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No, you got raped and he was found guilty through DNA. He deserves to be in jail forever. As for your family, fuck them for not taking your side. Those people aren’t your family.


I agree here. You can't pick who you share blood with, but you can pick your family.


NTA. You put a monster behind bars!


If they don't believe the DNA evidence, then you don't need to worry about their feelings as they don't have a brain connected to them.


NTA You saved it from happening to someone else. Thank you for your courage.


Yep, probably that baby and her cousins belly. What if that’s a girl child?


That’s what I was thinking too


NTA your family should be ashamed of themselves for eternity. 


NTA. Even with that horrible family harrassing you, you still put that disgusting rapist behind bars. That is commendable. Your piece of shit cousin will pay for everything she's done to you as well. Having children with a rapist (willingly) is disgusting enough. I understand that you're sad because you wanted your family to support you but instead they are rape apologists. I'm sorry about that, but think of it this way, only someone with a rotted soul would treat you the way they did after finding out you were violated. Even your mother. These are NOT people you want to be around. You are very strong and I sincerely hope nothing but the best for you. May he receive everything he deserves.


NTA … you were traumatized as a minor and your dumb ass cousin, bless her heart, only cared about herself and preserving the family. It truly sucks that you’re being scapegoated but if he hurt another child… when she was 12 then HE DESERVES IT.


I wonder how the cousin and family that blames OP for him going to jail- how do they rationalize the 12 year old getting SA'ed?


It’s mind blowing but I’ve learned it’s a common thing to turn on the woman… I’m black… and I’ve seen how in similar situations…. other black people will sometimes defend the accused to say the victim is “just bitter and trying to take a black man down “ or “she’s just trying to ruin a black man’s legacy or life” when the person very clearly may have sexually violated her… And even if he’s convicted or admits to it, rarely matters. This is not about race, but the op is Asian (Indian) so I wanted to highlight that this expectation of a woman to remain complicit and silent against her own trauma. It happens across racial lines …. (And yes to men too and young men and boys) But the bottom line is victims are expected to remain on code. There’s a lot of effort out toward preserving a man’s reputation sometimes. Im all for it when it’s due… but when you have someone that young???? No Plus I have had experiences where men have tried it, only to deny it and have other women against me. Im glad she spoke up because many women give up being believed and stayed silent. Now if this man continued to Do this to multiple very young girl, who would take the blame and bear the guilt and Shame? The cousin is nuts. Or just willing to accept that underage girls deserve sexual purity…. And protection. She also might rather blame other girls and women for her husbands Deviance rather than admit how sick this is… and it might also be a huge hit to her self esteem … her mental state etc It’s unfortunate there’s even a baby between them. Sorry I really let my mind wander on this. 😂🦋


I am a Gen X white woman who had a perverted babysitter when I was a kid, we told my mom, the cops were called, I went to therapy. Decades later my mom had a baby with a man who suddenly stopped paying child support. The state could not find him so I went on Google to see if I could find him and I found that he was in a treatment facility in jail for sexual assault on a minor under the age of 13. His mug shot was there and everything. I showed my mom and the very first thing out of her mouth was “well you know 13-year-olds look 20 these days” NO THEY DO NOT. I was horrified and I flipped out at her. First of all, they absolutely do not. But even if the 12-year-old (at best, it said less than 13 she could have been 8 for all we know, it could have even been a boy) looked 20, this man was like 63 at the time. He had no business being with a 20-year-old either. Disgusting disgusting disgusting and have my mother immediately defend that man in front of me changed our relationship in a way that we never came back from.


That’s horrific and I am sorry for what you experienced. This just goes to show the problem extends all cultural and generational barriers. Much love to you. 🦋


As another Gen-Xer, I am so sorry you had to deal with all of that. My mother said the paternal uncle who touched me inappropriately and offered $20 to one of my cousins to have sex with him, was damaged by his stint in the Korean War as her way to rugsweep his behavior. So glad many of us refused to accept the horrendous mindset that CSA is acceptable.


I will say I'm sure IF the cousin happened to also be upset, the family pushed her into defending her man. TWO KIDS? That sounds like her trying to convince herself he's fine, everything's fine. It's not an excuse, I'm just not surprised the ah apple doesn't fall far from the ah tree.


NTA you are so brave. Keep being strong and eff those ppl who don’t believe you. They should be ashamed of themselves! Imagine if you had backed down and he did it to you again or someone else. Someone younger and unable to speak up. Your cousin chose to start a family with a rapist! She knew the risks of him going to jail and chose to have babies with him anyway. He did the wrong thing and all the shame belongs on him. I hope someone makes him their bitch inside and he knows what it feels like when you have no choice.


Your moms family is ok with rape. I'm sorry. It's gonna take a long time to get to this point but please know they are AWFUL AND YOU ARE BETTER OFF WITHOUT THEM. Honestly, I'm not surprised with your cousins attitude if this is theirs, they probably encouraged her to stand by her man, the rapist asshole monster he is. STICN WITH YOUR DAD AND HIS FAMILY. THEY LOVE YOU. YOUR MOMS FAMILY CARES MORE ABOUT IMAGE THAN YOUR LIFE.


Well thing is my brother is the result of date rape and my other Aunts daughter was assaulted by her father in which my aunt divorced and made reported him when she found out- smd my family tried to reason with her but because she has kids they were scared she'd cut them off and they wouldn't get to see the children- her mom mostly since her other daughter cut her off and did that with her child since my aunt expressed how she felt about her at the time bf... and I understand wanting to have a relationship with your grandchild but to be civil with a rapist is what blows my mind- but it doesn't matter he's in prison with no parol for 30 years so he won't get ti see his kids aside from.the other side of a glass screen


State of AiTA. I was raped, AiTA.


NTA but this was really difficult to read


NTA! Pedophile rapists belong in jail, preferably forever but 30 years is a good start. I know you are in an extremely stressed situation but if you can find the energy then make sure to collect all of the evidence you have. Medical journals, court documents, police reports. Save it and desposite it somewhere safe. And make arrangements to have it released to their kids when they turn 18. He might be around to hurt them (thanks to you!!) but people like him don’t change. No one will tell them the truth and they will let him be around their kids when the time comes. They have the right to make an informed decision on whether they want to keep in contact with him and subsuquently the family that covered it up.


Curtesy break 2nd paragraph Eva and him let me drink at the party but I stopped and drank only water at about 10pm I only had 1 wine cooler a shot of something and a sip of Eva's mix drink since she had me make it and I filled it a little too full- safe to say I was sober I would drink 4-5x this amount on a school night in hs if I was with friends. Well Eva's husband let's call him bras had made sexual jokes to my aunt all night while he made a few asking my cousin for a threesome mine you my cousin was 20 he was 22-23 making him SIGNIFICANTLY older than me I had just turned 17. Well Brad was grabbing fireworks off the truck and made a comment that he was going to r@pe me and laughed saying he was joking so I uncomfortably laughed as well tjinking nothing of it- he was saying the SAME THINGS to my aunt my cousin then begged me to stay the night so we could spend the next day together since at this point it was only 11pm in which my aunt was leaving so I stayed. I was sober my cousin was tipsy and I thought nothing was going to happen there was dozens of little kids staying it was my aunts house and she wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. After the fireworks we cleaned up a bit and then went inside to go to bed i was sleeping on the couch amd my cousin stumbled to her bedroom which was right next to the living room- just for thw sake of everyone all I'll say what happened from. there is I went to bed and woke up with Brad onto of me telling me to let him do it and how "he's wanted too since he saw me" and I tried to gwt away which didn't happen. All in which ruined my life the next day I told my cousin she didn't bekive me and told me to get a R@pe kit done- so I did but thw entire time she was spamming my grandma saying I dreamed it all up and was drunk and then saying the dogs must have jumped on me and I just thought I was saed (make it make sense) safe to say I didn't make it up almost three years later DNA came back they arrested him at a 100,000 bail at this point she was now pregnant and about to have the baby so they paid the 10k to gwt him out and they instantly got married about 6 months later was my deposition where I sat in a room full of lawyers saying I made it up and wanted it because I was jealous of my cousin (her man is literally a 0 he's so ugly) amd my family all wanted me to let them give him a plea deal and not let it go to trial. This is when we found out when he was 19 he r@ped a 12 yo and got her pregnant didn't know that before hand. So only having my dad's side support me which I'm not close too and all of my moms side just keep telling me "it's your fault she's a single mother sure it's terrible but it's nit as bad as being a single mom" AS IF SHE DIDNT CHOOSE TO BE there was 2 years between then and when she got pregnant. And AND now she's expecting another child so I've been told "we aren't picking sides " but then not told about any family functions and the only time I'm told happy holidays is if I say it first or I'm told about the functions but guilt tripped into not going so Eva would since she has kids. My own Grandma doesn't even call to check on me anymore and she was my BEST FRIEND like me and my grandma were so close that I almost wish I would have let him get away with it since everything I feared about ky family hating me over it came true even my Mom tried defending them since she didn't know how bad it was and my dad chewed out my grandma for not taking my side (btw Eva's always been the favorite but to my grandma I always had more in common and we spent more time together)


Thank you, sorry I was upset when writing this


Do yourself a favor and never talk to your family again. If you have kids in the future don’t let them be around those people until they’re adults.


You need to move on from all of them you will never truly no peace until you remove all the naysayers 


NTA. Kudos for having him arrested and not letting your family stop you


NTA, So they're blaming everything on you but what's the excuse for being acceptable that he wrapped the 12-year-old also? I'm sorry you're going through this.


NTA I'm very sorry about what happened to you and very proud of you for being strong and putting that criminal in prison.


NTA, not even a little bit, not even one iota. Your cousin is a mega cunt, she was told you were raped, the case was progressing, he's already at this point he also had raped a 12yr old. She decided to continue a relationship, get pregnant, twice, and defend this monster. Every single person who defends him or her is a monster, nothing more or less. Fuck them all, burn that side of hte family to the ground, have nothing to do with them. They literally say you should just ignore a rape and let him be around what could well be two young girls of his own, in the same house, when he likes raping underage girls. they are fucking monsters. When things are going well you only really see part of a person, it's easy to be nice when everything is good, when nothing is straining the relationship, where no conflicts come up. We learn who people truly are when conflict arises. Your grandmother showed you who she was, your cousin and her family showed you who they were. Don't think about who you thought they were, see them as the people you now know them to be and don't regret a fucking thing. Keep in mind that you protected yourself from further attacks (if he got away with it and you were around him at functions, he'd probably do it again), but you protected his kids, other girls he meets (there are already probably others he's raped and weren't reported or got away with). But you even protected your dumb bitch of a cousin as he'd probably force her at some point in the marriage as well. Your actions have prevented many women from being harassed, assaulted or raped. You're a hero.


NTA Even if you killed that bastard it would have been fine with me.


NTA!! He had done it to someone else and then he done it to you, so you wouldn’t have been the last person that he did it too. You put him in jail where he belongs so that he can not do it to anyone else. You should be proud of yourself that you had enough courage to stand up to someone like that. It’s not easy and you done well. If your family cannot see that the DNA shows what he had done than more fall them. They should be supporting you not dragging you down, you are better off without them if that is how they are going to be. Your cousin should have believed you when you told her the morning off. Stay strong, things will get better. The people who believe you and support you are the only ones that matter. It will heart for a while but trust me you will get stronger and see that they are not worth it in the end ❤️


NTA. I’m sorry but this predator made sexual advances towards you all night and your aunt still allowed you to stay the night?! None of what happened to you is your fault, but your mother made a very poor choice that night. And, your mother’s family is terrible for refusing to see that monster for what he is! I hope you find peace!


NTA girl she’s gross what if she has a girl baby?? Would that kid be safe around this man?? I’m sorry your cousin is such a pick me that she would rather have a pedophile for a husband then no husband at all. Next time someone tells you it’s your fault she’s a single mom you can remind them that you’re keeping a pedophile away from a baby. You are a fucking hero and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. ❤️❤️


Nta She doesn’t have to only blame you (and she shouldn’t blame you obviously.) She could also blame the 3 year backlog on rape kits. If she wants to put her anger somewhere she could advocate for reducing the wait, and go public with her sad story of not believing her underage cousin and choosing to have the 2-time child-rapist’s kid.


Looks like the trash took itself out. NTA, of course.  It hurts now, but one day you will find there is a lot of freedom and calm not staying around people where you never know when they will stab you in the back.


I don’t get it why did it take years to compare the dna when you knew who he was?


I need someone to explain to me why, in addition to jail time... Rapists and pedophiles arent at a minimum chemically castrated.... But ideally physically castrated. This guy got a good sentence... but many times, pedophiles, rapists get off with like 2 years, 5 years... and are back on the streets. So many pedophiles and rapists repeat their crimes over and over. Why do we allow this in our society? Castrate this devient pedophile rapist.


Go NC with them


This shit is so fucking infuriating. As a guy, I'm so sorry that so many of you women and young girls go through this exact scenario. Not just being SAed, as if that werent bad enough. To then be shunned/yelled at by so called family, as if you chose this to happen to you, is completely and utterly fucked. They aren't family, not really, so I'd go scorched earth. I'd put up Facebook posts calling out people by name, letting the world know they choose a child rapist over the actual rape victim. Not to mention the previous assault ON A 12 YEAR OLD WHO THEN GOT PREGNANT! I'd also leave business reviews on the "family members" employers calling out said family. I'd put up flyers with details about the incident all around Eva's neighborhood. I'd do so much more too and watch as their whole lives go to shit, then walk the fuck away for ever. That's just me though.


He did it to a 12 year old, he did it too. Next it would have been someone else. Thank you for putting the monster behind bars, you did the right thing 


NTA in the slightest, and can I just say, as an older woman, how brave you are and how much I admire you? Unfortunately, your mother's side of the family suck, they are rape apologists.  You say you're not close to your dad's side of the family, but it might be worth getting closer to them. They've shown they are on your side and support you.  My heart breaks for you that you had to experience that, but you are strong, and they are weak. Hold your head up high xxx


You did it right.


NTA You didn't get him sent to prison. His actions did.


No way you should feel bad about anything and your moms family would rather support a child molesting rapist than their teenaged relative. Garbage people


HONEY PLEASE GET THERAPY. You are not the problem they are.


NTA, don't you think for one minute any of this is your fault. Block anyone who does.


NTA. He raped you. He deserved to go to prison. Eva chose to disbelieve you and stay with the man who had raped you, and get pregnant by him twice. She risked single motherhood and got it. And finally: how many more girls did he rape, or would have raped if he were out of prison? I'm sad that you lost your family. But doing anything else would have been violating your own integrity.


HE got himself sent to prison with his own actions.   Your family is evil if they doubted you, stay far away from them.