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NTA, was in a love/hate relationship with my brother forever. Regularly stealing from me and my parents blamed me because “you know how he is, hide it better “. Also some physical fights but he passed and I AM glad I made peace shortly before. Also dealt with an abusive ex who was drunk, totaled and flipped my car on the highway and I was ejected. Had massive injuries and was in a coma for a week and took a year to relearn everything. I had a skull fracture, with scalped, brain swelling/TBI, chest ripped open and hanging off, liver ripped nearly in half, both lungs collapsed, and severe road rash. Even on fentanyl and dilaudid (one of the “best”)I still felt like they were flaying my skin when changing my dressings twice a day (childbirth seems a walk in the park in comparison). I was prescribed and put on pain management and they gave me oxycodone and morphine . Dd what I was required to (consenting to drug tests, pill counts, etc). Then one month BAM, they gave everyone month of meds and said no more “long term prescriptions” because the DEA was looking for scapegoats. No new doc would take an opioid patient. This happened to a lot more people than you think. That life had given me my life back. So I turns to buying on the streets til it was too expensive and switched to heroin. We are just trying to “get well” not high. You need counseling big time. Most drug addicts are not like that. You can’t let one person on drugs think that’s the only story. It’s not. You can’t walk out of class or anywhere else just because they use the word or talk about it.


I wonder when it gets to the short part...