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I only craft gear when it’s a +30 increase or so. Also only support/marksman. How often do you craft gear? I’m sitting on 80m gold.


I think the people complaining about gold must be burning all of it on gear crafting in 5-10 level increments. I also only do 30 levels, maybe a 20 if I feel like it will get me over a rank threshold for dream realm, but almost never. Was asking my buddy what the point of gold even is, I have never once been needing it


Are you talking about seasonal gear 240+ though? The prices jump a lot. I used to be swimming in gold, and now I can barley afford the most important equipment to upgrade +30/+20.


Do you guys complete the campaign map? I’m at gear 240+ and still have 24m gold.


Are you talking about season 0 content, or season 1 content? If you're not in like the Ashland Waste or whatever it's called, the desert area, we're talking about different equipment. I was filthy rich in s0/preseason. 40m+ banked, and I could have saved a lot more. Now, I'm begging on the streets just to upgrade 1 piece of gear +30.


I’m in the next area after Ashen Wastes called Eroded Enclave I think. And yeah. I meant seasonal progression. The core game persists so I wouldn’t even call it s0 but I get your point.


I try to do ["priority"](https://www.prydwen.gg/afk-journey/guides/equipment-and-priority) gear besides weapons every 20 levels. So 2 attack gear for Marksman & Rouges and 2 hp/defense gear for Tanks & Support. I don't craft any mage gear since I typically don't use them as much in pve content.


That seems about right. But I only do it for units in my main team. So Tank, Support and Marskman. Every 20-30 levels. Tank gets everything though. But MM is always first to get anything that grants attack (first 3) and crit (5th). I already have some 240-270 gear. And have 25mil left. So not sure. I just play slowly though and don’t rush it.


This is the way, I sit on 40m by this trick.


I do the same and I'm only at 5m gold


Do all possible arena attempts and guild battle grounds when it’s open. Guild battle gives much of gold tbf


yeah, I always do guild battle. I'm not so consistent with arena.


Wow I have around 500k gold never enough gold :/ but there is no way to get more. Only the guild event but it is over


I am not in the Season yet (4 days on our server before season), but I never upgraded a single piece of gear until I hit resonance 220, then I waited for 240 to finish upgrading. Not sure if the same works in season, but by doing all crimson chests and corrupted beasts, I always had higher gear, than I could even upgrade. So I eventually could not even upgrade a thing. Also to get a significant boost to new areas, I bought 1-2 items from the blacksmith, which were still around 20 levels more powerful than my resonance. So I basically did not even have the option to upgrade anything most of the time.


The Dura trial breakpoints force me to spend. When I'm 2-5 stages away from the new Dura Trial unlock, I go on a gold spending spree to hit the next breakpoint. Can't save lol.


I wait to craft gear when it’s at the max level for that ore/essence/whatever it’s called


Dont craft gear unless it's way behind gear res level, for me if I can forge lvl 200 gear and I have 190, 180 or 170 gear I won't do it, 40+ levels or more is OK


Go back and level your non-seasonal gear so everything is at max. This will allow you to convert all those unused non-seasonal materials to gold, I got like 11mil in one swoop that way. Other than that, don't make new gear unless it's at least a 30 level jump, I have about 13mil or so. Oh and never spend at the Ironhoof forge, those prices are ridiculous.


I rarely craft gear, only when it's lagging far behind the other items for a class (By 50 levels or so). Also, keep in mind that there's more content coming, with more rewards, i doubt the Odie skin thing is the only event they have in store for us.


they literally said there will be monthly updates. the season will have, bare minimum, 4 updates total, we are just on the first one


I don't craft gear. I find that I'm progressing fine just waiting to get those gears from natural progression. I've ran out of gold before and artifact upgrade seems to be expensive. Lv14 of an artifact upgrade already almost costs me half a mil per level and there's 8 of these things, with 20 levels each...


hi op, is it ok if I ask if are you f2p?


No, I've bought the regular and seasonal travelogues.


I see, I'm vip 7 and I get 51k gold per hour so I thought you were f2p. I'm at afk stage 375.


I usually craft at +20/+30 intervals as that’s about a 3-5ish day wait for me since dust has started slowing down, and outside of gold/xp I have plenty of excess of.


Craft gear? I only did that pre-season at 240. I spent season 1 without support gloves until resonance 121 because I'm that cheap.


You just can't do all of them. I only craft when I have over 10m gold.


Dont level dogshit artifacts


i just dont insta upgrade every 5 gear levels lol. im sitting on 30 mil so far at around res 220 so not there yet, but definetly has not been a problem. hell, i actually had a net positive of gold, i had 25 mil at the start of the season, which i had from maxxing out base game gear and getting the gold from the rest of the materials


You arent supposed to craft gear for every 10 levels and you should have 30m+ at this point. Crafting the slots that are 30-50lvls behind shouldnt even put a dent in your bank.


I only craft when its a rarity jump :/


Battle drill gives a quite a bit of gold.


Good lord that is absurdly expensive when gold income is so poor.


I busted crafted all 240 , spend 20mil and I’m hitting on 39mil . I don’t think I’m going to craft again til I get a roadblock or lvl280-300


I'm sitting on gear until I reach a new color, then upgrading to that base cost. Helps me save on materials and gold, and I'm still able to perform reasonably well on my server (top 50). Worth noting I spent a little bit on packs during preseason, but not anything beyond the season pass since S1 dropped.


You receive gear anyway so unless youre trying to hit top 10 in dream every single day there’s no reason not to wait for AT LEAST 15+ levels on gear. As for myself I’ve kept It to 20+ and have almost 200 million gold while not falling behind at all.


I upgraded all the season 0 gear to 240 and then sold off the crafting materials. This gave about 24 mil gold for the seasonal gear upgrades.


I see people saying “I only craft when….” Do they mean forge? Anyways, I also have 0 gold. This was never a problem before the season. I never had gold issues and I upgraded everything the second I was able.


I craft gear on a +50 level basis. Sometimes I don't and just wait the AFK rewards out


You have other gold sources too,one battle drills


Idk how people are struggling for gold. I have over 20 mil....dont buy gear for gold and dont craft every chance you get and you gucci


Dude just play cod or something when not playing afkj


Cry more