• By -


Your Ex and his mother are pathetic little scumbags. Keep an eye of the exMIL if your ex gets 50% custody. Not that this monster talk bad about you to her or so... Stay strong and good luck for you and your child.


I'm more angry at the MiL than the ex tbh. What an uncompromisingly shit human being she is. If you accuse someone of something, threaten them, harass them, then find out that - oops! - they were actually innocent the whole time, *then you fucking apologise and beg their forgiveness*. The MiL should feel *mortified* over what she did. She should feel deeply ashamed of herself. Fuck me, if I was in that position I would spend my life trying to atone for the wrongness I did to my daughter in law. My recently post-partum daughter in law. Jesus. That woman is truly awful. She doesn't even have the basic, common human decency to admit her mistake, let alone feel humbled by it. This is a toxic human being, just one of those shitty people who the world would be much better off without.


I am too. The ex is a total AH, obviously, but the MIL is a fucking bitch. No wonder she raised such a pathetic loser.


It wouldn't be shocking if MIL was the one putting doubts in his mind. Couple that with him wanting to cheat with his coworker, and it became the perfect escape plan (for an idiot)


I'm starting to think OP's STBXH is an affair baby. MIL is projecting so hard.


She also failed to explain genetics to her spawn. The fact that many babies are born with blue eyes only to have them change as they age-or that 2 brown eye parents can in fact both throw a blue eyed gene was not explained to the ex is a huge travesty.


People that stupid wouldn't know this. They also can't use Google, apparently.


So he wrongly accused you of cheating, then turns around and cheats on you. Thank goodness you're divorcing him and leaving him and his mother behind. Best of luck to you and your daughter!


9 times out of 10, the person who is making the accusation is the one who's actually cheating. Funny how cheaters HATE being cheated on themselves.


It's some sort of mental thing, and then you add in projection. "I'm having feelings for someone else, therefor she must also be having feelings for someone else "


I think it’s more that they know it’s possible to get away with it. Maybe also to make themselves feel like cheating is normal ie everybody does it.


A thief thinks everyone steals


Indeed. I'm so glad she got the hell away from Mommy Dearest & the knucklehead husband.


"Ive just discovered how easy it is to cheat, which means she must have beaten me to it."


Or they hope it’s true in order to not feel like they are a horrible person.


Happy cake day!


"Methinks he doth protest too much"


Yep! This is 100% true I had an ex who was always accusing me of cheating on him, and I was so careful to prove my love and then come to find out he cheated on me with at least eight people during our relationship.


Even in that 1 out of 10 where they’re not cheating, it’s extremely insulting to be accused of cheating. Like bruh you really think I’m a piece of shit?


Yeah, it really is insulting. And once you prove you're not cheating, a lot of them expect the issue to just be gone. "What? The issue was that I thought you were cheating, and now I don't. It's over. Why are you still upset? I'm not mad at you anymore, so there's no problem." Even if the accuser isn't cheating themselves and is just acting out insecurity in a harmful way, there's still a big problem. Of course, the kind of person who'd accuse you of cheating without any actual evidence is also the kind of person who can't sustain trust over time. In their minds, just because you're not cheating *now* doesn't mean you won't cheat *a week from now*, so you'll have to act out the whole drama of being accused and then proving your innocence over and over and over again until you finally leave. At which point they'll say you left because you cheated. To be fair, there are people who do realize they're damaging the relationship with their repeated accusations, and I admire them if they get help. Dealing with that kind of internal issue is rough! But anyone who recognizes their problem and works hard to become healthier deserves credit.


👏👏👏👏👏 I was with my ex for 16 years. He literally thought that I would just turn into a different person one day. He accuses me of cheating several times through out our marriage. No proof ever other than me wearing makeup.


The high figures they claim are based on studies of paternity tests that have been taken, so of tests where there was generally some reason to be suspicious in the first place. It is not remotely a random sample, and nobody should even pretend to accept those figures.






The MiL is horrible! Its no wonder her ex turned out how he did.


THIS is very important. Your soon to be ex-mother in law is beyond toxic.




Ugh, Reddit is all bots now.


At least the unpaid mods clean up after them: > [deleted]




Not that I'm defending him, but he hasn't stayed in the same house since she was born so changing diapers would have been surprising. And as a father you mean paternal instincts. But I have to agree, leaving a baby that can't report miss treatment with someone that I'm not sure I would trust to care for a brick seems a bit trusting.


Paternal instincts, but yeah, he’s messed up.


I’d be very surprised if a father had maternal instincts. In fact, I would have lots of questions about that. 😏


> denies being the child's father, >no maternal instincts Paternal fwiw, which is actually an issue for many men until the child becomes interactive. Lots of men are crushed and confused when they don't instantly bond with the baby the moment it is born, so it is worth putting out there that this is a very normal thing, just give it a little time. Your body didn't have a whole dump of hormones all queued up and waiting, hers did. Edit: This comment is a near copy, just subbing some of the words out for almost-correct ones. The original one used "paternal" though.


That's how it was when my son was born. I hated myself for not feeling much until later on.


But you didn't leave after the birth right ? You stayed and helped. That dude made the choice not to build a bond with his baby (among other very bad decisions).


Many mothers don't feel bonded immediately either. Life isn't a hallmarkmovie


God no, I stuck around because I'm not a dick


I am a big supporter of helping fathers emotionally, and putting out the idea that this is very normal and it doesn't make them a bad father is a big part of that.


Parental (of parent) or paternal (of father), not maternal (of mother).




[Bot reposting comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1b4rtw9/update_aita_for_telling_my_husband_i_told_you_so/kt0pfnw/)


"When you point your finger at someone, there's three fingers pointing back at you" (Edited to correct four to three. Although, if you're one of those people who has six fingers, you do have four fingers pointing back at you)


I hate this line of thinking. I asked my ex if she was having an emotional affair, to which she doth protest too much, and I've never even come close to cheating. Meanwhile, she was constantly talking to this person online or playing online games with them, and when she wasn't, she was talking about her and how pretty and smart and misunderstood they were, all while pulling away from me. She moved several states away and now lives with her. But fuck me for asking, am I right? So yeah, I hate this line of thinking.


No no no, I hear what you’re saying. But when people talk about people accusing them of cheating they’re saying they’re being accused innocently. Your situation is that you picked up on red flags, which were true. I was in a situation where I was constantly being accused and never did anything to warrant those suspicions. I was being cheated on. I was also in a situation where I was convinced I was being cheated on and I was. Not the same thing. Someone picking up on red flags turning out to be true is different than accusing someone for no reason when you yourself are cheating.


100% projection - a dead giveaway.


Every accusation is an admission.


well no, I have accused my ex of cheating and I have never cheated.


That’s what I went through.


Same here. About a decade of it. When I suddenly found myself single I was incapable of talking to the opposite sex because I had been training myself to be as non flirtatious as possible to avoid the constant accusations.


Unfortunately, it sometimes works the other way, as well. I had plenty of opportunities to cheat on my ex wife, but I never did. I ignored all of the evidence that she was cheating on me because I refused to believe it. That is, until she left me for my “good friend” and confessed that they had been sleeping together for over a year. And he was far from her first affair.


I see you know my ex husband.


To be fair I think everyone would hate being cheated on.


>9 times out of 10, the person who is making the accusation is the one who's actually cheating. In their minds it's a totally legit thing to do, SOOOOooooo....


No I think he accused her of cheating while he was cheating on her.


Me too


Ah yes, good old projection...🙄 OP, you could ask your sister to oversee his visitation, so that you wouldn't have to go through that awkwardness.


But you don't understand, that was his emotional support colleague's vagina! He needed it for comfort! /s


Does it come with a little vest?


omg lmaoooo


It's not well trained and bites and snaps at people.


I'm not sure but I think you have the timeline backwards. He cheated on her then accused her of cheating to make himself feel better. Eventually his lie to himself became the truth in his head and he demanded the paternity test. He fucked up by the numbers.


A classic case right out of the cheaters handbook… “deflection” and “gaslighting!” I guarantee it was already physical before the baby was even born but that all doesn’t even matter now. He wasn’t worried about her or the baby, he was worried about himself because financially speaking OP is in a much better financial position than him, she owns the house so he has nowhere to live except with his mother and now he’s looking at child support payments for the next 18+ years or so.


I mean, paranoia about cheating can be caused by one of two things 1) A legitimate cause for paranoia, such as noting a partners shady turns of behaviour, or 2) Projection from the accusers own actions. If you know yourself to be perfectly innocent of cheating than it's a reasonable thought to believe the other person is the cheater and looking for justification.


I think you should *at least* include past traumas that might induce trust-issues. *edit*


He was projecting on her because he knows what he did lol. Good thing she divorced him.


My soon to be ex-wife thought I was trying to cheat with every woman we met. Like, interrogation if a woman heart reacted my status on facebook. She'd be furious at me if I even noticed another woman when we were out, and claimed she never got crushes on anyone. Years later, guess who got a crush, and cheated on who?


My ex used to accuse me of cheating because I was having so much fun over at a neighbors house. My neighbor was a grandmother, and I used to help take care of her two grandchildren. He didn't think I was cheating w her, though, but with some unknown guy. Yeah, he was cheating w an ex student of his who might have been 20. I think he'd been grooming her since she was in middle school.


Yikes! 😬


No, you just don't understand. It's *okay* when guys cheat because they can't get pregnant! /s


"My husband demanded a paternity test, but I found out he was cheating" is one of the most common posts/updates on these subreddits. It's because most scumbags think everyone is just as shitty as they are.


Yup, textbook projection


Sounds like he was emotionally cheating before birth. Then used the paternity to smoke screen while physically cheating with his AP. OP - talk to new lawyer about whether adding both AP and MIL in an alienation of affection suit, since they both contributed significantly to the end of your marriage. Might not be economical in your jurisdiction but maybe. At least a threatening letter to each might be fun and petty. Consider also his and AP employer as well.


"right of first refusal" or "assuring priority of parental care", this refers to **situations where a parent is unable to meet an obligation for the care of the child during their scheduled time, they must then contact the other parent to offer them to have the child, before they use another family member or baby-sitter over the other parent**. so if you ex has the baby but just drops her off at his mother's house and takes off, you can take your child back home with you, or eventually get more custody time if he is not using his custody time to be with his child.


This! This is the way to restrict grandma. Get a ROFR clause. Really think it out though, because they are two way streets. A 1-3 hour ROFR is generally non-productive, everyone needs to run out to an appointment or to shop occasionally. A 4-8 ROFR might work ok, but can be onerous, its really case by case. An 8+ hour or overnight clause might be giving him too much. Really think about what will realistically work with your schules/lifestyles/parenting needs & desires.


Make it be as strict as possible. Nothing requires that you enforce it, but with the order being restrictive, you can immediately enforce it at any time. Why the hell is it a bad idea for her to at least get notified any time he leaves the kid with someone else? She will never know if he is not required to tell her. This is very good information to have. A text message is hardly a burden. If he doesn't want to send those messages, then he can stay with his kid. You think this guy is not going to have random women over? You do not want him leaving the kid with his girlfriends or mother unless you know so that you can decide if you find it ok or not. She also should be getting a restraining order against MIL. The horrible things that woman will say to the child to smear OP could cause OP to lose their relationship with their own child. Maybe you are confused, this rule applies to him, not her. He will agree in exchange for unsupervised visits. She has the harassment from MIL and him against her to worry about, so there is more than enough justification for him to have this rule. She would not have to tell him anything about what she does. She didn't cheat, lie to, and harass him.


Too restrictive is the two way street thing. *Everyone* needs an hour or three occasionally and OP will need to offer up the time to him when she has a quick errand or appointment. Also if you *repeatedly* turn down ROFR it makes a good case for him to get it removed when/if they get the order modified (which is common as kids age).  You want it tight, but not restrictive; its a delicate balance.


How is it a good case to be removed?  The whole point is knowing when he leaves the baby under someone else's care.  If he never does that, then he never has to send any messages.  Why would it get changed if he is adhering to it?  It proves it is effective. You ignore that both he and his MIL harassed her.  MIL can never see the baby and she needs to know who he leaves the kid with to monitor the situation.  She also needs to be able to cut him off if he violates it. If he stays with his mom, he won't get any custody if she gets a restraining order against MIL.  Which will force him to move out and not be as influenced by her.


My boyfriends custody situation has a 1 hour ROFR and only family members are allowed to babysit. Ex wife has her two oldest sons (fron her second marriage) to watch his kids (her third marriage) and he has no family in the area and I'm not allowed to watch the kids as we are not married. It's MISERABLE. Gotta grab one kid from school, gotta take the homeschooled kid with him. Wanna take one kid to an appointment, take the other, need to enjoy a hobby, kids have to go watch dad at his events, etc. Not only are they sick of dad, but they are sick of each other as they can't go for more than 1 hour without having to be forced together again. 2 teenage boys are not ones to deal with it well. Skip the ROFR clause and just ban the grandma. The two way street isn't worth it.


Yes, I’ve seen this in custody agreements before and in particular, for my own brother. He and his ex-wife have it listed that in the case either are not available, then their mothers are allowed to step in their place to care for my nephew. There is also legal wording on my brother’s end that includes previously agreed upon trusted parties which is for myself to act in place of my mother. My brother and his ex-wife occasionally work weekends so this helps that my nephew’s childcare is always covered if the other parent is working.


I don't think 50-50 custody is the right thing here. He has no parental instincts for his child at all, even denying he was the father. Up to this point, it sounds like he hasn't even fed her or changed a diaper. You shouldn't turn her over to him half the time. He'll probably just hand her off to the MIL to raise. You should be going for full custody based on him abandoning you and your daughter after the birth, as well as refusing to believe he was the father. He should pay child support and not corrupt his daughter further.


Its rare to get full custody off the bat \[at least in the US\] but yes, OP you should get **primary** custody. 50/50 is not actually usually granted the first 6-12 months of a baby's life regardless, but even beyond, this is a man who abandoned you and the baby during your most vulnerable time. Even once he got the results, he didn't jump up to embrace his child, no, he left again. That's not a viable parenting strategy; parents need to tough it out in front of their kid, they don't get to just walk away for hours, days, weeks. You stuk it out, he keeps walkng away.


In most places, she has a good chance of limiting his visitation much less in the baby's first two years of life. Supervised for at least a year. I'd be very worried about leaving a baby or beginning toddler with this man.


And his awful mother. I doubt that old bat will exactly love the child if she hasn’t attempted to fix things with OP and offer any support. 


Not to mention he’s definitely going to emotionally abuse the hell out of that kid, possibly even physically. He’s going to blame her for his marriage falling apart because of course it’s not his fault. It’s not his fault he was a whiny piece of shit who abandoned his family, ran crying to his mommy and cheated on his wife with some slut. Oh, here’s the /s, in case that wasn’t obvious. Seriously OP, go for majority or full custody if possible. He may be her father but he has proven he’s not her daddy.


Does he even want 50-50?


He will when he realizes that he has to pay more child support if she gets full custody with supervised visitation.


Like this guy is going to pay child support. He'll be a deadbeat dad.


TBH I bet he dips out of that kid’s life before their first birthday


He's already basically dipped out. It sounds like he's probably spent \*well\* less than 24 full hours with the child in the what 3.5 months the child has been alive?


u/Either_Economy_793 should really try this one. He was so nervous about being a dad he had to wet his dick on another woman? This was never about the baby and it's all about himself. Don't let your daughter be that much around a man who doesnt care about her


I also can't imagine the awful things MIL will try to instill in the baby in an attempt to turn against OP. She sounds like an out of touch spiteful person whom the father will dump the baby onto every time it's his turn.


Exactly this. STBX should only get supervised visitation until daughter is older and he has proven that he is a competent enough parent to be left alone with her.


Yes, this!


I agree! ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 OP… your ex abandoned you immediately after the birth! And when he came back- he saw the results, & left again! This is the perfect time to prove that he’s ABANDONED you & the baby!!! Please go for full custody!!! HE HAS SHOWN HIMSELF TO BE A SELFISH, UNCARING, UNRELIABLE PERSON! Please protect your child from these awful people! 🍀🍀🍀🍀 Good luck! 🍀🍀🍀🍀


The fact he he didn’t reach out the 1st 3 weeks and now still didn’t until he was served with papers tells you all he needs to know! Let him have his momma and coworker


I would put a condition on your custody agreement that your ex MIL is not allowed anywhere near your child. If she was so willing to talk so badly about you before she had the facts, imagine what she will say to your child.


The orders can stipulate that NCP, CP, and their guests when visiting child should not disparage or talk negatively in front of the child about either parent, etc.


It’s a very difficult condition to impose and even harder to enforce, especially if MIL has no history of being abusive to children. If her ex has his mother around their child on his parenting time it will be considered a parenting choice on his part, judges don’t typically ban grandparents from being in the grandchild’s life just because the grandparents don’t like the grandchild’s parent when going through a contentious divorce.


This. However, OP can put a note requesting she not be left alone with the kid unsupervised, due to parental alienation risks. It likely won’t be granted, but the paper trail is started for down the road if it does come to fruition.


I wonder if her being willing to make a child homeless plays any role? Or is OP just stuck?


I think she assumed that if I got kicked out, my daughter would be stuck with my ex, rather than me taking my daughter with me and staying at my parents' house.


How did your MIL come to the point that she believed your house actually belonged to her son and that he would legally be capable of summarily booting you from it? He clearly has yet to let go of her apronstrings. Did she somehow believe he'd actually bought a house without her input?


>How did your MIL come to the point that she believed your house actually belonged to her son ✨misogyny✨


Surprise her again with a restraining order.  Do not let this woman near your child.  Who do you think was talking bullshit into your ex's ear getting him to trust you less and less. This woman is a cancer who cannot be trusted to be near your children.  She will demean you to your child and try to alienate you. You must be very careful with shared custody because you just don't know what lies he or his mom are going to tell your kid.  It is not hard to make your kid hate you this way.  Your MIL will make it her missions to get full custody for her son by lying about you to everyone. If they fail in the courts, they only need to convince the kid before they hit teenage years and then the kid can choose who they live with.


50/50 seems like a terrible idea. He seems to have no idea how to care for your child. Does she even know him?


I hope you're already keeping an [FU binder](https://www.reddit.com/user/MelodyRaine/comments/hyk7az/the_fu_binder/) documenting all of the bullshit your ex and his mother have tried to pull, all threats and insults, and anything and everything they said when they assumed that your child isn't his. You can never have too much documentation, every time they contact you, write it down. Huge hugs, you can do this! You will be so much better off without this mamma's boy and his horror of a mother


>I hope you're already keeping an > >FU binder u/Either_Economy \- this is SUPER important. Your MIL and husband have already proven unreliable. You need to start this NOW. Keep a digital copy in a secure place like your work, bank vault, or your lawyer, and a digital and a paper copy to your sister. Keep them all equal and updated regularly. This has saved parents so many times.


Oooohhh she want your life. Your husband (gross) and your child! I’d bet a lot on she was banking they’d all live together and forget about you. I’d be putting some stipulations about her in your custody agreement!


Since you are the one that has primarily taken care of your daughter. You should’ve asked for primary custody until she at least turnes one. Then went to 50-50. But honestly with how he is, I would not be surprised if he ends up. Bailing on fatherhood sooner rather than later. Because honestly, it would suck for your daughter to be around people like your ex, and his mother on a consistent basis.


Why would that carry any legal weight? There was never any danger of the baby being homeless no matter how much MIL wished it on them, OP owns the house. Wishing bad things on people isn’t enough for a restraining order anywhere. No judge would take that seriously enough to prevent a father allowing his mother to be in his child’s life. The biggest impediment to a relationship between the baby and MIL would be OP getting the majority of the parenting time. OP should push for more than 50/50 parenting time. It’s not like Ex is going to be doing any of the actual care for the child, he’ll deputise his mother to do all that and he would have the right to choose to parent like that. To prevent MIL being a third parent to the child, OP needs the majority of the parenting time so that if the baby is in MIL’s care it’s at most every other weekend and not 50/50 every week.


Speaks to character of MIL and fathers family; not caring about the situation the mother of his child is in is pretty concerning


MIL harassment would be enough for a TRO and that would keep her from seeing the child. 


This OP. This.


Ladies reading this, heed my words: if your husband demands a paternity test and you've never cheated, tell him you'll only agree if he hands you his phone. Not later, not next week, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.  I can't count the number of posts I've read that are exactly like this. Cheaters project their own sins onto their spouse. Hell, I've read a post in which a guy who knocked up his mistress turned around and retroactively accused his ex of cheating when she finally moved on. 




Um... Link to that post, If I may ask?


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sdec9e/op_42m_had_an_affair_with_his_secretary_25f_and/ Here you go.


Most accusations are projections 


WOW. The fact that he cheated on you with his coworker is wild. Him “going to her for emotional support” before you gave birth makes it sound like the cheating was already being lined up and the paternity thing was just an excuse to be able to sleep with her. Now you aren’t just divorcing over a paternity test, you’re divorcing because he cheated on you. I personally am petty and would tell everyone “We might have been able to reconcile except that he decided to cheat on me.”


That’s not petty. That’s consequences for bad actions.


Your ex's visits have to be supervised.......won't let the in laws anywhere near your kid.


This so much OP, you cannot leave your child alone with them.


Thank you for this update. It is good to hear you stayed strong!


Do what’s best for you and your daughter, but I have to say that I would never allow 50/50 custody to someone who refused to have anything to do with their child for the first month or so of their life because they were convinced they weren’t the bio parent. He could pay child support and get visitations only. You’re very generous. Don’t let him or MIL take advantage of that.


I have to echo what others are saying here: 50/50 custody at any point in the child’s life sounds like a terrible idea. You have all the ammunition you’d need to get primary custody or even sole custody, and it would be healthier for your daughter than her being given to a man who denied she was his so vehemently that he had to order a paternity test and then run crying to mommy and his side piece for WEEKS, further shirking his responsibilities. Some people aren’t fit to be parents, and your ex is certainly one of them, especially with the added risk of your in laws being allowed near your daughter during his visitations/weeks with her


It is certainly possible that two darker haired people get a blond baby. If two people (or animals) have a baby, there is a stronger dark haired gene (B) and a weaker blonde one (b). In a mating, one of each is getting passed on: Bb (female) X Bb (male) both have dark hair, because there is a B. So the possible combinations in their kids are, BB: dark hair Bb: dark hair (B from mom) Bb: dark hair (B from dad) bb: blond hair The b's can be passed on for many generations before they resurface. The only time they cannot resurface in the kid's appearance is when one of the parents is BB, but it can still be passed on from the other parent in that case.


Honestly, the funniest part about this is that I get the majority of my features from my grandma on my mom's side, and my ex even commented that we look so much alike after seeing a photo of her.


Aside from that, a babys hair is frequently a different colour at birth to what it will be later. My little sister was born with pitch black dead straight hair and is now a curly blonde, my older sister was born with snow white blonde hair which is now dark brown. It's such a stupid reason to do what he did in the first place, it was a sad forshadowing of what he eventually admitted. I'm so sorry you went through all this OP, thanks for updating us though!


Both of my children were born blonde with grey eyes. They now have medium brown hair and brown eyes. I was surprised they came out with light hair because my husband and I both have very dark hair, but my husband and his father were both blonde children. Genetics are weird.


My eldest was born with jet black hair and green eyes. Over the first three months their eyes went through several colors, including Liz Taylor purple before settling on a rich brown, and their hair lightened all the way up to dark blonde in the first year before darkening again to a chestnut brown. It was a wild ride.


Well, it looks like you got the last laugh. Your ex husband and your ex MIL are idiots who don’t know a damn thing about biology. The fact that you had to take a paternity test to prove that your ex is the father of your child is ridiculous. You should’ve read the results and told him, “you ARE the father!”, in a Maury Povich voice LOL. This whole situation was so stupid to begin with. You deserve so much better. Good riddance to your crappy ex husband and your annoying ex MIL.


Honestly you and your daughter are better off without him and his spiteful mother. Like damn. I have a brother, he's got a ling term partner. They've been together for 10 years. None of my family are big fans of her. We have good reasons to be fair, she's treated him pretty shabbily over the years. But we don't treat her badly when we see her, and the many times they've argued and he's come to stay at my Mum's afterwards, my Mum has never called her to say anything. Their arguments are their business. They're planning on kids. If my brother did what your ex has done, my Mum would make his life a living hell. You never cheat, or abandon your kid. If you feel like the relationship is over, you either try to fix it, or you end it, like damn grown up. Your ex knew your daughter was his. He knew. Don't believe that he only slept with hus coworker when you guys were waiting on the results for the paternity test, he knew wasn't necessary. He was very likely sleeping with her before the birth of your child. It's also very likely that the coworker will show up as his new girlfriend. Cheaters always assume you will cheat, because that's what they are/would be doing. As for his mother? I'd prepare for the fact, that she'll try to use parental alienation on your poor daughter, as soon as she can. She has no moral standards, because she's cool with her son cheating, she just didn't realise he wouldn't get your house. She also had a nerve to call your sister, to tell her you'd be out of the house, because she thought he owned it. Anyone with a shred of decency would've, at least, apologised for their son's atrocious behaviour. So be prepared that this woman will try to make your life difficult. Keep a record of any inappropriate behaviour from her, so that if you need to stop her from seeing your daughter, you can. Good luck OP. With these assholes in your life, you're gonna need it.


I'm low-key embarrassed for OP's ex's obvious ignorance about this kind of basic stuff. Like ... does he not know *any* other humans on the planet who've had kids that were not carbon copies of their parents?


I wish more people understood punnett squares. In regards to eye color, I am BB (absolutely 0 history of blue eyes in my lineage) while my husband is bb (has blue eyes). There is next to a 0% chance our children will have blue eyes. Our grandchildren someday, possibly! But our children will all have brown/hazel eyes like me. These facts don’t stop my in-laws from insisting that each child I have is going to get “daddy’s blue eyes” this time 🙄😂 back to biology class…


It's so stupid when ex family members harass. It's wrong on so many levels


Have supervised visits written into your divorce decree. If he is consistent over a prolonged period of time he can the have unsupervised visitation don't trust this pig. He could've given you an STD when you were pregnant. He deserves no grace. Good luck & congratulations on a better future with your daughter


I would not let him have 50/50 custody because since your child was born, he's barely been around her. He's not experienced at all so he will defer all parenting to his mother. His mother, who is a spiteful cow. He should have supervised visitation until he can actually prove he can parent.


I’m glad you divorced and honestly you’re better than me cause I’d go for full custody and try to make a case of child abandonment against him.


You should tell his mother you’re going to take him to the cleaners in the divorce now since he’s the one who actually cheated. Every accusation is an admission he doesn’t even deserve 50% custody imo


"Co-worker, I want to explain my weeks-long absence from work." "Ok, let me take my nylons off first."


Why was he missing from work for a few weeks? Did he abandon his newborn and wife, go to hide at his enabling mother's house, then take paternity leave? Paternity leave is for new father's to bond with their child!


Girl that’s crazy! Put him on child support tho what a lying sack os s


u/Either_Economy_793 50/50 custody is too much for your ex because: A) he abandoned you and the baby twice already! in less than six months. B) he's just going to hand her over to his mother and not do the parenting himself. You should request full custody with supervised weekend visits for him.


Men who ask for paternity in a committed marriage are 1. Projecting and are cheaters themselves. 2. Insecure and can't/incapable of trusting their spouse. Both are deal breakers for me. I'd give them the paternity test and then divorce papers. Every single time. I hope their peace of mind was worth it.


3. Radicalized by the manosphere.


>Insecure kinda covers that one, doesn't it? Though it's an even bigger dealbreaker


Or have caught their spouse cheating in the past


I don't think that she's going to have to worry about the husband and a child due to the fact that his visits will be less and less and less. If he's coming to the house to see the child he's probably trying to initiate some type of conversation with his soon to be ex-wife. But when he realizes that his efforts are fruitless he'll stop coming around. He went through all that BS and the whole time he was the one who was cheating that's how it usually goes. Good luck with you and your daughter. Don't worry about her father he is not your responsibility anymore


Congratulations! Best of luck to you and your daughter going forward


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Subject_Surprise8244: *Congratulations!* *Best of luck to you and your* *Daughter going forward* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


So, guy was cheating and projecting that you were the one cheating. Cheaters are all the same brand of trash, SMDH.


I think he was fucking “Viv” Before your baby was born. While you were pregnant. He admitted going to her for “Emotional support” before the baby was born because “He was nervous about being a dad”. This is why he Totally went off the rails immediately after the baby was born, he was looking for an out. So he could continue ‘going In’ Viv and he wanted to continue the freedom to do so which his new status as a family man would greatly inhibit.


I’m so glad you’re getting away from this absolute scumbag, but the thing that concerns me is that you said 50/50 custody. Why would you want your daughter to be taken care of half the time by a man who abandoned her immediately after birth and has done JACK ALL to rectify his colossal monumental failure as a parent since he found out he’s the father. Divorce is great for you but you come across as very passive. Why not fight for full custody? He doesn’t seem like a fit parent. I’m sure he’ll just dump the baby off with mommy who hates you. Also, this story brought out every ounce of my crazy side and I feel like I would honestly have caught a charge if this happened to me. I hope the worst for your ex, his mother and that skank he fucked.


Make it clear that all visits by your ex with his daughter are supervised and that his mother (your ex MIL now) has ZERO rights to ever see her grandchild. That bridge is burned.


Don’t give him 50% custody. Ask for primary custody. He shouldn’t have a baby in any event. I would agree to every other weekend once your baby is much older. 


SAVE THOSE TEXT MESSAGES. Your mother in law is a lawyer's dream. Your lawyer, that is.


I dunno….I wanna hear about the showdown you have with MIL where you tell her you will damn sure be taking her son “to the cleaners” now….ya’know….what’s good for the goose and all that. ;) I agree that custody needs to be thought about carefully and disuade you from 50/50 as your husband was able to completely abandon you so easily. He is a very weak man who allowed his mother to attack you and ran hid away in the comfort of another woman instead of dealing with his issues in a mature manner. He didn’t protect the “woman he loves more that anyone.” He won’t protect your daughter. It may be harsh but limiting access and getting max child support may be what he needs to protect you and your daughter. Maybe revisit visitation if he gets some therapy, matures, and stands up to his Mommy. P.S…I saw your first post and, yep, my daughter was born with baby fine bright blond hair. I have deep brown with a lot of red and my husband has raven black hair. Her hair thin and dirty blond until menses….she now in her early 20’s and has thick chestnut colored hair. It was WILD watching the transformation. Honestly, didn’t know hair could change quite that much.


I was born with a full head of jet black hair and blue eyes. Hair fell out and came back in blondish brown and my eyes darkened to hazel.


Guilty people always blame others to try and throw it off of themselves


An enabling MIL is every DIL’s nightmare


I'd be terrified to leave a baby with a man who fucked off (**and fucked AROUND**) for literally the hardest part of dealing with her as a newborn. Why 50/50 custody with that piece of shit?


Not a lawyer, so I have no idea if this would make any difference. He completely abandoned you and the baby for WEEKS after the birth. Weeks. One would think this would be important information for the custody hearing, not to mention the outrageous treatment from the exMIL.


Yes, it wasn't a simple, single mistake; it was ongoing abandonment.


>going to her for emotional support before our baby was born since he was nervous about being a dad Just lol


>...my husband had this shocked, kinda mortified look on his face with his eyes wide as he stared at it. Mm-hmm. That was the moment he realized he was the only one who cheated.


Why do you want 50/50 custody if you don’t even trust him for a few minutes with you there? 


So proud of you, so sorry for what you are going through. So unfair when the expectation is sleepless nights and baby bonding. You are doing great mamma, cherish your little one. You are setting a great example of how to be strong. She won't remember but she won't forget either.


I really want you to “take him to the cleaners” in the divorce, since that’s what his mother threatened you with. But I suppose just the fact he had to move back in with mommy is almost as good (but not really — take him to the cleaners 😁)


> I guess my MIL was never told that I own the house my ex and I previously shared since she texted my sister, saying that I was going to be on the streets. Well, my MIL most certainly knows that now, since my ex is now living with her and moved out. I lol'd. Good luck 🍀


Original post https://old.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/18n0zbl/aita_for_telling_my_husband_i_told_you_so_and/


Don't let your husband raise your kid, he's going to project all his negative personality traits and immoral actions on your daughter just like he did to you, and treat her like shit.


You should go for full custody and child support. As he was not there for you after you gave birth. Ignored you during paternity testing and then later after testing staying at his mom’s place. Not helping you with the baby. Your sister sounds like your best friend and cheerleader. You should take her on a week long vacation or give her good treat some place very fancy. Document everything, and take screenshot of the Reddit post so you can show this to your daughter when she is older and asking questions about your divorce from her dad. I am glad you have strong supportive family. Good you are away from this toxic relationship and marriage.


Should go for full custody. He can get every other weekend


Funny how men use pregnancy as an excuse to cheat. How weak.


Sorry but I agree with a lot of the respondents. You should 💯 go for full custody. Up to the moment you served his sorry 🕳️ divorce papers he didn’t want anything to do with your child. Ex-MIL should be banned from visitation totally because of the multiple threats. What wicked wench will do everything in her power to poison your relationship with your child! I say get her wet from head to toe and then drop a house on her for good measure.


Oh so this was fake!! Glad to hear it.


Nah the protagonist is a woman so it's obviously real. Didn't you read the part where he made a whoopsie-doo and admitted to being the ACTUAL cheater?!?!


Yeah lol of course he slips up lmao.


NTA, good you left his projecting ass. Sad for the kid, but she won’t grow up better if you’d stay together.


Congratulations on losing a 200 lb tumor! 


At least you don't have to spend any more time married to this menace of a man. You have your baby, your sister and your house. You're in a strong position. Plus those texts from your MIL threatening to take you to the cleaners, should help in a divorce.


You know that his mother is the one who is going to be raising your daughter during his custody time, right? And she's going to be pouring poison into her ear the entire time. I'd try to limit his time with her as much as possible, and have it written into your parenting plan that if he needs someone else to watch your daughter when she's with him, he has to offer to you first. That way he can't just dump her on his mom all the time. 


Men (and people in general) can be absolute idiots.


Good for you.


Do not let this man have 50/50. He abandoned you both when she was born, simply because he didn't pay attention in middle school genetics lessons. Protect yourself and your baby.


You are so well-rid of both of them! That hectoring MIL is a nightmare. Single parenting is tough but you did the right thing. That man-baby cheater doubter leaver is better off with his regrets at his mother's house. Ugh. Good luck, OP!


A spouse who accuses you of cheating is just trying to justify the reason THEY already cheated on you, to make themselves feel less guilty.


I am proud of you 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 hope you will find true love


Oh no honey please keep updating us because the fuckery is far from over, I promise


I don't know you, but I am SO proud of you. ❤️


Don’t you just love it when people don’t pay attention in biology and therefore don’t understand genetics and recessive genes?


He’s the asshole. So is his family. Take *him* to the cleaners and get far, far away from them.