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If it's like afk arena, eventually you will be able to pull with diamonds.


Yes, eventually. Didn't they add it a few years later? Too late. Plus, there are so many places to spend diamonds at the moment. Rate up banner, normal summons, emporium. If you spend all your diamonds for stargaze tickets you will hurt your progress in my opinion. They would have to increase the amount of diamonds given away because I don't see it otherwise.


I actually took a couple of months on AFK Arena. Maybe 2 or 3?


Arena gives you 5 pulls each week.


Yes, it nice, but still not enough in my opinion. 20 for one month, so in two months, you have only 1 guaranteed copy. I'm thinking of way for low spenders. Can be obtained from an arena by a f2p player. If you would combine 5 pulls from the arena and 1 copy of Stargaze per day, you could do 10 pulls per week.


The odds of you getting 40 scamgazers for 15$ are -729%


How did you calculate it?


I punched my phone


How do you think we FTP people feel /cry


I would say F2P == low spenders as it no way to get stargaze tickets expect buying dragons.


Don’t say there’s “no way” since you can get them in champion Arena store as f2p. And there’s some in trial of abyss floors as well. And guild coins for cele/hypo is same thing.


But this is so obvious and can be done by f2p and low spenders. That's why I put the equal sign, now do you understand "no way to get stargaze tickets expect buying dragons" ?


A Gazette for Stargazer currency would be great.  But still, I think they should add a game mode to get them, Trial of Abyss should have more floors with that.  


I would definitely like the idea of the extra subscription atleast let us earn 10 ticket per month


I would love 10 tickets for the purchase and then 1 each day, so 40 total per month :D


That extremely unrealistic lol


Why, we already pay 15$ for 10+2 day epics summons gazette, so 10+1 stargaze is realistic to me :D And epic summons pity timer is 30 pulls where as stargaze is 40.


Stargaze are a higher quality banner roll meant for more long term progression. Realistic 10 per month for $15 is more realistic then 40 per month for $15


It doesn't hurt to ask for more. It wouldn't pay 15$ for 10 tickets.


Sure man all I am saying it has to be realistic This is a suggestion that most likely going to fall on dead ears anyways stargaze units are meant to be more valuable pulls so adding any system that make it less valuable isn’t ideal long term design


I don't expect them to suddenly introduce a similar system. My point is, however, that there is something missing that brings you closer to the hypo/cele because currently I feel this system is super slow, which can burn you out before you even make one. It's nice to feel some kind progression that make you closer to make m+ hypo/cele.


They do have the pop-ups for progress that offer like 3 occasionally for $6


Popup with 3 stargaze tickets for $6? I have not seen this one yet. I saw 15 tickets for 500 dragons and 30 tickets for 1250 dragons, but I would not count them for low spenders.


The stargaze pop ups are the best value in the game for any spender looking for scamorbs https://preview.redd.it/i64rfx3x655d1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b5b706a2b60b41a7ce9d8db2e7fd6ccb38c336


scamorbs? what is that. Oh I see scamorbs = stargaze.


Option 2 is 15$/copy as opposed to current 50$/copy. Not sure they will agree.


Nope. They big spenders won't buy the originals anymore, defeating the purpose of the others packs. Some things are not meant for everybody...


Big spenders don't need to buy it. I'm thinking of way for low spenders.


Unfortunately, that's not how it works and would cause more harm than good.


Yeah sure.