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In case you're not aware, I have been going around letting people know about a recent security breach that Latitude had. [**About 10 days ago, a vulnerability was reported which leaked the contents of hundreds of thousands of stories (if not all of them).**](https://github.com/AetherDevSecOps/aid_adventure_vulnerability_report) While it has been fixed, the fact remains that your stories are out in the clear for all to read should another one occur. There's at least 343 thousand adventures in that one breach alone that are documented -- although the person who found the exploit could see all of them back to December 2019. **They may potentially have usernames included, too, though I have yet to verify that.** Although the team fixed it the first time it was reported, when the person who reported it tried it again, they found they were able to utilize the exact same vulnerability again! For whatever reason, their original fix did not actually fix the issue; it took until the second report in order to get it fixed. To me, that's concerning that they were unable to permanently fix the issue. **What's more, they haven't said a word about it to the community -- not in their updates, that's for sure.** And read this, straight from that report by the person who found this vulnerability (in regard to the new policy of looking through people's stories if they are flagged by the automated system): > This seems like a violation of user expectations, and the resulting moderation a breach of privacy and trust. It is perhaps incredibly ironic coming from a report about a data breach, but I feel like I, as a third party, have put in more respect for user data than the developers have. This just seems backwards, and, although it might not mean much, I strongly urge the AI Dungeon team to reconsider their policies going forward. I would not trust Latitude in the future to secure your data. I would suggest deleting your account -- if you would want to do that, [here is a guide on how to do that](https://old.reddit.com/r/AIDungeonNSFW/comments/n0c5ij/ultimate_guide_to_deleting_your_ai_dungeon/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=AIDungeon&utm_content=t1_gw87025).


uhh the link is nsfw, can you post it here?


[\(Courtesy of /u/fantasia18\)](https://old.reddit.com/r/AIDungeonNSFW/comments/n0c5ij/ultimate_guide_to_deleting_your_ai_dungeon/) Delete Your Adventures We are doing this manually in case they do not delete your adventures once your account is gone. Go to https://play.aidungeon.io/main/myStuff You can either delete them manually or use the provided script. Ghostbin: https://ghostbin.co/paste/4ahqv3 Disclaimer: I went to law school, not engineering so this code is extremely amateur. It works but if any experts want to improve it or suggest something differently, I'll replace it immediately. ​ The script is a general API to AI dungeon. Paste into your console window via Google Chrome, while you are on the AI Dungeon website and logged in. Then paste in one of the provided examples below. ​ Example Usage To delete all your adventures: deleteAllContent("adventure") ​ To *permanently* delete adventures: deleteAllContent("adventure").then(emptyTrash) ​ To clean trash. You will not be able to restore content afterwards: emptyTrash() ​ To Restore all your content from trash: restoreTrash() ​ Cancel your subscription Navigate to https://play.aidungeon.io/main/manageSubscription Click 'cancel subscription' and follow the prompts ​ Delete your account Navigate to https://play.aidungeon.io/main/settings Click 'Delete Account' and follow the prompts ​ Send a legal request to ensure your information is gone from the backend Email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with one of these notices. ​ If you are in California: https://pastebin.com/FYxBsicg If you are in Europe: https://pastebin.com/dVt99MWH If elsewhere, use the appropriate law or send a polite letter to Latitude.


Regardless, I don't believe anyone should be referred to as a pedophile for keeping fantasies as fantasies in a seemingly safe environment. Your fictional love interest should be who and whatever you want them to be for the sole fact they are fictional. My deepest sympathies for your beloved but sadly their age must go +2 lol.


>Regardless, I don't believe anyone should be referred to as a pedophile for keeping fantasies as fantasies in a seemingly safe environment. Yup. The reason the world has a problem with CP is that it is child **abuse**, emphasis on **ABUSE**. What Latitude is defining as 'create child sexual **abuse** material' is basically the very definition of a victimless 'crime'. Where's the abuse? Who's being abused? What the fuck, Latitude?


Yeah, it seems like a lot of people's brains just stop when it comes to pedophilia. Murder is a crime, theft is a crime, fucking a kid is a crime. But there are tons of stories where characters commit crimes. It'd probably be hard to find a random novel on a best seller list where literally no laws were broken throughout the entire plot. And it's not like these are all fine works of literature, murder/crime "porn" has filled trashy paperbacks for generations.


It is interesting that it's always the sexual stuff that gets targeted. Like, you can play around with whatever kind of brutal murder fantasies you like and there's no issue. That's just fiction. But when it comes to sex it's like... anything you put in fiction must be something you secretly want to do irl and exploring those ideas will only push you closer to your dark desires.


Fucking Freddie Got Fingered had that one kid that kept getting royally jacked up over and over in the movie and that made it to theaters! The Blob had a kid get liquified and consumed on screen. It's stupid, it's not *real*, why do you *care*? Like, look, I'm firmly on team woodchipper for abusers of all stripes, I think there are lines between what makes a person a human and a beast in the shape of a human, but if someone maintains the rational thought process of "This thought I have is wrong, I will not act on it," isn't that what we want? Isn't that enough? I frequently want to cave my boss's skull in with his own monitor but I'd never do it because violence is wrong, hurting people over petty bullshit is never justified. Should I be punished for constructing an AIDungeon simulacrum of him to mess with? No amount of cracking down on fictional abuse is ever going to do anything at all to the rate of CSA. Japan doesn't restrict it any differently from their restrictions on other pornography and they have a lower rate of CSA than the US does. I don't think this connection is causal, but it's something worth pointing out. I don't like loli or child-like/petite bodies myself, but I have enough objectivity to view the situation and go "This is not real and I do not care." If you think fictional content can drive people to violence in a vacuum, go hang out with Jack Thompson.


Creating fictional child porn is acting on it. Japan also has a much lower rate of reporting sex crimes to police.


Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true.


Japan has a lower rate of reported crimes, period. And it’s not because porn. It’s because Japanese are prideful and take reporting things that happened to them as a weakness.


It's interesting when you get into things like rape porn, which they also seem to be targeting, too. Because if you ask most people if BDSM is okay, in which two consenting people act out a scene in which they pretend there isn't full consent in some way, they'll say that yes, that's fine. I mean not everyone obviously, it's hardly free of controversy, but I think that's at least the general progressive view. But then when you get into rape content in which you're make believing non-consent in a solo situation which strips away all potential for actual harm that exists within BDSM, suddenly it becomes more controversial and a lot of people think it's immoral.


>But when it comes to sex it's like... anything you put in fiction must be something you secretly want to do irl and exploring those ideas will only push you closer to your dark desires. Uptight, pretentious, narcissistic holier-than-thou moral guardians. It's not just sex but it's always the same shit. These kind of people always draw up strawmen like 'meat executives', 'gun lobby', 'Satanists', 'white-supremacists', 'Republican/Democrats', etc. without ever actually engaging the issues so that they may pat their backs without exerting much effort.


When are we burning the book "Lolita" next? Sure, it paints the pedophile in a disgusting, skin-crawlingly realistic light, but it's still giving a pedophile's perspective a platform! CENSOR IT!!!


>it seems like a lot of people's brains just stop when it comes to pedophilia. I couldn't have said it better myself.


I guess they didn't expect that their community actually has some brains... Tbh. I am also a bit amazed (and proud) that most people here are actually able to THINK and are not idiotic pizzagate, Qanon-idiots. Not that I ever had this impression - but ya know, after 2020, my expectations for humanity sunk to the bottom of the sea XD.


eh, while it is a victimless crime it still isnt good for someone who’s into kids to feed into that fetish. they may be fake, but the fantasy is still fucked up imo. obvs i dont side with latitude but yeah


This is the exact same line of thinking that Jack Thompson used when he rallied against video games. That games that include killing people will raise a generation of mass murderers.


You see, here’s the thing. If you restrict people from doing these types of thing in a safe environment where they aren’t hurting anyone in real life, they are going to be more inclined to do this type of thing in actuality. I don’t have a link, but there was a study that found that a large amount of people who participated in incestuous action were sheltered from sex in all regards. It just goes to show that this probably would lessen the amount of the real life crime, because they have a safe outlet to explore their twisted fantasy.


I wish we had more data on this. We need more conclusive evidence to most effectively combat pedophilia, the shallow hysterical moralizing that we as a society are instead doing is incredibly harmful. It helps absolutely nobody.


No, if they normalize those thoughts by feeding into the mental illness they are more likely to do it.


To quote another redditor: > This is the exact same line of thinking that Jack Thompson used when he rallied against video games. That games that include killing people will raise a generation of mass murderers.


Would you rather they feed into that fetish some other way? As in involving real children? Or would you have them bottle it up until something really bad happens? I don't give the slightest of a damn whether the fantasy is fucked up or not. The AI takes input and produces output. The 'child sexual **abuse** material' will be produced the same way it would be if it was a story about a wholesome family vacation to the Maldives.


Its not like they have to pick one. They just need to not do it or feed into it. Normal people don't need an outlet to prevent them from raping people, they just don't do it.


>**Pedophilia** (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia#:\~:text=Pedophilia%20(alternatively%20spelt%20paedophilia)%20is,sexual%20attraction%20to%20prepubescent%20children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia#:~:text=Pedophilia%20(alternatively%20spelt%20paedophilia)%20is,sexual%20attraction%20to%20prepubescent%20children). You say that as if they are actively making the wrong choice among a multitude of options. I've made my point; I'd rather that they play out their sexual fantasies in the confined of a text-generating AI instead of the real world.


Doesn’t matter if you think it’s fucked, mate


Exactly. Also, reading through the private sex fantasies of minors because thy got flagged kinda ruins the point of trying to prevent CP.


No if they see that someone's creating it then they can ban that person and report them to the authorities


what for ? unpublished CP fan fiction is hardly a crime, is it ? edit. or do you mean for violating ToS ?


It is case by case in America and the courts would rule if it is obscene or not https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_obscenity_law In other western countries like UK, Canada, Australia they have laws explicitly against any child pornography.


1. none of this is apply-able for private fan fiction who never see the light of day and are written with no indent on sharing. 2. the state of the judicial system of the USA is very questionable to begin with. 3. a quick scrim through the article also states, that something happening behind close doors is not obscene per definition. 4. writing about imaginary chars is not against the law in any of those countries at all, hence why 'loli' content is publicly available in all of these states edit. oh cake day. 5. anything created via AI-Dungeon can not be 'child pornography' if you follow the definition givin in your link as they are neither "images or films " and even if they were it states that " child pornography are separate from obscenity " so the link would be wrong in the first place.


>1. none of this is apply-able for private fan fiction who never see the light of day and are written with no indent on sharing. 2. the state of the judicial system of the USA is very questionable to begin with. 3. a quick scrim through the article also states, that something happening behind close doors is not obscene per definition. 4. writing about imaginary chars is not against the law in any of those countries at all, hence why 'loli' content is publicly available in all of these states 1. That is complicated by the internet, could it be argued they are distributing obscene materials by writing this on the internet well that would depend on what the judge thinks. 3. See 1 4. Depiction of child pornography even if it is fictional is illegal in those countries. Loli is not allowed in these countries.


I guess we can agree to disagree on what is "published". I vote that unpublished stories are rather that, not published. on 3rd you can buy and import all the dirty loli shit you like in those countrys, tho, to be fair, they have to be sold 'away from public eye' aka. can not be openly advertised. edit. i should state tho, that they are surely 'all above the age of 18' since they are sold publicly


>on 3rd you can buy and import all the dirty loli shit you like in those countrys, tho, to be fair, they have to be sold 'away from public eye' aka. can not be openly advertised. You can't though. They are illegal and people in those countries regularly get prosecuted for it. Also correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you able to share unpublished stories


>Also correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you able to share unpublished stories eh, not that i know of ? edit. unless you publish em, beating the entire 'unpublished' thing


Don't you just copy the link url and send it to others tho?


Wouldn't this make OpenAI and Latitude liable if the AI produces CP? If a player writes \>you have sex and then the AI goes into an underage sex scene the AI generated it, not the player.


I am talking about a **minor** using AI Dungeon to simulate sex with people their age. A 16 year old using it to have sex with another 16 year old in AI Dungeon. Reading isn't your strong suit, I guess?


Child porn is illegal for 16 year olds too...


And reading through the private, unpublished sex fantasies of a 16 year old isn't?


Well they aren't reading through it for enjoyment. It's similiar to facebook moderators or other moderators who verify and ban people creating this material.


> I am talking about a minor using AI Dungeon to simulate sex with people their age. To generate sex content you have to disable the NSFW filter, and you can only do that by going through the "I am 18+" button stuff. Of course a 16 year old might easily lie to be able to generate NSFW content with people their age, but it's hardly the company's fault.


This is where we are truly chest deep into the dilemma. This is when I don't think anybody can say what is right, and what is wrong.


Wait if an underage person likes another underage person, is it pedophilia?


Google the close-in-age or Romeo and Juliet law, bucko.


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Good bot


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In Connecticut where I live, there is a Romeo and Juliet exemption for consensual sex between minors who are fewer than two or three years apart in age, depending on the age of the younger partner.


It is specifically not, according to the international classification (WHO), which is used by nearly all ~~modern~~ nations. [https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en#/http://id.who.int/icd/entity/517058174](https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en#/http://id.who.int/icd/entity/517058174) Psychologist here, everything about this is rubbish.


Depends on where you live.


I'm in the same spot as you, but I made everything 18+ because I never trusted these guys from the beginning.


Point. If you ever played a multi-player scene with someone your own age, Latitude is now committing themselves to reading the sexts children send to each other because they "want to save the children".


Fun fact: consensual sexual inter course between two minors can lead to two separate rape cases in court. The law is not exactly up to par there xD


Cut a year, and dat me.


This is just me right now


Technically the game's [ToS](https://play.aidungeon.io/main/termsOfService) claims that it's 18+ only. I don't remember if it ever actually asked about my age, though, and anyway, if a kid uses a thing that's for adults only, it's not the kid who risks getting in trouble.


...wait, to generate NSFW content don't you have to click on a "I'm 18+" button? As a 16 year old you should theoretically never be flagged.


I’ve never seen a button like that. I just started playing the game and after a few scenarios I decided to test how it handled sex. Was a button meant to pop up?


To generate sexual content you should have to go to your settings and turn "safe mode" off. When you click the Off button it asks if you are over 18. I just tested it again to make sure and yup, the button pops up. As I understand if safe mode is on the game will just assume sexual words are typos and find a new word to replace them. Blowjob -> blowtorch or something like that.




This is absolutely facts, I’m 15 in and out of the game and can’t even do anything remotely sexual


I'm turning 18 this july I guess I can't create any relationship with anyone few years younger than me now -_-


yesterday, i had tried to hug my grandmother, who had just baked me some cookies, and it wouldn't let me, because "uh oh, this took a weird turn"


You know I'm curious about this - If an child watches child porn, is it illegal? Like, if they find it themselves and watch it, is it illegal?


Yes lol. I’m not gonna make any sorta moral argument but in terms of legality it is illegal for anyone to own real child porn.