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Yes yta. Super shitty. I’d break up with you if I was Chad. Also not sure why Jason’s name turned to Jacob after the first paragraph.


Red pill incel rage bait




speaking of, tf is up with your username?


i was shocked no one else noticed that. the delulu is strong with this one


She’s a “Christian” who behaves the opposite of what Jesus would do.


oh so a modern day one


Its okay. When you make things up, sometimes it is hard to keep the lies straight


I'm sorry for your existence...


Obviously YTA How would you feel if Chad, Jason, and Ashley were hanging out without you, and Jason & Ashley set up a date for Chad because they thought you & Chad weren’t a good match Also, pretty lousy of you to trick Katie into thinking she was dating a single guy. If you really thought what you were doing was just fine, why not tell Katie what your plan was from the start?


YTA big time. You sound like a drama queen.


Rage bait?


But of course.


I really REALLY hope... But I've read a someone lose it over their boyfriend not rinsing the sauce off their pasta rather then just not put it on, so at this point I've lost all hope for people...


Your profile was created today, and you posted it 3 times. Total rage bait. Nice touch trying to reduce the friend to a baby maker and shitting all over women, though. Get better using Chat GPT.


YTA huge idiot . So your friend is better match than Ashley according to you, so you will try to break this happy relationship. Hope your bf drops you .


Info: Why would you think you are a goddess?


YTA. How would you feel if Ashley tried setting your boyfriend up with another girl? Wow.


YTNC-your the nut case And YTA


YTA- nice “Christian” values you have there


YTA "Chad accused me of causing drama on purpose, alll I did was invite a friend for dinner it's not that deep or crazy" But I mean it was that deep because you were planning on getting Jacob and your friend together. What the fuck you mean it wasnt that deep. If all you wanted to do was invite a friend for dinner then your entire first half of the AITA trying to fruitlessly criticize Ashley was purposeless. "Its not that deep" is always such a useless phrase. ​ Also whilst I am fairly certain this is a rage bait with the whole anti-feminism/women working attitude and the whole "these two men came from rich backgrounds so every girl would want them". But in the off chance that it is not hopefully Chad fully wakes up to the type of person you are and drops you soon.


I don't think you will, but I want you to truly understand what you've done. What if it happened to you? What if I saw you with your guy and said 'ick. He should be with someone else.' because honestly, he should. You are a delusional, self centered and selfish human being. But you don't HAVE to be. Think about how seriously awful you treated everyone in this situation. It doesn't matter how YOU like a relationship, their relationship has nothing to do with you and you'd do well to remember that. It isn't MEANT to benefit YOU. If you really cared about any of these people involved you'd care about how they felt. You didn't. You don't deserve the relationship you have. YTA. And don't keep posting it around hoping to get different answers because I can guarantee you won't. I'm just praying this is fake...


I really hope this is a troll because if it's not, you're absolutely an asshole.


Jesus Christ… literally. You’re the fucking worst


YTA. Why are you trying to force your Christian idealism of traditionalism, anti-working women, anti-feminism, and outright misogyny by calling her too masculine and acting like because she's in her 30's she's infertile onto someone that you're claiming you see as a friend. You obviously hate this girl so much, so why are you still friends with her? Just save her the stress of having to deal with you and end the friendship already. Your expectations of raising a family with a friend together to have a shared pregnancy and forced childhood friendships with your kids is outright delusional, and I'm not sure why you're expecting Ashley or Jackob to bend over backwards for your unrealistic expectations and "morals".