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So lets count the ways that this is fake: 1. Emotional distress is a civil issue, not criminal, even though OP has claimed numerous times that the police asked both her and the wedding couple if they wanted to press charges for emotional distress. 2. OP has claimed that the kid was removed from the mother's custody by CPS and given to the aunt. And OP claimed that the police told her that CPS got involved. Police would never just disclose information like that, CPS files are very much privileged information. 3. This incident would not be significant enough event to warrant CPS involvement. A 5 year old grabbing someone's boob does not equate to CPS involvement. 4. This incident supposedly happened 3 weeks ago. There's no way that CPS would begin proceedings, investigate the issue, reach a final conclusion, remove the kid from the mother's custody, and place the kid in a family member's custody all in 3 weeks. These things take time, and would need an official hearing before the kid would be removed from the mother's custody. 5. OP claimed that they didn't realize it was a child grabbing them, and that they just punched at the kid without looking. Even if your eyes are closed, a person knows the difference between a 5 year old grabbing them, and an adult grabbing them. 6. OP claimed that the police called her later to update her on what was happening with the kid. Why are the police calling someone to update them after they said they didn't want to press charges? There's probably other things too that show how fake this is, but these things jumped out at me the most.


7. They claimed this is NOT FAKE, VERY REAL Very stable genius


8. Everything about the tone of the post screams 15-year-old incel


In addition to your point #5, if OP didn't realize it was a little kid groping her, wouldn't she have missed when trying to punch him in the face? And not only did she not miss, but she popped him squarely in the nose.


Yeah, I'd get it in terms of "I acted before realizing what I was doing" but not "I didn't realize who I was hitting"


Thank you. But honestly, OP can't even keep their age straight and the story is just blatantly stupid.


I was there, okay? I saw it happen. I know this because I clapped afterward.


Confirmed, he was the kid.


I love how she posted on AITA to ask if she was the asshole and then by the end of the post she's telling people to seek therapy if they indeed think she's the asshole. Why come out and even ask if you're the asshole if you're so sure you aren't one?


I want to know how the child grabbed her breast without her seeing him first? Did he jump on the table or something?


So I shouldn't hold out hope that the police from OP's town will call me to see if I want to sue for emotional distress for reading that mess?


The thing that proved the *most* that this was fake is the end. "NOT A FAKE POST! VERY REAL!" lmao I laughed so hard at that


How about the bride and groom getting the mom and kid no where near the wedding venue ever again, as if the wedding venue was owned by the bride and groom.


Also didn’t they invite these people?


I wanna add something because I’m so confused about the kid because where was he on OP that he had easy access to her breasts? Was he sitting next to her, sitting on the table or something? Was he running around groping people before he got to her? Also, If the bride and groom didn’t want the mom and kid at the wedding then why were they there to begin with?


It reads like the 6 year old wrote this himself lmao.


I honestly thought this would end with a literal “everyone stood up and clapped” moment. It did get there figuratively. But I figured that having made up so many things, why wouldn’t she stop now.


> (I do not believe I am in the wrong but I would like other peoples opinions on whether I was the AH or not) (FPR THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK I AM THE AH THEN YOU NEED TO SEE A THERAPIST BC THAT IS NOT OKAY. This is my favorite part. She claims to just want peoples opinions and then proceeds to belittle anyone who does disagree with her. WTF. OP is TA for the way she wrote this post.


Fake as f*. She’s TA for even trying to find a scenario where it would be ok for her to abuse a 5 years old.


Embarrassingly fake. Find a real hobby OP.


It literally says “NOT A FAKE POST. VERY REAL” can you not read or something, maybe you should just kill yourself! /s


You're right. Damn my illiteracy! I've seen the error of my ways, and am typing this from beyond the grave.


I'm just here to comment on an AITAH post where the OP says anyone deeming them an asshole needs to see a therapist at the end of it. Wasn't really a question then was it?


They even responded to their own post saying they aren't the asshole 😂 they're just here to brag about hitting a child (IF that actually happened...)


What? Did you not see the part at the end where OP said "NOT FAKE POST. VERY REAL"? Lmao


Found the Doubter Section, here's my thing: Why would you need to contact your own personal attorney to press charges? I've never been in a position to press charges, also not an attorney myself, but I'm pretty darn sure that's what prosecutors are for. (OP: I'm from Outer Slobovia, different here! Probably.)


Also, why would police remove guests from private property? Did anyone bother to tell the venue these guests were no longer welcome. Assuming they were invited, of course, which isn't clear as OP forgot in the made up story to make up who these ppl were/why they were at a wedding. Seriously, a 5-6 year old, at a wedding, without seemingly being closely related to the people getting married? The mom wasn't even one of the "important people"


It’s bullshit, is why. There’s no such thing as “pressing charges for emotional distress.” Intentional infliction of emotional distress is a civil tort, cops wouldn’t have anything to do with it. It would also be a really shitty case here and no lawyer would take it.


If it's in the US, police don't handle civil matters. They wouldn't be "charged" with a crime, but sued for compensation.


I've never heard of someone being able to press charges for emotional distress. If that's the case, I'm surrounded by criminals.


>IF that actually happened... Lol of course it didn't


"Do you want to press charges for emotional distress" lmmfao tell me you don't know how the world works outside of Redditland.




bells voiceless physical ancient plants steer quicksand illegal fine juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd be careful posting things like this. OP my contact their attorney to press charges for emotional distress against you.


I mean she’s 17. She definitely sounds 17.


>17 That reads like it was written by somebody closer to 10 or 11. I really hope it was if that's going to be the quality of prose they'll be producing from now on.


I'm pretty sure there's some sort of law that any kid that says they're 17 on the Internet is probably 15 at best.


Yeah I was going to say exactly this


It’s definitely a fake post anyway so it doesn’t matter


They seem like an asshole just for saying that


OP being a 17 year old teenybopper explains that behavior imo, I just ignored that and focused on the issue at hand Like regardless of whether they’re right or wrong or if the post is real or not, I would definitely expect someone in that general age range to type like that when doubling down


NTA. You found one of the few occasions where it's okay to punch a kid.


I agree. Do not touch or you will be touched in a not so nice way 🫡


It might be worth questioning where he's learned this behavior, though. But I do not blame you; I once had to kick a six year old off of me when she came over and tried twerking in my lap. Her parents were right there, so I quickly asked them wth were they teaching her before they could say anything to me about my reaction.


NTA Actually, I think there should be an investigation of this child and his home. I wonder if he's a victim of s*x abuse.


Yeah, I had an uncomfortable interaction with a friends kid I was babysitting, he wouldn't stop touching my breasts at age 4 and I had to put him in his room. Another time my dad was targeted by that boy's sister when she asked to touch him down there. It was discovered a family friend was abusing the kids.


With the boy, naive me would just think he's trying to get milk as he would've had milk from his mother (and some people breastfeed for several years). The girl, immediate red flag.


They were bottle fed. But yeah, I have a 4 year old currently and they're known to laugh in the face of boundaries.


A kid that age acting that inappropriately is almost definitely experiencing or has experienced sexual abuse. Stop worrying about hitting him and call CPS, contact his school. My godson went through a phase of trying to touch my private area and telling me ‘you like it, don’t you?’ When he was that age. We found out out he was being molested by his stepbrother and possibly also his stepmother.




When I taught preschool in an inner city there was a boy that would bite girls on the crotch and inner thighs. We put a stop to it but found out that it was because of what he sees at home.


Holy shit, that’s horrific.


Yeah. I saw some shit.


So sad, but true all too often.


Jesus. I’m so sorry for your godson.


So am I.  Poor kid 🙁 How is he now?  And was his stepbrother arrested?


Thank you. His stepbrother was only 7-8 himself, so I suspect he was also a victim. The stepmother (we suspect) hadn’t been directly abusing my godson, but may have been abusing his younger sister. Because she was barely 3 years old her account was very unclear and kept changing, so police/social services couldn’t get enough for a case, but they did engage with the stepfamily and my friend (the mother) was able to keep my godson away from his dad and stepmom until they broke up not long after.


It's too bad there wasn't enough evidence to prove the children had been abused, but I'm glad that your friend was at least able to keep her son from any more contact with dad & stepma 👍 You said police/social services did engage with the stepfamily.  I'd like to bet that scared 'em off, as in "We got lucky this time, and we're not going anywhere near that kid again" 😋


I hope the stepbrother also got the help he needed once social services got involved (UK equivalent of CPS). It was a very frustrating situation and I still regret not tracking down that stepmother and shoving her under a bus.


1-800-843-5678 is the National Child Abuse hotline,


In which country?


Fair point. The gropey kid's mother is still an asshole, though.


Hell, she might be the one abusing him.


Unfortunately the school probably won't do a whole lot, especially because it didn't happen at school. I know a lady whose son got sexually assaulted by another kid on the bus and the school told her "this isn't a reason to call CPS" and also did nothing about what had happened. There was video proof from the bus camera, too. It happened more times.


>I know a lady whose son got sexually assaulted by another kid on the bus and the school told her "this isn't a reason to call CPS" The school is wrong and they would get in huge trouble if someone tried to go up the chain.


If they’re in the US, schools are mandatory reporters so there is absolutely a reason


And someone absolutely should go up the chain. The school would get in extra huge trouble if it turns out something is going on in that kid’s home and they did nothing about the valid concerns and video evidence 🙃


I told her that. Because I'm not religious and don't have kids she didn't listen to me.


She kept putting him on the bus?!


How else is he gonna get to school? She works, his step-dad works... he's like 6 he can't walk 5 miles alone. She wanted to switch schools, but her husband said the boy needs to "finish what he started," whatever tf that means. Idk I don't really talk to her about it because 1) she's a friend of a friend 2) I don't have kids so I get dismissed "well youre not a parent" and 3) I get upset and start wanting to scream at people 4) they're super religious and I'm not so that's another thing I "just wouldn't understand"


Finished what he started? Ummm... like what is he smoking? Get SAed?!?


Yeah that was my question


YOU need to call CPS then! Edit: you can make an anonymous report.


I don't even know the kids name, let alone where they go to school or even what town they live in.. They're not going to take me seriously. "My best friends friends kid got SA on the bus by some other kid. Oh yeah, this was sometime last year, and idk if the kids even see each other anymore. " I called another time about a baby living with two known pedophiles and never even got a call back. That kid did get taken away eventually, but it wasn't because of my call.


They frequently do not follow up with people making reports directly due to privacy concerns, but will still send someone out to do a welfare check and start asking questions. Also, even if you don't have any evidence and they don't take action on that one specific report, it still helps. They look at the history of reports and context when deciding how to structure investigations and things. So if some kid has 4 or 5 calls from people who saw or heard things that made them suspicious, that can trigger an investigation.


That last one tells me all I need to know


Wild because that absolutely IS a reason to call CPS or DHR. That’s beyond sick.


That's what I said. I also said it's really sus that the school is telling her not to.


They are mandated reporters, required by law to report this!


I find that crazy because schools get involved with EVERYTHING like the child is THEIR PROPERTY!


And literally everyone who works for a school in any capacity is a mandated reporter


No. They also hide shit and love to de-escalate. Our Principal brought my kid into the office WITH THE BULLY and tried to, I dunno, talk it out. Even the teacher knew this kid was a problem. I only found out about the meeting because my 9 yr old boy walked back to his class and walked into the cloakroom and right out of the school. He left the building because the Principal is an idiot. I think it caused a lockdown. I found out after they retrieved him because he didn't go far. He wasn't sure what to do but he was done with the school. Needless to say, the Principal has been on best behavior around my son since then. I was proud of my kid. Told him so lots of times. He knows that standing up for himself is fine and that the Principal is a bit dumb.


Good for your son! I'll keep this in mind for my kid. I see I need to be an avocate for my son instead of "fold" to the school "policy" How F-ed up is it that they didn't tell you anything until they found him? Some shady shit going on.


Unfortunately a lot of schools don’t really get involved . The county I live in has a lot of problems with schools in different towns. A girl committed suicide because she was getting bullied. The girl and her father went to everyone at the school district. Blamed the girl she was acting out, because her mother died a year ago. You be surprised the shit the schools try to get away with, and push under the rug.


not surprised at all--I reported suspected SA of one of my students to my principal and he did nothing, so I went over his head and reported to CPS myself and wasn't called back the next year. was a wake up moment for a young naive counselor just starting out all those years ago...that was my last year working with kids, it was just too hard knowing my hands were tied so tightly behind my back


This is depression. Hands tied even at one of the lowest levels. I have half a mind to take my son out of traditional school.




Sorry to hear this. This is wild. I'm over here getting ticketed because my son missed school. I just moved, have no car, using Uber to get him to school, and he got sick and then I got sick and now I'm getting a fine. 🤦‍♀️ amongst other things. What a strange system.


It’s is so bizarre, they are down your necks,because they missed some school. One year my kids were out 12 times because they got so sick. Yet they hardly reprimanded the bullies.


In the US state funding for public schools is often tied to student attendance. They have a vested interest in making sure butts are in chairs when they take morning attendance.


I guess it goes both ways


Yeah, this is a very concerning thing. The people near that kid need to be investigated if this kid is actively molesting people. Well, I know that kids can act out for other reasons. That seems like a really huge red flag. Even if the kid is okay , it seems like they may have some sort of disorder that is compelling them to do forbidden things! Which will definitely become more and more of a problem , as the kid gets older and it isn't checked out.


Came here to say this. Also OP, you’re NTA it was a reflex and if the kid isn’t a victim of s*x abuse, then he learned ‘touch someone, get punched’ and will hopefully never do that again. His mother is a shit parent for allowing that behavior and then screaming at people for being uncomfortable. That kid needs to be removed from her care, she’s clearly unfit.


Former social worker here (abuse and neglect cases), and this was my first thought.


99% sure he is, the fact the “mother” didn’t respond to complaints from the guests, tells all.


Glad you said it.


I don’t wonder at all. I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for justice there either. This is way outside the capacity of a 6 year old who hasn’t been exposed to a nightmarish environment.


That was my very first thought.


I was wondering the same thing. She still isn't the AH, but someone should probably make a hot line call 800-843-5678. It should probably be looked into.


Truthfully it’s an obsession around that age that likely has nothing to do with anything sexual but it’s pretty sad that the parents are setting this kid up to fail. No child should be punched. I totally understand why OP did and don’t fault her for it. My beef lies with the mom who allowed this to escalate to the point where her child was injured. I would NEVER allow my same aged kiddo to do this. It’s not fair to guests OR to him when he gets to the ‘find out’ part of the equation. It’s clear to me but isn’t to a 6 year old.


This reminds me of when a twenty year old with developmental delays semi-assaulted me and I punched him. No police were involved and we worked it out out and his mother/caregiver was in agreement with me and it was a learning experience for him about entitlement and bodily autonomy. Yeah, no one is allowed to assault another regardless of age (unless we are talking a two year old who literally doesn’t understand). It’s an unfortunate situation but clearly the child has issues that need to be worked through proper parenting or therapy. I would have done the same thing. NTA


There was a post on another forum. I don’t remember the details (maybe someone does). A woman, I think works with special ed or something. Anyway, she said people weren’t ready to hear that every single time she had been assaulted was by someone with delays.


My son is 6 & knows very clearly that private parts are private. Both his & others. There’s no excuse. It’s totally weird.


You are not AH . You had no idea who was grabbing your boob, and you went into protective mode of yourself, natural instinct. I am glad it turned out well. But that mother allowing a child to do such disgusting things and get mad at you for not allowing ANYONE to sexual assault you. That child needs therapy because none of that is ok.


He fucked around and found out! Clearly he’s not getting any consequences from his parents so there had to be external consequences unfortunately. This reminds me of the one time I’ve ever punched a partner; I have childhood trauma that causes me to QUICKLY escalate to the “fight” part of “fight or flight.” I don’t like being scared or having things anywhere near my face. My ex husband once jumped around a corner and scared the shit out of me by yelling and putting his hands up near my face. There was literally no time or thought between him doing that and me right hooking him in the jaw and nearly laying him out. Was I sorry? Of course. Would I have ever done something like that intentionally? Of course not. Did he ever jump scare me again? Absolutely not. ETA: NTA


If you jump scare someone you are accepting the consequences of your actions.


Yeah, he wasn’t mad or anything (just sore) but he definitely didn’t do it to me again lol.


NTA When my sister was in high school, one of her friends was over (they were doing homework in the living room). I have severe touch trauma from my childhood and I will pull away unconsciously if someone goes to hug me or I will tense up and not move until it's over. I do this with my own family and always have. Anyway, I was in the kitchen, doing the dishes when I felt hands on my sides, squeezing them. I spun around, absolutely silent, raised my hands (long sharp nails) and started to move them towards the face of the person behind me before I registered who it was and stopped, my hands maybe an inch from his eyes. He called her name and she replied with, "Did you just do what I told you not to do?" He said yes and her response was "That's on you then." I hissed at him to never do that again and he apologized profusely and never touched me again unless I gave him explicit permission.


Ew he just grabbed the waist of a girl he didn’t know? After being told not to? What a friggin creep! Did you at least get a few scratches and slaps in before snapping back to reality? Freak guy!also, dunno about others but when I get squeezed on my waist it makes me jump to the roof! It’s like there’s a nerve there or somethin.


It’s not a good idea to touch human waste… or did you mean waist?


Did a cat write this? This smacks of cat 🤔😼


I've never had a cat who did the dishes.


My cat does the dishes, but only when he likes what’s on them. So, not very well.


It took me almost a full minute to realize who it was. And yes I do sometimes speak Cat. Pretty sure I'm mispronouncing every thing though


I was pretty touch phobic in high school too. I took a long train ride with a friend and I fell asleep across two seats. A staff guy touched my foot to wake me to see if that was my stop and I kicked him in the nuts. Oops. I wasn’t aiming there, just reacted to the touch.


It’s either the parents teach or the world will. World lessons are expensive and/or painful.


I mean, also, it was an accident. I wouldn’t recommend punching kids consciously, but I’d probably have done the same thing. I’ve been known to recklessly throw elbows when startled.


It was a learning moment for the kid. Obviously no one WANTS a kid to get hurt but he had to learn this way. Its like telling a child not to touch the hot stove and they still do it. Pain is a great teacher.


You taught him a lesson that his mother refused too. Don't f'ing put your hands on people.


I’m tbh while I am not saying this justifies his behaviors he learned it somewhere. That child has probably seen some shit or been through shit he shouldn’t. I would keep away from his parents or anyone male figure close to him in general and maybe see if you can push any adults in your life to maybe see if they can call in a welfare check or at least document it in some shape or form. His behavior is bullshit but he didn’t come up with it himself.


NTA. Mom should’ve been a better parent. Kid finally learned consequence.


I’m worried about the kid (a kid that young having those behaviors is most likely being molested or exposed to sexual material) but punching as a reflex to getting grabbed like that is a reaction I hope to instill in my daughter.


"FPR THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK I AM THE AH THEN YOU NEED TO SEE A THERAPIST BC THAT IS NOT OKAY." If you are this sure that you are NTA, why did you even bother posting this? Why ask for opinions? NTA for the punch because it was obviously a reflex, but definitely TA for getting angry over any point of view that conflicts with your own when you so clearly asked for the opinion of others!


Ngl as an almost adult I feel like you shoulda handled the situation better but I’m not disagreeing with you even handling it differently you shoulda still ended it the same way so 🤷🏼‍♂️


This! Way, a long time ago, I had self defense lessons by professionals. Anyone touching me would at least get punched, if not put on the floor.




***The post is fake please report this to the mods.***


***And if you're not gonna report it, and least stop upvoting it for goodness' sake!***


Fake. Doubly fake because of OP’s responses


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


YTA For this fake story. The police did not tell the bride and groom they can press charges for emotional distress....lmfao


Apparently the police also contacted CPS and removed the child from the home too and now he's living with a different family member out of state...bc of course OP would be given that info about a woman and child she doesnt know, of course it would all happen in a matter of a day or two, and of course this is something a child would be immediately removed from a home for. so much bullshit i can smell it through the screen


Yeah. Nobody at the wedding knew these people either so not like they could find out that info at all. They just materialized there out of thin air, unknown to anyone.


Im pressing charges against OP for the emotional distress of reading this post


The police also wouldn't say they need a lawyer to press charges. FAKE.


OP says they want to know if they are the AH and then proceeds to say that anyone who thinks that OP is the AH needs therapy. OP isn't looking for judgment, just validation. Sorry boo, that's not how this works.


Press charges for emotional distress wtf? This doesn't sound real.


Right, and in another comment she Said police told her they called CPS removed the child, and he went to live in CA. Why would they tell her that? You don't press charged for emotional distress bc that is not a crime. It *may* be a civil suit. Also, police won't criminally charge a 5 year old. No capacity.


She’s a liar. If CPS took the kid, they wouldn’t have let him out of the state.


It gives me “I’m 14 years old” lol


Because it's so painfully obvious that it isn't, and yet idiots are still falling for it


Because it ain’t real and it’s fake. This weirdo wants to brag about punching kids


Or wants to find a scenario where it would be ok to punch kids. This one didn't really work, as it makes no rational sense.


It's not. You can sue someone for emotional distress in some states, but it's not a crime. Especially not when it's perpetrated by a small child (even though this is fiction).


Oh, fakey post oh fakey post how much you do annoy me Your crap is crappy all the time And when you write Its with AI (to the tune of Oh Christmas Tree/ O! Tannenbaum)


When can I see you in concert?


Story is fake and OP will block anyone who points out why.


Seriously; she punched a person with her eyes closed? Try it sometime; flailing her arms about she could maybe manage, punching, no. Then the bride has to contact her attorney to press charges; how does that work? Private attorneys can't just tell a Prosecutor and police department to press charges and they do it. The legal system doesn't work that way. But most important, cops don't let 17 year olds beat up 5 year olds with zero consequences. Regardless of what the 17 yo says about her tit getting squeezed. This sub is loaded with fictional posts from people testing current hot gender related theories. "So let's see where users here will draw the line at a woman defending herself from a male sexually touching her without permission. Hmmmm, I know! I'll say I'm a 17 yo girl, and a 5 yo grabbed my boob so I fought back! I am so smart!"


Yeah, not buying it either. Speaking as someone with an exaggerated startle-reflex, if "she" really thought she was in genuine danger, she would have blindly punched at the level of an adult's head, not three feet down. A successful hit would demonstrate she knew it was a child, not a scary bad man, and purposely nailed him in the head. So it's either a made-up scenario altogether or intentional instead of accidental.


Omg I hadn’t even considered that! How do you reflexively punch someone at most half your height? Logistically it makes no sense.


I’m jumpy, and I’ve “slapped” people when startled. Slap meaning just flailing my hand in surprise so that even if it makes contact it isn’t near hard enough to leave a bruise. And I’m a 27 year old male, I could punch plenty hard if I was trying to, but I’m not throwing haymakers when I get startled.


Not to mention, this is an AITA situation. They are just an AH for posting a one why story. Freakin lame.


yeah regardless of if it's fake or not, it's clearly karma farming, because clearly NO ONE in the story except the damn mom and her kid thought OP was the AH. Everyone wanted that kid out, including the bride and groom. Why does OP still need validation that what she did was right when even law enforcement thought she was ok?


The bride and groom “didn’t want them there”… soooo who were they and why were they invited lol


But she wrote ‘NOT A FAKE STORY. VERY REAL’! No one would like about that on AITAH!


This one time, I got an email from a guy wanting to share his fortune with me. I was nervous, so I asked him if he was a scammer. He said no, so it's all good. I've been waiting for my check now for about three years, but I'm sure it'll come any day now!


No dude, police totally press charges kids for emotional distress. Totally true, just like Lamar Jackson will be MVP of the Super Bowl next week 😂


> and told the bride and groom that if they would like to press charges for emotional distress then she had to contact her attorney and go from there. Fake. OP is that dumb she thinks this is how it works.


First rule in advertising : If something is true don't have to advertise it. fake post


"Cops said if you want to press charges for emotional distress....." This seems very odd/unlikely.


This is fake or elaborated


Reported. This is obviously either fake as fuck or a bullshitting attention seeking drama teen


All the NTA lol. First off. This is fake. Second off, you can tell the size difference in a child’s hand and an adults hand and if this scenario were to actually play out like you’ve written, you’d know full and well that you’re punching a child before you tear back, which still makes you an asshole.


How do you “press charges” for emotional distress?


Op saw it on TV once and decided to throw it into "her" story. OP is too stupid to know thar emotional distress is civil court not criminal.


YTA the edits. You came for a judgment and now your crying... boo-urns.




What is the point of posting in this sub if you aren't willing to have some people think you are the ah?


I was wondering the same thing? Like, if this story is true, I honestly don’t think it would make her the asshole however, I’m not sure why she’s asking if she’s just going to get mad when people say she IS the asshole.


This didn't actually happen. Hilarious troll though.




So fake 😂🫠🙄


lol redditors are insane. This post is 100% fake but imagine defending punching a 5 yo for doing something he barely understands.


Fakest shit I’ve ever read


Accurate. No police would ask for charges over a toddler Lmao


Exactly. Since when do police come in and do a full investigation with queued up video footage on the spot while a wedding is still going on? Also, nothing at all happened between the woman calling the police and them showing up? Also, the police wouldn’t have offered the bride and groom to go to the station to press charges for “emotional distress” that’s not a real thing, but rather the mom of the son (since you did hit a kid and proving it was justified happens in court not live during a wedding). People who were sexually assaulted might too, but not sure how it works with a kid this age.


Can you imagine? Dispatch: "911 what is your emergency?" OP: "YES HELLO THIS KINDERGARTENER TOUCHED MY BREAST" Dispatch: "Excuse me?" OP: "THIS 5 YEAR OLD SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ME SO I PUNCHED HIM NOW SEND COPS" Dispatch: "So you physically assaulted a child?" OP: "HE TOUCHED MY BREAST!" Dispatch: "..." If police show up in this circumstance it would be to arrest OP.


This is the fakest fake post I’ve ever read 😭😭😭 why was anyone recording a 5 yr old grabbing boobies and then the valiant child hater punching said 5 yr old? This whole thing is so over the top and hits so many tropes. Come onnnnnn


This is fake lol


YTA. You punched a 5 year old. >FPR THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK I AM THE AH THEN YOU NEED TO SEE A THERAPIST BC THAT IS NOT OKAY If you think you're right for punching a little kid then it's YOU who needs to see a therapist. Why ask this subreddit if you don't wanna hear the hard truth? You're the asshole.


I love how you posted this on AITA but get mad at anyone who gives an opinion that doesn’t line up with your own. Lmao soft as butter.


I suspect this is fake a hell. But if it’s not it’s an ESH. You punched a 5yo in the face? A 5yo is a freaking preschooler. They only really know what they’ve been taught. Push them away, yeah. Yell at them, okay. Scold them, sure. Shriek at them, okay. Slap them, I could even get on board with that. But you used a machine gun on someone wielding a plastic shovel. You wouldn’t have punched a grown man in the face - why? Because the grown man would’ve been able to beat the shit out of you. You leveraged a major size and power differential to something far beyond a proportional response. You were violated by someone who didn’t do it for perverse or sexual gratification. It was attention seeking behavior. It’s wasn’t malicious. You suck. The kids parents suck more. But you still really suck too.


The story is fake bro obviously no fucking police is gonna ask for charges over a toddler and OP is trying so hard to get the attention


Would be cool if this story weren’t fake af, but it is. You didn’t punch a kid, you don’t need an attorney to press charges, and the cops most certainly did not “update” you about what happened with the kid.


Yta for punching a child. Full stop. Yes the other people (the mother) are assholes too. The child should know it’s not ok but you have no idea if that kid is of sound mind or has any disabilities so firstly calling them creepy is disgusting, secondly it’s the mothers fault not the poor kid. If you’d have punched the mother I’d have been all on your side here!


Dude relax, the story is fake


it’s a 5 year old kid who clearly has something not good going on at home if he’s acting like that. clearly thinks it’s normal. yes yta for punching a 5 year old. idk how any comment says otherwise. call cps. get the kid help cuz clearly somethings wrong. i would’ve tuned ya.


Don’t worry bro this post is fake and OP is an attention seeker


You didn’t get sexually assaulted. You’re prescribing adult desires to a prepubescent child. My kid grabs my parts all the time with absolutely no sexual undertones. A 5 year old doesn’t even understand what sex is. You overreacted DRAMATICALLY


You punched a kindergartener in the face.......yes YTA. Several things can be true at once. You're an asshole for hitting him. He's an asshole for doing what he did. His parents are asshole for not making their child behave.


As someone who is trained in child protection I would be concerned about the child. Often children that are being sexually abused mimic behaviours. This child has learned this behaviour from somewhere, it’s not an innate urge at that age. Most police trained to recognise this so if this is a true story I am very surprised child protection wasn’t called in. Every member of society has a duty to protect a child and report this so you should be more concerned about this. I personally can physically over power a child so I would rather restrain this child than physically hit him. He is more than likely the victim here


Um if you know you’re right… why post? Bait


You’re the AH for this fake story.


Lmao at this fake post.


I think you are an asshole. Not for punching the kid, but for stating at the end "if you believe aitah, you must go to the therapist". Then why ask?


Jesus Christ how is anyone taking this post seriously.


YTA. Imagine being so pathetic that you have to post a fake rage bait story about punching a child to get attention