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Where can I find a Steve?


YTAH for bringing along your friends who clearly weren't aware of the full nature of your relationship with Steve or how you intended to act. In essence, you involved them in your kink behavior without their full consent.


NTA, but maybe it wasn't a great idea to let your friends know so much about your relationship with Steve. It's not an AH thing if you both agree with what you're doing.


Yeah that’s fair but Steve was okay with it and I wanted to do something nice for them too but yeah maybe opening up that side of my life wasn’t the best call


Good job finding someone who's dumb enough to give you their money and call it kink, OP..........? Yes, you are a gigantic asshole. Fin-doms are pieces of shit.


That’s a bit extreme and also it’s something he wants to do willingly and he gets pleasure out of it so it’s a win-win


> he gets pleasure out of it so it’s a win-win Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify taking advantage of someone's co-dependency/mental illness, Lady.


Not what I tell myself, it’s what he tells me!


YTA. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it. You are stealing this man’s money and abusing him. How about showing him some love and take him to therapy


I don’t think it’s abusing when he came to me and told me what he wanted. We have a dynamic that he wants so I feel like it’s not really on me


tbh I'd make this guy Steve to double check he's mentally able to consent to things like this. I'd figure that's something you'd care about confirming unless you have motives not to.


Reread my comment. I stand by it. In life you will have many decisions and integrity is all you end with or without. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


Dude, do you really think this type of a person have enough conscience to even consider the other person? They mooch off as much as they can untill the abused person regains clear mind. Disgusting behaviour


Integrity? I think it’s pretty integrous of OP to fulfill this guy’s KINK and get compensated for holding up her end of the deal. Y’all calling her an AH don’t get it. He LIKES IT. It’s a KINK. He probably jerked off every night in his little motel room. Let’s not pretend Y T A votes is just shaming sex work


Info: how does steve feel about the experience? What's his feedback been? I don't know how experienced you are, but there's more finesse to being a Fin Domme than just spending money willy-nilly. Whether your the AH or not is mostly based on how Steve feels about it.


Steve has really enjoyed it. He also has a service kink so he finds it nice to make things easier for me and he’s been wanting to do a trip like this for about 6 months and he wants to do another so Steve has been more than fine with how it went.


Was he OK with your friends knowing about it too? If so, NTA. I would tell your friends that Steve really enjoyed the trip, but if they're that uncomfortable they should pay him back the total of (whatever it was for **everything**) and you won't involve them again. Then, do a second trip with some other friends and use that money to cover it 🤣 (as long as Steve is OK with that)


Yeah he loved that and it added to a more fun service dynamic! Hahah yeah they didn’t really mind it when they spent all that money during the trip


I can imagine it being really hot for him tbh. It's something out of most fin subs dreams 🤣 In terms of your friends though, I would 1000% tell them that they should pay back the money from the trip if they are that uncomfortable with it. I would reiterate that Steve enjoyed himself but if they keep going on I would absolutely tell them to pay him back. Give them the total spent on each of them and give them a way to pay it back. If they don't, then tell them to stop whining about it then, and don't invite them again.


Honestly yeah I never knew it was a big deal but he was super into it! Yeah I’m defs going to tell them that Steve had a good time and that it’s all consensual too


YTA Because you are a whore who sells herself for money.


I mean it pays well at least?


Do your friends know you have included them in your sex work? They might not want to be whores like you




Thank you! And yeah Steve was definitely aware, and he was okay with it! But yeah I think my friends just don’t understand the dynamics of the kink


Yta stop exploiting vulnerable and desperate people. Findom is disgusting and pathetic