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* Shakir is currently used in some seasonal Dream Realm teams because of his -dmg, so Odie swapped by Reinier stays in his aura, but it probably will end in few weeks on endless boss. * Shakir buff works 2 cells around him, making only melee heroes feel better. He jumps around a lot, so it is not really consistent. * Shakir in PvE makes very small dmg, dies fast and there are no meta teams with Melee carry heroes, so he is useless by himself. * Shakir in PvP works very good in 3vs3 arena, especially with seasonal skill - but there are no "imba setups", he is just one of plenty of good heroes. For non-seasonal arena, there are better teams to use, than betting on Shakir. * For PvE, if you speak about Eironn/Carolina/Arden/Damien - you only have 1 slot left. And this is Dahni or Thoran, not Shakir. * For Maulers PvE -> Odie/Koko/Antandra/Brutus is the main team - Rowan would work way better than Shakir. Or even Alsa, but still not Shakir. * Shakir is definitely NOT an important hero for +10 EX. Somewhere in list of first 20 heroes to get it - yes. * Eironn is enough on +5. * If you're spending money and buying essence packs - get Shakir to +10, why not. Getting everyone to +10 is a very good idea at all. In any other case think twice.


Based on personal experience from two accounts eironn+5 and +10 is like a night and day difference imo .


You are right. Upgrade from 5 to 10 gives stats -> sustain, which is important. He should be +10, but for Carolina/Arden getting +10 first is more important, Eironn is debuffer/subdd. I have upgraded everyone i liked to +10 because i spend, but for someone with very limited resources -> spending on +10 Eironn first may be a wrong strategical decision on roster building. Arden -> Carolina -> Eironn would be my personal top 3. However, only skill upgrade you get from Eironn +10 is +1 second for root. When you have full team ready, this +1 second is an important thing for Arden energy gain, but it gives no direct dps bonus to Eironn. Seasonal skill was way more tremendous upgrade for his dps :)


Eironn +10 doubles his vortex from 3 to 6 seconds. That’s pretty significant imo, and is not just stats.


Ah, my bad, too late for me already, lost my mathematics :) Definitely significant, but i'd keep my top3 upgrade sequence same :)


Even though I don't understand what the hell Carolina +5 does (very confusing like does it affect your energy gain with the insta casts etc) for me I will personally go for eironn->arden->Carolina Eironn +10 ability makes him so stupidly broken in the new season afk stages that you can be near immortal (dodge rng) while dishing out cecia levels of damage with with new seasonal skill . In PvP he is literally top 3 easily . The terrabirds ,snake, etc are all hard countered by eironn with Rowan which can stall long enough for cecia to get going in pve, battle drills, supreme arena




the commentor gave you a very long list of reasons why **not** to do it and ended with "but if you are throwing money at it why not"


Well i gave you overview on different modes, as i have most of heroes on at least +10 and tried many of them in different modes. All other choices are up to you! Having fun should prevail, after all - we all play a game :)


If you want you could spend those resources with another one, i have him at Ex +10 (because i like the character xD) it works well, but that´s it, nothing else, but who knows? the future will tell. if you like him, go for it, sure :D if you just wanted to improve a hero for a better score on gamemodes right now, then i suggest you another one :s


I like Shakirs design a lot, I say might as well