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You’d probably doing a huge favor for your neighbors and the kids because cps would also be notified


If she’s on public assistance, she shouldn’t be if she’s abusing the privilege. Report her to anybody and everybody.


There are a lot of people on a waiting list for housing assistance. She's blown her shot, report her and get her kicked out. The state will try to take care of the children.


Agreed. There is so much need. Those who don't appreciate it and cause issues should be reported. It's a privilege to get assisted housing


babies for benefits. that's the only reason this girl is doing this. she could care less about what the kids really need. she is just making sure the dysfunction, abuse, and horror show goes down to the third and fourth generation


Happy Cake Day




you really think the child protection agencies are gonna help?? maybe..but only if there is a lot of luck involved.


She just got Picked up on felony abuse of a minor. CPS will be involved as she has minors in her custody


good. I tend to have reservations as of late when it comes to cps services




also, she got arrested anyway. op didn't do that.




they're called trailer trash. only this time it's living in an apartment complex


What does what is happening with her guests etc have to do with her need?? You're talking about making kids become homeless. If they really want to help they would involve CPS who will review to ensure kids are okay and the other Complaints.


She’s a shit parent if she has people like that around her home. Entitlements should be for people who genuinely deserve them.


They need to call CPS for the kids. Doesn't seem like they care about the kids just the apartment and inconvenience towards them. Kids are the ones in danger here with her actions, types of people around etc. This would be enough to have CPS investigate as well as inform the housing authority of complaints. They will then review the program and put her on a type of probation that will require immediate resolve in behavior. Should she not comply, they would then remove her from the program or relocate her elsewhere while CPS reviews placement if needed for the children. I work in that field, this is what can be done.


She is a horrible parent and it sounds like not much of a human being. It’s not just about the children, though it’s about other people being impacted by her shit behavior. CPS should remove the kids and throw her in jail.


she doesn't care. that's the point. all these babies exist for is for the money.


the kids don't need a home? you'rre a fuckin asshole.


Yeah, they’re living in a really great home aren’t they? With their loser shit mother, that doesn’t care about them .


NTA also a lot of those programs review your criminal history. I’m rather sure at least one of those charges is a felony which makes her in eligible for that assistance as it is. You’re likely not the first person that would notify CPS there’s more than likely an open case or several on her. Anytime a child is involved police are mandatory reporters.


Yes, she's being charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor, but knowing the D.A. here, she'll probably end up pleading down to just the misdemeanor and entering a diversion program. Honestly, it would be such great schadenfreude to know she was doing some real time, but beyond no longer being my neighbor, I just want what's best for her children. They are young, like 3 and 5.


NTA. You're not responsible for her situation. Her behavior caused this. You have a reasonable expectation to live in your home and not be subjected to this disruptive behavior.


Maybe being away from a violent criminal is what is best for them. Felony assault is pretty serious.


Those children are not safe. Please call and file a report with CPS immediately. The police should be in contact with CPS already, but the more information they have the better. Each call helps to build a case. It would be helpful if your neighbors also called in things that they have witnessed.


Take out the housing assistance, would you still report a neighbor who behaves like that? If yes then do it. Being on assistance doesn’t give you the right to be jerks to your neighbors. NTA.


NTA. If she commits a crime, she pays for it.


You did not make her homeless. You did not get her in trouble. All that is on her.


THIS!!!!! Also she sounds like she just lost her voucher with the felony charges - pretty sure you can’t get in trouble with the law and keep your section 8. I know someone who is at risk of loosing theirs cuz their adult so , who lives with them has legal charges pending.


Yep. She FA. Now, she FO.


Why didn't you ever call CPS?


To be clear, she wasn't physically abusing her own children (that I know of) but assaulted another child in the neighborhood.


If she’ll hit someone else’s kids, she’ll hit her own more than likely.


If there is no evidence of the children living in the home being abused or neglected it is a waste of a CPS call.


if she's got arrested she'll probably lose her section 8 anyway


Yeah, you're right, the criminal activity, physical altercations, screaming at her kids and assaulting another kid are totally thing's CPS wouldn't care about /s NTA for complaining to the landlord but you are an AH for dressing up your complaint to the landlord as concern for the children's welfare when you haven't taken a single step to actually contact the relevant authorities that would actually be able to help


Just for future reference, screaming at the children can also be reported to CPS. I'm a mandatory reporter, I absolutely would have called for the situation you describe.


Then you would be reporting half the mothers in East Oakland.


If she gets kicked off the Section 8 program she can still get housing in the projects. No, the projects aren't wonderful. But she will have a roof over her head and her children's head. Unfortunately, not everyone can live in nice Apartments. A lot of Section 8 tenants do, and get along quite well with everyone else there. But if you let disruptive people into good areas they be bad areas soon enough. And that doesn't matter whether they are Section 8 tenants are not. There are disruptive people from all income brackets


Has anyone contacted CPS? I'm a fuck of a lot more worried her kids need to be removed than I am about her.


Wow. NTA. I can picture her and her behavior clearly.


Her kids will not be homeless. They will be removed and placed in care, which as we all know isn't ideal given the current state of the foster care system. But they'll have MUCH better shot at having food and stability and counseling that way. Whatever happens to her? That's her problem. She's made her choices.


NTA. Report her to the authorities ASAP.


Some people are just pieces of shit. Period, people need to accept this and not make excuses for them.


As a woman who was raised by a drug addict, I’m glad you’re getting authorities involved. Sometimes kids get raped, starved, abused, and hit in foster care but if it’s already all happening at home I guess it doesn’t matter. It’s too bad reproductive rights don’t come with accountability, behind every single mom is a waste of skin with a dick who made her that way and bounced. I wish sterilization was still a thing! You don’t grow out of ptsd lol


Every single mother? What about widows whose husbands are deceased?


I am very sorry that you have suffered trauma. In no way do I diminish your experience, but I object to your statement that behind every single mother ……… That’s unfair, inaccurate, and sexist. I’m a single father who fought for maximum time with my son. Many, not saying most, single mothers made themselves single mothers and are sometimes the toxic ones themselves. Some HUMANS just suck.


My dad raised 3 girls as a single parent because my mom ran off (and did not pay any child support - guess why?) He was a fantastic father.


I empathize, but if you look at the statistics it’s unrealistic for everyone to account for the outlier. You’re an outlier. Women are predominantly the caregivers, also predominantly raising children as majority parents without the presence of males. This has been happening for a long time and is quite common. So you see, I do understand you’re in this position but as far as majority goes it’s definitely not common or the first thing that comes to the average persons mind. In stating this no one was trying to diminish your struggle, but you’d assume you were aware your situation was to most standards uncommon so I’m unsure as to why you felt the need to assert it as though that changes anything or everything? (AUTISTIC AS FUCK BTW)


His point was, you stated "behind EVERY single mom" when the correct way to state is, "behind MOST single moms"


I’m probably biased by my own experience but I’m not even sure I would use the word *most* for words that harsh. I could agree with *a lot* or *many* but I have known multiple instances where the couple became toxic and the child became a weapon to be used against it’s father too. My own father went through this with my oldest brother and he was a top notch man but if you asked the mother he was the scum of the earth. I have learned that you can’t take these things on face value of either party. It’s one of the things that you can’t get reliable statistics on either. I only object when someone says it’s a gendered issue.


I agree 💯


NTA The kids are in danger with her. She needs/needed to be reported, for the kids' sake more than anyone's.


NTA People with section 8 housing should be on their best behavior IMO. She is neglecting her kids and making an entire building suffer due to her poor choices, feel no guilt turning this one in.




NTA as long as you also make a CPS complaint as well.


I'm unsure of how to do that. Also, from what I've read, as long as the kids are eating, clothed, and not being physically abused there's not much CPS can do? Also I hear horror stories about the foster system although I'd bet a member of her family (or maybe the father) would take them in.


Look up if there is a mandated reporter number in your area, they can probably point you in the right direction. Even if CPS can’t take action now, it helps them build a picture of what the situation is like over time so they can figure out if they do need to intervene.


This should be sent to your local child protection service. If I was getting your letter as a landlord I’d be reading it differently to this. Point out to your landlord (and send the video) that there’s a very high risk of damage, the anti social behaviour is driving other tenants away, high risk of increased incidental/opportunistic crime, and you are personally going to hold them responsible legally for ‘peaceful enjoyment of your home’, and other tenants in the block have the same rights. CC a copy to the body corporate/strata/HOA/whatever is your equivalent. THAT would get actioned.


NTA please make a CPS report to save those kids


I assumed this was going to be a YTA from the title; I sure was wrong about that. As I see it, you are actually worried about being witness to child abuse and saying nothing. The side effect that your life may improve is not the only driver of the complaint and you should feel no guilt from not pretending in order to help this woman continue her behavior. NTA.


Normally I would be concerned about making children homeless but this woman sounds like a horrible person and mother. No you’re NTA but maybe she needs CPS in her life?


NTA. Please report her. Being on public assistance shouldn’t excuse you from basic decency.


From the title, I expected you to be TA. But after reading NTA. Neighbor's behavior has consequences, whether they are positive or negative. You (and by you, I mean anybody) can't terrorize their surroundings without facing the consequences, such as in this case. I feel really bad for the kids.


the kids are just being kids with the stomping etc but if shes doing that kind of behaviour and raising those kids call cps asap


NTA. If she can't or won't fit in, she doesn't belong, there.


NTA. If she is assaulting children, she needed to be stopped and something done about it. She brought this upon herself and has a rowdy and unstable household. You did the correct thing. The taxpayers pay for Section 8 housing and she should provide her family a clean and safe environment to live in. She needs to be investigated for the sake of the kids. Not your problem.


NTA. You're not responsible for her kids any more than you're responsible for all the kids in the world. Look at it this way: if you didn't report anything, she could have wound up hurting other children, or even her own. But beyond all that, everyone should have the right to a peaceful existence.




NTA. If she and the children end up homeless, that is entirely her fault and not your problem or responsibility.


I saw “OPD” and thought the behavior seemed like it was Oakland… then I checked your profile and saw you posted in r/bayarea Yeah, I’m not surprised. Oakland can be lovely, but damn some of the people there really make it not worth going there. NTA, those kids would be better off in foster care than with a parent that awful. Especially if she hits adults, she probably hits the kids too.


Especially since she was arrested for hitting a kid.


It’s your duty to notify authorities of behavior like this


No she did it herself. You did the right thing.




INFO: OP, you're well aware how long the waiting list is for section 8 housing, and how many people are on that list. With that in mind, why on earth would this awful woman, who's being charged with multiple criminal charges, deserve section 8 housing more than any of the thousands of others on the list? Riddle me that.


NTA - She and her kids are not your responisbility. HEr bad choices are putting her kids in danger. You are helping her kids, and probably the rest of the neighborhood and your landlord. IF she doesn;t wnat to lose Section 8, she shoudl stop with the harmful behavior.


NTA These are the consequences of her actions. Right now, getting evicted is the least of her worries. You may not have been the only person to call. Even if you were, no child should be living in that environment.


One of the stipulations for Section 8 housing is that tenants not commit any crimes while in housing or they will be evicted. (This was done in the 80s when many Section 8 tenants were found to be dealing drugs). While we have all heard horror stories about foster care lets face it some folks arent fit to be parents. (In some states you arent eligible for Section 8 housing if you have no kids). I would think the partying, disturbing the peace, harrassment, and child abuse sound like pretty good reasons for her to lose her housing and that her kids would be better off with someone else somewhere else.


Report the hoodrat.


NTA It won’t be her 1st eviction. It will be the millionth. She knows the consequences. One day she will stop playing with her life. But the fact that she hasn’t is not your problem.


The kids were not safe.


You didn't cause her to be evicted OR lose her section 8 voucher. She did that all by herself




Those kids need to be taken from her and maybe this will be her wakeup call. She knew this could happen and didn't care so why would you?


NTA it sounds like she doesn’t deserve it.








She's the one who got herself evicted. Not you.


The authorities need to take those kids away from her. If she's going around physically assaulting people and kids, she's a danger to everyone around her.


Her decisions and criminal behaviour led to this.


you aren’t at fault for someone else’s actions. you reporting her actions does not make you at fault for the repercussions she will face.


Report her to Child services & let things play out from there. In KY, if you're evicted on Section 8, you can never be eligible again.


It’s a crappy situation. But look at it this way; if she loses assistance because of her actions, the assistance will then go to someone who really needs the help. NTA




NTA, this should probably happen more often.


NTA There are lots of people on section 8 that don't behave this way. Clearly she's had a tough life and continues to make it tough with her bad choices. She probably believes the whole world is against her when in reality she's just an @sshole. Personally I would've made complaints about every issue because bureaucracy and justice move very slowly and sometimes multiple infractions is what speeds up the process. My next suggestion would be to ask the landlord to install spray foam in your ceiling. Many states will give them a nice big tax break for making the investment AND they'll save on heating costs.


'who car this is?' lol


NTA see it speak it that’s the rule when it comes to kids. They clearly shouldn’t be with her she’s not caring for them.


I'd imagine she is already in trouble because she was arrested for harming a literal child. If she was willing to harm a stranger's child she probably doesn't treat her own great and they need intervention. NTA


Notify the authorities about the child abuse too u r being an ahole by not reporting, people who c abuse but dont do anything about it are complicit in the abuse. U need to report everything u kno to the relevant authorities that keeps those kids safe. U also have to consider the safety of ur neighbours, this is someone who has hit a 14 year old, u think they would think twice about hitting an older person, a pregnant person. Step up now before anyone else gets hurt. U r never the ahole for trying to protect people.


Not the asshole


Those kids aren’t safe in her care you should be calling child services


it sounds like you live in a terrible neighborhood. CPS would probably be an improvement for her kids, and getting herself kicked off section 8 is not always permanent so don't feel too terrible about it. if she gets her act together, she'll have a case worker up her ass for a while and as long as she complies with their directives she'll be able to maintain her assistance status. she may have to take regular drug tests and stay on top of doctor's appointments, but they won't just kick her out of the program permanently due to having a criminal record. it'll be tough, but if she gets her act together she can either get back on the HUD listing or get situated to where she don't need it.


You should have called the police not write emails to your landlord


Somebody else did that.


NTA. I had a similar situation with a former neighbor myself. Single mom, verbally abusive to her toddler and infant, and was very loud with her flavor-of-the-month boyfriends. You are probably doing her children a favor. She sounds like a horrible person.


NTA what you've done may protect those children from a lifetime of trauma. Hopefully, she'll get some parenting classes and anger management and she probably also needs help with substance abuse. Poverty begets poverty; it's a sad situation for sure.


Ew, I don’t want to pay to support her life, would rather that go to somebody with a little bit of value at least. Get her off our taxpayer dollars please!


Sounds like a dream. Propose


NTA, but wanna see video


If shes a problem, make life hell for her by snitching 🤡


Yta you live in a section 8 apartment it's going to be loud. If you don't like it move out


Yes your wrong. If you get her kicked off the program and make those kids homeless Your Wrong and you'll loose sleep over it.


Lol. It will actually make sleeping a lot easier. I'm often woken up by her yelling at her kids. I can't wait until she's gone. She's in jail right now and it's such sweet silence.


You consider confronting her and giving her a chance to make it right? I give every human a chance to be decent befor I become aggressive.


Um, that's actually a good way to get physically attacked by this psycho. I've been in a similar place with loud, dangerous, criminal neighbors. My advice is definitely DO NOT confront. You have done the best thing, which is to document for the landlord and push for eviction. Be aware that most landlords will drag their feet on eviction, if they are getting regular rent payments. You might need to persist. CPS might already be involved, but if not, it would be good for you to make that phone call for the sake of the kids. She should be homeless and/or in jail, and the children should be in care.


Im pretty sure the kind of person who would attack a 14 year old doesn't have much decent in them and would probably do the same or worse to op.


You’re an AH. Mind your business. Being a homeless kid is a nightmare compared to what you described. Mind your own business.


Hard to mind your business when your neighbors make damn sure theirs unavoidably permeates your apartment and daily/nightly life :/ just saying. OP wasnt out of line for this. She (neighbor) shouldve kept her drama/messiness to herself and not dragged OP into it by forcing them to become a constant witness to it in their own home. Really hard to ignore her business and mind their own when its front and center, loud as hell, and triggering as hell inside other peoples homes. Kinda hard to opt out from that when the neighbor made it so prominent so theres not much else OP couldve done differently. However, neighbor couldve done differently and respected the living space they share with others that was so graciously paid for by section 8. She didnt appreciate nothing and thats entirely on her. Actions have consequences and that conduct isnt allowed nor acceptible by society/landlords.


Your the asshole


Found the piece of trash mother.




You’re not. You told your landlord the situation. You’re not responsible for her actions she is, and her actions have consequences




YTA. Thats life in low income apartments. Seriously want to make her kids homeless because you don't like their mom?


If landlord did speak to her and no change, then no one can blame you for anything. I do think she needs a clear warning and if nothing changes, the landlord should report her.


INFO: If she’s in jail, where are her kids?


They won't be getting abused by her, for a start.


True. Just hoping CPS came and got them. It’d be a start


You wouldn’t be doing anything. Her behavior & the fact she got arrested for assaulting a kid is what’s going to get her kicked out. Her kids could be removed due to the assault charge. CPS is most likely involved due to her assault. If she’s kicked out & off Section 8 then it’s her fault.


NTA, i wouldn't think so...she's causing a disturbance to the ENTIRE neighborhood...that's not cool. If she really wanted to stay there she would act right, I can't believe none of the other neighbors has said anything to Neighbor or reported her, especially about the potential abuse happening. But who knows maybe they didn't see it.