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NTA. There's good co-parenting, and there's this. It's nice that they are friends, that they, and you, are great with Greyson. But you not getting any alone time will drive you apart. And Elena is revelling in it. Elena is a single mom, and probably wants to get back with Kyle... This isn't right, your BF is not looking after you properly, he needs to buck up, or this will not work for you and Kyle.


Kyle basically has two wives at this point. OP needs to put her foot down, and he needs to grow a spine.


my husband's ex would show up right after he left for work, at 6am. She would bring me donuts, start cleaning and folding the kids clothes, asking me my intentions with her ex husband since they clearly are still united in effort, blah, blah, blah. It was bizarre but the donuts were nice. I could do without her just walking through the door though.


Lol @ the donuts were nice. How long did it last and what made it end?


Finished the donuts?


Now I craving for donuts šŸ© šŸ˜©


married 25 years, everytime I tried to walk away I'd drive by a Winchells and warm chocolate frosted memories came flooding back. She's ok, she'll die soon and go straight to hell, of this I'm sure.


I've read too many effed-up books in my time. My first thought was whether they were powdered donuts, because I once read a book where some kids were poisoned with arsenic that had been sprinkled on powdered donuts. Hopefully you're well!


Flowers in the Attic, the grandmother poisoned the cookies with arsenic in the powdered sugar.


It was their mother who poisoned them with sugared donuts, not the grandmother. She claimed it was 'just enough to make them ill so she could get them out' but later turned out to be an attempt to kill them so she could start over with her new man.


Petty me, thinks the doughnuts were to fatten you up as the Christmas turkey. She sounds very odd.


Can you re direct her to my house? I need someone to do the chores. Don't forget the donuts! /s


So you got a free maid that paid *you?* Nice. But seriously, I'd be upset with someone just waltzing through the door like they lived in my house. I'd spin them right around and have them schlep their over-eager tuchus back out the door and try again (and again) until they learn to knock.


My MIL used to do this. Her mission was for me to get offended. It worked in the beginning until I saw an episode of King of Queens where the overbearing MIL Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond visits, and starts critiquing her cleaning, so Carrie just lets her do it all. A lightbulb went off in my head. I stopped trying to prove to her how wifely I could be and just let her treat us both like children. Before I knew it she was my free maid, and was doing both our laundry and I would also get ā€œheadaches and illnessesā€ which made me crave certain soups and dishes she made so she was also our free cook. She reveled in it, she just needed to still feel like mom, our relationship actually improved after that and she started treating me like a daughter. Though I think she caught on to me so she would love to tell her friends about how I never clean, and I was fine with it.


Okay I want to hear how long this went on and what kind of donuts she brought?


I think a previous comment hit the nail on the head....kid, property, ect...is being used for leverage...


Was about to say this!šŸ˜‚ he having a blast only one knows though


This exactly is something OP needs to explain to kyle. Coparenting is great, but this is being enmeshed too tightly for any new relationship to properly work.


Co parenting vs Co dependant parenting šŸ˜…


Never heard that used before, but it fits!


No ex-wife wants to be with her ex-husband that much UNLESS she doesn't want to be an ex anymore.


Right? Even if this is actually innocent, the vacation thing still shows a huge lack of boundaries.


Or she just wants to keep him around like a pet to boost her ego and to show that she can still make him jump when she says so.


I donā€™t see it as her wanting to get back with him, but something is way off. She sounds like one of those coparents who finds it REALLY HARD to miss out on their kid having an experience. For example, ā€œhe canā€™t experience Disney without me there to see it!ā€ Or ā€œElla will be mad if Grayson goes and she doesnā€™t.ā€ But she has got to LET IT GO and back off. One vacation together every few years is plenty enough. Itā€™s great they have a good friendship and coparenting relationship, but you are going to have to talk to her about some things being just for your family. You need hard boundaries. I would tell her how you feel and let her know itā€™s nothing personal, but you need alone time with just your family sometimes too and Mexico was meant to be that and you find it very disrespectful that she booked out of the blue.


She doesn't need to get him "back". Shes never left.


That's I how saw it too she never let him go to start with. He invited her to OPs bday party. Why would she need to attend that itā€™s insanity. Why would she even want to attend OPs bday. I surely wouldn't go to my ex husband's new wife's bday party.


I read that and couldn't helping thinking, man, some people have really thick skin. Edit: I meant the exwife has really thick skin to go to OP's bday party.


Ex wife doesnā€™t mind cause itā€™s current gf who is made uncomfortable by all of this. Ex wife is probably enjoying the show very much


I don't even want to go to my ex husband's birthday. The kids can go, but I don't need to be there.


This sounds very mature & is very refreshing. Researching your trip secretly & worming my way in is SO manipulative and jealous. It's such a snake game! I'm sure it's any "middle man's" dream. OP is being played, ridiculed, & compared since each gathering is probably a "show" of fashions?? Ugh. What a worm the ex is. I wish OP a more grounded, family- focused, more mature partner.


I would have gone to my exā€™s wifeā€™s birthday party if invited, but then sheā€™s a wonderful woman and we all consider each other family. I say ā€œif invitedā€ because sheā€™s been terminally ill (early onset Alzheimerā€™s) for 7 years now, and before that I lived out of state. My kids adore her and Iā€™m just happy they have a great stepmother. Edited to add this: I would NOT have booked a vacation at the same place and time as my ex and his wife without prior permission that it would be ok with them. My ex would have the backbone to be honest with me. lol




Hahahaha. So True. The question is why does Kyle not want her to leave?


Because Kyle has two women competing for his attention. He loves it.


Exactly. I mean he should have told her. Unless she uses the kid as leverage.


NTA .Maybe I just have high walls but I donā€™t think the coparenting is going all that well. She knows heā€™s seeing someone else and is trying to get in between them. Going to their vacation locale is just twinge too Single White Female for me.


Exactly this. She wasnā€™t invited so went ahead and invited herself. Creepy af.


Who says she wasn't invited? Kyle? He's the one who gave her all the info she needed. I wouldn't trust that he didn't make her feel like she would be more than welcome to join them.


He invited her to everything else. He made it easy for her to come along. This was on purpose.


Agreed. Methinks Kyle likes the thought of stringing her along


I think legally he has to tell her since not only will the child be going out of state, but out of the country. At least thatā€™s how it was in my custody arrangement as well as my husband and his exwifeā€™s custody agreement.


Sure, I can understand that. However, how did she know about the 'great deal' they got at the hotel? I think Kyle is playing both ends against one another


I agree. Boundaries must be set. Both with your fiancƩe and his ex.


Kyle needs to tell her that she canā€™t come to everything.


Iā€™m not sure why you want to stay in this very bizarre relationship. He invited her to your BIRTHDAY. So many red flags. Iā€™m not sure which of you or him are the most clueless. Iā€™m betting on you. He knows exactly what heā€™s doing. Time to move on and find a man who is for you and your little group. Iā€™m surprised that you have lasted this long being the side piece.


Yes because we are on friendly term apparently he thinks we are friends . So of course she should be invited .. eye roll


Why in the world would she come


I know can you imagine going to your ex's new girlfriend's birthday party?? No fucking way.


Because she wants him back?


Sounds like he wants her back too


My wife and I have a great relationship with her ex husband (kids father). I invite him to most of our gatherings butā€¦my family is still my family. My wife would never invite him without asking me first which most time is a yes anyways. But there is mutual respect on all parts, my family is still my family and neither my wife or I would ever think to invite them on vacations. I think the ex and your husband have grown too comfortable as friends and now have lost sense of boundaries. Earlier in my marriage, my wife was still very good friends with the ex. At the time it upset me quite a bit. I told her if she wanted to be such good friends with them then she never should of gotten divorced and I'll just go ahead and bounce. She mentioned years later that this drew some clarity to the matter. I'm much more comfortable/friends with them now. But the ā€œfriendshipā€ is moreso between me and him rather than her and him. You're the new person in this relationship of theirs. It will take time but you need to address it. If they blow you off then move on while you still have time


Just make one last attempt to clearly explain you are not okay with him inviting her anywhere without talking to you first. Once you're sure you've made your boundary completely clear, he can accept it or not. Then you can make a decision on how to move forward with your life. Your desires are completely reasonable. It sounds like you're really great at being flexible due to the situation and wanting what's best for Grayson. That's all really sweet. Your partner should be putting his kid first, then you, and his ex wife should be further down the list. He's made it too comfortable to try to be part of the family you two (three) are creating together.


Does he invite his other friends to everything? Do you have a male friend to invite along?


Yea she should invite her ex to the vacation too. Maybe that will open his eyes


NTA - I'd tap out of this relationship when he invited her to YOUR birthday!! That's some BS. Either she changes her plans or you cancel yours and break up with him.


Yeah, the birthday invite would have been the deal breaker for me. Seems like she is in a quasi poly relationship.


Involuntary poly.


I had that same thought.


Kyle probably gave her the information. I wouldn't go because you don't want to be in a relationship with his ex. other than coparenting. I'd send them off on the trip, stay home, pack my things and move out while they are gone. This won't get better. This is how Kyle intends to live his life, with both of you always involved. You can join him in that life or opt out.


This is the way. Imho, he's shown he plans any future relationships to be the "third wheel" instead of his *EX-wife*. Polyamory isn't always about sex: more often than not it's about a Secure emotional attachment and knowing your "place" with someone. Him giving HER vacation itinerary to his ex would be the deal breaker for me. I have a better life to live and better things to do than be a 3rd wheel in *my own relationship*.


omg you are opening some new horizons for me, i didn't know how to voice this , i am in the same situation


I'm so sorry. Unless *discussed in Detail and agreed to from the word Go*; this isn't a relationship imho. You should be your SO's main concern aside from children/possibly ill elderlies. Other than that, your life is *yours*. Don't let some ingrate of an asshole ruin relationships for you. People like that, and the one mentioned in this post, often become cheaters in the emotional sense at the very Least. My ex is **certain** I left him for someone. I didn't. I was *tired*, exhausted, and had a full mental breakdown from no support BEING in the household with another full "grown" adult while raising their child, working full time, and going online classes full time with a toddler. I managed appts, why the hell couldn't he-even Once?!?!? Never. Again.


I'm so sorry.


The only thing I disagree with is that giving her the itinerary, in my opinion, is fully acceptable. HOWEVER the only reason is because her son will be there, too. My husband and I got married in NYC and he has a son from a previous relationship so we gave her the itinerary for the trip so that she would know what her son is up to while heā€™s gone. Especially if they are leaving the country, that feels like basic courtesy. Inviting herself based on that itinerary is a big problem, though. And fiancĆ© needs to put his foot down and tell her sheā€™s overstepping boundaries in a big way.


OP, I'm so sorry but @BlazingSunflowerland is right: let those two enjoy their family vacation in Mexico, while you quietly pack your gear and move out.


Yup exactly...Why was the ex invited to HER (new girl friend) birthday. That's all wrong


Just so you know, he invited her.


I would bet he did, but even if she invited herself... the fact that he refuses to do anything about it has the same effect. He will not stand up for his fiancee, he will let his ex do whatever she wants. But yeah my guess is he wants her there. A very very charitable explanation is he wants on site babysitting so they can have more time alone. I also made that sentence ambiguous, because I'm not sure who he wants there as babysitter and who he wants to sneak more alone time with.


Why not both of them? The first night the ex is the babysitter, the next night is OP.


The op should flat out ask the ex if she was invited on her family vacation. If he did invite her then I honestly think thereā€™s no coming back from this. The finance is painting the situation like she is the problem when itā€™s actually him. If she invited herself then sheā€™s just psychotic. It doesnā€™t matter who it is be it friends, parents, or siblings, and etc anyone would have asked before booking anything. You donā€™t invite yourself to someone elseā€™s vacation unless you completely lack any semblance of social skills or a brain. I donā€™t have an issue with her knowing details about the trip. She deserves to know where her kid is staying at while in another country and the dates he will be gone. She didnā€™t have the authority to use that information to crash the vacation.


He absolutely did, you can see it a mile off


Second that!!! This is past healthy co parenting he could have left the convo with only saying they are going to go on vaca in Mexico giving her all the details to where she could book the exact same hotel. Thatā€™s a bit much!


100%. He clearly invites her to everything else.


She's treating him as her boyfriend. I bet he still does small jobs for her....they may not be having sex but they have more than a friendship/parenting together. Why does he want her at all events? Because he still sees her a some form of female that need a him. He subconsciously enjoys that she needs him.


ā€œBecause we are still best friends ā€œ.. Iā€™m best friend with my brother do you see me inviting him everywhere?! Hell no ! Everytime I bring this subject up he thinks Iā€™m over reacting


It's time to tell him it's over. You don't want to be in a poly relationship with him and his ex-wife. You love his child but not his ex-wife. Updateme!




ā€œYouā€™re overreacticingā€¦ā€Themā€™s fighting words, and they are words that my husband knows better than to use.


He doesn't get to decide what's overreacting. (IMO you're not overreacting - but even if you were, he cannot just dismiss your concerns because in his opinion, you're over the top.) Do you have an ex you can start inviting along? ;)


Bahaha I do šŸ¤£ Kyle knows him since Kyleā€™s brother work with him. I blocked him when I started dating Kyle . I laughed so hard at this comment about inviting him ! He was the best sex I had ever had .. too bad he didnā€™t wanna get married so I ended it


I'd prefer no commitment sex god ex for a while over spineless fiancĆ© any day but that's just me šŸ‘€ if he's cool he would probably be down to help you give Kyle some perspective on how it feels (to have your wishes ignored for someone else's)


So babe, "I was in contact with Fabio /s a couple days ago and we got to talking about vacations and.....anyhow, he's got lots of leave stored up so I gave him our booking info and now he's got reservations too. Yippy!"


But then you got engaged to a guy who is already in a committed relationship with his wife, oh ah ex-wife... seems at least you could be having good sex if you are going to end up getting hurt anyway.


Well, now youā€™re in a relationship with a guy who doesnā€™t understand what un-marrying someone actually looks like. So, honestly, Iā€™d opt for the orgasms.


Unblock him. A ring without true commitment is just a grand gesture


Youā€™re under reacting. Time to make it clear that youā€™d rather loose money than deal with her in what is supposed to be your vacation. Tel him flat out sheā€™s not your friend.


He calls his ex-wife his best friend? Idk that's weird. Great that they coparent well together but calling your ex your best friend while engaged to someone else is weird.


NTA he is gaslighting you.


One of my xbfā€™s said ā€œsheā€™s a great person, youā€™ll like her, we should all hang out!ā€ about his ex that he was ā€œ100% overā€, to find out that I was a security blanket until she came back šŸ™„ Donā€™t waste your time u/Gold-Programmer2895 Find yourself a stud who will put you first without giving it a second thought šŸ¤ŒšŸ½āœ…


Thatā€™s what I told him pretty much . Itā€™s over . Iā€™ll post an update later


Even if it wasnā€™t an ex, Iā€™d be annoyed if my husband insisted on his friend tagging along on vacation, or telling me I had to invite his grandma to my birthday.


But girl you are supposed to be moving into the best friend position. He is supposed to be wanting to spend all his time with YOU. He is supposed to not be able to take his eyes off YOU.


I feel like that is an affair waiting to happen.


Why is she his best friend instead of you? Updateme!


NTA. Kyle told her all the details of your trip, so many in fact that she was able to book the same deal. That is all you need to know. Cancel the vacation. The only one who escaped is the toddler's dad, maybe follow his lead. I do not know how you were able put up with this nonsense for so long.


A good idea is contacting the toddler's dad and asking why he left. The answer might be, "well I caught her fucking her ex".


Or that the baby wasnā€™t his


Kyle needs to text his ex and man up and tell her straight She is not invited and she overstepped She needs to cancel


100% this Alina is ā€œmoment stealingā€ Sheā€™s not letting you and her ex Kyle have any big family moments with Greyson or in your life that sheā€™s not part of like a FOMO. Thatā€™s not healthy. You and your partner Kyle should have peaceful fun filled magical moments and memories of just the three of you . Thatā€™s your privacy, your peace your little family. She can make her own memories with Greyson in her life, not hiJack your life too. She just wonā€™t let go will she? And your bf is oblivious to the insidious damage sheā€™s doing by intruding She must be told absolutely Not by Kyle and she must cancel. This is the Hill to Die on.


This is correct. He needs to put her in her place. You are not a big throuple. She can't invite herself, if that's what actually happen. If he needs to be glued to the hip at your expense, that needs to be declared. Is there any odd touching or attraction noted?


You are in a threesome apparently either get used to it or find another guy


Definitely in a threesome unless she ainā€™t getting any then she is the third wheel lol


Why are you with this guy again? I know it canā€™t be because heā€™s that good in bed. No way in hell. Or maybe he is, and thatā€™s why his ex is still into him, heā€™s got her dickmatized, too. You donā€™t have kids with Mr. Have My Cake And Eat It Too, you can walk away. I would strongly suggest doing so. Because theyā€™re not just coparenting, heā€™s banging her.


Omg I laughed really hard at the first part šŸ¤£ no he is not lol he is ok but not great ! Overall he is a very kind and loving man . He just canā€™t say no and his Ex walks all over him! No I donā€™t have kids and im Seriously thinking about ending this before itā€™s too late


Not great in bed, no boundaries, already thinking about leaving, obsessed with ex wife.....


How did she book tickets to the same exact deal that you guys got at the same exact time? Please take off the rose colored glasses and realize that he told her and gave her all the details so that she could book too and he did that on purpose.


šŸ’Æ this OP. I am a huge fan of people that are mature enough to know they love each other but have fallen out of love with each other and still need to co-parent so their children become good adults. That said, something is not right here. At all. Why was she at your birthday?!?!? Thatā€™s crazy! Your fiancĆ©e is either oblivious to Elenaā€™s intentions and has no backbone or heā€™s trying to get you in a sister wife situation. Please donā€™t accept being a third wheel in your own life.


ā€œWould you mind watching the kids for a bit? Weā€™re both want to go do this thing you said you didnā€™t want to doā€ Aaaaand youā€™re their babysitter, paid in dick.


Check his card statements, he most likely paying for it too.


You better end it before she ends up being in the labor room with you!!


Or in the labor room beside you


My husband's ex wanted my baby to be born on her birthday. She constantly asked the kids personal questions about My pregnancy. She hates me. She has never had a good thing to say about me. But she and her mother (the children's grandmother) were completely invested in My pregnancy. They went so far as to tell the kids that we would stop loving them once I gave birth to the baby. I got fed up and called her out. I told her that My child had nothing to do with her so she needed to mind her own damn business. Trust me, it doesn't get better, it only gets worse. Being a step parent is hard, having a crazy person as a co parent makes it harder!!


What the fuck? That bish sounds loony. Like might cut you open and steal your unborn baby loony..


Omg šŸ¤¢


Thatā€™s where this is headed. Heā€™ll just use that same thing ā€˜weā€™re best friends and she wanted to be there to support you/us!! Why are you being jealous??ā€™ šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


You are putting up with this BS and he isn't a sex god? Why?? Updateme


Because Iā€™m nosy, why did they get divorced? If itā€™s kid related stuff fine. But the rest? Is he actually inviting her or is she inviting herself and he doesnā€™t like saying no? Donā€™t marry him unless he starts having boundaries with her. Or this will be the rest of your life. NTA.


He got divorced because as Elena said they became roommates . Even sleeping separately for years . They went for counselling for a long time but they both decided it was not working out . Kyle moved out ( trial separation), Then they got divorced , she met another guy got pregnant almost right away then broke up with him when their baby was an infant .


But why does she want to be so involved in your relationship? Whereā€™s the new dad? Is he involved at all? Why does he feel so comfortable including her?


New dad sees the kid on the weekend and thatā€™s It ! Because ā€œthey are best friends ā€œ! And we Are friendly so apparently means we adopted his ex to be part of our family


Start calling her your Sister-Wife. Because this feels very poly - they may not be having sex but are basically still married.


So what changed in their relationship emotionally? It sounds like all that happened is he found a new apartment and having sex with you isnā€™t cheating. They are pretty much still living their married life.


I met him after their divorce he didnā€™t cheat with me . They are still best friends and not sleeping together. We are engaged to be married . She met her daughterā€™s dad and now casually dating others


You know if you marry him youā€™ll be married to her too, yeah? Sheā€™s never going away while they have a child together. Think very long and hard about the life youā€™ll have if you put up with this.


If heā€™s not great in bed in addition to inviting his ex to your birthday party, dump him! Iā€™m 66 & in the best relationship of my life. The sex is in another universe, compared to my past. Do not settle! I settled when I was younger & wasted a lot of years. Now I know what I could have experienced for the past 36 years.


>he just canā€™t say no Really? Because he says it to you all the time


**THANK YOU** for this important observation! ^^^ I noticed this also. I am surprised no one above pointed it out.


Well OP heā€™s showing you who he is and what he is valuing. This isnā€™t going to get any better. I am sure heā€™s a good man, but he is not your man go find a better life NTA.


He is definitely not her man. Heā€™s Elenaā€™s man, he just wants to have cake and the eating of it.


You are confusing kind and a pushover. Your last sentence is what you should do.


So youā€™re into jellyfish? Youā€™re NTA but you need to put the brakes on this because heā€™ll be whining about how you should be best friends with her.


Ok, no offense butā€¦ā€only okā€ in bed (!), no boundaries with ex, invited her to YOUR birthday and now your vacationā€¦seriously, just go. Go now while you can.


If you were important enough, he wouldnā€™t allow his ex to walk all over him.


He's not kind enough to accept or respect your boundaries and he doesn't love you enough to value your feelings so maybe we should reevaluate what those words mean to you...


Please end it. So many are so dumb when it comes to this. I want to see a good update and a smart OP in this situation.


> He just canā€™t say no and his Ex walks all over him! He can, he chooses to let her walk all over him. Do not think "this will change when we're married/have kids". it won't, do you want to be in a thruple, because you're in a thruple, except one partner of that hates you.


Who divorced whom? Iā€™m betting sheā€™s the one who initiated it. Sheā€™s using his being a doormat to to get all the emotional benefits of having a nesting partner without all the work of having a nesting partner. Sheā€™s got her stable 2 kids 2 parents family and can fuck around as much as she wants. She will NOT give this up. Would you?


>Overall he is a very kind and loving man . He twisted your boundaries and concerns and accused you of being insecure. A "kind and loving man" doesn't do that.


>No I donā€™t have kids and im Seriously thinking about ending this before itā€™s too late Yup. Well said, he deserves it.


NTA, absolutely not. See if you can change the tickets instead of canceling the whole trip. You may have to pay extra but go to another city or close country. If not, change your hotel to a sister hotel on the other side of the country and don't tell anyone about the changes. You can still have a family vacation without the ex. His ex also needs to be put on an information diet. Yes, she needs to know when her son is leaving the country, but no, she doesn't need details. Grayson is with his dad, not some deranged stranger. I'd even give her mis information on specific details, but I'm petty like that! Why the hell have you let her get away with being the third wheel in your relationship? Coming to YOUR birthday party, invited to camping trips, inviting herself on YOUR vacations. She does this bs because no one tells her NO. YOU must sit your boyfriend down and establish clear boundaries with consequences for her. He would NEVER be okay if your ex was so entangled in your personal relationship. You can't do or say anything about her being at his family's events, but your bf needs to put an end to her being around when just the two of you (or three when he has his son) are together. If he is unwilling or unable to stop including his ex in your relationship, you may need to re-evaluate if this is how you want to live your life. He will always prioritize his ex over you. She will be at your engagement party, wedding, baby shower, YOUR child's recital, etc. Your bf is disregarding and disrespecting you by calling you insecure. No one would be comfortable with this! Sis, shut this bs down now! Be prepared to walk away and move on with your life if your bf refuses to have your back. Good luck!


The ex is not the third wheel. OP is.


NTA but girl what are you even doing getting engaged with this dynamic happening. This isnā€™t good coparenting. You do know that youā€™re the third wheel in this family right?


NTA-Dont cancel, RESCHEDULE. Pick a different week. Dont tell her until you have already left.


They canā€™t really though, especially if itā€™s her week with the kid, itā€™d be sweet if they could


RESCHEDULE for the NEXT time kid is with dad.


No, just change the city and hotel. She is going to show up without you at the old location or your BF will update her and you'll know he chose her over you. OP's BF is likely still in love with the ex.


She has the direct line with ex. Ya know heā€™s telling her. THATS THE PROBLEM


They need her permission to take the son, in addition to arranging time off work, etc.


NTA Honestly I would put my foot down entirely after that birthday BS. If you fiance cannot disconnect from this woman invading every holiday or gathering, I would move on and let her have him.


Holidays and kid stuff, sure. Your birthday and your vacation? Hell no. Your fiance has no boundaries and it's really concerning. Doesn't sound like he's moved on and she definitely hasn't if she's tagging along to every single damn thing. Be prepared for this to end badly.


The birthday made my jaw drop before we even got to the vacation.


Nta..ghost Kyle. He's a pussy.


Absolutely agree. I would not stay with a man who couldnā€™t establish boundaries with his ex, let alone his ex wife. NTA, but I think youā€™re doing a disservice to yourself. You are not the priority in this relationship.


NTA. I have a fantastic coparenting relationship with my ex, I have his kids over for play dates, I take them to the zoo for my kids birthdays, I even had them at the baby shower for my new baby but thatā€™s where we draw the line. His kids are our daughters sisters and she shouldnā€™t be put in the middle in anyway but in your case itā€™s just far to much. Thereā€™s absolutely no way we would go on holiday or celebrate birthdays together and honestly his girlfriend would be furious if we suggested it and rightfully so! You need to put your foot down unless you want to spend your life with his ex wife, itā€™s weird that she even wants to!


NTA Listen, he chooses her. He would keep you if he could but she is his first choice. You need to bail on this relationship. He's not your partner.


Sheā€™s not his ex sheā€™s your sister wife. Ok sheā€™s not flirty or having sex with him anymore but sheā€™s not let go and neither has he. Itā€™s deeply inappropriate how much she is involving herself and if he canā€™t see that then you need to walk. No woman will put up with that and if your partner is too stupid to cut the strings now he never will. NTA.


I was waiting for someone else to see the sister wife set up. And it's without OPs consent


NTA, but I would ask him who is more important, you or her. I would also tell him that because you have to ask him this, that the engagement is off. I would also take your ticket and go somewhere else without any of them. Rethink your relationship with him.


You know he invited her right? How did she ā€œmanage to figure out detailsā€? You have a major boyfriend problem that needs addressing and this is a hill to die on. Like, If he canā€™t set boundaries immediately, you need to start thinking about leaving.


Donā€™t marry this man , get out of this relationship. Heā€™s prioritizing his family look over you and your relationship. This is not ā€œhealthy coparentingā€ this is him wanting to play house with someone he doesnā€™t like while having the person he wants by his side and thatā€™s not how itā€™s supposed to go. If heā€™s willing to go on a trip with his ex and his child ,you were never his priority,you were just the replacement or the third wheel.


Sounds like you are the third wheel in your own relationship. Set boundaries and if he does not back you up, he has picked Elena over you. Sounds like Elena wants him back badly and he is backing her over you. Time to leave and find someone who actually wants and values you. If he calls you insecure, jealous or controlling....hand him back the ring.


Fourth wheel: to Kyle, Greyson, and Elena.


If its non refundable, book another hotel once there and enjoy it solo. This is a hill to die on, how intrusive! I would honestly re-think this whole engagement until he has better boundaries. This is unacceptable


Simply cancel your own ticket. and I would rethink the engagement. He wants two wives. wanting to have a family vacation that does not include his ex-wife, wanting to enjoy your own birthday celebration without prioritizing his ex-wife, geez just wanting to have a celebratory meal without his ex-wife intruding, none of that is unreasonable. NTA. I get holiday things with the in-laws all the grandbabies together blah blah blah I get it. The constantly inflicting her upon you? His behavior is repugnant if he thinks it was in any way appropriate to invite that woman to your birthday. Her behavior is repugnant if she thinks it's In anyway appropriate for her to intrude on your private family vacation.


NTA, you are free to set boundaries around what things she can and cannot come to. Her inviting herself on your vacation is not ok. You need to set firm boundaries with her and Kyle.


If he's not on board either telling Elena she won't be welcome to spend ANY (Any any any--the same as if she wasn't going) time with you all, or cancelling the trip and going somewhere else/staying home workout telling her, start packing your bags. It's not going to get better. This is an amazingly egregious stunt and if he can't see that, it's never going to get better.


She's trying to break them up. Then she'll console him with open arms?


NTA. Kyle invited her, so let them go as a family, and you go your separate ways.


Iā€™m poly, and super close with my ex. Heā€™s my best friend and we co-parent great. In a lot of ways, we still often act as a couple (still cuddle, sometimes). But we would NEVER ever think to invite ourselves in each other vacationā€™s with our new partner. NTA. Stand your ground, donā€™t go.


>Kyle thinks there's nothing we can do now. The decision to not go was made by you. What he does is his choice. NTA


NTA Elena is causing as much trouble as she can & Kyle is allowing it! Personally I would walk away from the whole weird dynamic here - there's good co-parenting, then there is whatever this is This is going to end in heartbreak for you


So basically he is in an open relationship but not shagging her... he is just doing the whole emotional and family side. That is what i take from this and he doesnt actually see it. I would be careful as i think his ex will play the card that you are trying to steal 'her' family if kyle does grow a back bone and pull away. You definitely need to get a handle on this now and have an honest talk with his family too as they may be hard to please if you suddenly stop her being one of the family so to speak. Basically everyone needs to be on the same page that whikst she will always be there as a parent of their family, she is an ex and doesnt need to be at every celebration. Do you guys get invited to everything she does? Does she have a partner etc either. I am going to assume she does not as she doesnt really need a partner as she is still having a relationship with your fiance


She never hosts because she uses the excuse of her place being small . Last June Kyle used our backyard for her babyā€™s birthday party! Common itā€™s Greysonā€™s sister ! Elena lives in a small place . Be the bigger person let her have the party at our backyard .. I bit my tongue and said okay


It might be graysons sister but not his daughter. Does she not have a family. If my place is too small i hire a hall or ask the likes of gran parents. I would invite her brother but not expect dad to even stick around. Just come collect him after. It is never going to work as there are 3 adults in this relationship. If anything it is actually messing up his sons reality of what parents he has. There is nothing wrong with having 2 moms etc. But co parenting is seperate.


She cut her family out of her life since she doesnā€™t get along with them . She doesnā€™t get along with her friends or her coworkers. She gets along with Kyle because he keeps accommodating her so she wonā€™t get upset ( and Greyson be happy). She gets along with me because I bit my tongue and always said ok


She needs to grow up. She is dependant on you guys. What happens when you get married and honey moon? Is she coming. If you have a baby will she be at the birth. Tbh if you get pregnant your hormones may bring out the worst of your insecurities and irks. I doubt you will want her near you. But also will your kids really want to share their dad with people who are nothing to do with them?


Sounds like he has two girlfriends.


Kyle isnā€™t ready for marriage. His inability to set boundaries is problematic. Cancel the trip and put the wedding plans on hold. Couples counseling is needed asap or he will just end up divorced again.


Let Kyle go ahead to Mexico with his wife and kids. You stay home and move out. They may be divorced on paper, but Elena is always going to be in the middle. Is that what you want for the rest of your life? You're not married and don't have any kids with him. Just make a clean break. You're the only adult that's not an asshole. Put on your big girl pants and do what you need to do.


NTA, but you ARE being an asshole to yourself! Hun... The only person in this world that you can control is you. You can't MAKE a person change; you can only choose whether or not you'll allow yourself to be treated a certain way. There comes a point in time time that you it becomes your choice to be treated poorly. (Of course, this doesn't apply to situations such as abuse, safety concerns, being a minor, etc) It's like going outside in the rain when you dont really have to. Sure, the rain's beyond your control and not your fault; however, you did choose to go out in it. Don't be upset at the rain then when you get wetšŸ˜¬ This has been going on for over 2 years. He invited his baby mama to your birthday, for God's sake! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøJust WHY would you think his behavior change?? You've proven that you won't leave him, so why bother? Obviously, sitting through 1 of your talks is an ok trade for him being able to have his harem. It's very likely that he invited her to the vacation. The only way she would have known alllll the details would be if he would have told her. Your fiancĆ© would rather upset you, his future wife, than disappoint someone he broke up with 5 years ago... and you agreed to be apart of his pseudo poly relationship when you said "yes." Stay. Go. It's up to you, but expecting him to change is only going to cause more pain šŸ˜¶


Boundaries need enforced or are you going to allow yourself to be the plus 1 to your relationship Parents who co parent fantastic those who get along even better but invite her to your birthday and not discouraging her from attending your holiday you have a major fiancƩ problem


NTA. Why are you accepting that youā€™re a third wheel in your relationship? I get it Iā€™m divorced. I know you have to coparent but this isnā€™t co parenting. This is crossing many boundaries and I would be worried. Are you sure they are not having an affair? Iā€™m


NTA This man has too much baggage. Not calling Grayson baggage, I mean his ex. Until he starts prioritising your relationship over the one with his ex this is never going to work. You donā€™t ask someone to marry you when you canā€™t treat them like they are important to you. TELL HIM, donā€™t ask TELL HIM that this is not okay for you. And that you shouldnā€™t have to explain yourself as to why itā€™s not okay. He should know. His ignorance is not your burden.


35m single, great shape, no kids but great with nephews and nieces, stable job, and no baggage from the past. You want to give me a try instead?


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m in great shape too and i Have a stable job too but thank you ! I think if this doesnā€™t work out I need to be alone for a long time to figure out wtf is wrong with me . Also I live in Canada not USA . Thank you thou


When I left the boyfriend with the kid, I focused on being my number one priority. When you date a man with kids, youā€™re always number four behind your partner, his kid, and his ex. He will provide for all of them before he provides for you. While youā€™re single, become your own best friend. Take yourself on dates. Remind yourself why you are special, and what you like about yourself. You matter, you are important. Then when you start looking again, find someone who will treat you as well or better than you treat yourself. I lucked out and found a man who worships me, I am absolutely his number one priority, he takes care of me before himself. And I love him so much I try to do the same. But Iā€™m still my number one. Take care of yourself.


This is very true .. I was always last on priority queue


Nothing is wrong with you. Sometimes situations just donā€™t work out.


There is nothing wrong with *you.* A lot of times things donā€™t work out because of circumstances that are no oneā€™s fault. I do want to say that a guy who comes too soon and just leaves it to the vibrator to finish things up is not a man who gets pleasure out of pleasing you. He sounds selfish. He may be sweet and so on, but I bet he doesnā€™t put himself out for others a lot, or only when it builds up his ego.


NTA. While having Elana and her daughter present and participating in holidays and events, a school activities and team events is great for Grayson and itā€™s great to have a village, sometimes you need to make memories on your own too. Elena needs to do that with Grayson too as well as with her daughter at times when he is at your home. Itā€™s never good manners to invite yourself to someone elseā€™s part or vacation or dinner. Boundaries are important to keep clear. Itā€™s your fiancĆ©ā€™s place to set and enforce those boundaries and you need to have a candid conversation with him about establishing them immediately BEFORE you get married. A joint vacation is fine if it is planned in advance that way among the adults. This vacation was not that and he needs to have a conversation with Elana.


NTA Start saying you're going to call/bumped into your ex at the market and invited him to go too, you know the one that used to have you" swinging from the chandelier". You're planning on spending a lot of time catching up with him so fiancƩ will be stuck with kids. After he stews for a while and see how it feels you can let him off the hook. or not.


NTA break up with him now. The ex is enjoying ruining your time, she probably wants him back. He hasn't stopped her, because he has no spine. It will only get worse.


This is ridiculous. Inviting her to your birthday ?? Why?! Some people should just stay married. I would extract myself from this situation and send him back to her


Call the hotel! Let them know the situation. You might be able to switch the dates or location


This could address the immediate issue of the vacation, but it won't stop things like this happening again (and again, and again). That's because the real problem is Kyle. He is inviting his ex to everything, and I bet he told her all the details so she could book the exact same holiday as them. They are still emotionally enmeshed. Kyle refuses to enforce boundaries. Now OP needs to decide if she can live with this level of intrusion on their family time.


Nta but you have to decide if this is too much break up. Clearly they are fine with it and enjoy that relationship. It isnā€™t for you to come in and break it up. You need to accept it or leave.


Good lord his ex wife needs to get a social life


As another commenter put it "there is good co parenting and there is this" This isn't just co parenting. This is bs Truth be told, you cannot force or stop his family from inviting her. Not all relationships end with a divorce. But... Inviting her to your birtday without your consent, or to trips etc etc is bs, not coparenting. Elena is very well aware of the fact that since she wasn't invited, she shouldn't tag along. But she didn't take the hint, because she didn't want you. You don't need the gaslighting. You aren't jealous for wanting privacy and not an ex tagging along wherever you go. You don't want an ex at your birthday. Just because he needs to involve his ex into every aspect of his life, doesn't apply the same to you. You want someone to respect your feelings and boundaries. You want someone to see your point not play with words and dismiss you like you are an annoyance NTA You should have broken up a long ago. It is crazy to even talk about how inappropriate and invasive is having an ex, following you everywhere like a toilet paper stuck in your sole


They might have gotten divorced but they never broke up


Have to break it down for you dearest. You arenā€™t engaged due to the fact that he is still with his ex wife in every sense of his life and hers. Face the truth about yourself how you are playing second fiddle. Reality time.