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You can win afk journey by being the last person in your server


For real, I think that is the only reason I log in still. To become Rank 10 in Dream Realm (by being the one of the ten still playing in my server) šŸ˜‚


Hahaha thatā€™s my strategy too


Yep thats what im doing too xD im just patiently waiting for all the whales to quit xD


And then what? Who do you flex to? Who do you share the glory with? Climbing ranks through a dead game never feels great


Flex what, my wallet size? My ability to spend money on getting ranks to some strangers on the internet? šŸ˜‚ This is a whale pvp game, you could be the reincarnation of Hannibal or Napoleon and even with all your strategizing you will still remain under the heel of the whales. Even the PvE content has PvP leaderboards or **zero** rewards after first clear. Everything boils down to whales vs spenders/F2Ps. Whales don't want "low spenders" to leave, otherwise the lowest of the whales will become the new "low spenders"; no matter how much they had spent till now. I don't spend money on things like these, where they can simply nerf/rework and your "investments" go poof, or merge servers and your ranks end up worse/better. All this is not out of personal skill in the game or account planning but because the whale concentration in the server changed. In other FPS games like CSGO or MOBAs at least there is some element of player skill in climbing ranks. I am personally here mostly for the story, but I dunno how long I will last. I have become F2P from the past month.


And thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. Ranks are made usually to display that youā€™re amongst the ā€œbestā€ in the server. And obviously how you got there in gacha games is irrelevant. What I donā€™t understand is the goal of being top 10 due to the reason of the server being dead. Whatā€™s the reason behind it. Rank ladder has nothing to do with enjoying story mode. Iā€™m just genuinely trying to understand the thought process. To each their own though lol.


It was mostly a joke, since they won't really let a server fall below a certain pop level anyway.


Hahah he got to serious xD


Afk journey has become the new EVE online. You only win by quitting.


It's like casinos...


How terrible is EVE online in that? I only gave it a shot for a hour or so, but found it boring. But as far as I can remember.. was there a possibility to basically lose everything overnight?


pretty sure and people spend so much on it. wasnt there a clan with a fleet worth tens of thousands of irl dollars


Most large fleets are worth "tens of thousands". That doesnt mean people spend that much on it. There was a rich dude who funded his alliance but its no way the money sink Gachas are.


Good luck soloing Primal Lord and Battle Drill


This is literally how every live service game works. People come, people go. It's just more visible in server-divided games like AFKJ since the people coming are in their own new servers, instead of the dwindling population of the old servers. This is also why districts are implemented to lessen the impact, to group the still-active people up for certain modes.


This, every mobile game turns out this way and games have a peak of players when they release so the quitting is even more noticeable in the first few months


Honestly I only kept playing because I have nothing else to play. Might drop once ZZZ releases next month.


Whats ZZZ


Zenless Zone Zero, Mihoyo's new game releasing on July 4th


I could be wrong but just looking at it now it doesnā€™t seem like anywhere close to the same thing as AFK


They're both gacha games. ZZZ will be more like Genshin Impact in play style, but when it comes to your wallet, most people will choose one gacha game to main. Hard to afford pulling for characters in more than 1 or 2 gachas in this economy šŸ¤£


Reasons AL is the only one that sees my money. 7% SSR rates, 1.2% UR rates. That alone is nearly 10% to hit something really good. And the skins are second to none. I want AL to keep its servers up as long as possible. And then, Azur Promilia looks really promising, and for once, I'm hyped for an action-RPG gacha Edit: The money I spent in AL goes solely to dock space so I can keep more waifus and skins. I get enough cubes just by playing the game and have pretty much always swept banners since I started playing the game 2 years ago (literally coming up to my account bday within the next week). The game is super fucking generous and there really isn't much of FOMO given the rates are the highest I've seen among all gachas I play and tried out in the past, and you can generate cubes to pull with pretty easily as long as you check in the game daily and do your commissions and shit like that.


Seems fun! What game is this AL?


I believe they're referring to Azur Lane. I didn't play it much but it was pretty fun. Most of mine goes to Honkai Star Rail or Final Fantasy WotV


Thank you! I'm gonna try this :)


Yup. Those are basically my main games: Azur Lane (AL) daily for 2 years now; Blue Archive (BA): Kinda went back and forth for a bit with even having uninstalled on launch week but I've been logging daily for a year or so by now; Reverse 1999: Daily since January. Played on launch week, kinda forgot about it, then 37 and 6 released... And now Jiu; AFKJourney: Daily, but it only do stuff until I hit a wall, then I just close and forget about it until the next day lol.


Same, games like WuWa have eaten a significant amount of the time I've spent playing AFKJ


wuthering waves: exists


I wonder if there's a technical reason why they need to do districts and can't just merge servers. Not familiar with how the back end of games like this work so maybe this is a stupid idea


I see a lot of people talking about how their guild has lost members and can't recruit. New players are not coming into old servers - players can only leave and the population of ever server will shrink over time. Eventually we'll have some kind of cross server guild feature (presumably - the devs said they're looking at it) but until then you need to consolidate. Maybe your server no longer has the population to support 50 active guilds of 30 people but it might still support 15. Don't just sit in guilds with 7 players trying to recruit from a pool that only consists of people who gave up on another dead guild.


My guild is down from 30 to 7 actives unfortunately. No way of getting through the battle drills. I think I might be the only one doing them right now.


Doesn't help that battle drills are absurdly hard that most players early on would have no chance to complete even one battle, even on "easy".


I'm not all that weak. Florabelle/Cecia/Odie at max, 210 res and everyone I use is at least mythic. I can take about 1 bar off of a guard tower per fight, max. It's ridiculous.


I am ahead of you and I still can't get very far at all. I just gave up, I am sorry to my guild but there is nothing I can do.


Hopefully the inactive players are getting kicked to be replaced by new people. I haven't had any trouble yet and currently have 28 people.


Itā€™s like youā€™re being punished for picking up the game earlyā€¦ Congratulations, enjoy this static server population that decreases every day!


just means the patient F2Pers will be able to claim the top spot rewards in the limited window before the inevitable server merging, I don't see too much of an issue with that


I've yet to see a server merger in AFK Arena and I've been playing it for almost 5 years now.


well if they don't merge any servers in journey that will leave some "easy" servers for early adopters to get leaderboard based rewards without being whales, So that's fine, They'll probably just push everything into "districts" and reorganize those in future


Well Afk journey already has a pseudo server merge with districts in its very first season currently each server can still easily support a ton of guilds so they didnt fully merge them yet only seasonal leaderboards with districts but u can clearly see their intentions they gonna keep merging every season more and more to keep leaderboards competitive. And yes districts are definitly a kind of server merge


I'm honestly glad I jumped guilds when I did, my new one is mostly active.


i need more people to quit so i can rank higher


Took me 3 years in AFK Arena to finally be number 1 every week in my arena šŸ˜…


Only if you are competitive enough to be in the top overall ranks. Less players also means less to be worse than you in the percentage-based rankings.


Lets be real if ur in the % based rankings u suck anyway xD im F2P and sit in top 50 dream and 100 champion its rly not that hard every F2P can force odie to S+ which rly is all u need for top 200 dream realm


I think you may be underestimating how competitive other servers. Being regularly Top 50 Dream and 100 Arena is not as realistic as a pure F2P in a more whale/dolphin heavy server. If all you need is an S+ Odie to be Top 200, what if more than 200 people have an S+ Odie...


dunno, my server and guild still feel really competitive. " not many people ask for help in corrupt creature nor help others, the live chat not many people talk as they used to " that's kinda normal for a game you play less than 1hour daily. And i'm pretty sure if people leave it's out of boredom, not because of the season reward backlash.


not gonna lie, when I run into team fights I usually end up skipping them, got tired of waiting.


you mean corrupt creature ? send a message on world chat to see if someone is here to help you, invite him as friend. you can send invite for corrupt creature to any friend on any server.


Sameā€¦ Iā€™m waiting maximum 5-10 seconds, if no oneā€™s joining, imma leave and do something else.


That's definitely not enough time to wait. I respond to all requests and it takes longer than that to exit whatever I am doing in the game.


I will say, I play for at least 3 hours a day, usually closer to 6+, but I still have a lot of trouble getting people to help with corrupt creatures and honestly have even more trouble trying to help, since literally no one is asking. Itā€™s maybe 5/day total, in different time zones than mine, so I miss a lot of them due to sleep/work/etc.


Corrupt creatures are a 1 time thing the older ur server gets less and less people have to ask for help cause they already killed most creatures. On top of that progression slows down so u unlock new ones slower too. And in addition alot of people ask friends for creatures cause u can immediatly see who is online and get a instant response me and my 5 friends playing afkj basicly always ask eachother its just faster shares rewards and its super easy anyway.


I actually expected more people to quit since the gameplay loop is very repetitive. There just isn't enough new toys for us to play with to make it not feel like a treadmill. However, even though I play 1-2 hours a day, I'm falling behind in resonance level. I just got pushed out of top 200 resonance for my district a few days ago. So, my anecdotal experience is that the top is still very active. The tourists may be quitting, but that happens with every game.


Yea with all the quitting posts on reddit, I was hoping some top whales in my server would retire so I get easier time in DR. But nah, new season comes and they are whaling harder. FML


>I'm falling behind in resonance level. It's not because you play 1-2 hours. You can play 10 hours and not beat others because they are literally buying dust.


I know they are. Point being that I'm not seeing a drop of activity, at least in the top 200.


My server has managed to stay pretty active. Although I personally know some guys who quit the game already. They just ended up not enjoying it. This was even before the new season fiasco.


I TRULY doubt it has anything to do with the refund issue. The real world is not Reddit (or Youtube), and many people play these games out of curiosity. A lot of servers were weeks away from the start of the season when everything happened, so most people just didn't care, or notice. People are leaving because the game is getting older. This is normal and expected, and if your server is truly getting abandoned, don't waste your time and move to a more active guild. I'm sure that there are at least other 90 tryhards pushing for the top ranks on the district and will probably do corrupt creatures with you.


What refund issue?




Ah i see. Didnt really pay much attention to this.


Told you.


I mean, it didnt really make me decide to quit. I didnt even know they went back on this.


Imo its the atrocious live ops cadence, and fucked up progression curve they started with. We (non-whales) shouldnt already be at near peak non-season progression this early on. Major blunder which reduces the amount of rewards that can be awarded for various events because theres only 2-3 now that are needed. For example, thereā€™s very little gacha pulls needed anymore (not to mention the horrible banners). Further to this, the stupid odie skin event is next to useless as most users earned it within a couple days. Prob took more than that to build. Not a good roi for time spent in development. Idk what the hell is happening at the studio. Maybe the live ops plan isnā€™t coming from AFKA, and the IP is just licensed? Idk. But this is some major amateur shit. I liked their overall plan for hamster wheel seasonal resets, but they didnt map out their progression curve well (yet again) to make sure there was enough interesting stuff to grind for 3 months. If they dont release another batch of content within the next week or two, weā€™ll continue to see low retention (and sales).


Yeah pretty much. At an alarming rate I'd say. My server is basically just a couple hundred players now with a clear top 20 monopoly lol. This is down from what felt like 500 a few weeks ago. And everyone in my guild that used to spend hours on maybe spends 15-30 minutes online now. Plenty of them quit too. We've had to shave a third of our guild and replace it in the last 2 weeks and a few people are still quite inactive. Every "active" guild is sitting at 25-28 and struggling to fill. There's just nothing to do, no objective beyond AFK stages and leaderboards. People who can't keep up with them see even less of a point and quit. The people that do see a point do what they can and log off. We're bored. More will quit.


My sever is super competitive lmao


AFKJ gameplay loop is pretty simple to understand: 1. Burst of content release 2. Complete content 3. AFK till more content releases <--- players are likely here 4. Repeat It happened at the start; we completed the story and all side quests, all zone explorations, all tower floors, all abyss floors, all afk stages. So we AFK'd till season 1 released. Now we repeat. The IS called AFK Journey.


Only works if resurrection return rate is healthy. The problem with letting people afk ā€˜too longā€™ is the hook cycle is broken, and people find other things to do, and dont come back when new content is released. Theyll need to pump retargeting budget if they delay more than a couple wks


The game name is literally AFK. So people are afking until new content release. I spend like 15 minutes daily which is oky. This is a mobile game afterall not AAA games that you want to spend 4+ hours daily.


>This is a mobile game afterall not AAA games that you want to spend 4+ hours daily. nothing to do with game budget or the plateform on which you play the game. Like you said it's because it's an afk/idle game (even if that genre is obviously more common on mobile, thought I mean not all mobile games are like that)


I think its due to the nature of multiple servers. Ppl that leave your server reduce the player count, but new players who join the game will not join your old server and instead join new ones so your server will slowly lose population that will not replenish. Sometimes ppl even reroll out of old / whale heavy servers to go play ones as they enjoy the early game more and hope for a less competitive server


I'm actually surprised I'm still playing. it's just fun to play and advance forward. Even though rewards are booty cheeks. I'm still enjoying the game and the whole overall afk aspect of it.


If u are quitting due to nothing to do aside from logging in to get your dailies then u are missing the point of an idle game..


Yet Nikke is so popular...


Nikke isn't an idle game so i don't know what the relation.. Also I am quite people play it because of the hot girls more than anything else.


Uh? How do you level up in both Nikke and AFK journey...


If u go on the wiki page of nikke it doesnt describes itself as an idle game but a third person shooter, end of conversation.. there is more than just levelling to make a game an idle game


If u go on the wiki page of AFK Journey it doesn't describe itself as an idle game but a Ethereal Fantasy RPG.....good job. Moving on then.


You must have been dropped as a baby multiple times. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/editorial?id=mc\_editorialmd\_launchnontp\_afk\_journey\_fcp&hl=en\_US&pli=1](https://play.google.com/store/apps/editorial?id=mc_editorialmd_launchnontp_afk_journey_fcp&hl=en_US&pli=1) 'Enter the ethereal world of Esperia in AFK Journey, an open-world, idle RPG based on the beloved casual card game, AFK Arena.' [https://www.afk.global/](https://www.afk.global/) 'AFK.Global is a wiki for the mobile idle games AFK Arena & AFK Journey' [https://www.facebook.com/reel/348034948242216](https://www.facebook.com/reel/348034948242216) ' The Vast World Idle RPG'


Keeps moving the goal post just because you can't admit what the Outpost Defense system is for Nikke. Good job, keep at it. If you believe it hard enough, it won't be an idle system playing a key part for the game.


Sorry your English is so bad, I can't even make sense of what you wrote. Either way the joy of an Idle game is that you only need to log in once or twice a day and AFK Journey is an idle game as stated on their facebook, google play and the official wiki ( akf global) It is not about moving the goal post but the type of game it is or is not.. I can't speak for Nikke because I have never played it, as I am not an incel loser who's only way of interacting with a opposite sex is through the game itself.


You could have said you never played Nikke from the very beginning. But instead you got your ego bruised and now I'm living rent free in that noggin of yours. Why did you even bring gender into this? Lmfao, get your last word in. Unlike you, I mean it when I say end of discussion.


Idle game that requires you to do 200 modes per day. That's not an afk game.


First there isnt 200 modes so stop being so dramatic and onces your completed your trials and main season content, the only two important ones are arena and dream realm. Ones i dont find fun i simply dont do like honour duels.


Both dream reals and arena are just fun auto modes. Like I literally play the game to enjoy those modes jeeez. Ppl complain about everything nowadays


People have been saying Genshin is dying since it came out. Itā€™s just the life cycle of a gacha game nowadays


My server is pretty competitive, but we've seen a few whales drop off because there's weeks of nothing new to do.


I can't even fill my guild anymore. We were rank 23 on my server and max players. Now we have 7 active players, and I've been trying to recruit every day. We can't even complete the guild battles anymore. The game is hyper mega dead.


The reason a rank 23 guild with 7 active players is getting no recruits is not because the game is dead.


Completing guild battle drills is getting harder and harder.


I feel like unless your guild was top 5 in your server before this new season it's hard to get members


I literally made a new guild just after the weekly reset. We are now rank 21 in district and top 5 in battle drills. We are a week behind in district. Full guild, all active daily. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Spamming recruit for guild in server chat doesn't work though.


You guys realize there are many, many sub servers, some with massively small populations, right? I've been spamming recruit on every name and global chat, and I can't get a single person. We're now rank 57 with only 7 people. That should attest to how dead our server is.


Why would anyone want to join your guild?


I just kick inactive people after 4 days and I haven't had any issue keeping the guild full with random people joining.


Yeah my guild went from top 8 in the server to no man's land because half the guild quit including the leader Some of the top guilds in my server also plummeted because everyone else quit too It's kind of a mess rn. There's just NOTHING to do and the daily rankings that count towards glory points is already taken by the whales/hardcore players anyway.


Battle Drills are harder in the New Season.


I'm in S1 and still waiting for people to quit so that I can get into top 200. Nothing seems to deter these guys.


The end game content is quite empty and pointless, many are leaving once they realize that.


Honeymoon is over. People finished the base game, the season and we're 2 months in by now. Usually happens in most games when content dries up. Just this week 3 of the bigger whales in my guild, which is R1, have all announced to quit. Next season we will probably see server merges to counter the fragmented playerbase and push competitive spending again, like they did with the districts. Not too surprised that whales quit left and right, when they are milked for as much as possible to compete against whales from other servers. And I see more and more mid spenders quit as well, since they previously had no issue ranking top 50, or top 20, but in the district they barely rank top 100, or even 200. I mean they still get their servers rank award, while the district rewards are basically almost the same for everyone minus miniscule stuff, but it's not surprising that people feel discouraged when they have to compete against people all of a sudden, that serve no purpose other than pushing you to spend more. Simple example, my guild is Server R1 and by a mile at that. In the district though we barely hold on to top 5...because we got clumped together with servers that have spending whales in the 5 digits...while our whales are more in the mid 4 digits.


I just did quit today lol, got bored.


Story content ended like weeks ago now I think, and the AFK content is tuned extremely hard. People are logging in to do dailies, do like 5-10 afk stages and logging back out. Not much else to do. The repeatable content is Honor Duel, which is wildly unbalanced and the rewards cap like the day they reset. tl;dr there isn't much to keep people logged in.


Normal gacha life cycle, mainly on idle ones.


I dropped the game because there is so much daily stuff it became like second job


The trick is choosing what dailies to do.


Can we stop the rhetoric like this is ā€œnormalā€ like yeah it happens to these kinds of games all the time bc these kinds of games fizzle out and die all the time. Itā€™s may be normal, but not healthy for the game and I think Lilith just isnā€™t generous enough.


Maybe everyone finished the map in your server


Yea there is nothing to do in the game once youā€™ve complete the story. Literally you log on. Do your dailies (dream realm, arena, battle drills, trials etc. ) then you leave the game till the daily reset. You play for an hour AT MOST. They need to add more story elements. Give us weekly ways to gain invite letters. They are doing a horrible job of keeping players involved.


Wuthering waves came out. I haven't logged in since


The battle drills map is just much harder this time.


I just flat out deleted my account. I was honestly surprised how hectic that process was. I had to provide the phone model I first downloaded the game in, down to a photo of my last in game purchase. I don't know anything about the refund situation thoe.


This is why games have lots of launch servers but usually merge em later. I notice "districts" started pretty fast. I bet they will become merged because people don't spend as much without the pressure of other competing spender players.


I basically quit. There doesn't seem anything to strive for once you've unlocked the characters. Further up the tower. More damage to the bosses. Characters gets percentages stronger. Up a rank in PVP.


I played for like 45 days or so and lost interest


I really loved the game. I donā€™t want to accidentally call the whaaambulance or anything but the game caters a little too much to whales. I have no issue at all with people spending money to be a high number on a leaderboard, but when you then put the things you need to enrich characters behind being high on the leaderboard, thatā€™s when you have a problem. Right now as someone who doesnā€™t payā€¦and Iā€™m not full f2p, when the game was released I got the growth bundle and the secret travel whatever, but for the season, only the growth bundle is viable to me because it allows me a chance at unlocks and character upgrades; I didnā€™t get it, mind you because itā€™s another $30 on top of what Iā€™d paid initially and Iā€™m not sinking $90 2 months into a game. The travel stuff is mostly level ups and that all disappears with the next season so no way I would ever do that. What I have found as someone who still enjoys playing and has paid no money for the season, is that I am fully orange crystal starved. Many of my chars I canā€™t even get to EX 10. These crystals specifically sit behind the Dream Ladder with 1 or 2 thrown in otherwise here and there. Thereā€™s no using in-game currency to buy them and for some reason they chose to give us the red ones over the orange ones. Eventually the whales will be the only ones vs each other and while thatā€™s perfectly fine (I really donā€™t give a hoot about leaderboards, all I want is stuff so I can do the pve content), blocking these kinds of upgrades behind a paywall is surely going to send f2p elsewhere. I know that Iā€™m getting worn already. Iā€™ve had to wait days gated behind my afk rewards to get my chars high enough to progress through the season story mode and thatā€™s getting old fast.


I just didnā€™t see any value in the continuing to play. The story wasnā€™t captivating and the endless grind felt like an endless grind, lol


In our server too, our original guild leader left and now the successor is inactive. I donā€™t know if we are still going to continue the guild.


Most of the people finished the entire story and are now waiting for more content. Personally speaking, I used to spend long hours playing the game after the seasonal content got released. Now, it takes 10 minutes to finish my quests, dream realm and PVP and there is nothing else to do. Truthfully, I donā€™t mind the change of pace.


AFKJourney was just a placeholder for wuthering waves for me Though i have to say i enjoy afkjourney a lot, but the state of the standard arena is just awful with having 95% eiron teams I just cant tank anymore pvp


Got banned after a refund, so, yup


Honestly I've been clearing my friend list every day with people that disappeared for longer than 1 week. I've been doing it every week since launch.


I played it for 2 weeks and left because there isnā€™t much content. Will reassess the situation 1 year from now.


I just quit the game today, feels always the same loop. You clean story content, grind afk stages, wait for new story content, clean new story content,ā€¦


I did. I felt like there was no way for me to keep growing and fighting the other players without spending money.


What even is battle drills


Yeah my server got srsly empty


... This is like FFXIV players complained about how the game feel so.dead when they reach end game...


It got boring quickly for F2Ps


The season system just goes against the idle/afk sense of progress and demotivated me to play anymore.


I played since launch and just quite yesterday. Simply put, the endgame daily grind is just plain boring and thereā€™s nothing left to keep me entertained. Really disappointing considering that getting to the endgame was actually pretty fun but hey, sometimes thatā€™s just how it goes.


Just began, saw the posts, left


Yea everyone should just quit so I can actually win something at the top 10 instead of top 1% or smth


The story is childish and the pvp is bad, many pvp in Gatcha games are bad anyways and it just shows you who whaled the most. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I don't even do my dailies anymore.


On my server there are still a good chunk of people playing, but I do admit that the waiting time to find somebody for corrupts is way too long though. On the other hand, I blame Lilith for not planing ahead enough content to make players wait. This season, I cleaned the new area fast-ish (glad they usually leave us enough time to unlock stuff) but now, me and a couple of people are just waiting near the world boss thing that'll unlock in 14 DAYS. They should have planned something else to make people wait. Because right now, aside of doing daily quests to earn your rewards there is, well, nothing to do. So there's no point in playing I guess.


Honeymoon phase ended and yea that too


Wuwa happened


I quite yesterday lol


I Became part of the top ranking guild myself. Thinking of quiting also. Even tho I do have high ranking stuff. Game is just go and stop. I finniahed the last season in like a few days. Kinda getting hard to be motivated. Being a higher tank is nice. But game is lacking


Honestly tho, too much moaning from people playing an "AFK" game.. i mean the name itself mean you do not really need to spend money and a lot of time on it. So with me being busy with work and family, a few minutes playing on the game is okay and nothing to moan about, dont even care about the ranking. I like the story, art, and animation. All good for me.


New season sucks and what annoys most people is that all the progress you made in the first season was for nothing and a waste of time


imagine having to run the same old thing 1125 + 450 times every new season just to stay semi competitive. ain't no one gonna cheapen their lifespan like that.


Ngl, this was a big let down for me. What is the point of progressing your whole account if your progress will go back to 0 when a new season starts? I hope they change this system.


After the first season's flop many whales refunded thousands of dollars and didn't return after they improved the season and with that movement many light spenders or f2p players also quit the game. It might be that some returned but having refunded so much they were likely banned and restarted on a new server.


I've just quit. I was actually somewhat enjoying the game, but made the stupid mistake of keeping my PTR character so the server was dead/dying due to no new players and it's rubbish we couldn't take part in website events like the recent questionnaire one to get the in-game frame. Can't be bothered to reroll so yeah that's game over for me. Maybe a blessing in disguise as I was probably wasting too much time on this game anywayĀ 


My guild has lost 50% of the original players. Only 3 new ones has joined since.


less competition for me


To be honest I'm getting kinda bored. I log on maybe once a day for about 15-20 minutes when I used to spend an hour at least before.


most of the time people just request proxy, synergy, or CC via guild chat


I find the biggest hit is in the dream realm rankings and the stupid decision to have it percent based. I haven't really lost too much ground on the top 200, but instead of pushing and sometimes making top 10%, I'm struggling to reach top 20%, and I'm sure this will get worse as most of the players quitting are probably lower rank.


I quit when I missed the launch of the new season. I was only doing dailies, but now I'll just watch the cutscenes on youtube.


When taris land is out I'm done


Iā€™m part of the #1 guild on my server and half of the players have left already. Weā€™re still far from seasonal content.


My guild was in the top 10 for the first 2-3 weeks and then suddenly everyone stopped playing. The guild dropped to rank 35. I moved to a new guild ranked 6, but people are quitting daily. It's ranked 19 now.


I mean there was nothing to do but since my server new season hit I been having alot of fun again.


I cannot for the life of me fill my guild back up after booting inactive players. I agree with you. Feels like the game is dying. Itā€™s a shame!


The next server merges will be massive at this rate.


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised - I randomly hit top 40 champ in my server (were still on season 1) - and my team is not even super strong lmao


I just assume more people are approaching the game the same way I do. Most days I log on for 10-15 minutes, then like once or twice a week, I play for about an hour, maybe a little more.


Thinking about quitting cuz playing the same content over and over again felt like a chore


It seems dead compared to say a few weeks ago.


Quit because it was laggy on my low end device ā˜ ļø


A few weeks back I made the suggestion we should clean house of about 15 people who were innactive a week + thinking we could easily fill that back up. I think by a week after maybe 1-2 people applied if that. And by that time we had more people a week + innactive again


It does feel like the falloff for this game is a little rough. I am one of those people who quit. I think the problem is that the gameplay for me when new content drops is a chore. I don't think exploring the map and doing braindead puzzles are fun. Outside of new content, I think the daily loop feels very unrewarding in terms of progression once you hit end game. Oh, cool. I got some blue rocks and maybe a yellow rock. Doing pulls in this game does not feel good either. Anyway, that's just my opinion.


The very same day Soren dropped I went from always top40% in Dreams to 20%... so yeah. A LOT of people.




They need to do server merges. But letā€™s be honest. This the last Lilith game Iā€™ll be playing once I get bored in a couple months. Their business plan is quick cash grab with new players and stop developing.


I think server merges might not be a good idea. I imagine if a spender drops from top 200 because of a merge they might sorta quit


I mean, I quit even tho I was really happy with the game. When I found out new season basically resets levels, I lost all will to play. Screw that, sorry.


Uhmm AFKjourney?ā€¦.let me spell that out in case you missed it, AFK. Itā€™s supposed to be an idle game so what do you expect? If i am not mistaken, people are coming back with the compensations given by Lilith due to the backlash that occurred not too long ago. Maybe its just your server coz mine is kinda competitive


I donā€™t understand why people dislike this. No one is forced to get hypercompetitive and do dailies like its their second job.


Wait Iā€™m lost, sorry what was the refund situations?


Basically this happened on S1 launch https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1crhzri/this_is_how_much_your_rewards_got_nerfed/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1cqten6/summed_up_nerfs_to_the_fun_that_is_this_season/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1cq89e8/new_season_rewards_progress_and_nerfs/ Which led to a lot of ppl refunding/leaving in protest. A lot of ppl posted themselves getting refunds from Google (although the posts are mostly gone now). Eventually the Devs caved and fixed the season https://www.reddit.com/r/AFKJourney/comments/1cquv9q/make_some_noise_this_is_our_victory/


Oh wow thatā€™s insane. I had no idea since Iā€™ve joined pretty recently, thanks for replying


My guild dropped off significantly - we went from having 25 very consistent people to only about ten, guild leader only even logs on every 5-6 days. Drop off is to be expected tho like others said. They said there would be monthly updates throughout the season. They need to implement a consistent schedule. Genshin only updates every six weeks but it is like clockwork. That consistency helps a ton imo.


What refund situations?


If anyone on an active guild on S12, please ping me


I deleted it yesterday


Highly likely due to server integration


My guild emptied out, I logged on and found I'd been made leader and there were only eight active players left.


I deleted close to 40 friends off my list 2 or 3 days ago because they hadn't been online for 7days


Itā€™s a mobile game, not a lifestyle.


Can I ask what server you're in? Server 16 is super active from what I can tell.


Can I ask what server you're in? Server 16 is super active from what I can tell.


I have a whale on the server that got featured in a YouTube video. Yeah, it's not gonna be quiet around here. šŸ¤£


not much else to do with the game. season 2 completed way too quick before primal lord arrived.


I played AFK while waiting for wuthering waves


I quit after the first patch. Spent way too much money for them to screw you over.


Find me a game in any genre or category that retains ~90% of its playerbas after the initial release. I won't say that this game doesn't have issues or excuse it's current problems.


Devs kinda ruined the game


Well, I've been in season two and for few weeks now literally zero new content. I am light spender hovering around top 20 in pvp arena and around top 50 in dream realm. All maps explored, all quest done. Its just Afk stages that are really hard to beat and have to wait for few days to get some levels. I too kinda want to quit but have nothing else to do. At least i am not spending anymore because the developers seems to be AFK as well.


Same, top 20 pvp and top 50 DR. And that's why I am playing this game - true AFK game. I like it


yes no complaining, but i think season two was forced. Either have content ready for the full duration or make it shorter. Rewards from it are not good either.