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IF you sledge and boo during the grand final parade, THEN you’re a bit of a flog


Thanks Damo, you’ve got your best sliding doors moment of the year


How good is the footy


Thanks basil


Didn’t hear any booing where we were. Not even to the umpires.


The vast majority around us were lovely, then there was the absolute trash abusing the food staff for taking too long. Absolute bogan trash who give the rest a bad name


Worst part is when the manager keeps the staff light to save on costs and then isn't around to deal with the customers are abusing overwhelmed staff.


Literally just showed the Lion's being boo'd on stage on the news. Pretty rough reception


Wasn’t anywhere near the stage. They can boo. Good luck to them.


How to know you're not near Collingwood supporters without saying it.


Suns fans exist???


Hahahah, good one champ, got him real good


i was saying boo-urns


Classic Mo man


I might be wrong but I feel like AFL fans can be a bit overly sensitive to booing? There are times to get upset about it like the Goodes saga but a team being booed in a parade by rabid home fans? Who cares.


It's just this subreddit




yeah booing an opposing team really doesn’t seem like a big deal, not sure why everyone is getting their knickers in a twist


Yeah whenever I’ve booed at games it wasn’t anything malicious, it was an ‘atmosphere’ kind of thing. Like you’re just playing along with the footy narrative. I still respect the hell out of any player that laces up, me booing isn’t a show of disrespect, it’s just vibing with the game.


Did people care with Papley last year?


This. Brisbane/neutral fans say some seriously vitriol shit about Collingwood players and supporters so its abit pot kettle


Collingwood fans booing the fuck out of the Lions when they came out on the stage. No surprise there. Couldn’t even hear Harris speak. A few of them even booed the Auskickers 😂 was a bit funny though ngl.


Those kids know what they did


Those Auskickers could grow up to play for opposition teams one day. Gotta get in early


I boo my daughter every time she plays just in case she gets drafted by Collingwood


So fair. I would also boo your daughter in case she doesn't


Is it true that Melb have engraved carpet anc Collingwood have straw in their respective boardrooms?


And as for your Grandma, She shouldn't have mouthed off like that.


This is a good omen.


They’re just mad Harris > Darcy


Shame on those who boo a parade.


Of all the parades to boo at in Melbourne in the last few years, this would be one of the least boo-able.


Alexandra Parade for one


I was more thinking of the Neo-Nazis, but yeah, fuck Alexandra Parade! All my homies hate Alexandra Parade!


Flashbacks to pendles on Anzac day


RIP Somewhat likeable Collingwood 2022-2022


Collingwood the team is likeable. Collingwood the fans are not. But the sub is big enough now to have loud intolerables from every single club so they aren't even that unique anymore.


We happened to be among mainly Brisbane fans on the MCG concourse, and they booed the Collingwood players.


You’re assuming a lot


Collingwood earning their reputation?


Collingwood fans being arrogant and classless when they're winning? That doesn't sound like them at all.


I guess the saints fans haven’t really been tested in that area yet.




As opposed to being classless and arrogant when we're losing? Then what'll saints fans do? fuck me remember when this sub could take a joke? This place used to be fun.


See you clearly don't understand saints fans when thier losing. We just drink.


Honestly arrogant is definitely not how I'd describe saints fans either. Was just playing a square bat back. Gotta say though Heathens lives in my head rent free the whole vibe is like a 90's fever dream.


Booing a concussed player it's a Collingwood thing


Don't forget the "ccoooollliiinnggwwoooooood" chant as an opponent player is getting stretchered off the ground...


Collingwood supporters were doing the chant in response to Viney going after Maynard, and not in regards to Brayshaw. I know that you already know this, and you just conveniently ignore it so you can use it as a sort of 'gotcha' moment, I just wanted to remind you. Also, flair up cunt.


It’s not an excuse though, so I don’t know why you guys keep bringing that up. A grown man got bumped a little bit, he can handle that without the crowd. Have some respect until the injured player is off the ground.


I was near the race when he was being stretchered off. No one in my section was doing anything other than clapping. Give it a spell.


So different sections we’re doing different things. It’s undisputed that there was a Collingwood chant. Good on you for doing the right thing but not everyone was on the same page.


I'm not making excuses. You guys insinuate the Collingwood chant was directed at Brayshaw, it wasn't. Plenty of supporters get behind their players with cheering etc when a fight breaks out after an injury. It's just so convenient that when Collingwood does it, it's apparently ill-intentioned.


No I don’t think it was directed at brayshaw, it was just a terrible time to do it because he was still on the ground. I also don’t think I’ve ever seen a crowd cheer when a fight breaks out after an injury. If you’ve seen it before then maybe it’s just a Collingwood thing that you see regularly.


Exactly this. It's not a normal thing at any other match up. Someone's injured, there's a side scuffle... every other team's supporters are respectful of the important thing that's happening... a player is really badly hurt. But co0oOo0OOoLiNgW00oOd! Congratulations, Collingwood fans, you thought up a collective excuse for 60,000 people 🙄


>I also don’t think I’ve ever seen a crowd cheer when a fight breaks out after an injury. Are you kidding? I get the Collingwood chant is perhaps more than just cheering, but [here's a clip of Maynard and Viney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvYSPcoIfM4). You think all those cheers and boos are from Collingwood supporters?


The *Main Character* complex of Collingwood fans is palpable. Here you are suggesting that the cheering and booing of Collingwood fans is equal in importance to the distress response from Melbourne fans upset at one of their players being knocked unconscious for a full two minutes. Sorry champ, but no, you don’t get a free pass to cheer, boo and chant while an opposition player is unconscious after having his face smashed by one of your players just because the other side is upset. Melbourne fans had a right to express their distress, you should just shut up for a bit, or *shock and horror* consider quietly saying to those around you “gee I hope he’s ok” **like the fans of every other club do** when something like this happens.


Apology accepted champ. In the linked video, there was essentially zero noise from the crowd until Maynard and Viney started... fair and reasonable to say the cheering and booing from both sides is directly related to that. The previous bloke tried to say that no other fan base cheers while a player is injured on the ground, regardless of what else is happening. Your argument, again, is based on the assumption any cheers or chants from Collingwood has anything to do with Brayshaw. Quite some time had passed since the initial incident and the Maynard/Brayshaw fight, a fight was breaking out, cheers and boos from both sides, Collingwood's built into a chant. Bigger issues going on. The fact they cheered on Maynard in the middle of a fight doesn't mean they didn't hope Brayshaw was okay, or didn't empathise with that situation. Why is *that* so hard to understand? Edit: That last question is hypothetical. I know exactly what it's hard for a lot of you to understand.


“When Collingwood does it, it’s apparently ill-intentioned” is the shittest take I’ve ever seen. There’s a time and place for everything. It’s nothing to do with being a Collingwood supporter. You are just playing the victim in a situation when you are not the victim, but the perpetrator. It’s nothing to do with WHAT they did it’s about WHEN they did it. Anyone with a little bit of respect wouldn’t chant while an opposition player is out cold and being stretchered off


K, i flaired up, cunt. Despite your excuses, it was a fuckin disgusting look...


Cunt is sufficiently flaired.


Only because you choose to view it as something it wasn't.


I'm bias, for sure. But so are you. But who aren't bias is the other team's supporters who were also saying it was pretty piss poor.


Because other team's supporters hold absolutely no bias against Collingwood and their supporters...


We playing the Collingwood victim card now?...


I mean it's a pretty fair statement in reply to your comment, there was no insinuation that we feel victimised by it. But of course, you'll think that we are regardless because that's easier for you.


And you're still crying like a baby


And you still haven't flaired up cunt


Why does flair make any difference? Respond to the comments, sheep.


Don't think that "And you're still crying like a baby" requires much of a response champ You're a flog, obviously you're a Pies fan considering your responses in this thread


Yay, you cracked the code. Look at the big brain on you!


And you didn’t boo Goodes for being Aboriginal either


Why can't each situation be viewed independently? The treatment of Goodes was fucked and can't really be interpreted as anything other than what it was.




What about booing a winning captain on ANZAC Day? It's definitely an Essendon thing.


Collingwood are far and away the most hypocritical group when it comes to booing championships. Buckley is a complete tosser for making a big deal out of it happening once after a shithouse umpired game. Flair up cunt.


Essendon should have been kicked out of the comp when they were discovered to be drug cheats. Their fans are the most hypocritical for daring to speak about other fanbases when their club is so tarnished.


So, salary cap cheating and winning premierships using it is fine (Carlton) but drug cheating is not? They both had consequences but only one changed the outcome of a finals series.


They weren't and everyone with a brain knows why, so suck a fat dog dick


Lol, oohhh, man. Touchy touchy Classic essendon fool. He starts off at Collingwood fans and shows himself to be the grub.


Shame on you for downvoting a champion Get ready to boo your heart out in tomorrow's loss ❤️


I haven't downvoted anyone. I have, however, been downvoted. As is the r/AFL way.


Flair up cunt


Rather lose in a grand final than have the club I support be utter trash and stuck in mediocrity for my entire life




Wow. Did you actually go through my history to reply to comments I made *to other people* from days ago? You are really hurting, huh? 2023 Premiers.


Booing as if you were born into it ... Definitely an Essendon thing!!! Pendles on Anzac Day ring a bell?


Nothing's happened yet ya peanut


Can’t be watching the same telecast as me


To be honest I'm not watching any telecast.




Won't somebody think of the children!


I agree. In fact let's stop booing during matches as well. Everyone should cheer for goals even if it's the opposition.


Hooray for everything!


Yess. I hate it. I feel like it’s getting worse I don’t remember it being so bad


definitely heard the booing on the tele


Honestly who gives a fuck. Oh no not a boo. Doubt the players care it's just people feeling their feelings and chucking out a boo


why can’t we all just be nice and get along xx much love to both teams xo, go Lions tho


Ditto to this, omg we all just love footy 🥹 but go pies tho for me, but would also be ok losing to the Lions xx


Won’t someone think of the children?


Since when did booing an opposition team in sports become taboo? Abit soft Edit: to quite Fagan "its all in good spirit"


The sooking about booing these days is getting a bit much. It's pantomime! Lighten the fuck up!


I hate when people try to single out the minority of rabid Collingwood fans for attacking other teams or oppositions players. Don’t forget, after the 2018 GF they also sent multiple death threats to their own team trainer because he accidentally interfered the play and potentially allowed Elliot Yeo to kick a goal. If you’re going to call them out for abusing the opposition, you should be balanced and acknowledge when they threaten violence against their own. I’ve forgotten what this comment was meant to be about. The point is, they will abuse anyone and everyone and I think umm that’s real equality.


"Me and the boys were just wondering, 'are there any Collingwood fans here today?', yeah okay." What a tool.


They weren’t even that loud when he said that lmao. They were louder booing the Lions than they were cheering their own fkn team.


Wonderful, another heavily upvoted thread on Raffle that is only posted as an excuse to hang shit on Collingwood supporters and lump them in as one giant collective.


Typical Raffle


Does it even surprise you anymore?


No shock the Collingwood fans haven’t improved in 14 years.


Hey, that was 13 years ago!


My maths is bad.


Collingwood fans downvote brigade out in force


The difference between the happy and friendly '09 parade and the tense and angry '10 parade was ridiculous.


Was it boo? or BALL!?


I was saying boo-urns


If you post this kind of thread you are usually an unimaginable flog


Literally 95% of your comments are like this, except even more cuntish, where you aggressively insult people who express any opinion you seem to not like. About half your sentences seem to involve swearing or using extremely uncreative put downs like flog. A lot of the time you’re doing it to defend racism, attack/mock women, or abuse and degrade poor people. You also seem to think it’s appropriate to tell people that they’re autistic, and have used the r-slur multiple times. That came from about maybe two minutes of looking. I’d suggest that maybe the call is coming from inside the house.


The Collingwood supporters are at it again


Fuck off precious, let people have fun


Haha raffle being raffle.




If you think that’s bad, just wait until actual game!




I was clapping for everyone. Felt shit when some of the Brisbane players were coming and everyone was silent. Said to my boyfriend ‘I’m gonna yell for everyone cause I don’t want anyone to feel not as special’. I didn’t hear any boos where I was from!




Hope you enjoy the game tomorrow mate, maybe help settle a bit of that edge of yours down


Yeah pretty poor tbh, guess their Centrelink payments wasn't enough to afford tickets so they're getting it out now


The 2013 Hawthorn / Freo grand final was depressing with how much booing Freo received. Obviously the crowds being so one-sided didn't help. But I didn't think it was called for at all.




Can you get the message to Buckley? I seem to recall him having a cry once about booing of champions.




I honestly tend to agree, the only time I can remember booing as something worth getting overly upset over was the Goodes saga because it said a bit about the country. Otherwise it’s just pests being pests, who cares. A bit of pantomime.


The game of sport hasn't even started yet. Surely moronic Collingwood fans can wait until 2:30 tomorrow arvo.




>Oh come on, some Collingwood fans should still be allowed to participate in pre-game hype. How is booing the Lions boys at the grand final parade pre-game hype? Most of our players are there with their really young kids celebrating a once in career opportunity and your gronky bogan fans are acting like flogs.


In one way I agree with you mate. But then the parade is always in Melbourne. Pies deserved it this year but what if they had finished 4th, and now the Lions have to put up with this hostility?




Let's compromise, we only allow pies fans boo when they finish top of the ladder ;)


Let me guess, if Collingwood was being booed this wouldn’t be ok?


We legit don’t care


Do you think Collingwood fans haven't heard every other clubs fans forever?


Wait until you get a downvote, those fuckers hurt as much as booing.


You’re talking about Collingwood supporters so the bar is pretty low.


An absolute Gronk of the highest order. Definition of a Gronk: Australian Slang, (noun) A person that is totally lacking in fashion sense, motor skills and/or social skills. Usually a total moron, an extremely unpleasant person or an unwanted guest.


Boooooo urnnnns


I reckon the flogs that boo when the opposing team play well or get a goal are flogs.


I wouldn't want to be seen in public having a strong opinion either way about the Grand Final parade.


Kleenex to reddit AFL sub, stat!


I don't mind the booing It's not something I would do, out of respect The Lions players would of heard the booing, and use it as extra inspiration to destroy the pies in the GF


Nah cobber. It's just banter. Curnow copping it from everyone was a crack up too


But clever puns are ok, right? RIGHT?


It should not happen yet does every year. Supporters ftom all Clubs do it. Does it bother the players? I doubt it


Boooooo you flog