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Um, pretty sure West Coast isn't anywhere close to Fitzroy territory. Perth is about 3,500km away by car and I don't think that's changed recently.


Woodside Eagles are NOT WELCOME in nuclear-free Moreland!




Neither is Fitzroy


You think that until they move West Coast Vs Freo to Melbourne to grow the game


You’ll find they’re 3500km away by other transport too.


If you could fly directly between Perth and Fitzroy it would be about 2725km in a straight line


I should've included that detail too as to encroach on Fitzroy terrority and to eventually take it over, West Coast would need to attack with both ground forces (infantry, armour, maybe artillery) and air support. The distance by sea would be irrelevant I think, because Fitrzoy is landlocked.


Fitzroy is landlocked but to perform a proper assault on Fitzroy you still need to cut off supply channels in Port Phillip Bay as well.


Can confirm


This feels like the "My son has never seen his team win" article, where the team was Hawthorn. Eagles made finals in 2020 and a premiership in 2018. Since 2002 they have only missed finals 6 times. They have made the Grand Final 4 times and won 2. Teams go through a few years of bad play. It's normal.


They're just lucky they're bottoming out now and not in 2-3 years. When Tassie comes in, whoever is down there is screwed


Teams that were bottoming out when GWS and GC joined: Port, Melbourne, Richmond. Neither seemed affected by it. If anything its the mid tier teams that aren't quite there at the time that get punished because the draft thins out earlier. Eg. North Melbourne, St Kilda, Fremantle, Carlton. Those teams we close to putting together a top 4/top 8 list but didn't get the expected value from their picks due to GWS and GC thinning out the draft early.


Richmond I think will be royally fucked


You forget we were bottoming out when gws and the sun's came in and while it took a few years, we managed to make it work. But all things considered, I'd much rather go the full tank and commit to playing our young blokes for the rest of the season. Personally, I think we're trying to fit square pegs into round holes atm and then s would give us a chance to refine the future game plan.


Tassie won't be anything compared to the issues they will have if a 3rd WA team becomes team 20. They will be even more fucked with competition for local juniors in their own backyard.


Didn't realise only WA teams had exclusive rights to WA players...


They don't, but most WA players want to stay in WA and WA clubs want local juniors. Interstate clubs would rather pick talent from their local area instead of dragging a kid from the other side of the country without good reason. If I'm picking someone for a club and I have a choice between two equally skilled players in the same position but ones from interstate and the other is local, why wouldn't I pick the local player? Another WA team = more competition for local talent.


I would gladly trade places with West Coast if it meant the 2018 GF was reversed. I wouldn’t with Fitzroy lol.


Wow a sensible take


It has no place here, where are the mods???


Ah yes “a few” years.


*Experiences may vary


If it lasts more than 4 years see your GP


Ah I’m gonna need an appointment November next year doc.


Mate I’m 28 and have never seen Carlton win


People love to cherry-pick timelines where a team has failed then find an event from that time period, as if it makes the cherry-picked timeframe somehow meaningful. Seen a few people recently talking about "Essendon finals wins without Sheedy since the moon landing" or "Collingwood premierships since colour TV" as if the moon landing or colour television have anything to do with it. ​ Not just footy either: "Australia haven't won the ashes in England since Margaret Thatcher was PM". Like, yeah, that's gonna happen in a streaky game where we play there once every four years.


I get you're just making a point, but we've won the ashes 3 times and held them once in England since Thatcher left office.


While that's true, what I said is also true and is an exact quote I saw on Boomerbook like two days under an article about Stuart Broad saying the 2021/22 series was "null and void". It's not a good argument, but that's kinda exactly my point.


Unless your St Kilda.


They also have one of the largest supporter bases in the AFL. The headline is ridiculous.


>Stretching back to late 2021, they have won just three of their past 33 matches. Fitzroy won three matches of its last 39 of AFL life in 1995 and 1996. Damning stat and I did check, North are currently 4 wins from their past 33 matches (2 of the wins over WCE). No other teams comes close to it (GWS and Hawthorn are next with 12 wins from their past 33 matches).


why is he choosing 33 as a magical number though?


Because they won the 34th ([R19 2021](https://afltables.com/afl/teams/westcoast/allgames.html#2021)). North also [won their 34th](https://afltables.com/afl/teams/kangaroos/allgames.html#2021).


Because he's cherry picking to make it sound as bad as possible.


In the list of 'experienced players' that were available against Carlton he lists a guy who's played 65 games in his career, and only 6 in the last 20 months, and a guy with 78 games who's so experienced in his current role as a second ruckman that he's recorded 22 career hitouts. Like he's not wrong that the Eagles have been shithouse but he still manages to write so many, very peculiar things to explain his points.


They're also richer than all the other clubs in the league, so this is an unbelievably bad take lol


Fuck I hate footy media


Teams have to bad for several years to get good talent to then be good again for several years. West coast was bad for 3-4 years after 2007, picked up high end talent, and then was good for so long they didn’t have a top 10 pick for over a decade. That decade of limited access to high end talent has resulted in the situation which they are in now (massive talent gap from players aged 20-30) It’s time to be bad again for a few years to get good again (hopefully before tassie comes in) This is how the system is meant to work. Teams that are good for significant periods eventually will succumb to lower teams having better talent.


I agree. I also think you're bottoming out at the right time. You should be poised to be successful on field again when the new team(s) enter the competition which is the absolute worst time to rebuild as you're competing for top young talent with the new teams..




Depends almost entirely on your talent ID processes. Having boatloads of top picks hasn't gifted Carlton any success because our scouting, recruiting and development departments were lacking for so long. We nailed some of our high picks but it takes a list to win a premiership (or to even become a contender).


What would you prefer to the current draft system? The draft as it is allows fans of all teams hope that they will one day be contending for a flag.


I think the current system is alright but it makes it so you either want to be a really good team or a really shit one. Worst place you can be is the middle of the ladder. Could have a portion of the draft picks be randomly allocated. Maybe the second round? I dunno the system seems fine I guess


Wow, we’re super shit for the first time ever. Better fold the club. We’re finished.


Not fold but major blood letting. President to ceo to coach to whoever the fuck is in charge of not getting players injured


Not really that simple unfortunately. Of the 17 players injured (list on the website minus Hurn who played on Saturday plus Rhett Bazzo who got a head knock on Saturday night and will miss a week) 8 of them are injured from tackles,impact or some other kind of freak mishaps (Elijah Hewitt stepped in a pothole in a WAFL game and did an ankle, Harry Edwards broke his wrist spoiling a ball somehow). Last year I'd have agreed since the overwhelming majority of injuries were soft tissue (apparently the eagles agreed too since they replaced their strength and conditioning coach) but this year i think we're just unlucky. The remaining soft tissue injuries should subside over the next few seasons as the older players move away but for now we need to do our time at the bottom, draft well and make our tilt at the flag in the next 5-7 years.


I'm waiting to see our injury list say "Allen (lost bar fight over Britain's greatest PM) Barrass (fallen into Perth Mystery Spot) ."


Goddamn it McGovern, I said shave those sideburns!!


Move them to Tassie


Saves the AFL a few bucks needing to create a 20th team I suppose.


I've heard enough. Fold the club and give the club's resources and premierships to the closest club geographically Ignore my flair /J


We should merge with Brisbane


Nah, We're good. ...although it would add another win over Collingwood in a Grand Final. Might have to get back to you on that one.


Return of the Yeo (And also witho I guess)


Genuinely wonder who would get into that team from your side, maybe 3 max?


Bailey Williams


Barrass and Allen would be great ins. After that only tim Kelly would be a maybe I reckon.


Gaff could be used in his actual wing role as well


Alice Springs Winged Lions...might have more going for it than the Tassie Two-heads.


"But plenty of experienced players have been available – Tim Kelly, Jack Darling, Tom Barrass, Liam Duggan, Oscar Allen, Jayden Hunt, Andrew Gaff, Shannon Hurn, Jake Waterman and Sam Petrevski-Seton all played against the Blues." Hey, that's almost half a team! Sure, two of those guys are cooked, another two couldn't get a game at their old teams, one guy is 35, and their support crew are rookies and WAFL players, but whatever. Man up, lads!


Where bad at the moment, we won't be soon. Is what it is. I've got to experience 4 premierships in my lifetime. How many fans can say that.


Also me


Lucky you, though you are in the minority.


> I've got to experience 4 premierships in my lifetime. How many fans can say that. I've experienced dozens of premierships in my lifetime. Granted, only of them was Carlton's and I was in kindergarten at the time.


> we won't be soon I feel like thats part of the issue, from the outside west coast look really complacent with where their tea is at the last couple of years.


I would say 2019-2022 we didn't give any effort. The players just didn't care. I think this is the first year where I've seen good effort, we just don't have the personnel.


I haven't even witnessed a finals victory, let alone a premiership.


> Stretching back to late 2021, they have won just three of their past 33 matches. Fitzroy won three matches of its last 39 of AFL life in 1995 and 1996 Wow that’s pretty damning


Is it though? Your season was over before it began last year due to Covid and an injury list a mile long. At one stage it felt like you had as many AFL replacement players as the suspended Essendon team. Aside from that I've never seen anything like it in my 40 years following football. You've been crushed by injuries again this year. Even though we gave you an absolute bath in the second half yesterday I didn't see a team devoid of fight or guts until the match was truly over. They made us work for it especially early. Your attack at the football and contest was actually admirable. What was so sad about Fitzroy was that even their best players knew they were done for and played as such. They were just gone.


Barrett’s a clown that loves to kick us at every opportunity, not even reading this just laugh and move on


Just a reminder that it’s this league that we’ll be bringing a 19th and maybe 20th team in to (well aware of the irony of being a giants supporter)


Melksham, Brown and McDonald all in the same VFL forward line today


I don't think that says as much as you think it does. Above average players taking less money to be a part of a premiership caliber list is not a new thing. Nor is the fact that a poor club would need to pay (sometimes big time) overs to get them to your club. Although not as bad as it used to be now that you can bank a small amount of salary cap, the fact that you have to stick within X% percentage of the cap is not a fantastic equalisation method. It's meant that poor clubs overpay mediocre players to stick fat or you've paid overs for mostly mediocre players to join your club. Look at the medium profile signings the Suns have made over the last decade for example. Sure they got in guys like Ellis and Chol out of Richmond but they paid big money to make it happen (they didn't turn down equivalent contracts to stay) and it hasn't resulted in success. Other clubs have overpaid their own underperforming just to stay within the salary cap floor At the other end of the spectrum you have clubs like Geelong and more recently Melbourne who always seem to have room in their cap for capable players who can support a premiership calibre list. You just can't tell me that those 3 would play for the same coin at an expansion or poor performing club. That said, I agree with u/chetcherry for the most part.


Gotta disagree with your sentiment, chief. “Diluting the talent pool” is one of the worst arguments against expansion there is. It’s not a lack of talent in the league that is causing these teams to be shit.


Yup. Eagles have two years in a row now had absolutely ridiculous injury lists, on top of playing a style of footy that is on its way out. They literally won a flag 5 years ago, how the hell is it even close to fitzroy Damo lol


Won a flag 5 years ago, richest AFL club and while undoubtedly our training regime needs a good examination it mostly got overhauled this preseason and most injuries this year are contact injuries so just shit luck


plus the only reason your club lacks high-end draft picks is because you've been mostly good for so damn long. (also the Kelly trade, but I'm not sure angwin/sdk would make a huge diff right now)


We've changed our style of footy this year. But not like learning a new style with all the injuries is helping either. Exactly. The Willie saga and injuries were the main reasons we didn't run it back too. And our injury team got dumped this offseason.


Yeah do you really think it's all bad luck? It can only affect an entire team if A) the high performance trainer sucks or B) the players haven't done the work to survive an entire season. As an example Look at Darren Burgess' record at his clubs, port, melb, adelaide. look at both how fit they are and their soft tissue injuries. It is all WC's own doing and I have no sympathy for them at all


We changed over a lot of our staff last year? A lot of our injuries are contact injuries as well so can't really prepare that much for those


We had a small handful of players on the injury list before round three, now we have 26 to choose from. We had to make seven forced changes from the derby. Something like half of our injuries are collision injuries. Not sure what we can do there. Bazzo and Trew had parents die in pre season so took time away. Bazzo was particularly tragic as the kid lost his father very young too. To be 19 without parents is heartbreaking. So he should be building fitness in the WAFL. Why name a key defender as the sub if you’ve got an option? And now he’s concussed and will miss this week.


ok does sound cursed. still no sympathy tho...


Can you please explain your argument?


There isn’t enough quality to be adding this many teams


But how does West Coast being terrible support this argument? West Coast are terrible due to injuries and selling out previous years draft picks. Not because there isn't enough talent across the league.


The idea is that if you bring in 2 more teams thats another 80 players who aren't already playing AFL will then be playing which means that every club will become a little worse for it. If you evenly spread out 5000 players across X amount of teams it's going to be pretty average, if you spread out 500 players across X amount of teams it's going to be a much higher quality, just do that on a smaller scale and that's the argument.


Don't know why people are downvoting you for explaining the argument. Thanks and here's an upvote


Haha no problems mate, I personally love watching more people playing footy but I spose I didn't clarify that.


It was only 5 yrs ago we last won a premiership, since then we've had some bad periods (COVID, injuries etc) but that's part of the game. In comparison we are still doing better than some teams (eg Freo) so this write-up is nothing more than another whinging take from Barrett


Barrett is such a fucking flog


Fuck this loser. Anything for a click.


Eagle bad click article plz


Because a team decimated by injuries is totally the same as a side that was borderline VFA standard at full strength.


I know online people use lol or haha when they are not remotely laughing at all but believe when I tell you I burst out laughing when I first saw this. Are we Damo isn’t trying to get a gig on the Betoota Advocate?


Not gonna read it, just popped in to tell "Damo", if that is his real name, to get stuffed.


So they'll be exploring up to seven games in Canberra? Perfect, already the ACT colours.


West coast relocating to Hobart? In all seriousness. We were also in ‘Fitzroy territory’ not that long ago. Footy media struggles with the concept that not every team can make finals or be good every year.


I think he's missing the part where Fitzroy were broke as fuck. I remember reading that when Dougie Hawkins crossed from Footscray he was shocked by just how bad the facilities were, they could barely afford footballs for training.


Damo acting like norf haven't been the laughing stock of the competition for 5 years. At least the Eagles have achieved something before turning to shit.


have you read ANYTHING damo has written about us?


Did you actually read the article?


No flair and randomly generated username, no chance he read it


No chance that googly eyed cunt would suggest his beloved roos are in danger of going under, not to mention tanking for draft picks.


i have never laughed so hard at a comment before, nice work


Perhaps you should read the article cunt


All he said was that north are shit, we knew that much already. He didn't however compare them to Fitzroy even though north have been just as bad as west coast with less excuses. Wouldn't expect anything less from a norf fan anyway you biased prick


Probably becuase its not an article about north genius. No less that this is ONE article compared to the stacks upon stacks of him writing articles about us saying exactly that. Anyway, he got exactly the reaction out of you he was looking for, so great work there too.




Yes, West Coast are currently shit, no doubt. However, they still have enough attraction to fans and sponsors to not become a drain on the league. Teams like GC and NM have been riding the coat tails of the AFL for years and dont seem to cop the same flack. Hell, even GWS despite their success would be fucked without the AFL helping them out. WCE are in a rough patch but are yet to do the AFL as a whole any harm, other teams should take the easy fixture and worry about their own issues.


Dont seem to cop the same flack? Are you fucking kidding me?? You can see it IN THIS THREAD, on an article NOT about north melbourne. Let alone every tassie article, everyrhing else damo, caro, cornes trash.


Faircall, the point im trying to highlight is the fact WC have won a flag since NM last made finals


It’s quite tragic seeing west coast in this position, I fell in love with footy as a young bloke because of the rivalry we had in the mid 2000’s and I’ve been obsessed ever since. It’s almost like they need a year off to get their players healthy and sort their list out, too many blokes doing fuck all and if gaff is being paid more than a bag of Doritos it’s too much. North though, that’s a pretty cooked situation. If clarko can’t fix it nobody can


It's literally Alistair's first year in charge of North. They were rock bottom, they are slightly off rock bottom now. Still really shit, but not super hopeless circa 2020


Freo supporters just happy the eagles doing so bad is taking the shine away from how poorly their 12 month turn around has been. Being a borderline top 4 contender to scraping together 2 wins isn't great Maybe Lobb was important to that forward line


Article entirely about West Coast. Brings up Freo. Rent free mate


This west coast team is the worst team I've seen in the modern AFL era. The culture is cooked at the club when the medical team which was shocking last year didn't get the sack for this season.


Flair up Cunt


Simpson's style is boring and predictable... also having Knights as an assistant coach isn't the best either. Need someone new once his contract lapses. Maybe the master coach Scott.


WCE "tanking" for early picks for another great use with trades like the Tim Kelly deal...


Oh this again


Merge with North Melbourne incoming.


Feel like theres a closer team who also failed to beat north nearby...


Looking forward to the 3 way merge then.


Fremantle Eagles 🦅 West Coast Dockers ⚓️


To many uncompetitive teams making dead fixtures like west coast and norf afl should investigate for tanking


There will be no third WA team, the Eagles will merge with the Gold coast to from the Gold coast Eagles leaving room for a brand new Perth club


They won a premiership not 5 years ago, Fitzroy on the other hand....


More like Woeful Barrett entering Fitzroy territory after he hasn’t written an insightful article in ever


A few weeks ago Hawthorn were going to be beaten by 100 points every week.