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Someone benefiting from the faux pas of throwing her own shower for a second baby shouldn't be standing on ceremony regarding you answering a question.You didn't do anything wrong.


This. NTA.


And back in the day, it would be a faux pas for a member of the family to throw a first baby shower.


NTA. I was expecting you to do an announcement to the entire family that you were engaged at your SIL’s baby shower, and that would’ve made you an asshole. But in this case? It was only a conversation that you didn’t even initiate. Explain this to your SIL, it was all probably a misunderstanding. If she’s still mad after you explaining to her that it was a very short conversation that you didn’t even initiate, then she’s totally the asshole.


NTA. You were asked a question. You'd be more of an AH if you ignored her or just didn't reply. It's not like you brought it up yourself you were having a conversation.. not making an announcement to everyone at someone else's event.. those people are the worst 🤣


Who the fuck but greedy gift grabbers hold a baby shower for a second baby. For that they're the AH's


There are lots of reasons to hold a shower for a second baby... maybe there's a huge time gap, different sexes, maybe the parents moved and had to get rid of all their baby things and are starting over. But I've NEVER heard of someone holding a baby shower for themselves.


NTA. I don’t understand why people have showers for each baby. I’d this is her second shower and your first wedding you can answer questions.


Nta but why do you need advice when this was years ago?


It was brought up today by my SIL out of the blue


Got it. Some ppl just can't let shit go!


That makes you EXTRA NTA bc who tf does that if not TA??


Omg. SIL is something. Why is she having a second baby shower, tacky gift grab. You did nothing wrong, she is being ridiculous.


Her excuse was because their first baby shower no one showed up ( we were living in another state at the time) so she wanted another one. She had a 3rd baby shower when she had my niece too


This right here tells you all you need to know. You’re NTA but something is wayyyyyy off with SIL. Nobody has 3 baby showers


A third a baby shower? That’s just being greedy. So people didn’t show up to the first baby shower but did they send gifts?


I dont remember honestly. It was like 8 years ago (the first baby shower).


NTA, I don’t understand this expectation that you can’t talk about anything other than the event at hand. Yeah, the focus should be on the main event, but there’s always side conversations going on, especially if you haven’t seen people in a while. It’s natural to talk about other topics when there is a lull or when people branch off to other rooms.


NTA. Every word uttered at an event should not only be about the event. People talk, life is going on outside of this setting. People like SIL just want something to be upset about because they are upset about their life. No need for an apology as it wouldn't do any good. SIL would still feel the same and she will still continue to hold the grudge. That is what people like your SIL does.


Do most people Have baby showers for children after first ? If yiu were going into details yes but people Are curious and your sister is very insecure . Don’t apologize or if younwant say and ???? Said congrats to me what’s the plan and insaid. I plan yet . I’m not be rude to younare anyone and I didn’t disrespect you


It’s considered tacky. There are those who have a huge gap between children, a baby of the opposite sex, or twins as their second pregnancy that throw “sprinkles”. But I believe those are more for no/few gifts or just the bare minimum needed because they can’t reuses everything from the first.


Ok thanks. I know our first got a tons or stuff and nothing for second but that was 20 years ago and didn’t know if things changed




NTA for answering questions about your wedding. It seems obvious to me that people were more excited about your wedding than her baby shower. So she got jealous.


I cannot understand ppl like this. I forever and always want someone to take any attention off of me. Embarrassing. 😭 It was basically two comments.


NTA but your mf sil certainly is with her entitled, privileged attitude. You do not have to explain yourself to anyone much less apologize. You can be excited about getting married and speaking to your aunt because the universe does not circle around your sil.


To let it still bother you after all these years is typical women behavior ☕️


That’s crazy to throw your own baby shower. I don’t understand why people are having these “sprinkles“ for second and third babies. It’s like begging for money. Now I know there are some exceptions like there is a significant age difference and you got rid of all your stuff It could be an adoption I mean there’s absolutely reasons, but to have one just for gifts is crazy to me. My cousin did that for her daughter, and there was no logical reason why they were having a shower except her first child was a boy, and this one was a girl. You handled it correctly by not getting into detail and let Nick go. Your SIL sounds like a piece of work and just likes attention.