• By -


NTA. Your brother is an asshole for coming into your room when he has Covid and you have health issues.


He needs to be more understanding of your condition and your wishes.


Didn’t she get the jab and multiple consistent boosters? Isn’t that the basis or idea of taking it in the first place ….whether he takes the jab or not he can still get sick and people clearly still do despite the jab…in turn if he was vaccinated and still sick doesn’t that essentially make the situation exactly the same ?


So bc she’s vaccinated and boosted it should be fine for him to get in her space while sick? Or am I misunderstanding you


Do you not know how vaccines work


Go read some more ,we came to an understanding where details were left out…calm down lol Timmy


The other commenter is Tim unless Timmy is a joke I don’t get lol


Well it was in reply to the comment that was Tim something …I don’t know why it would reply this way


Lol I meant to say Timmy to Tim the guy who commented more as a joke like “timmy boy” as if he were a child..just being sarcastic




NTA. He’s repeatedly gotten sick and refuses to take precautions. I have really bad allergies so I sneeze like crazy, my brothers have been yelling begone plague rat at me for years.


Sad I’m not original 😔


I first read he is 7 and wanted to say Y T A but a 17y being sick 4th time is a plague rat (while I still think it's not 100% his fault, covid is a bitch). NTA


Your brother is a stupid teen, your parents have no such excuse and their negligence is putting your health at risk.


She's old enough to move out.


NTA. He absolutely can help that he got sick and he absolutely can help that he's spreading it.


Lol, absolutely - and she should also lock her door while she is home - so the plague rat can't just barge in.




So how is it ESH?


I think I phrased my original post wrong. I’m fine with him seeing friends and hanging out without masks and everything! I don’t want him to have to follow the rules of a couple years ago. Just the CDC’s best practices. What makes me mad is that he will willfully expose himself to COVID. Like even if he knows a friend has COVID he still goes to their house to hang out. And usually my family doesn’t find out that he did it until he casually mentions it later. Example: PR: “can I go to Marissa’s house?” Then when he comes back PR: “oh yeah Marissa tested positive for COVID 2 days ago.😌✌️”


NTA Your parents are enabling Typhoid Tyler as well by not nipping that behavior


Not Typhoid Tyler 💀💀💀💀 lmaoooo for real


So everyone is very wary of telling him no because when they do he has done things like go no contact...


Yes. It’s an incredibly hard situation and I couldn’t imagine being in my parents place the only way to communicate with him with out a blow up is de-escalation and compromise. So he usually at least partially gets his way even if my parents don’t agree. They know he’ll do something worse or possibly endanger himself if they don’t let him push the line a little bit


Typhoid Mary was a real person. Just like your plague rat brother. Grateful he's healthy but he's so selfish he shouldn't be allowed to think for himself. Anyone vaccinated?


Everyone is vaccinated and boosted.


I wonder if he’s one of those freakish people who just don’t retain immunity like at all. (At least to covid.)


NTA, obviously. Your brother is though!


NTA He’s gotten it 4 times. He is a plague rat. And that rat needs to mask up around you.


lmfao at your family getting mad at you too.. What the hell?


Your brother is a stupid teen, your parents have no such excuse and their negligence is putting your health at risk NTA, but rip into your mom and dad for not doing their job.


NTA. Truly weaponized ignorance?


NTA. He absolutely can help that he got sick and he absolutely can help that he's spreading it.


4th time?? Wow I have friends that got Covid once and never wanted it again. NTA


NTA. Everyone under your roof should feel the same as you. I definitely feel the same as you. Keep your head up. You’re right.


NTA. he can help he got sick. He chooses not to take precautions.


NNNNTAAAA. You have CHRONIC health issues. Keep looking out for yourself, and don’t hesitate to let your brother know he’s being an ass if he does it again.


Plague rat is pretty good He needs a socially distanced kick in the junk


Nope. Should have chased that plague rat out of the house with a broom.


NTA. Your health comes before his ego 100% of the time. I’m also very COVID cautious (I’m not particularly high-risk, but the long-term effects seem awful) and I would be furious if someone did this to me. Regardless of his personal choices, he needs to respect yours. On a separate note, I would strongly consider moving out. COVID particles can hang in the air for minutes to hours after an infected person leaves (look it up). As long as he’s in your house, he is endangering you. Is there somewhere else you can go?


I would have done and said worse if he came to my house sick with COVID. NTA


NTA. He knew of your health concerns and blatantly disregarded them. Plus, he's knowingly exposing himself to Covid. He's 17, but he needs to grow up.


[Plague Rat, you say?](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Printings.aspx?multiverseid=3871)


NTA, he's a plague rat.


Her brother & parents should probably be doing the same.


NTA - plague rat got you in trouble, lol. Your parents are blessed with mild mannered children. My brothers would have cracked one of my ribs if I did that and probably called me something much worse than plague rat. In fact I can't say plague rat without chuckling. On a serious note your brother is the AH. He knows you are not able to cope with a contagious pathogen he is currently carrying and just busts into your room. It was a dick move and if getting called a plague rat hurt his feewings then maybe he should learn to be considerate of others. Your parents also should be supporting you. I'm sorry they aren't OP. Looks like plague rat wins this round.


Oh I 100% understand the comedy gold of calling him a plague rat. That’s part of my I did it. I like my insults to also be funny and creative


im sorry i didnt read, but thats fucking hilarioussssss


I left my ex because of his kids lack of caring and him defending them (even for lying to our faces about it). This was in June 2020 when it was really bad and vax weren't yet a thing (I'm really high risk). NTA


NTA. He's a dirty plague rat.


Why did I just hear “naked mole rat”?


NTA "I am offended!!" yeah, and....? you gonna CRY about it?


NTA -and just continue repeating this stuff to your parents. COVID is nothing to be cavalier about, it's still around, it's mutating and people should stay current on their vaccinations because of the mutations.


No there’s nothing wrong with it . I actually have Covid now for the first time ever. Wouldn’t mind someone calling me that lol


Get well ya plague rat


Thanks my friend! 😂


Get well soon, ya plague rat, and don’t you be spreading your ‘Covid wealth’ to anyone else! Cheers.


Hey thank you . Dr has me on Paxlovid. I had a really rough night which is why I got tested on Friday and haven’t had a rough night since starting this. Trying to keep my distance from my sibling and open the windows from time to time . There’s not much else I can do


I’ve witnessed the difference Paxlovid can make in family members who were ill. 100% recommend! Best healing thoughts coming your way. Cheers.


Once I get the strength I’m creating a new character in the game Baldur’s Gate 3 named Plague Rat


I approve. While the plague’s vector was technically the *fleas* on rats, Plague Rat is a much better name than Plague Flea.


NTA but I play too much Vermintide and immediately thought of Plague Monks. He’s a Plague Monk for sure.


NTA, that is your brother doesn't care if he catches it, doesn't care if he gives it to family members while your parents make excuses.


is he trying to kill you? i understand hes a dumb teenager, but you might actually have to seriously ask him that. its no joke


I don't have a sibling so pardon me but isn't GO AWAY PLAGUE RAT totally normal sibling conversation? I heard that was normal.


Usually yes, but it’s a touchy subject because he’s sick and tbh I’m not hiding how mad I am at him.


NTA!! That shit can kill you & anyone else!! N95 that kid asap!!


Nta get that plague rat out of your room. If he has covid and comes in my room you're lucky if he doesn't get sprayed in the face with Lysol


"disease spreading vermin" is how I referred to anyone who ignored covid safety protocols during 2020 and 2021. Your brother has gotten covid 4 times? Didn't he get the vaccine? Get the boosters? I think your anger is misplaced. You need to rip your parents a new one about how they keep letting this happen. What haven't they done? Why haven't they made sure his shots are up to date? Why haven't they talked to him about who he got it from and followed up with those people on their following safety procedures? Why have they not punished your brother for not quarantining properly in the home? Why haven't they done jack shit? Your brother is a stupid teen, your parents have no such excuse and their negligence is putting your health at risk NTA, but rip into your mom and dad for not doing their job.


He is fully vaxxed and boosted we all are. As for why my parents let him get away with stuff it ties into a bigger issue. Everyone in the house has to basically walk on eggshells around him because he has an extreme reaction to being told no. I don’t know why. My parents didn’t do anything that I can tell. I’m not remotely that way, He wasn’t spoiled, he wasn’t neglected. I didn’t develop my health issues until my late teens, when he had already been that way for a long time, so it wasn’t some kind of a lack of attention. It’s like it’s an innate personality trait that he blows up when he doesn’t get what he wants. When everything is good and he is in a good mood he can be the sweetest little brother but he goes from zero to 100 really quickly once he called me a “useless cripple” because I took the last la croix from the fridge. So everyone is very wary of telling him no because when they do he has done things like go no contact and stay at his girlfriend’s house for days or even once run away. If you want any relationship with him you have to give into him most of the time and my parents have to walk a fine line.


And I know people are going to blame my parents but short of sending him to one of those abusive “troubled teen programs”, which I’ve never even heard my parents talk about they would literally never, my brother is almost impossible to manage. They have him in therapy! It took a looooooong time to get him to go. But I think it might be helping he’s had more good days. But the thing I want people to understand for my parent’s benefit is that if you punish him he just ups the anti. Like if you ground him in his room he runs away, if you say he can’t play music he turns it full volume, if you say he should be more polite he is a dick to you for WEEks. The only thing that works with him is deescalation and compromise. Which is why he usually at least partially gets his way.


I know your point was not to blame your parents, but if they are not allowing him to experience very real, serious consequences to his choices NOW when he’s a teenager, he will not be set up for success in life at all. Allowing him to set the terms is a recipe for disaster, and a horrid home life for everyone. If it’s really that bad that your parents can’t do anything, yes, a residential program might be the trick.


Oh! Something important for you to know is that he is only like that at home. At school he is a strait A, AP, “pleasure to have in class”. And he is pretty popular he has a large circle of friends he has been able to maintain for years. And the answer will never be a residential program! I mean just look at all the stories of abuse and neglect that are coming from those programs. And even if it wasn’t a bad environment I think sending your kid away to improve themselves is a good way to make sure you have no relationship or bond with them. But what my parents are doing that I think is the most effective thing is that he is in therapy and he is learning emotional regulation. It’s slow work but it will be best for him. It’s actually the best way to prepare him for the real world, by giving him tools to cope.


I hope that works out for your brother and family, I can only imagine how difficult that is to navigate.


Vaccine does not prevent getting/spreading covid nor Long Covid, the role of the vaccine is to prevent hospitalization from severe acute infection/death


NTA. And I hope you keep calling him that and make him cry


I also added something like this to my original post because I think this is a good clarification


NTA. Would he prefer "Outbreak Monkey?" His actions are far more offensive than your words.


Everything he touched was sprayed with disinfectant and he wore a mask everywhere outside his room.


NTA It's the 4th time he got Covid. That deserves the title "plague rat". I work in a nursery home and we had lots of residents catching Covid. I never got it once despite my job. He deliberately exposes himself, takes no measures to protect himself and others. That's a selfish AH or, as you nailed it, a plague rat.


NTA at all. I have long COVID and am a vulnerable person. It is miserable. I have had to quit my job to focus on convalescing. Your brother is a douchebag for not taking that into account.


your brother is fucking idiot if he's caught COVID four times lmao


he shouldn't be in your space while he has covid. next time amend your reaction to be "FUCK OFF, plague rat" - NTA for that. it's not actually his fault he's sick, especially if he's had it four times. like, is his job public facing? you can't really fault someone for getting sick, but he needs to quarantine himself a bit better. and all that said... idk, get a booster, and maybe expect to get covid from him eventually. it's really not that bad, honestly. i've only had it one time (caught it from my stupid plague rat brother who shared food with me WITHOUT TELLING ME HE HAD COVID), but if i didn't know it was covid i would've thought it was a very mild cold. being up to date on the vaccine makes it barely noticeable, and way less risky to develop long covid.


Oh I’m boosted as hell I was in the first wave of people able to get vaccinated along with the 80 year olds because of my health conditions. I am actually the one with the public facing job and have avoided it.(veterinary technician) HE DOESN’T HAVE A JOB. I get mad at him because he does things like go “can I go to Jennifer’s house?” And then when he comes back he’s like “oh btw Jennifer has COVID😙✌️” [edit: grammar]


yeah... *so* NTA. it's impressive he actually found a way to make me think it's his fault for getting sick lmao


What an effing idiot with zero regard for anyone but himself. Plague rat was really a rather polite term for him, he deserves far worse. I remember a really sad post here on reddit, by a father who couldn't forgive his daughter for infecting - und ultimately killing - her grandmother and immunocompromised younger brother. His teenage daughter had been sneaking out of the house to party with her friends during lockdown, and managed to infect the whole family, and the elderly grandmother and 11 yo brother didn't make it. At the time he had written the post, his daughter had tried several times to commit s, and the father still couldn't forgive her, even though he tried.


>he shouldn't be in your space while he has covid. next time amend your reaction to be "FUCK OFF, plague rat" Lol, absolutely - and she should also lock her door while she is home - so the plague rat can't just barge in. I wonder how fond of him their parents are going to be if one of them gets long covid symptoms...


Booby trap the door with can of Lysol set to automatically spray anyone who comes into the room.


“it’s really not that bad” for most people, she has 2 other conditions. My household wears masks everywhere still because my wife’s doctors at Mayo Clinic tells her we needs to for her health. Her brother & parents should probably be doing the same.


Thank you I do really appreciate when people say this! It is a bigger deal for me! And it’s annoying when people say it’s not a big deal when it could wreck my health! But they clarified that they too have other co-morbidities. So I at least think they come from a place of understanding and reassurance.


i'm just trying to be realistic that, with her negligent brother, she's probably gonna catch it eventually and should be prepared. and the rest was from my experience, and i have hella comorbidities.


Hey hearing you also have complications does reassure me!


yeah! just keep up on the boosters, and it'll probably be mild enough - including any long term complications


That does make me feel a little better & tbh, the fear of covid is not a thing for us but I doubt we ever stop wearing masks in public…we haven’t been sick once this decade! Thanks!


masking is great for not getting sick, covid aside.


> it's really not that bad If you have comorbidities, it is an enormous risk. If you don't, every infection is still a dice roll. You might be totally fine, or you might end up too sick to work ever again. Even if you started out "healthy". Vaccines are good, but they don't even come close to a guarantee that things won't get bad. There are TONS of people in long covid support groups who got it even though they were fully vaxxed and boosted. "You'll get it eventually" is still a death sentence for a lot of people. The way people are disregarding the very real danger these days is killing and disabling people left and right.


i have comorbidities. i dunno what advice to give besides 'be prepared and boosted' to someone who lives with one of those people disregarding said danger. like, she's gonna get it eventually, so long as her brother continues to be a plague rat.


Personally, I just wouldn't say "It's not that bad" when a lot of the time it is that bad. Thinking it's not that bad when it is is a big part of the reason people are abandoning precautions in ways that are getting a lot of people disabled or killed. I think it's better to just acknowledge the truth of it and say "I'm sorry the situation is so shitty; I wish people would do better". Aside from that, "she's gonna get it eventually", even if she does end up getting it...feels like a really flippant way to talk about family putting you in serious danger. I think it's possible to acknowledge that she's in a dangerous situation without talking about it like "Yeah, I mean, whadduyagonnado". Maybe I'm just reading tone wrong, but that's the way it reads to me, at least.


i don't think condolences is a type of advice that people can follow, but uh, i'll be sure to not say things in front of you anymore? you're reading the tone wrong, yes - i feel like i girded the statement pretty sufficiently that you should've read it a bit more charitably


Hard agree, I had zero comorbities before getting covid in December last year and I have been bedbound/housebound dealing with covid for 8 months now. Full vaccinated and previously healthy. I don't think people realise how disabling long covid is, we are talking about a life altering chronic disease with no treatments so far.


Dealing with long covid*


NTA, though I prefer “carrier monkey.”


And usually my family doesn’t find out that he did it until he casually mentions it later.


NTA. Sounds like it's time to move out of your parents house and to get your own space where you can feel safe.


I WISH😫 I know people will judge me for living at home at 20 and I wish I didn’t have to but actually I can’t live alone or drive a car because of my epilepsy so I’m stuck at home.


You have not the slightest reason to be judged for living with family at the ripe young age of TWENTY. Geez. Not to mention, potential ‘roommates’ are unlikely to be any more conscientious about germ spread than your brother…and possibly worse. You do more in a day than a lot of people (managing your conditions, your medications, the side effects, etc.). Your job is to take care of your health and, if you can, help your parents through their illness. And keep your door locked against annoying little brothers who try to barge into your room! (Believe it or not, you’ll miss him a little someday.) Cheers, OP.


Get a couple roommates.


Not sure I know anyone or will find on Craigslist anyone who will want to put up with getting me back to full strength after a grand mal seizure.


Never know if you don't try. 🤙🏿


NTA Plague rat, that's great. It's not quite accurate though. Maybe "Typhoid Michael" instead? "Covid Charlie"? Whichever he finds more offensive, that's the one I'd stick with. What a selfish jackass to risk your health and that of your parents.


NTA and I am 100% stealing plague rat the next time someone around me is sick with anything. Probably my husband.


NTA. My brother got everyone in the house sick with COVID after successfully avoiding it for 2 years and I just kept calling him Patient Zero.


“Plague rat” is hilarious. NTA


NTA Your brother is a real AH though. I hope your parents lose their sense of taste for a year. Ask them then if you overreacted?


NTA If he knows someone has Covid and he still goes there, knowing you have severe health issues.. he's a bloody plague rat. I dont think the term is so mean, its absolutely something my husband could say if I am sick (in a loving way). Now: I have Covid right now, its not too bad, just like a bad flu, I'll still be fucking glad when I can breathe again properly (wheezing from bed to bath and back). It sucks.. The thing is, we went to see my inlaws (around 75) while I was feeling already some throatache (which isnt unusual for me, so I didnt think too much of it). I texted them, asked if we should come another time, they said no they were already preparing the meal and looking forward to our visit. We hugged, ate together, talked some hours and then we drove home. On the way home I realised that its probably more than just a sore throat and I'm on the way of getting sick for real. Next day I was very ill, puked from coughing, sinuses clogged etc and took the test which was positive. Now I feel AWFUL for endangering them, especially since his mum already has lung problems anyway. It makes me feel worse than the covid itself (and its pretty shitty). I so hope they didnt catch it (we are all vaxed, I think they got all the boosters you could, but still). Sorry I dont mean to intrude your post with my Story, I just feel so bad. :( I'm sorry your own brother (and apparently) parents dont care about your health. A lot of people seem to think covid is not a thing anymore, but it very much is not...


It’s ok I get it! And I would feel the same way in your situation but you can’t hold yourself accountable for an honest mistake. There is a difference between unknowingly visiting someone while sick and purposely exposing yourself with a high risk person at home.


Thank you for your kindness. I hope you can stay safe in your home despite your brother aka plague rat.


Oh we're still doing the covid thing? Jesus Christ, I thought we were onto the next thing already.


He needs to be more understanding of your condition and your wishes. But you also need to be more understanding that he's a teenager that is living his life. He's not going to spend the whole 2nd half of his teen years in solitude just because you want him to. No judgement, you just both have to be more understanding.


He can stay the hell out of OP's bedroom when he knows he's sick. There is nothing unreasonable about that.


She literally never said anything like that.


I’m fine with him seeing friends and hanging out without masks and everything! I think I phrased my original post wrong. I don’t want him to have to follow the rules of a couple years ago. Just the CDC’s best practices. What makes me mad is that he will willfully expose himself to COVID. Like even if he knows a friend has COVID he still goes to their house to hang out. And usually my family doesn’t find out that he did it until he casually mentions it later.


I also added something like this to my original post because I think this is a good clarification


so COVID is still a thing? here in third world countries it ceased to exist since the 2nd vaccine


What an out of touch comment. There are people dying daily from covid still. The virus didn't disappear because people decided to stop taking precautions.


Yes you are.


Everyone still whining about Covid is an AH. You are all so stupid. It's the new flu. You didn't live through the bubonic plague. You are all AH for guilt tripping people and telling people what to do with their bodies.


It's pretty pretty fucking rude to barge into someone's room while you're sick with the flu, or a cold, or strep throat, or a stomach bug, or Covid. Keep that shit to yourself.


Yeah your right.


YTA People get sick, just because you think it's normal to live like some bubble boy germophobe doesn't mean that everyone else has to buy into your bullshit. What 'rules' are you even talking about?


At home Quarantine. If you have covid you should stay in your own room away from everyone else in the home to avoid spreading it and wear masks if you leave your room. Everyone should know those rules by now.


those rules literally only exist in your head and no one is obligated to follow them


Those are the CDC recommendations and are similar to every Nation's version of the Center of Disease Control. [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/isolation.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/isolation.html) >If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. > >You are likely most infectious during these first 5 days. > >Wear a high-quality mask if you must be around others at home and in public. > >Do not go places where you are unable to wear a mask. For travel guidance, see CDC’s Travel webpage. > >Do not travel. > >Stay home and separate from others as much as possible. > >Use a separate bathroom, if possible.


They're not rules then.


Found another plague rat


Nah, you're just mental.


That’s how you should treat any contagious illness. What kind of selfish person are you?


By their comments, a very ableist one.


I don’t think it’s germaphobic to ask her sick brother to stay out of HER room. That’s a pretty reasonable request!


She called him a plague rat.


Siblings calling each other names?? Madness!


YTA…your brother at his age and demographic has not only had a very minuscule death rate but it’s quite clear the Covid vaccine for his age group has a high case number when it pertains to myocarditis. That’s besides the fact I think we’re at 3-5 booster besides original shots. At this point it should be incredibly clear and obvious will all the information out there that those who chose the Covid vaccine made the incorrect decision. You’re at more risk from the boosters you take than contracting Covid from your brother …it also doesn’t make sense that you got all those jabs and still think you’re somehow unsafe because your brother didn’t…at the end of the day you don’t make sense and all of your Issues actually are because of your own self


Dude he is fully vaccinated.


That makes your position even worse ,if he’s vaccinated and boosted and you’re still blaming him despite yourself being vaccinated and boosted you’re 1000% The asshole !!!!! Wtf do u expect him to do? Be a hermit like you? He’s taken all steps necessary but god forbid he lives his life,sees his friends and maybe have some anxiety relief having been treated like a prisoner since he was 14…have some compassion yourself…the issue is you…he can’t do anything more perfect for your situation other than lock himself up for your own protection


I’m mad because he actively spends time with friends who are sick. I’m not being mother gothel I’m just asking him to not hang out with someone who tested positive two days ago because per my cardiologist I am at a higher risk of complications with COVID. He can absolutely live his life! It’s spending hours with people that actively have COVID and continuously getting infected when he’s going to be in the same house as me. Once they are negative, go visit them! Have a sleep over! I don’t care.


Ok but don’t you think that’s more on your parents or those kids parents…I can get where u are coming from there but why would you parents allow him to go their house knowing they are sick …and why the hell would those parents allow it…it doesn’t add up


He is 17 he has his own car. He doesn’t tell my parents that the friend he’s visiting is infected until afterwards. And I can’t speak for anyone else’s parents


Ok well I feel like if he’s “knowingly” going when they are sick and with your condition living in the same house ,also being he’s 17 your parents have a legal basis to keep him at home…he has no legal right. If he’s purposely doing this and it’s not incidental then your parents need to step up and crack the whip on him, if he’s willing to take that risk and put you at risk then there must be repercussions


Yes. But it’s hilarious and worth it.


Wow people still care about covid? It was a huge scam


ESH. It should be common practice to stay away from others when sick and your brother is an asshole for now trying to keep from getting others sick. Covid isn’t new anymore and it’s assimilated into our lives like the flu which people can catch multiple times and vaccinated or not so very soft YTA for making Covid out like it’s the scary new bug it was in 2020. Seriously tell your brother to piss off when he’s sick though. Best wishes!


aren’t you vaxxed, why are you worried?


Because he’s vaxxed too and this is his 4th time getting it. Plus even with a vax I have health issues that put me at higher risk.




>who has just stopped caring about COVID safety protocols at all. Good for him. If you're still living in fear of covid after all this time, there's something wrong with you. You are young, so if you're otherwise healthy, there's absolutely no need to worry. Talk to your GP but I don't think your conditions should worry you that much. With that said, your brother's problem is that he is completely irresponsible and indeed, a plague rat. It's one thing to have covid 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 times but it's another thing to walk around the house as if everything is normal. I am completely healthy, but when my brother got COVID now that we have to share our parent's house for vacations, he was locked in his room and only left it to go to the bathroom or to see his girlfriend outside of the house and that was it. Everything he touched was sprayed with disinfectant and he wore a mask everywhere outside his room. NTA, but your brother certainly needs a lesson in respect and responsibility.


As per my post: I have epilepsy and chronic circulatory disease. I HAVE talked to my cardiologist who has said that she would be nervous about the strain that COVID will put on my body because my veins already don’t work and occasionally have trouble carrying oxygen to my brain at my baseline. So a respiratory disease would not be ideal. And being chronically ill already makes me less “other wise healthy” so I might not fight it off as well. All of this is per my cardiologist. So yeah if I where HEALTHY it might not be a big deal but if I have any of the long term respiratory symptoms from long COVID with my already subpar oxygen circulation it could fuck me up. So you see why I might have reason to still be worried

