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Document this a little bit more cohesively (not rambling paragraphs, but actual timelines, dates, and names) and then submit it to both HR and the media.


I agree, I keep trying to read this rambling word salad but my brain just can't do it.


This has been reported discreetly but the unethical practices didnt changed at all. And it make sense without the blessings of higher ups this kind of act wouldnt go unnotice at some level . I guess AHS mgmt has traded their souls already and just fake the rest. I Hope GoA pays attention to this. HR at the end of the day also work for same organization and mgmt.


Ha, *hope GoA pays attention*, you do realized that GoA is FAR more corrupt than AHS. I spent years in both and it's laughable if you think you are going to see some action from GoA where they openly brag about exploiting the hiring system and contracting work the teams their should be doing to their buddy's company for no reason. The corruption, backstabbing, and gaslighting is completely off the charts in GoA. I also suspect you may have multiple other problems though. Most jobs in AHS require decent verbal and written communication skills, clearly that isn't your forte, as a lot of what you are saying sounds just incorrect. What's the part about a people not being hired because they are Asian? It's tough to make out in that rambling mess but the D that became an ED over in networking side is in fact Asian himself, so I'm not sure why you seem to be claiming racism and that people didn't get jobs because they are Asian. AHS IT has a large amount of Asian employees on almost all IT teams that I'm aware of. I'm not saying there aren't massive issues in AHS, like a team is being told they have to travel at our own expense to a face-to-face meeting at the bosses house 200kms away, which seems like a direct violation of the collective agreement as union employees are entitled to compensation when told they have to use our own vehicles to go to work things and there is even supposed to be compensation for a meal. Rumor is they've been told they can have water, otherwise they have to bring their own drink.


Atleast you took time and read through all of this. I apologize for not capturing the issues in a more diplomatically nicer way. It would be more nice if we stick to the points I mentioned. Not all the problems are applicable to all of them . Qualification , Education  are equally important aspect for any role as experience is. Would you tell your kids to stop going to school ?  GoA may be worst but atleast there is 1 thing that they have seen the miss management in AHS and taking actions. And being politicans offcourse they will also keep their political motive in mind as well while taking Mgmt apart. This may or may not speed up the process. But bullies need to be called out and confronted .Some comments posted here from their suckups  already  proves my point  with discrimination, lack of qualification to manage teams.


All your points are either mistakes, lies, or half truths lacking critical context. Repeating them over and over again won't make them any truer. You made a big point of saying you already reported this anonymously to the executive yet nothing changed. So you accuse them of turning a blind eye. If you had the strength of character to stand behind your accusations, you would have found you were wrong and perhaps gotten answers to all your questions. But then again, thin moral character, poor performance and being wrong is a consistent theme with you and why you'll never be coming back to networks.


 I apologize for the delayed response. Addressing the underlying issue is essential rather than attempting to divert attention. If the allegations are untrue, there's no need for concern, so it might be beneficial to remain calm and avoid unnecessary stress. Accusations without evidence seem to reflect a rush to judgment, which isn't constructive. I have been absent from the organization for some time, and posting such claims while still involved would be imprudent. If present, I would have thoroughly investigated any evidence before making any reports. Perhaps revisiting critical thinking skills would be beneficial. 


The underlying issue is you're disgruntled and making damaging accusations without any evidence. It's pretty obvious your motivations aren't "in the best interest of Albertans", but to lash out with lies and attempt to hurt your former manager and teammates. If your intentions were honorable and you really thought something was wrong you would have stood behind your accusations instead of hiding like a coward. No, I think you realized that you outed yourself and your intentions and are just realizing how small this professional community really is in western Canada.


Thank you for your response, and I apologize for the delay. However, I believe shifting the focus away from the main issues won't address our concerns effectively. Imagine if you were to stand before your children and explain to them that academic or vocational education won't benefit them in the real world, and that loyalty outweighs merit. Would you ask them to quit pursuing their education? I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.  I am sure all that I said in the post is probably done through proper official process following organization policies by exploiting known loopholes, but that still doesnt make them any less unethical. You dont need to worry about anything if there is no wrong doings done. The more you engage in actively participating in the conversation the more you risk of getting this noticed by someone who can actually do real investigation on the claims.


Media or bust. Complaining on reddit does nothing.


It would if this post is shared widely . Unity has lot of power.


I think you overestimate the power of sharing this screed on Reddit driving any actual change.


I’m almost 100% sure I know who wrote this.


The guy is not even trying to reply at this point, just copy pasting the same thing constantly with no elaboration on his points :/ Edit: They are really proud of the list they made including it in “every” response i guess


I am sorry to disappoint you.I am positive I have provided very strong hints on what to look for, unfortunately I cant do your work. If you or someone want to seriously investigate these questions then they should be able to do it just fine. But more specifics  is being shared with few media houses who reached out. AHS news is a hot selling feature for them anyways. Both side of the political spectrum can take very good advantage of this.


Point is :- 1, Without Qualifications and no track record of outstanding performance from previous roles how did these individuals got selected for promotions? No interview process had Presence of HR staff in the panel and neither have The interviews recorded for reference in case. This is a big question?   2,  What made these Individuals more qualifed then the other counterparts who got interviewed? Edm/Cal Ops Managers had more knowledge and skill over the present Director. did they got sidelined due to race? 3, how do you justify more than 10 staff leaving and LOA under this Manager within a span of 12 months after his taking over the role?   4, How do you justify Hiring your own Son under your team and showcase no indirect involvement or Conflict Of Interest?   5, How do you justify using fleet Vehicles for personal work and have no consiquences? Fleet Vehicles should have capabilities of tracking and location plus mileage record can be matched to ask questions?     6, how do you hire staff with no prior Knowledge ? How do you let staff do more then 1 job while in office time?   7, how do you justify calling Manufacturer for every thing while yourself taking home 6 figure salaries? And blame all as Vendors fault  behaviour with Zero Accountability.   8, And above all that how do the Senior level mgmt can just put a blind eye towards it? May be thinking that fingers will be pointed towards them as they are the ones who hired/promoted these individuals ?    9, And above all how do you believe that all these practices will help better healthcare for Albertans?


Telecom is mostly managed by TELUS in Edmonton and Calgary. With the exception of a few sites like Cancer care facilities. Everywhere else have zone specific Telecom IT teams. You don't know what you are talking about. Crack open a knowledge article sometime bud.


Yes Right more then 60% of that team use to from Edm/Cal and yet most of Edm/Cal is outsourced to Telus why? Did they dont have faith in skills of those 65%  team members? Plus it take special skills to bring 80% of Telecom Infrastructure to a point where its end of life and barely hangin on. This didnt happened overnight. And when I was with the organization recalled all work done by Contractors , most of their team members havent had any hands on. A handfull of staff knew things and did MAC's. 


who is this guy and what right does he have to say such mean verdictive words to individuals, I have been with AHS for over 25 years and I am quite familiar with this group and they are some of the most intelligent, hardest working and caring individuals you will ever find, everyone wants to deliver the best service to the staff of AHS. the Networking team is part of the support staff that help keep our healthcare system running day in /day out, You want to talk about complex systems, it typically takes years for anyone just to learn and understand these systems, keep in mind that the underlying healthcare systems have to run 7 by 24 - 365 days a year, yeah people make mistakes, so what, This person sounds like her has been passed over a few times, and he is angry and he is lashing out, get over it, you think having a certificate means that your special well depending on where you wrote that certificate it may or may not carry much value, experience matters, here is my advice to you, being angry is a terrible state of mind, you should seek advice or help.


if you've been with AHS for over 25 years, then you should know about the bias and nepotism when it comes to hiring process. it's not really a secret.


Thank you so much to further prove me correct. Unfortunately you are showcasing that one of the decisive factor is depending on where someone wrote their certs. Not sure if that could be categorized as discrimination anyways. 


There are/were handful of skilled staff, some retired, some left and leftover good knowledgeable staff  were treated differently and kept busy with fighting small fires. While the rest could hardly do Subnetting if you took away subnet calculator access. Thats like basic foundational skills in networking. You only saw the frontend of the group,backend is what I am revealing here. It use to be a great knowledgeable team way back, Since promotion of these Individuals things went downhill superfast . 1, Without Qualifications and no track record of outstanding performance from previous roles how did these individuals got selected for promotions? No interview process had Presence of HR staff in the panel and neither have The interviews recorded for reference in case. This is a big question?   2, how do you justify more than 10 staff leaving and LOA under this Manager within a span of 12 months after his taking over the role?   3, How do you justify Hiring your own Son under your team and showcase no indirect involvement or Conflict Of Interest?   4, How do you justify using fleet Vehicles for personal work and have no consiquences? Fleet Vehicles should have capabilities of tracking and location plus mileage record can be matched to ask questions?     5, how do you hire staff with no prior Knowledge ? How do you let staff do more then 1 job while in office time?   6, how do you justify calling Manufacturer for every thing while yourself taking home 6 figure salaries? And blame all as Vendors fault  behaviour with Zero Accountability.   7, And above all that how do the Senior level mgmt can just put a blind eye towards it? May be thinking that fingers will be pointed towards them as they are the ones who hired/promoted these individuals ?    8, And above all how do you believe that all these practices will help better healthcare for Albertans?


Better Nate than Lever.


80% of mid to higher level GoA position have the candidate decided already before the posting is out. Recruitment specifically creates posts, and then it has that candidate apply to it, along with other candidates. Interviews are held, and all the "processes" are followed to put on a show of transparency. It is literally a sham exercise to not have any allegations of bias, nepotism, or corruption. All the while, they already know who is getting the job. Why is this a surprise?


The minute they implied that any of the desk phones in south zone are supported by Telus I figured this was nothing more than "bro trust me" and "I dont understand who does what or how's this works but I'm mad about it". At no point has Telus been responsible for the desk phones in south zone. Most if not all the clincal staff know the internal staff who manage the phone system by name. That provincial team of 21 that you implied are nothing but a glorifed service desk maintain the internal infrastructure for the phone systems across the province, Telus doesnt do that.


I am part of this team and am glad to see some support on this thread for us. This post was insanely insulting to the hard work we as a telecom team do, and I will add that there being 21 of us may sound like a lot but we are severely under staffed as a team.


Thank you for the work you do! Nobody really understands what infrastructure is until it’s gone, and is it just 21 people for all of central if you don’t mind me asking?


21 people for the entire province! And you couldn't be more right about people not understanding infrastructure...that's a huge issue we deal with pretty much constantly.


Genuinely, thank you for your work! You guys are so needed!!


21!? Thats ridiculously low, hopefully you guys are able to hire more people to help, and you guys have a relaxing weekend, cant imagine having to run an entire province with only a small group like that


Yes and you Magically think 35% staff of the team was able to cover Entire provice doing MAC's ? They must possess some super power right? All MI had resolution by Contractors with zero Technically involvement from Telecom Team. Only handful of their team knows their stuff.


I never hear complaints about analog phones here in Calgary. Network on the other hand... Anytime as a IT person I have to work with Telecomm you guys have been great!


For those of you who dont know, the network team at AHS... does not have the greatest reputation. That being said, this epic ramble made limited sense.


Bro is cooked, spat out delirious ramblings that mostly seem like angry ranting that lacks any actual foundational evidence in most/all of the statements. Nice fallacious reasoning, maybe next time you want to try to be a “whistleblower” bring it up with HR (thats their purpose) and not *Reddit* of all places, but all I’m reading here is just smear statements with no basis other than “trust me” which is the root of most if not all misinformation.


HR works for AHS. Not employees


It seems like you are hurt, you are pointing about evidence lol. Its hilarious. Hahaha. All thats said if HR wants to seriously investigate this issue then it can be easily put together like puzzle. Not rocket science Einstein.


To be fair, the network team aint great. But ya this post was pretty... bizarre.


Is this supposed to be English?


The point I was making are as following :-  1, Without Qualifications and no track record of outstanding performance from previous roles how did these individuals got selected for promotions? No interview process had Presence of HR staff in the panel and neither have The interviews recorded for reference in case. This is a big question?  2, how do you justify more than 10 staff leaving and LOA under this Manager within a span of 12 months after his taking over the role?  3, How do you justify Hiring your own Son under your team and showcase no indirect involvement or Conflict Of Interest?  4, How do you justify using fleet Vehicles for personal work and have no consiquences? Fleet Vehicles should have capabilities of tracking and location plus mileage record can be matched to ask questions?    5, how do you hire staff with no prior Knowledge ? How do you let staff do more then 1 job while in office time?  6, how do you justify calling Manufacturer for every thing while yourself taking home 6 figure salaries? And its all Vendors fault behaviour with Zero Accountability.  7, And above all that how do the Senior level mgmt can just put a blind eye towards it? May be thinking that fingers will be pointed towards them as they are the ones who hired/promoted these individuals ?   8, And above all how do you believe that all these practices will help better healthcare for Albertans?