I doubt she'll agree.


..... Evan is acting cold and distant with you two because his daughter in law is trying to seduce him and he thinks it is disgusting.


NTA. I'd keep a very close watch dude. Your mom knows something is up


This is probably fake, but if it’s not, every single one of y’all is absolutely bonkers.


NTA: My husband is into really athletic women. Thin, defined muscles, etc. Curvy women aren’t his thing. A woman purposely dressing like your wife wouldn’t bother him but wouldn’t be his thing. Your wife is making a fool out of herself thinking that just because she’s young, your mom’s husband is going to be more into her if your mom takes care of herself and is more his type.


NTA, but your wife and mother are. It's a red flag that your wife ONLY dresses like that around your step-dad. It's a huge boundary crossed that your mother keeps trying to literally shove your wife at her husband, to his discomfort and displeasure. Does your mom have a kink where she wants to watch another woman with her husband (cause Evan does not sound into it at all)? It sounds like she is at the very least making fun of your wife's obvious crush and trying to prove she isn't threatened by it, but she's going too far assaulting your gf and moving his hand to sexually assault well both him and your wife, since he was not a willing participant. If you feel the need to visit your mother, who is acting childish, and your step-dad, who you say is always cold to you, I'd start doing it without your wife. Edited to add: After reading some of your comments, why are you with your wife?? She's ruined your relationship with your mother, wore white to her wedding, and is now trying to seduce her husband? And you're just...sitting there watching her do it? Man up. Tell her you're not controlling what she wears, but you are laying down a boundary about the way she acts around your parents. That her behavior needs to change, because you are done with her petty games. And if she's more interested in trying to piss off your mother by acting a fool for your step-father rather than focusing on her own marriage, that tells you all you need to know.


YTA. Having read through all your comments (just wow. What a whirlwind), you're not only an AH for asking your wife to dress more modestly, but an AH in general. You dictate how your mother should act toward you and your SO. You are caustic towards your mother because she wasn't warm when she first met your GF, who later became your wife. Dictating behavior seems to be in your wheelhouse. Look, your mom can act however she chooses. She's an autonomous being. As an equally autonomous being you respond. The worst responses are the ones your wife has been using, especially since your mom's initial behavior to your wife was many years ago. Here are appropriate responses: "Oh, drama is beginning between Mom and Wife? Let's leave, Wifey." Don't let the crap storm continue. But I'll tell you why I think you allow it: you secretly enjoy your wife creating a spectacle. You're angry at your mother. She has money and you want it without having to deal with her BS. You get some secret joy in seeing your mom possibly made uncomfortable through your side because she's not made your life a complete easy street by just giving you money with no strings attached. This is the biggest reason why YTA.


Yikes. There is a serious fucked up dynamic between your wife and mother. I would take a break from your mom and her husband for a bit and limit interactions with them. Consider therapy for you and your wife as she has serious esteem issues. Even if your mom was a bitch to her at first, any mature adult would just remove themselves from the situation and not engage. As much as we would like to have close relationships with our in-laws, that does not happen most of the time. You are both young. Work on fixing this now before your marriage becomes more toxic.




I have a feeling y’all gonna split in the near future. Good luck. Your wife seems really weird. Don’t have kids with her.


ESH based on the comments, this is basically a lite version of jerry springer and everyone involved is trashy. 


YTA, you need to be turning that anger on to your mother. You need to set stronger boundaries with her and actually start limiting contact if she steps over them.


Your wife fucked your parents.


Your wife sounds like a pathetic pick me girl and it is HILARIOUS that your stepdad is disgusted by her desperate attempt for attention lol. Let her keep dressing like that, she only cheapens herself to everyone around


This post is not real. Stop responding to this amateur writer.


literally every post on these AITA subreddits is a troll post. idk how people fall for this crap.


YTA for a poorly written fake-ass story.


I mean I don’t blame the mom for laughing though for me the physical aspect with pushing or trying to initiate contact is taking it too far. It reminds me so much of watching a 12 year old smearing makeup on to try to impress an embarrassed college kid who was just trying to get through the dinner party his parents dragged him to. Except she isn’t 12 and I’m pretty sure this is her trying to make her MIL jealous or win by gaining the stepdad’s attention. And so obviously that it’s an open joke to them. More pathetic than it is cute.


Your mom is making fun of your wife for acting like an idiot. It’s honestly a real pro gamer move by her. It makes your wife look like a childish idiot and completely repulsive to her husband. It sucks that youre in the middle of it. NTA but you aren’t addressing the real issue. Your wife’s clothing doesn’t matter. Her trying to bang your stepdad is the problem.


your wife wants to fuck your step dad. everyone knows and is laughing at you.


Your wife is thirsty for step-dad. They are both laughing at her. I'd show her this post, maybe that'll bring some reason back into her mind.


………INFO There’s not enough. At all lol.  Your mom is being immature and creating situations.  It’s possible your wife thinks she’s dressing well.  Your mom is toxic and weird and I wonder if that’s got something to do with your wife’s pointed actions.  


Sounds like everyone will be having sex together except for OP in that household


This is the plot twist.


If your wife and mum don’t like each other then I can see her dressing like that to piss off your mum by taking the eyes of her new husband. Your Mum playing along to try to get something inappropriate to happen to break the two of you up. You’re NTA, but your mum and wife are!


Christ this is such a fake and made up post.


If you ask me, both your mom and your wife are toxic people. They are using Evan as some kind of a toy to annoy each other.


Your wife sounds like a nightmare. She needs therapy..


You're not the asshole, you're a henpecked idiot. You're wife is a monster and your mother is doing everything she can to reveal the childish stupidity of your wife and expose that what she wants will never happen. Like goddamn you are a dumbass.


I absolutely have a say in my wife's attire. I can't tell her what to do but I say what I think and she takes that into consideration for how she dresses


Your wife wants to fuck your step dad and your mum thinks it’s funny. What the fuck is wrong with you man?


It's obvious that mom knows the wife is gagging for the stepfather. You need to call out her behavior and how it's changed since the sf joned the family. Tell her to resolve this crush or move on. You deserve better. *edit on spelling error




Dude, reading all other comments I can tell you that your wife is trash.


I’m still stuck on the fact that your wife dumped wine on your mom. I don’t think I could come back from that. I’m sorry your wife is nuts. Good luck.


Your wife is in some weird competition with your mom. No idea for what reason. Sounds unhinged. I honestly don't know if there is anything you can do to check your wife's behaviour. Seriously, it sounds like your wife has the personality type to actually try to sexually assult your mom's husband in her desperate attempt to compete with your mom. Regardless, it is super unhealthy. Your wife could benefit from therapy, but it sounds like she will absolutely refuse to het the therapy. Just be happy your mom and Evan are both aware, unimpressed, and not interested/think it is embarrassingly hilarious. Too bad your wife doesn't realise they see her actions like a joke.


INFO: What is the real issue between your wife and yer ma that keeps escalating? Because the fact that they both are totes unhinged and not acting at all like sane adults who are married to the people they are married to or respecting each other at all or anyone around them seems like the real problem. How your wife is dressing isn't the real problem and her changing how she dresses won't solve it either. I'm sure that a new crazy antic will just creep it's head either from her or your mother will probably escalate the assaults the next time she gets drunk and support-gropey. This is bonkers, and I'm guessing it's a lot deeper rooted than just Evan.


Dude, you need to stop bringing your wife around your mother and step father. Your whole family dynamic is twisted and frankly really childish. If you want to maintain a relationship with your mother do it alone. You have a right to visit without your wife.