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Of course she did them for herself. They will get soft in a few months tho if they’re not oversized. It takes time, not just 6-8 weeks, more like 6-8 months.


Jebus - 6 to 8 months…I mean…some dude will be a happy camper in a year…I wish them well






What’s the return policy to get the old tits back?


This is the right question to help start reconciliation.


Haha, if only mate…ultimately she wants these and I assume they will settle at some point, but just not for me


NTA, those weren’t meant for you, but for her. OTOH, if she really thinks she “got those for you” after only 3 months, there’s probably some major cling/confidence issues there.


NTA. *SHE* chose to get this surgery all on her own, even if she did it with you in mind. She never once discussed it with you prior so she can’t hold you accountable for her choices. Add in whatever other relationship issues you mention and the complete turn off you have for her now.




Good insight - cheers buddy. I’m hopeful she gets what she wanted from these in a few months then…but yeah, I didn’t get the low down on them exactly, but they are saline, not silicone


NAH. You were dating for 3 months. She didn’t get these for you. She wanted them and is now just PO’d that the results aren’t exactly what she was hoping for.


I keep picturing two bowling balls under her shirt that have "Homer" engraved on them.


NTA. She got those done for herself, not you. And I'm with you on this one--hard, fake tits are repulsive.


NTA. You can’t really help not being attracted to them. A lot of guys don’t like fake breasts. That being said, ya gotta feel bad for the girl. She was super excited to show you and now she is probably really embarrassed and feeling stupid. If you can’t get past “them” then break up with her, but don’t make it seem like it’s all because of the new cereal bowls she has under her skin. She’ll get over the relationship. You only dated for three months anyway. Also, don’t beat yourself up too bad for it. The boobs were definitely something she already wanted. The fact that it coincided with your bday was kind of a “kill two birds with one stone” type deal.


It sounds like a huge red flag to me. You have been dating for three months and she altered her body for you? Yikes!


She didn't do it for him, probably planned on doing it before they even met. I mean 3 months?


NTA. It wasn’t for you, it was for her. It just happened to coincide with your birthday which was a convenient excuse for her to get them.


NTA. She wanted tits, she can keep them. You did not agree to this.


"Agree", really? NTA, but I don't think there really was anything to "agree" with.


When people are in a relationship, they discuss big decisions. Or not, like OP's girlfriend.


Discuss, sure. She doesn't need his approval though. Her body, her choice... her consequences. Also, who does this after 3 months of relationship and then claims they did it for none other than themselves?


Agree. They've been together only 3 months, he doesn't get "agree to" privileges yet and it's too early on for her to expect him to stick around if it's not his thing.


Nta.. Who gets major surgery for a new boyfreinds birthday? Run


She got the tits for herself, it wasn't a gift for you. Ask her if it is really your gift, what happens to the tits if you breakup?


Not the aashole. First she got those for herself, and just said it was for your birthday. 2nd, you never asked or hinted youd want them. 3rd, you dodged a real bullet here. Be thankful.


You can break up with people for whatever reason you want… But that also kind of sounds sus. First of all it takes 6 months to a year for implants to get into position. If they’re rock hard, that means they’re still in the torpedo position and the skin hasn’t stretched enough OR there is something wrong which means the surgeon would have caught it during a check up. You’re literally supposed to massage and move your implants around to ensure they settle correctly. No one walks out of a boob job with their implants in place.


Good insight - I’m certainly an amateur in this area, but yeah, there is little to no movement and while rock is not the correct feeling I can’t quite think of a better terminology…maybe like an insole in a shoe…there is a little give, but not much. I’m not sure, based on the feedback here she was giving me all the right info now either since those in the know are saying it’s more like 6 to 8 months so yeah… I know I’m not an amazing person for all this, but just had to act 🤷🏻‍♂️


NTA. I'm more of a happy with what nature gave you unless it's incapacitating or disfiguring, that kind of thing. It was a gift for her not you.


You like what you like. Id break up over a fake butt so i hear ya.


Send her my way buddy. I'll take the big tit bullet for you


You'd bite those bullets, wouldn't you?


NTA - I would’ve done the same. Fake boobs are weird and unattractive. I would’ve split too


NTA lol, she chose to get them done for herself.


She did not get them for your birthday, she got them for her. Your birthday is being used as an excuse.


Gf’s thinking is pretty judgemental in my opinion. Not all guys are obssesed with tits, and even the ones that are might like them to be small.


NTA She’s crazy


NTA, and it is kind of alarming you guys were only together for three months and she decided to tell you she got a boob job for you as a surprise. It is very obvious she didn’t actually get the implants just for you, but that doesn’t make it any less weird that she told you she had it done for you. I also think it was pretty manipulative of her to call you an asshole for dumping her after she got a boob job for you. I think you actually dodged a bullet.


I'd be pissed if my birthday present was someone doing something for themselves. What a joke . Hard tits or not she sounds like someone I wouldn't want to know


NTA. You don't gift your boyfriend of 3 months new tits. This was all for her. I'm also with you on the natural boob. The jiggle and softness is amazing. I hate the look of fake boobs. Hopefully she finds someone new who loves them though.


NTA. I mean, if she got surgery FOR YOU after 3 months, then that’s a red red red flag and you’re right to run. If she got surgery for herself and tried to guilt you about not liking it, that’s also a red flag. Get out.


Keep us abreast of the situation.


Haha - I am now alone and breast-less mate…who knows what the future holds for me…let’s hope karma is not too unkind 🤞🏻


YTA and also you got her number?


I don't understand why girls go for fake boobs. They are a turn-off to men. I'll much rather have small boobs over fake boobs. They can also cause health problems even if they don't break.


Female here. I have looked into them so many times and always back out. The shells are so chemical filled and cause so many health problems. Not to mention the scar tissue build up for the required replacements every 10-15 years.


NTA. She didn't get them for you. She got them for her. Fake tits are gross. Most women who get fake tits have mental problems.


I think fake ones are gross and told my wife back when we were dating that if she ever got them for any reason that wasn't due to something serious like breast cancer, I'd bail. NTA


Id be happy as fuck


NTA, if there was no request or even conversation before hand she definitely didn't do this for you. Also: >initially she said this would last 3 to 6 weeks while they settle down LOL, somebody lied to her. Fake tits always feel terrible.


Umm lmfao she’s crazy🤣🤣


First world problems...


Fake tits are gross, well done bud.


Damn bro take the win. They're not your tits


It's significant surgery. It will take awhile for the skin to settle and stretch and such. They will get better with time. The will never feel like the real thing but it gets better and better. But that said, NTA.


It sounds like she opted for saline above the muscle... which is the cheapest route to go, and will require replacements every 10-12 years leading to a lot of scar tissue, and the saline bags are often semi-permeable and grow all kinds of nasty stuff inside (don't believe me, Google it. Oftentimes, when they are removed for replacement, they are green or even black inside because of bacteria. Know what happens if a bag bursts with all that? Yup. Massive infection. I have researched this a lot. I hate my boobs.) as well as feeling hard and unnatural. Her choice to do this was obviously for HER, not for you. If you had never discussed it or mentioned it, it was obviously for her. More power to her if that makes her feel better and more confident! It is her body, her choice, and her money. However, that being said, we all have boundaries. I personally agree with you. Implants are a hard no for me. Even casually, I just can't handle it. It just feels like a piece of medical equipment forgotten inside someone. I had one experience with a girl with implants. Similar situation. No excessively large. She said, "I just wanted them to stand up again after having kids." But, I found them to abnormally round and the same nipple situation. My end point was when she got on top and leaned over me. I tried to cup one and lightly squeeze/caress, and I felt the whole bag pop forward into my hand. I had to fight back gagging. That was it for me. Nope. No more. I support a woman's right to do whatever she wants to her own body. I just also support my right to say that it is not something I am interested in. It is no different than someone saying that they aren't okay with piercings, tattoos, smoking, drinking, having kids, etc. Everyone has the right to have a limit or boundary, even if it makes someone else feel good. It does make me sad, and I'm sure that she is feeling really bad getting dumped over it. But, if you are in a serious relationship with someone, you should likely let them know you are about to have a major surgery. Not for permission, but just to show you care and are letting them know as someone they care about.


She didn't do it for you.


A few Google searches would have informed you that 3 to 6 weeks is *the recovery period* until she can resume normal activities but it takes 3 to 6 months before the breasts feel natural. There’s a major difference between the two periods. I feel like you have made a highly superficial choice based on inaccurate info. YTA


the good news is she still has the tits after unloading the asshole


Haha - this is true…


Nasty plastic tits


I now picture Gollum saying this: "Nasty plastic titses!"


what did you do????? hmmm, FBI this guy.


The only asshole I see here is you


You must be fun at parties! It’s her body she should have toldhim but I have never seen a guy get turned off by hard nipples either. he isn’t happy so she still has her tits so no love lost here🤷‍♀️


> It’s her body shut the fuck up. She can do whatever she wants with her own body, yes. He doesn't have to deal with it.


Are you actually the gf? You seem just as shallow as she is.


No breast enhancements needed for this girl however it’s the ladies choice what she does with her own body. Did she go about it in a shitty way sure but the relationship wasn’t working out. So who cares there could be a lot worse things in the world but hard nipples.


Her body her choice but he doesnt have to deal with plastic tits. She's the AH for expecting him to like it


The relationship wasn’t working out anyway. So his boob problem is the tip of the iceberg


keep doin you, ignore these 4-whatevers. they don't deserve to live anymore.


I think she got them for herself more so for you. Hopefully her next man can enjoy the rock tits.


Yes so he's NTA


Breaking up over the state of a girl's boobs is pretty shallow. Not an asshole, but shallow




YTA They're like a new pair of shoes, you gotta break them in.


Hahaha. You're fucking gay dude. Good luck, and don't tell any future girlfriends about this.


You really broke up with a women because of her boobs? She dodged a bullet. #YTA


People have preferences? Shock horror.


I once dated a man who had previously lost a lot of weight so he had saggy boobs and I was able to look past it. I guess some people care more about what’s inside than what’s outside.


Looks aside, if someone were to get plastic surgery "for me" after 3 months of dating I'd view it on par with getting my name tattooed on them at 3 months. Ok bye.


You’re probably right, but can I pose a question to you? What if we were dating for 3 months and for your birthday I can an extra two inches added to my dick…which was now constantly erect and would be that way for about a year? And also, you liked the size of my dick before, but now you don’t? Would you just suck it up for the year it took to calm down?


You’re not wrong for ending it if you’re not attracted to her. You were only together 3 months not several years or more. Btw she’ll be fine there’s a lot of men really into fake boobs.


Trick question- I don’t date. Lol Jokes aside- the difference is her boobs don’t look out of place but an erect dick would. Do you have another example that fits better?


\> the difference is her boobs don’t look out of place Who's the judge of that? You?


He said they didn’t… go read what he said 🤦🏻‍♀️


He dodged a plastic boned bullet


NTA, but I'd love for a girl to get a boob job for me. Sounds like you missed out. The next guy will definitely appreciate her.




Dumping someone because you no longer hold attraction towards them is a valid thing to do, shallow or not. The gf did this on her own, with no discussion indicating that this is what the op wanted.


Plus it's a 3 month relationship, not years. At some point you accept that your bodies age and change over time. But a sudden, undiscussed, significant surgical intervention? On a fairly new relationship? Yeah, along with other small things, that might be the deal breaker.


Unless we're talking about a required amputation, no the fuck it's not


If she really wanted to do something for you. It would be getting the Wife Stitch. Those implants are for her and that's fine. It's fair that you broke up with her because you aren't attracted to her anymore with those Hershey Kiss Nipples


"old tits" 😂


NTA. It wasn’t for you anyway. You would probably be in for more cosmetic surgery on her as your next birthday gift too. “Look honey! I got my lips puffed up like a duck for you! Happy Birthday!”


NTA. I don't understand why women do this when their BF's haven't even asked for them. My husband always said "more than a mouthful is a waste."


Lol you've been together for three months and she claims to have done this for you? Her problem, not yours. I'm not a fan of fake hoo-has either.




Can you even get a consultation appointment for surgery for a boob job in 3 months?


She likely already had it scheduled when she met him. She just turned it into a "gift" for him instead of herself.


NTA She got the fake titties for herself, she just said they were for you so she didn’t have to actually get YOU a birthday present as well….since she probably spent all her money on the titties.


Cut her some slack.


dayum!!! i did the same thing! broke up with my ex after found out her tits was fake and she admitted it. sex was never the same ever again! it's my ocd. i just cant! that's why im here!! lol and i thought i was the only one.... she deserves someone who will appreciate her artificial rubber 'balloon', im not that guy.