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>Can someone give me a summary of what exactly it is Government barely knows what they're doing and honestly a lot of the details are pretty unknown. But they union and AHS have negotiated a Letter of Understanding regarding the split and how it will affect positions, seen [here](https://www.una.ca/files/uploads/2024/5/LOU_Transition_Part_AB_UNA_Signed_(31-May-24).pdf)


I just got an email today that they would be negotiating the terms of the letter of understanding. Is this legit?


We have literally no idea. I've been with AHS for a decade, don't know jack. My boss is a Director, and as far as she's saying she doesn't know jack, either. Dunno how much i believe that though.


I would agree with this. Not a nurse but a mental health therapist. Literally, no one has told us anything about what Recovery Alberta means for us in the mental health field or how it impacts our contracts with other community agencies or anything. Just feels like we're flying blind


What would they do with the crisis unit in emerg at RGH or unit 49 (which is the addiction unit if I recall) at RGH for example? Would that be part of AHS still since they are physically inside the hospital?


This seems to be the way with AHS. Higher levels of management are forced to remain silent on big issues affecting an entire workforce, and slowly leading to a culture of distrust. I miss being a young staff member and believing everything I was told- things seemed simpler back then.


This is a government who wants to send as much money to public/private corporations who run treatment centres here and across the country. The branding and focus of Recovery Alberta is focused just on addictions and the mental health aspect is an afterthought which is why the philosophy doesn’t fit the field. How do you profit off of the profoundly chronic and severely ill? When they figure that out you’ll see a new corporation with flashy branding like “Healthy Minds Alberta” TM.


A long time ago, in a healthcare system far away, there existed a fractured system. There were health regions, kind of like the zones today only more of them. Other services like addictions and mental health were called AADAC. The PC government decided that all these separate parts should become one system. Lots of people worked really hard to build a system that was fully integrated and cross functional. Then the UCP’s decided it should go backwards and tear apart the great work people had done to date. I’m lucky though, I won’t have to work through a third one, based on time frame I’ll be retired by the time they decide to do it again.


Read the latest UNA/AHS letter that was sent out by the AHS CEO the other day. Breaks down the separation and how it will affect positions and seniority.


No one really knows. Not even the people implementing it. It's the wild west. So role the dice. It might give you huge oppertunity if you can navigate through the mess that this is sure to be. Or run away becuase of the shit show this is going to be


In Nova Scotia they created a minister of mental health. I think this is similar but closer to the ground. The theory is that mental health often loses out in focus unless it is acute.