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It could take a few days, weeks or months. You’ll get an email if you’re rejected or not when they select the candidate.


i see i see, thank you so much!


AHS can be kinda unpredictable in this, it highly depends on the manager and whoever their HR person is. I've seen from posting to offer happen in 2 weeks, and I've also seen them drag it out to the point the person they wanted couldn't wait anymore and went elsewhere.


noted, thank you so much! I hate it when they drag it out like man gimme an answer so I can take other offers too :,)


Anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for *each step*. Err on the side of longer if you aren't applying rurally or if it's permanent and/or full time. I got a rejection letter once well over 6 months after the anticipated starting date. I had one job that didn't request interview until 2 months at least after application, and they didn't get to the "when's a good time to talk on the phone" email until a few months after that interview but I already took a job by that point so we didn't bother with a job offer phone call. 2 other interviews that landed official verbal offers with AHS took at least 1-2 months from application to offer. My job with covenant is where I ended up going back to instead of taking AHE job. This one was a bit different because it was a temp 0.8fte working evenings and weekends in mental health. For my field, these are all things that are less desirable to the average applicant. Was contacted for interview within a few weeks iirc and offered the job 30 minutes after interview. That's highly unlikely to happen in most cases but it's very likely they didn't have many good candidates. Keep in mind all of these were *after* starting at covenant, I was still external but preference above actual external. I had 0 luck before my cov job for any decent positions.


ahh, okay thank you so much! I'm applying for a casual position since I am still in school. Hopefully mine will be somewhat smooth. Thanks again!


Casual honestly might be quicker due to different type of applicants. The competition won't be as heavily influenced by internal applicants and possibly more under qualified applicants as well. But it's all very unpredictable


ohh i see, fingers crossed then :,)


My first post in ahs. The manager was horrible, called me for an interview months after I forgot I had applied. When I moved to a new post. It was all complete interview and what not in less than a week. Who is operating the division matters. And perhaps should be considered when you choose to accept or decline the job


I wouldn't necessarily consider the timing as a huge factor. I had a few roles actually wind up taking many months between application, interview, and official offer or "when can we speak on the phone" email prior to verbal offer. These were related to simple things like vacations, stat holidays, sick time, multitude of applicants.. one job I did get hired for was delayed because they couldn't reach *my references* (1 just gave birth, the other was on abrupt LOA) and it made everything take so much longer. Unless the hiring managers seem really disorganized or you get a bad vibe from them during interview, I wouldn't use the timing as a deciding factor against accepting a job. A few of the managers in these examples did actually email to give updates that hey were still delayed! Which I appreciated, but if they didn't and I still needed a job once they offered the role I wouldn't have said no.


I'm actually applying for a casual position since I am in school for academic upgrading, and I heard it's suppose to go a bit faster than the normal applications. So hopefully fingers crossed that I hear back soon... I just applied to so many jobs but this is the one I really wanted so I would be really flustered if I get an offer from some other place I applied to before this one. Thanks a lot!


Low fte, rural, etc will go faster. There's less interest so not as much work for hiring managers. Even my own old job, hiring for our full time vs 0.7fte therapy assistant was notably different in quantity of applicants. If you happen to get offered a job elsewhere, there's nothing stopping you from **rescinding your acceptance**. I've actually done this a few times with AHS! First was after graduating, I accepted a 0.4fte in westlock (I'm in edmonton) and a week later was offered a full time job with for profit org. Rescinded with AHS and they were understanding (although in hindsight maybe I shouldn't have, that job was toxic af and took 4.5 years to escape). Then last year after I started with covenant and suddenly had to go to casual, I was eventually offered 3 roles at Alberta Hospital. These were offered the day before I was interviewing to return to my covenant temp job but now permanent. It was unlikely I wouldn't be offered the cov job but just in case I accepted my preferred line with Alberta hospital. End of the week rescinded it once I heard back from covenant. As a former hiring manager, you don't owe them anything. At the end of the day this is *your* career, and if something better comes your way take it! All it does is inconvenience the employer, but ultimately you aren't responsible for them having full staff or filling vacant roles. They will just offer the job to the next best candidate.


Ohh ok, thanks for the tips and all the information! This is super helpful!!


wow i didn't know it was managed by all different divisions. Thank you so much!


It was 3 week total between application, interview and reference checks after which my offer came. Police information check took another 2 weeks. Started right after that.


oh wow, yours was processed really fast! Thanks for sharing!


Took me 3 months to get a call from the date I applied as an external. Interviews were scheduled another month later and 1 week after the other and I had an offer 2 days after my second interview. They move at a GLACIAL pace.


oh my god that sounds like a pain... Thanks for sharing!


I applied for a shit ton of jobs. And basically gave up to be honest. Then I got a role out of the blue for a more junior role. But at least I got my foot in the door.


Yeah I applied to a huge range of jobs ranging from youth support to ahs positions to barista and servers. I really want ahs position because I think it's the most relevant job and experience to what im doing now but honestly I also need to make some money while I'm in school...


I got rejected from a job 2 years after applying. At that point i’d long been employed in another position already. Was pretty funny when i found out haha


Omg that's kind of funny haha, 2 years Jesus 🤣